Saturday, December 2, 2017

981: snipe battleline

HK :: VOLUME #10
#981: snipe battleline!
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Li Jian Na­tion, New York City.
Angel Funds In­vest­ment Man­age­ment Com­pany Head­quar­ters, Heaven.
The dis­cov­ery of [Raphael] ter­ri­fy­ing, the [Mr. M] so short dis­tance, is re­ally threat­en­ing his life safety un­ex­pect­edly, seems sim­i­lar to the note writes, [Raphael] as if dies to be the same in Heaven Mod­er­ate.
‚Why does [Mr. M] know ex­is­tence of Heaven? And can also enter Heaven? Was Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps pre­sented rebel, let­ting [Mr. M] can Free­dom come and go out?’ [Raphael] is con­sid­er­ing this issue.
Kang Ka En com­plex­ion in­com­pa­ra­bly has in­ter­rupted the broad­cast of pro­jec­tor awk­wardly, stand­ing em­bar­ras­edly in the [Raphael] op­po­site, the ex­pres­sion is some­what in rev­er­en­tial awe: „Mr. [Raphael], sorry, the Se­cu­rity Mon­i­tor­ing record, seemed in­vaded per­son­nel to tam­per, we are un­able to know tem­porar­ily...”
„Tankarn, the search in­vades the per­son­nel mat­ter, how to carry on?” [Raphael] does not have Tankarn to imag­ine erup­tion [Thun­der­clash] to be wild with rage, in­stead ex­pres­sion very light.
‚Awful, sit­u­a­tion some do not suit!’ In the Tankarn heart was guess­ing se­cretly. But he tem­porar­ily has not known that [Raphael] in sus­pect­ing their Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, pre­sented in ghost issue.
„Mr. [Raphael], cur­rently does not have any dis­cov­ery. If there is any ab­nor­mal sit­u­a­tion, Se­cu­rity De­part­ment per­son­nel, will pass the in­ter­com and my con­tact.” Tankarn was re­ply­ing [Raphael] issue truth­fully.
The [Raphael] look is glit­ter­ing, dis­guises very nat­u­rally is back­ing on the sofa, the right hand un­in­ten­tional place waist, to help the First time ex­tract pis­tol of waist.
„Tankarn, do you re­mem­ber when you do choose and me stand in the same bat­tle­line?” [Raphael] in­quired seems like ir­rel­e­vant issue.
Is Tankarn as Se­cu­rity De­part­ment Sec­tion Head, he pos­si­bly Idiot? [Raphael] issue, once after being asked that Tankarn then un­der­stood, [Raphael] this is in sus­pect­ing Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, pre­sented in the ghost.
„Mr. [Raphael], since you help me di­vorce from the life of hail of bul­lets, help­ing me cross in­com­pa­ra­bly lib­eral new stu­dent|life. I have then stood with you in the same bat­tle­line.” Tankarn dis­guises not to dis­cover at­tempt of [Raphael] right hand, as be­fore re­spect­ful replied.
[Raphael] stub­bornly looks at Tankarn, „Tankarn, can I trust you?”
The Tankarn earnest nod, „Mr. [Raphael], I, Tankarn, takes an oath to you, I will guard your glory with the life!”
„Good!” [Raphael] said loudly: „Tankarn, I be­lieved you!”
[Raphael] when com­plies with Tankarn. Is ob­serv­ing the Tankarn ex­pres­sion as be­fore. Sees only on the face of Tankarn. Re­vealed look that re­laxed. Some joy­ful, [Raphael] feels re­lieved.
„Tankarn, I know who ac­tu­ally in­vades per­son­nel is, he is also fa­mous World Sum­mit Grade Hacker. But even though World Sum­mit Grade Hacker. To in­vade Heaven quite to be also dif­fi­cult. Only if, has the help of in­ter­nal per­son­nel!” [Raphael] said straight­for­wardly.
Tankarn said scru­ple: „Mr. [Raphael], our Se­cu­rity De­part­ment per­son­nel, com­pletely is Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Elite, they will be im­pos­si­ble to be­tray Or­ga­ni­za­tion Right?”
In fact, Tankarn wants say­ing that they do not dare to be­tray Or­ga­ni­za­tion!
