HK :: VOLUME #15
#1472: Unexpected benefit, a condition
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Second Generation [Dawn] is Mirror Science and Technology Group, most High-tech polymer. «
This time, Shi Lei has faced most Danger situation, Jingya Garden encountered two doubtful is the attack of TALENS Experimental Body. If not Shi Lei discrete has prepared Second Generation [Dawn] in Jingya Garden, this attack, Shi Lei is very difficult to escape death by a hair's breadth.
Now, two raiders die a prisoner of war!
„[Izual], locks target, once target has the unusual action, immediately strikes to kill target!” In Shi Lei in [Dawn]'s drives the cabin to tell, is waiting for the reply of Pudelo.
Pudelo intertwined slightly, then said that „we were the Li Jian Nation people!”
Shi Lei has laughed at one, „my opinion is, what Organization you subordinate, why can attack me?”
„We subordinate in the advantage are firm ** Grey Plan of side, so-called Grey Plan, is we do not have identity of military, we do not even have identity of Ordinary national, we are the illegal resident, cannot look up our social security account number in the Social Security Bureau. Our equivalent to does not exist to be the same, belongs to the advantage to be firm ** side secret Experimental Body.” The Pudelo expression is somewhat discontented, perhaps for this reason, Pudelo will choose the surrender.
„This time, I and Cahill received the secret order of military, allowing us to enter Xia Nation Shuangqing City. Time from the beginning, we do not know motion target, until yesterday in the afternoon, Headquarters has transmitted the action plan and target to us. Why as for must attack you, I do not know. Only knows that the Li Jian Nation military, [Hope] arrests you. If arrest failure. Then on implement Kill Task.” Pudelo opened knew the pattern that the word expressed oneself fully all.
In the Shi Lei heart is pondering secretly, he with the Li Jian Nation military, does not have what contradictory Right? probably
Should say. Shi Lei and Li Jian Nation military, on, does not have what contradictory Right? outwardly, although Shi Lei did has injured Li Jian Nation, the injury advantage was firm ** the matter of side, but that was secret moves, the advantage was firm ** the side does not know that was right.
„You are the advantage are firm ** secret personnel of side? Good, I asked you. Your respective armies, in Li Jian Nation where?” The Shi Lei detailed inquiry said.
Li Jian Nation is a little different from Xia Nation, Li Jian Nation army position. The majority is at the open to the public condition. In addition, Shi Lei formerly has invaded Li Jian Nation military use network, basically knows most being stationed positions.
„We do not have the subordinate unit! I have said that we belong to Grey Plan secret Experimental Body. However. Our Headquarters in New York.” Pudelo was saying sincerely.
Shi Lei nodded. Continues to ask, „what Experimental Body of secret experiment are you?”
„Specific situation, I do not know. However, I occasionally heard some news, in addition my feeling, I suspected that this experiment and Biogenetics are related. Cahill of that dying, he can feel Electromagnetic Fluctuations. This ability, humanity does not have Right?”
Pudelo stopped to rest. Continues saying: „I have the strong vision and aiming ability, if the line of sight is open, the weather condition is appropriate, I even can see the ant leg 200 meters away!”
Shi Lei keeps silent, ‚is really the TALENS technology! Pudelo should be joined Eagle-class Vision Gene, but the Cahill ability, somewhat is actually strange. But benefits firmly **, why can look for my trouble?’
Is silent facing Shi Lei's, Pudelo is anxious, his uneasy waiting Shi Lei's is adjudicating finally. Pudelo has to think escaping, the speed that but just [Dawn] displayed, Pudelo cannot run away.
„Mr. Shi, do you have other matter that wants to know?” Pudelo cannot bear the silent atmosphere, asks.
Shi Lei recovers from the ponder, speaks thoughtlessly to ask: „Do you know that this motion, altogether how many influences did participate?”
„Concrete is not clear, but are absolutely many!” Pudelo thinks that replied, „besides us, the Wo Sang Nation fellow, they had one team of Elite personnel to be fierce. Before, that team of Elite personnel, formerly struck to kill military personnel of twenty four your family countries'.”
The Shi Lei's eye opens the eyes suddenly, „that team of Wo Sang Nation Elite does personnel, have ten people? Do they wear black travelling by night clothes?”
„En, Yes! your Mirror Science and Technology Group has Defensive Power met them? Is certainly careful, they have very precise fire, although cannot compare me, but is also very fierce. I suspected that they are also Wo Sang Nation related Biogenetics Plan Experimental Body.” Pudelo seems like the reminder of good intention.
The Shi Lei chuckle, „they did not exist!”
In Pudelo heart one cold, sighed secretly, ‚this damn Mirror Science and Technology Group was really formidable! These time was perhaps more unfortunate than fortunate, but, I do not want dead really!’
„Was right, this implement Shuangqing City Great Power Outage Task, is not we and Wo Sang Nation fellows, but is Nanchao Nation related personnel. However, they very sinister has pretended to be Wo Sang Nation personnel, moreover Wo Sang Nation personnel that by identity of volunteer, pretends to be, I know their footholds!” Pudelo said an information of a little component.
„They where?” Regarding the Shuangqing City outage, in the Shi Lei heart has filled angry, in addition Shi Lei does not like regarding Nanchao Nation 'Stick', since Pudelo knows that these 'Stick' whereabouts, Shi Lei did not mind leaves behind these 'Stick'.
