HK :: VOLUME #15
#1490: Avalanche effect!
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Any Nation(s), has unbending in loyalty aigo (Patriot), there is a traitor of acting servilely.
On Nanchao Nation Internet, has initiated two news of tremendous sensation, is not Shi Lei plans in the back absolutely, but stems from the Nanchao Nation person on one's own side's hand.
If said the First Item news, Nanchao Nation had the politics. The transformation, the Nanchao Nation people have not cared. Then the Second Item news, Beichao Nation launched the attack to Nanchao Nation, makes the Nanchao Nation people very scared.
Nanchao Nation and Beichao Nation are two extremes!
Nanchao Nation walks on capitalism road of President system, it is Asian Area minority Developed Nation, the economy and degree of modernization of entire Nation(s) are very high.
Beichao Nation with Xia Nation is a road, even and Xia Nation Ancient Era is a road, entire Nation(s) is extremely backward, the economy is not developed, the degree of modernization is awful, equivalent to Xia Nation the 20-30 years ago degrees. But Beichao Nation extremely attaches importance to the development of military power, and emits the opinion repeatedly, wants attack Nanchao Nation, moreover frequently makes exploratory attack.
If places Ancient Era Beichao Nation, this is called to engage in wanton military activities!
The relations of Nanchao Nation and Beichao Nation are not very good, the Nanchao Nation people, are awful regarding the impression of Beichao Nation. If, Nanchao Nation had any politics. The transformation, the Nanchao Nation people will not have the care of too much.
Because of whoever, when President, whoever enters the cabinet, { is not big regarding the life influence of Ordinary people, in any case is the Nation(s) internal matter, newly appointed President is also good, the cabinet ministers, cannot to the domestic people, make any excessive matter. Only if they do not want to continue.
But Beichao Nation hits not to be different! That is the Foreign influence! That is the hostile forces!
Even if historically, two Nation(s) are the a common origin, but we sprang from the selfsame root actually fries the too anxious matter. Was short?
The Nanchao Nation media, black Beichao Nation is not one day two days of matters, reported the pain of numerous Beichao Nation people breaks off the life, making the Nanchao Nation people very anxious, if Beichao Nation has thrown off Nanchao Nation, they have wanted also the life of Beichao Nation?
Suddenly, entire Nanchao Nation being frightened by the slightest sound extreme nervousness!
Even if Nanchao Nation Government. Spikes a rumour in many channels, but at this time, more was spiked a rumour more is appears has issue. What is most essential is. Restoration Communications System as soon as possible, genuinely solves the issue kingly way.
Telecommunications Operator and Network Base Station equipment manufacturer, gathers discussed issue, the result of finally obtaining. Has a plan.
To restore Network Base Station. Only can read in Network Base Station Management System. But Network Base Station Management System, is not the application on individual computer is the same, from dozens seconds to several minutes can install.
Even if through internet connection, entire Nanchao Nation domestic Network Base Station, can long-distance reinstall Management System, may at least take one day night of time, can the accomplish entire work.
The current situation, has surpassed beyond the control of Telecommunications Operator. The Nanchao Nation kt telecommunication, is the sk telecommunication. It is not able to control the aspect, can only report Government the disposal plan.
Government agreed immediately the Telecommunications Operator disposal plan, a day night of a day a night, morning a point starts to process, morning a point starts to restore.
After communications service provider starts to process Network Base Station, Nanchao Nation Government sends out to spike a rumour once more, indicated that within the communications service 36 hours restore at the latest. Meanwhile, Nanchao Nation Government also on Television Station and numerous outdoors screen, is broadcasting Nanchao Nation and situation in Beichao Nation border, expressed that two Nation(s) borders live in peace with each other.
This time, spiking a rumour of Nanchao Nation, won some nationals' trusts finally. But Nanchao Nation Stock Market, already suitable tragedy.
Is headed by Samsung Electronics, entire Samsung Group listing Company Stock drops sharply. In addition Nanchao kt telecommunication and sk telecommunication, reason that because the communications service interrupts, as well as rumor of Beichao Nation attack, falls large scale.
This time, glare like a tiger watching his prey International Floating Capital, finally had already joined the attack Nanchao Nation Stock Market gluttony grand feast. Emerges Nanchao Nation Stock Market International Floating Capital, has surpassed instantaneously then 200 Billion USD. Meanwhile, in Nanchao Nation our country, there is at least over Hundred-billion US Dollar large amount of money, stirs up trouble in Stock Market.
The Dream Entertainment Company 9 Billion US Dollar fund, instead has become a common fund. After all, currently in Nanchao Nation Stock Market, in addition the all kinds scattered fund, at least has the Three Thousand five Ten Billion US Dollar funds to stir up trouble, the trivial 9 Billion US Dollar fund, cannot pound water splash.
„Shi Lei, there is a good news and a bad news.” Mu Shuang passes LIP Lens-type Information Processor, contact Shi Lei.
Shi Lei wants not to say: „First said the bad news!”
„Samsung Electronics applied for Temporary Brand Suspension, close transaction.” This situation, within the expectation of Mu Shuang, she does not have surprised of too much.
Shi Lei does not have surprised of too much, this operation goal, does not defeat Samsung Company, but aims at entire Nanchao Nation Stock Market. Ran away 1-2 Stock not to hurt the essentials.
Also, how can there be under the compound nest to end the egg?