Angel Par­lia­ment treats the trai­tor, will not be al­ways le­nient, meets under the pain ab­solutely Killer. Even im­pli­cates the fam­ily mem­ber. Angel Par­lia­ment treats trai­tor in the bru­tal way, suc­ceeds re­duced the quan­tity of trai­tor.
[Raphael] shook the head, „I can­not de­ter­mine! Heaven De­fense Sys­tem is very per­fect, does not have the help of in­ter­nal per­son­nel, ex­te­rior per­son­nel wants to in­vade. Very is not re­ally easy!”
Tankarn as Heaven Se­cu­rity De­part­ment Sec­tion Head, he nat­u­rally knows that Heaven de­fense is ac­tu­ally for­mi­da­ble. So for­mi­da­ble Heaven, was in­vaded by ex­te­rior per­son­nel un­ex­pect­edly suc­cess­fully. Tankarn also starts to sus­pect that has in­ter­nal per­son­nel, pro­vided has helped!
„Mr. [Raphael], now what to do should we?” Tankarn was in­quir­ing [Raphael].
The [Raphael] sound is low and deep: „We must shift the po­si­tion now, goes to the next Safety foothold. If Se­cu­rity De­part­ment has the trai­tor within, in this block­ade in­spec­tion, let off in­ten­tion­ally has in­vaded per­son­nel, our Safety, are not then able to be guar­an­teed. There­fore, we must shift! Does Tankarn, in Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, your sub­or­di­nate(s), what have ab­solutely cred­i­ble per­son­nel?”
Tankarn had con­sid­ered, nod said: „Has three peo­ple ab­solutely cred­i­ble. Kraff Broth­ers, Lit­tle Wight. These three per­son for­merly in the Africa bat­tle­field, com­pletely are my sub­or­di­nate(s) elite mem­ber, their for­merly has saved my life, had been saved the life by me.”
„Im­me­di­ately in­forms them to come my Of­fice, we pre­pare to evac­u­ate!” [Raphael] said with­out hes­i­ta­tion.
Tankarn has not hes­i­tated, is tak­ing the in­ter­com di­rectly, opens the mouth say­ing: „Kraff Broth­ers, Lit­tle Wight, you ar­rive at Twen­ti­eth Floor im­me­di­ately, Of­fice of Mr. [Raphael]!”
Re­ceives three peo­ple of order, ar­rived at out [Raphael] Of­fice rapidly. When three fully-armed per­son­nel, stand be­fore the body of [Raphael], in the [Raphael] heart some was some­what calm and steady.
„Here, we leave through se­cret Safe Exit!” The [Raphael] so­lu­tion said.
Heaven in the con­struc­tion, has then arranged the se­cret chan­nel, fa­cil­i­tates had Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion time, im­por­tant per­son­nel can flee.
Now ex­actly as stated had Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion, [Raphael] has taken Angel Par­lia­ment Great Giant, did not allow to fall from the sky in Angel Funds In­vest­ment Man­age­ment Com­pany Head­quar­ters ab­solutely, this was an enor­mous satire.
[Raphael] is bring­ing Tankarn, Kraff Broth­ers and Lit­tle Wight four peo­ple, runs away from the se­cret chan­nel. The so-called se­cret chan­nel, is ac­tu­ally a se­cret el­e­va­tor, can enter the Un­der­ground el­e­va­tor.
In the exit / to speak of Un­der­ground el­e­va­tor, the long chan­nels, have con­nected the Un­der­ground garage in road op­po­site build­ing.
Gen­er­ally, comes out from the road op­po­site build­ing Un­der­ground garage, al­most can get rid of most trou­bles. [Raphael] had four peo­ple to ar­rive at the Angel Funds In­vest­ment Man­age­ment Com­pany Head­quar­ters op­po­site build­ing Un­der­ground garage, has seated a bul­let­proof pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle.
Tankarn is re­spon­si­ble for dri­ving the au­to­mo­bile, Lit­tle Wight sits in the copi­lot seat, Kraff Broth­ers they, sit­ting one on the left and other on the right in the back row place, is pro­tect­ing [Raphael].
