Tuesday, December 26, 2017

1463: Electrical network thorough tragedy!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1463: Electrical network thorough tragedy!
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On Feb­ru­ary 13, 11 : 00 o'clock at night Forty-seven dif­fer­ences.
Xia Na­tion is in the sta­ble en­vi­ron­ment for a long time, the Xia Na­tion peo­ple, have for­got­ten, this World un­usual Dan­ger, may have the dis­as­ter any­time and any­where.
„[Sir], Sys­tem in Beiyu Dis­trict dis­cov­ered that Un­known Iden­tity threat­ens tar­get, ac­cord­ing to threat­en­ing the tar­get mo­tion route and sur­round­ing areas com­pre­hen­sive analy­sis, threat­ens the tar­get pos­si­ble des­ti­na­tion is Beiyu Dis­trict Jing'an For­est.” [Izual] re­ports to say to Shi Lei.
The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, is demon­strat­ing the Jing'an For­est de­tailed po­si­tion and re­lated in­for­ma­tion. Shi Lei hear of [Izual] re­port time, does not know where Jing'an For­est is.
How­ever, from the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, Shi Lei knew Jing'an For­est is any key po­si­tion, that is Shuangqing City elec­tri­cal net­work Trans­former Cen­ter Sta­tion!
„Damn!” Shi Lei cursed one, he al­most can guess that threat­ens tar­get def­i­nitely aims at elec­tri­cal net­work Trans­former Cen­ter Sta­tion. So long as the cen­ter sta­tion pre­sented issue, en­tire Shuangqing City Power Grid Sys­tem, will pre­sent se­ri­ous issue.
„[Izual], dis­patched [The Steel and Iron] in the past, at the max­i­mum speed, whether can pre­vent?” Shi Lei in­quired.
[Izual] has given the ac­cu­rate an­swer, „[Sir], threat­ens tar­get to be away from Jing'an For­est ap­prox­i­mately also one point of Twenty-seven sec­ond, the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion ad­vanced ver­sion [The Steel and Iron] peak ve­loc­ity is 340 km per hour, is away from Jing'an For­est re­cent [The Steel and Iron], the straight dis­tance 21.7 kilo­me­ters, takes three points of Forty-eight sec­ond, is un­able to pre­vent to threaten tar­get.”
The Shi Lei's brow deep wrin­kle, „[Izual], dis­patches [The Steel and Iron] to Jing'an For­est, even if could not pre­vent to threaten tar­get, must strike to kill to threaten tar­get!”
„Yes, [Sir]!” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
But a wave has not put down one wave to get up!
[Izual] just re­sponded to Shi Lei, is re­mind­ing im­me­di­ately also Shi Lei, „[Sir], the Jade Dis­trict elec­tri­cal net­work changes nearby Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion, dis­cov­ered that threat­ens tar­get \; The Bei­jiang Dis­trict elec­tri­cal net­work changes nearby Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion, dis­cov­ered that threat­ens tar­get \; Nan'an Dis­trict...”
In LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, [Izual] the Map Dis­play of Shuangqing City, the Shuangqing City main city nine Core re­gions, all elec­tri­cal net­works changed Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion and cen­ter sta­tion, all ap­peared has threat­ened tar­get.
The Shi Lei com­plex­ion sud­denly changes!
How­ever, when the mat­ter has the pos­si­bil­ity of pe­jo­ra­tion, then the mat­ter ab­solutely in a worse di­rec­tion will de­velop.
„[Sir], the Shuanghu Dis­trict elec­tri­cal net­work changes nearby Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion, dis­cov­ers to threaten tar­get, the Sys­tem au­to­matic mod­ify order, will dis­patch Beiyu Dis­trict [The Steel and Iron], changes the Task place is Shuanghu Dis­trict.” [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
This is Shi Lei is the Core rule of [Izual] com­pi­la­tion, most im­por­tant tar­get pro­tects Sys­tem Ad­min­is­tra­tor.
Shi Lei purses the lips not to speak, at this mo­ment, Shi Lei un­der­stood some­thing. For ex­am­ple, be­fore armed per­son­nel of multi- coun­try Hacker al­lied armies, why had spent that many time, but has not started to Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group at­tack.
That is be­cause they must plan at­tack Shuangqing City Power Grid Sys­tem, is not only net­work at­tack, but must start Re­al­ity at­tack. There­fore, they sud­denly do not have ‚at­ten­dance’ to Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group.
