HK :: VOLUME #15
#1475: Suggestion of retaliatory action!
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Emerald Building Basement Fifth Floor, Core Machine Room region.
Shi Lei currently and He Zhenbang talked over the telephone, this Shuangqing City encountered Terrorist Attack, has had a series of influences. Including He Zhenbang deeply by its evil, had also encountered Committee Member Nation(s) the impeachment of Jia Zhengchun.
He Zhenbang has a matter, needs Shi Lei to process, this matter, related to He Zhenbang to pass this shake safely.
„Shi Lei, attacks the Shuangqing City secret strength, I believe that you know Right?” the He Zhenbang inquiry said.
Shi Lei asked back: „Commander He, you were said that several Nation(s) Hacker allied armies, was that several Nation(s) Official strength?”
Attacks the Shuangqing City strength to divide into two, the multi- country Hacker allied armies, are responsible for the attack of network aspect, the short interrupt Shuangqing City electrical network controls Management System, lets Power Grid System power failure.
Official Grey Power of multi- country's, in Reality, to Shuangqing City Power Grid System, has caused the real destruction. And, they also attempt to invade Dream Entertainment Company. But finally has encountered Dream Entertainment Company powerful snipe, thus motion failure.
„Naturally is that several Nation(s) Official strength! They dare to make Terrorist Attack in Xia Nation unexpectedly, this matter, although we do not have the clear evidence, but is impossible so forget about it.” He Zhenbang opinion, said half kept half.
Shi Lei replaces He Zhenbang saying: „Commander He, I understood, I to them the little small lesson, let them understand that something are undoable!”
„You understand well! However, Shi Lei Brat, this retaliatory action, you balance the discretion, do not do has gone too far a point.” The He Zhenbang reminder said.
Shi Lei had pondered slightly, then understood He Zhenbang opinion, more than Country Allied armies have aimed at Shuangqing City and Mirror Science and Technology Group directly.
If, Mirror Science and Technology Group immediately on retaliation Plan of implement violence. Perhaps will cause not small trouble. After all, something cannot bring to light, has the latent rule restrict.
„Commander He. You could rest assured that this retaliatory action. Absolutely not equal to campaign of violence.” Shi Lei guarantees to say.
He Zhenbang satisfaction said: „Is very good! Shi Lei Brat, this matter is very important, you are careful.”
If, Shi Lei can process the retaliatory action perfectly, He Zhenbang will reduce very tremendous pressure. But if Shi Lei has not held this matter, perhaps He Zhenbang certainly will be impeached.
Although did not say that He Zhenbang will lose a government post, but the He Zhenbang estimate can continue to be pressed in the Rongcheng Military District Vice-commander position, but does not replace Li Long. Becoming Commander.
Some matters, late cause trouble.
If unable to take over control of Rongcheng Military District, regarding Shi Lei, is a troublesome matter. Because, Rongcheng Military District now is the Shi Lei biggest backer, the Shi Lei's industry, to a certain extent, received looking after of Rongcheng Military District.
„Commander He, you wait to look at the good play!” Shi Lei was saying resolutely.
„Um, temporarily this!” He Zhenbang has hung up the telephone. He also needs to handle Rongcheng Military District here matter, is mainly completes to deal with the Jia Zhengchun impeachment the matter.
Although He Zhenbang at present is only Rongcheng Military District Vice-commander, but in fact. He Zhenbang started to control Rongcheng Military District actually, Li Long is steps down to the second line.
„[Izual], strengthens the Emerald Building defense intensity, if there is any matter, immediately informs me!” Shi Lei has had a yawn.
Even if the Shuangqing City aspect is very intense, but Shi Lei does not have what measure now, these troublesome matters, gives Shuangqing City Big Shot to process.
Shi Lei lies down in Security Room of Core Machine Room region, fell into the sleep gradually. Emerald Building currently speaking very Safety. Shi Lei has arranged eight Second Generation advanced version [The Steel and Iron], as well as seven First Generation advanced version [Shadow Dragon]. Carries on to protect Emerald Building.
Original First Generation advanced version [Shadow Dragon] also eight, but had been killed one by three sniper. Moreover. In the Emerald Building opposite, that side Emerald Lake Building also two Second Generation advanced version [The Steel and Iron] and First Generation advanced version [Shadow Dragon].
[The Steel and Iron], is [Shadow Dragon], flies from Emerald Lake Building, most cannot only take the twenty second.
Shi Lei rested one to be good to think, in the dream has almost forgotten, situation that Shuangqing City encountered the attack. In the morning close 11 points, Shi Lei dim waking.
„[Izual], Shuangqing City electrical network situation how?” Shi Lei opens eyes inquires, in the meantime, wears LIP Lens-type Information Processor on.
The LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, was demonstrating the map of Shuangqing City main city, including three regions are demonstrating the green, another six regions are demonstrating red.
„Sir, Jade District, Beiyu District and Beijiang District, separately at morning 8.07, 9 : 12, as well as 9 : 18, have replied the kv network power supply in enterprises.” [Izual] is reporting.
In the Shi Lei eye has not shown the accidental look, Shuangqing City takes Directly Subordinate to the Administration City, is the population surpasses 10 million Level Metropolis, Government does not permit for a long time the large-scale power cut absolutely.