„They completely in Shuanghu District! Concrete place west bank Shuanghu District, Cuiyuan Road center-section, in two red brick small building. I thought that by that small building, called ‚happily’ beauty salon.” Pudelo knows the Xia Nation language, this is he is also dispatched the Xia Nation reason.
In a strange state, if not understand the language of this state, simply is the big tragedy!
Shi Lei nodded, „I confirm immediately! If this news real, I did not mind that gives your way out.”
Pudelo links the connected points head, „good good!”
In Shi Lei in Second Generation [Dawn]'s drives cabin, told that [Izual] said: „Dispatches two [The Steel and Iron], two Set-up [Shadow Dragon], search the relevant position that Pudelo provides. Moreover. Told that Ruling Security Company Elite Squadron, is following [The Steel and Iron] and [Shadow Dragon], processing assists to work.”
„Yes. [Sir].” [Izual] immediately implement Shi Lei's order.
Because Shuangqing City lost the electric power support, Shi Lei and [Izual] cannot through Social Safety Monitoring System, inquire the position that Pudelo provides.
The present is before dawn, even if transferred gps Global Positioning System satellite, is unable to examine the related position, can only dispatch [The Steel and Iron] and [Shadow Dragon] in the past.
As for dispatching Ruling Security Company Elite Squadron, this is to prevent the contingency occurrence. For example. These Nanchao Nation 'Stick', hide in Room, [The Steel and Iron] and [Shadow Dragon] process. Trouble that can compare.
Two [The Steel and Iron] and two Set-up [Shadow Dragon], under the [Izual]'s control, go to the Emerald Lake West bank Cuiyuan Road flight, what accompanying is Thirteenth Squadron Captain Shi Mayi.
Before he is also , Li Zifeng Squadron member. Now is independent. Becoming brand-new Squadron Little Captain. Shi Mayi is the same with Li Zifeng, lives in the Emerald Lake West bank.
Shi Mayi is leading Thirteenth Squadron, rides the motor to hurry to Cuiyuan Road. This motion, Shi Mayi is attentive, he wishes one could to fly immediately Emerald Lake, strikes to kill these Nanchao Nation 'Stick' completely, so as to avoid had any contingency.
[Izual] is controlling Second Generation advanced version [The Steel and Iron] and First Generation advanced version [Shadow Dragon], first one step arrives at the position that Pudelo described.
[The Steel and Iron] opened Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector. Is scanning red brick small building of two story-high, altogether has discovered 17 target. [Izual] reports to say to Shi Lei immediately: „[Sir]. The relevant position, discovers 17 target. System scans the retrieve history society Security Monitoring record, discovered that this small building is an old husband and wife to have, only then their two people live, now is the unusual circumstance.”
In order to avoid having wrong attack, Shi Lei told: „[Izual], opening intercepts System, listens to inside situation.”
„[Sir], intercepts System to belong to test System, has not passed through confirms completely, may produce wrong data , to continue to open?” [Izual] was reminding Shi Lei.
„Opening!” Shi Lei confirmed said.
[Izual] opened Second Generation advanced version [The Steel and Iron] interception System immediately, because intercepts System to belong to test System, the effect of interception is not good, [Izual] distinguished two [The Steel and Iron] hovering in north-south both sides, carried on the interception of coordination work.
About after one minute, [Izual] responded: „[Sir], through Natural Language Processing determine, Unknown Identity personnel of System confirmed target place, has used the Nanchao language. Starts attack?”
Shi Lei said slightly scruple: „[Izual], whether can through intercepting System, whether determine 17 target completely are Nanchao Nation target?”
This two-storied little building, is an old age couple, Shi Lei does not know that they are living whether. If they are also living, but [Izual]'s attack, has integrated in which them, this is not the result that Shi Lei [Hope] sees.
Although Shi Lei is not a good person, but there is a bottom line of principle, Shi Lei does not want to break through.
The hand can be dirty, but the heart actually maintains pure.
„[Sir], is unable through intercepting System determine related identity. But System can through Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, analyze target Dynamic Behavior Signature, thus determine leaves the target approximate ages.” [Izual] was responding to Shi Lei.
„Is very good! Immediately analyzes!” Shi Lei ordered.
Also is one minute passes, [Izual] responded: „[Sir], determine finished, 17 target ages between 2028, does not conform to information of house head of household. System preliminary determine, head of household not in house.”
Shi Lei look one cold, „has killed them!”
„Yes, [Sir]!” [Izual] is controlling Second Generation advanced version [The Steel and Iron], uses Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, has aimed at two red brick small building internal personnel.
Jingya Garden, 17 zero No. 3 Room, Shi Lei looks at Pudelo, opens the mouth saying: „Pudelo, your information has proven, these indeed are Nanchao Nation 'Stick'. Do you want to maintain a livelihood?”
Pudelo links the connected points head, „I think certainly!”
„You need to accept my condition!” Shi Lei is naturally impossible to do to leave trouble for the future to keep the matter of future trouble, Pudelo must maintain a livelihood, but he must accept a Shi Lei harsh condition!
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Tuesday, December 26, 2017
1472: Unexpected benefit, a condition

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