Once their ac­com­plish De­stroy Shuangqing City Power Grid Sys­tem, they ab­solutely well ‚at­ten­dance’ Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group.
„[Sir], the Shuanghu Dis­trict elec­tri­cal net­work changes Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion, soon by De­stroy.” [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was demon­strat­ing the Shuanghu Dis­trict elec­tri­cal net­work changes the Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion sit­u­a­tion, this pic­ture is the elec­tri­cal net­work changes Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion nearby mon­i­tor­ing cam­era pro­vides.
Mon­i­tors in the cam­era, two wear black war suit, is bring­ing un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel of black mask, took out RPG in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher from the travel bag, aimed at the Shuanghu Dis­trict elec­tri­cal net­work fast changed Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion.
Two large flames have out­shone the jet black night­time sky, in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, shone fierce ra­di­ance.
ra­di­ance comes also to go quickly quickly, dur­ing is jet black, only re­main­ing the Shuanghu Dis­trict elec­tri­cal net­work changed the flame of elec­tri­cal spark and com­bus­tion that Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion blows out.
Orig­i­nally, Shi Lei thinks that two un­clear iden­tity threat tar­get, after hav­ing launched two Sin­gle-shot Rocket, then will quickly flee the scene, but they do not have, but is con­tinue load in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher.
Also is two large flames has de­lim­ited the night­time sky, the Shuanghu Dis­trict elec­tri­cal net­work changed Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion with­stood the ex­plo­sion of Sin­gle-shot Rocket once more.
Shi Lei in Jingya Gar­den, felt the mi­cro­seism fi­nally, his com­plex­ion very ugly ask­ing: „[Izual], when does [The Steel and Iron] ar­rive at the scene?”
The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was demon­strat­ing two [The Steel and Iron] po­si­tions, they ap­peared in the Shuanghu Dis­trict elec­tri­cal net­work changed the Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion po­si­tions.
In the jet black night­time sky, two [The Steel and Iron] use Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, aims at two un­clear iden­tity threat tar­get.
„sōu sōu ~”
The sounds of two air com­pres­sion re­sound, two wore black war suit un­clear iden­tity to threaten the tar­get death.
[Izual] just ac­com­plish snipe threat­ened tar­get, LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor prompts Ling Yuguo calls, Shi Lei has cho­sen an­swer­ing.
„Shi Lei, Power Grid Sys­tem had the break­down again, the Shuangqing City wide scope power cut. At pre­sent, main city nine re­gions, com­plete power fail­ure. Waits, Shuanghu Dis­trict also power fail­ure that you are at! Ac­tu­ally is this mat­ter? Doesn't Worm Virus have clean­ing up to be clean?” Ling Yuguo was in­quir­ing Shi Lei.
The Shi Lei forced smile said: „Uncle Ling, we have in a big way trou­bled! This power cut is be­cause, Power Grid Sys­tem changes Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion and cen­ter sta­tion, has en­coun­tered RPG Sin­gle-shot Rocket at­tack. The Shuanghu Dis­trict two raiders, had been killed.”
„What?” In the Ling Yuguo sound, has been full of the in­con­ceiv­able fla­vor. „Shi Lei, you de­ter­mined that is Sin­gle-shot Rocket?”
Xia Na­tion so­cial en­vi­ron­ment Safety, en­tire Na­tion(s) for­bids firearm, let alone any in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher, this de­struc­tion weapon.
Even if places the top digit Ling Yuguo, the First time is un­able to be­lieve that Power Grid Sys­tem changes Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion, un­ex­pect­edly has en­coun­tered Sin­gle-shot Rocket at­tack.
„Uncle Ling, in­forms the per­son­nel in­volve­ment of Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency! Per­haps this time, is not only that sev­eral Na­tion(s) Hacker strength is re­belling, should have the Of­fi­cial strength!” Shi Lei guessed.
If no Of­fi­cial strength, where RPG in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher does come?
„Was right, Uncle Ling, our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group will also dis­patch the strength to trace Un­known Iden­tity threat tar­get. Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency strength and our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group strength meet­ing with time, let them in­di­cates iden­tity, so as to avoid flood­ing the dragon king's tem­ple, has in­jured the friend­li­ness of one of us.” Shi Lei said to Ling Yuguo.
Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency staff per­son­nel, be­cause ma­jor­ity be­long to the iden­tity se­cu­rity, [Izual] not nec­es­sar­ily can look up. There­fore, needs them to in­di­cate iden­tity.
„Good! Shi Lei, your such pro­ce­dure, Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency will per­haps have dis­con­tent­edly.” The Ling Yuguo re­minder said.