Samsung Electronics Temporary Brand Suspension, can escape for a while, can escape first?
If entire Nanchao Nation Stock Market crashes, the kospi200 index was hit to explode, Samsung Electronics Stock price, radically wanting tragedy without a doubt.
„Good news?” Shi Lei inquired.
„Nanchao Nation Stock Market, presented the avalanche effect at present.” The Mu Shuang expression was saying happily, „avalanche knows Right? after the avalanche forms, can prevent without any strength!”
Shi Lei said pleasantly surprised: „Shuang Shuang, your opinion is, Nanchao Nation Stock Market, entered the advancement that must collapse now, simply doesn't have any strength to prevent?”
„Yes!” Mu Shuang definitely was saying.
Shi Lei actually suspects saying: „Shuang Shuang, Samsung Group such easily had not defeated Right?”
The Samsung Group year turnover surpasses Hundred-billion US Dollar, is a Samsung Electronics property then surpasses 200 Billion US Dollar merely, such Exceed-scale is Group, possibly so how easy to cope?
, even though Samsung Group was also good to cope, but Nanchao Nation is not good to cope!
Nanchao Nation as Developed Nation, although domain are not many, the population are not many, but Foreign Exchange reserve are many, wants to save Stock Market, Nanchao Nation sends to catch up slightly, relaxed can bailout Right?
Shi Lei said own worry, actually causes the Mu Shuang supercilious look.
„Shi Lei, Samsung Group is very indeed formidable, the property indeed has. But you must understand a truth, the property not equal to fund. Samsung Electronics has the 200 Billion US Dollar property, the majority is the real estate, the fund that some intangible assets, can utilize truly perhaps, will not compare us more.” Mu Shuang was illustrating the situation.
In fact, this rule, enterprise for major part.
Even if niú bāi whistling real estate Industry, these real estate Giant, look like niú bāi is quite fierce, but working funds is few, majority is the loans of Bank, as well as debt and real estate of various sorts and varieties. Does working funds that can be controlled truly, have twenty of property 1, is an unknown number.
„Regarding Nanchao Nation Government? Shi Lei, you have not watched the Nanchao Nation situation really!” Mu Shuang sighed , to continue saying that „original manuscript, I think you choose to Nanchao Nation Stock Market start, that has studied the Nanchao Nation situation. But looking back now, I guessed mistakenly!”
Shi Lei somewhat puzzled said: „Shuang Shuang, any opinion Ah?”
Mu Shuang regarding the Nanchao Nation situation, investigate quite clearly, 2008 Nanchao Nation, domestic after melting crisis situation, early is crisis-ridden.
The persistent low of kospi200 index, Bank non-performing loan whirlwind increases, or the unemployment situation is grim, the unemployment continues to increase. In addition, price gear operation, Create ten years of new high record. In addition the real estate bubble crisis continually exposes, Won Exchange Rate also continues to decline.
Entire Nanchao Nation economic situation, it may be said that very stern. Nanchao Nation Government already badly battered needs to deal with big pile of mess, where also has the extra energy to rescue Stock Market?
Mu Shuang was Shi Lei has analyzed reason from all sides, finally summarized: „Shi Lei, you know that now the Nanchao Nation economic situation had how badly the Right? Stock Market situation, it is estimated that Nanchao Nation Government will not lend a hand to rescue.”
„Doesn't Nanchao Nation Government rescue? Isn't Nanchao Nation Government afraid provokes chain-reaction?” Shi Lei continues to inquire, if Shi Lei is Nanchao Nation Government President, said that anything must rescue Nanchao Nation Stock Market.
Even does not hesitate to stake everything on a single throw of the dice, displays Ningxia to die honorably to not live dishonorably the manner, must counter-attack International Floating Capital that takes advantage. So as to avoid these International Floating Capital, intense attack.
Luckily Shi Lei is not the Nanchao Nation leader!
Mu Shuang says with a smile: „Shi Lei, do you know that now how many International Floating Capital, have joined entire Nanchao Nation Stock Market?”
[Izual] in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, demonstrated that related data, so far, had the Three Thousand seven Ten Billion US Dollar funds, invested Nanchao Nation Stock Market.
„[Izual] had demonstrated that related data Right? [Izual], has demonstrated the Foreign Exchange reserve of Nanchao Nation!” Mu Shuang continues to tell.
2008 era, the Foreign Exchange reserve of Nanchao Nation will breaks through 300 Billion US Dollar. Do not think that any Nation(s), is similar to Xia Nation is the same, often has stockpiled on the Foreign Exchange reserve of Trillion US Dollar.
In the later generation, the Foreign Exchange reserve of Xia Nation reaches as high as 3.95 Trillion US Dollar, occupied the Worldwide one-third Foreign Exchange reserves. Such Foreign Exchange reserve, making Li Jian Nation have the idea of repudiating a debt.
Shi Lei looks at the Foreign Exchange reserve of Nanchao Nation, looks at the Nanchao Nation Stock Market capital amount again, he has also smiled.
„Aha, Shuang Shuang, the Foreign Exchange reserve of Nanchao Nation are really few! However, Nanchao Nation Domestic Bank has a lot of money, won't they rescue really?” Shi Lei does not believe that Nanchao Nation will not rescue Stock Market.
„They do not dare!” The Mu Shuang expression was saying assuredly!.
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Wednesday, December 27, 2017
1490: Avalanche effect!

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