However, so rapidly resumed the power supply, Shi Lei has shown the look of applause actually powerful, Government finally one time, slow processing that has not hauled.
„[Izual], we have not encountered attack Right?” Shi Lei to inquire again.
In LIP Lens-type Information Processor, was demonstrating related information, Emerald Building and Emerald Lake Building, had not been attacked. However, Jingya Garden Safety Monitoring System, examined three unclear identity personnel, appeared in Jingya Garden, but fast left, simply has not stayed in Jingya Garden.
In the Shi Lei heart has covered Shadow, it seems like these time looks for his troublesome influence to be many, besides Grey Plan Experimental Body of Li Jian Nation military, has other people unexpectedly.
As a result of [Izual] is unable confirmed three people of Identity Information, Shi Lei to guess secretly, actually these three people are.
‚These three people, are most likely personnel of Wo Sang Nation military!’ In the Shi Lei heart has made guess secretly, during this motion, Wo Sang Nation dispatched very big strength, moreover Wo Sang Nation and Xia Nation gratitude and grudges was deepest, did not allow Shi Lei not to guess toward Wo Sang Nation on.
But in view of the fact that Nanchao Nation pretends to be the Wo Sang Nation personnel matter, Shi Lei also has to suspect that has the possibility that Nanchao Nation pretends to be once more.
In view of the fact that does not have many information to carry on determine temporarily, Shi Lei can only enter Jingya Garden unclear identity personnel to put out of one's mind these three temporarily.
„[Izual], scans Beiyu District, Jade District and Social Public Safety System of Beijiang District three regions, displays all Unknown Identity personnel. Then, informing Shuangqing City Police Department, let them to go to investigate.” Shi Lei told.
Social Public Safety System of [Izual] control, in the social order system of Shuangqing City, occupied very important status.
After all, passes Social Public Safety System, public security condition unprecedented good of Shuangqing City. Case that murders for money, is steal similar small case, basically vanishes in Shuangqing City.
Even if there is a occurrence , occurred is monitoring the region that the camera is unable to cover.
Originally, Shuangqing City resident, but also was worried that the numerous monitoring camera, has encroached upon their personal privacies. But improves along with the Shuangqing City public security, has the numerous resident to appeal to Government, arranges No-Dead-Angle Monitoring System in Shuangqing City, thus puts an end to the occurrence of public security case thoroughly.
Part is a resident, will avoid entering desirably does not have the region that Social Safety Monitoring System covers. Because of Social Public Safety System, belongs to System of half-open, any enters the Shuangqing City Xia Nation resident, will receive the prompt of Telecommunications Operator, told them Shuangqing City to have Social Public Safety System. Meanwhile, how should contact Social Public Safety System.
When residential Unable to Judge, places under coverage of Social Public Safety System, only needs to dial to correspond the number that Telecommunications Operator provides, then can interact with the behavior through the voice inquiry, but determine own position.
For example, could see on the Shuangqing City street, some residential currently dial telephone, then suddenly raises another hand, is gesticulating one to five digit.
Because obtained the faith of Shuangqing City people, Social Public Safety System is good in the Shuangqing City operation, Shi Lei had almost the Shuangqing City Government monitoring resources thoroughly.
[Izual] implement the Shi Lei's order, is scanning Jade District, Beijiang District, Beiyu District, unclear identity personnel of three regions. Once had discovered after unclear identity personnel, [Izual] will carry on second time determine.
If Unable to Judge target identity, will then inform to be away from target recent Police Force immediately, making Police Force carry on the inquiry and investigate.
Police Force system of Shuangqing City, likes Social Public Safety System. Because, Social Public Safety System, not only let them reduced very many work loads, reduced the Danger degree.
Especially when Social Public Safety System determine leaves target threatening, not only meets contact Police Force, will also transfer police using [The Steel and Iron].
Police with [The Steel and Iron], facing Danger time will flush in front. Under normal conditions, human Police Force only needs to process the following work, but does not need to break through enemy lines, faced with life Danger.
„Sir, altogether discovered 12 Unknown Identity suspicious target, already contact Shuangqing City Police Force System, after approximately twenty minute, Shuangqing City Police Force System, will count accomplish information.” [Izual] reports the situation of scanning three regions.
The Shi Lei brow knit the brows, normally, the Shuangqing City main city will not have any Unknown Identity personnel. Even if National Security Agency personnel, they also exist to conceal identity.
Regarding pretending to be identity, basically is impossible to hide the truth from [Izual]. The Shi Wen substitute person, that is only a contingency.
„Has any situation, immediately reports to me! Moreover, gives me contact Mu Shuang.” Shi Lei was telling.
[Izual] passes LIP Lens-type Information Processor immediately, contact Mu Shuang. Waited for the moment, Mu Shuang connection telephone, Mu Shuang did not know the Shuangqing City situation, the Shuangqing City situation, encountered Official to block information.
„Shi Lei, I also in Shengjing City, if you must find the person to accompany your celebrating a holiday day, can look for Yumo Younger Sister.” Saying that Mu Shuang cracks a joke unexpectedly.
The Shi Lei expression said earnestly: „Shuang Shuang, I have a matter, needs to inquire you!”
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Tuesday, December 26, 2017
1475: Suggestion of retaliatory action!

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