Shi Lei hā hā said with a smile: „Uncle Ling, I now am rep­re­sen­ta­tive Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict. As the mat­ter stands, Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency can ac­cept Right?”
„Your this Brat!” Ling Yuguo help­less shak­ing the head. „Was good, I in­form Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, your Brat re­laxes, do not make the big trou­ble.”
„Relax!” The Shi Lei re­sponse said that „, Uncle Ling, Lit­tle Mo Safety does not have issue Right?”
„Does not need to be wor­ried that Yumo in Cap­i­tal City, has not come back!” Ling Yuguo has been re­as­sured to Shi Lei.
„That is good!” Shi Lei re­laxed, af­ter­ward has hung up tele­phone, how pon­ders should fall-out.
Shuangqing City, Shuanghu Dis­trict, a re­mote ware­house.
In the ware­house, is tall, bring­ing un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel of black mask, cur­rently to op­er­ate Note­book Com­puter. By Note­book Com­puter, is putting a sig­nal pro­jec­tor, that un­ex­pect­edly is di­rect con­tact satel­lite Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Equip­ment.
„No. 9 and No. 10 die hon­or­ably, but their Task ac­com­plish. The Shuangqing City nine main city ter­ri­tory and Shuanghu Dis­trict power fail­ure, Shuangqing City Gov­ern­ment is busy with com­fort­ing the mood of peo­ple com­pletely. Some of our also peo­ple in provo­ca­tion in­ci­dent, con­strain the Shuangqing City Of­fi­cial strength. Now, was one's turn us to go on stage, ac­cord­ing to the sit­u­a­tion of sur­vey­ing Squadron all ex­tin­guish­ing, we in­ferred Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Head­quar­ters, had the for­mi­da­ble strength, ask­ing the gen­tle­men to be care­ful.” The tall man, used Japan­ese to say.
„Hāi!” in ware­house, un­ex­pect­edly over over a hun­dred peo­ple, were re­spond­ing to the tall man col­lec­tively.
„! tar­get, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Head­quar­ters, Emer­ald Build­ing!” As tall man of lead is­sues the order, over hun­dred peo­ple of un­clear iden­tity arm per­son­nel, to Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Tem­po­rary Head­quar­ters, Emer­ald Build­ing sets out.
Shuanghu Dis­trict lost Power Sup­ply, So­cial Pub­lic Safety Sys­tem stopped re­volv­ing, [Izual] lost in­for­ma­tion ori­gin, is un­able to ex­am­ine this over hun­dred peo­ple of un­clear iden­tity to arm per­son­nel.
Shuangqing City Gov­ern­ment after cut­ting power for one hour, had is­sued ur­gent no­tice, ap­pealed that the peo­ple stay at home, so as to avoid has the con­tin­gency.
Al­though the peo­ple are very cu­ri­ous, why as Di­rectly Sub­or­di­nate to the Ad­min­is­tra­tion City Shuangqing City, the as­so­ci­a­tion pres­i­dent time cuts power un­ex­pect­edly mas­sively, but re­sponded the sum­mons of Gov­ern­ment, stayed in the fam­ily.
Shuanghu Dis­trict be­longs to the ed­u­ca­tion area, the Or­di­nary peo­ple are less, stu­dent(s) are more. When the Shuanghu Dis­trict elec­tri­cal net­work changes Pres­sure Di­vi­sion Sta­tion has the ex­plo­sion, stu­dent(s) had dis­cov­ered the un­usual cir­cum­stance, starts to re­turn to the school.
In ad­di­tion now is the mid­dle of the night, on the Shuanghu Dis­trict street in a busi­ness area, does not have the pedes­trian ba­si­cally. This over hun­dred peo­ple of un­clear iden­tity arms per­son­nel, ap­pears some­what bla­tantly seeks pub­lic­ity.
Even if so, [Izual] has not dis­cov­ered them, what­ever they go for­ward to Emer­ald Build­ing fast.
Jingya Gar­den.
Shi Lei sighed, this time, these Na­tion(s) Hacker al­lied armies, put in the huge strength, did not hes­i­tate to spell with Dan­ger that Xia Na­tion Gov­ern­ment had a falling out, so acted slop­pily in Shuangqing City, they ac­tu­ally for what?
Is it pos­si­ble that is to in­vade Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group merely?
The Shi Lei in­dis­tinct de­tec­tion Dan­ger, has not only come from Hacker Dan­ger, many Dan­ger...


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