The bul­let­proof pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle comes out from the Angel Funds In­vest­ment Man­age­ment Com­pany op­po­site build­ing Un­der­ground garage, in the cor­ner mouth that [Raphael] and Tankarn have not noted, Shi Lei is look­ing at the bul­let­proof pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle, on the face is hav­ing the strange smile.
‚[Raphael], you play this move!’ In the Shi Lei heart sneers.
If not know Angel Funds In­vest­ment Man­age­ment Com­pany, has a Un­der­ground se­cret chan­nel, con­nects the Un­der­ground garage in road op­po­site build­ing, ab­solutely by es­cap­ing that [Raphael] will es­cape.
But doesn't Shi Lei know?
Shi Lei ‚for­merly’ is the Angel Par­lia­ment high level! Doesn't Shi Lei pos­si­bly know?
„Zifeng, tar­get cur­rently goes for­ward to­ward due east. You a car li­cense num­ber!” Shi Lei said the car li­cense num­ber.
Li Zifeng re­sponded: „Boss, I have re­mem­bered, wait a minute, if they walk this side me, I to Great Gift that they pre­pare, [Hope] they like!”
A some third floor win­dow of build­ing of res­i­dence, Li Zifeng has erected han­dle valiant Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle. So long as [Raphael] dares the route of Li Zifeng am­bush, he meets the proper tragedy!
Other three di­rec­tions Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Elite Squadron mem­ber, ex­pressed ac­com­plish snipe erect­ing work, can carry on the snipe event any­time and any­where.
The happy ex­pres­sion on Shi Lei face was richer!
‚[Raphael]. If you stay in Heaven. I have not known how re­ally should tidy up you. Now gives you some small clues. Let you sus­pect in Se­cu­rity De­part­ment that Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps com­poses has the ghost, your then obe­di­ently comes out to bring death, but also is re­ally being obe­di­ent good child!’ In Shi Lei heart pleased is think­ing.
On [Raphael] bul­let­proof pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle, [Raphael] com­plex­ion at­trac­tive lit­tle.
„Fi­nally left Heaven. Just sit­u­a­tion too Dan­ger a point. If we are late a meet­ing, per­haps [Mr. M] that fel­low, will then con­trol our Heaven!” [Raphael] had a lin­ger­ing fear is say­ing.
Ac­tu­ally, the guesses of these ter­ri­fy­ing, are [Raphael] are fright­en­ing them­selves com­pletely!
„Tankarn, if I have not re­mem­bered in­cor­rectly, we in the New York City Man­hat­tan area, Weapons Stor­age Site, isn't that right? And. That pre­serve point, has de­posited very many mu­ni­tions, right?” [Raphael] asks.
Tankarn re­sponded: „Right, Mr. [Raphael], do we want to go to Weapons Stor­age Site now?”
The Weapons Stor­age Site po­si­tion is very se­cret. Safety na­ture as­pect does not need to worry. Tankarn guessed [Raphael], must hide in Weapons Stor­age Site tem­porar­ily, there is weapon to sur­round, at least also some psy­cho­log­i­cal com­forts.
„En, goes to Man­hat­tan Weapons Stor­age Site im­me­di­ately!” [Raphael] told.
Along with the de­ter­mi­na­tion of tar­get place, the bul­let-proof sedan that [Raphael] was at changed the di­rec­tion. How re­gard­less to change the route, [Izual] can find them.
[Izual] has con­trolled New York City most road Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, these road Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, when was con­trolled by [Izual], [Izual] trans­ferred Word Recog­ni­tion En­gine, uses with the de­ter­mine car li­cense num­ber spe­cially, to help trac­ing the [Raphael] where­abouts.
„Sir, tar­get de­vi­a­tion pre­in­stall route, is un­able to carry on snipe in view of tar­get! Sen­tences ac­cord­ing to the tar­get travel path in ad­vance, tar­get will go to Weapons Stor­age Site of Man­hat­tan re­gion.” [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
Shi Lei hēi hēi smiles, „[Izual], NYPD Po­lice Force, ac­tu­ally these mu­ni­tions hid­ing places that goes to not to in­spect me to re­port?”
„Sir, NYPD went to cor­re­spond­ing area in­ves­ti­gate.” The [Izual] re­sponse said.
„Right?” Shi Lei first said words of being per­func­tory, then con­tinue say­ing: „[Izual], in Angel Funds In­vest­ment Man­age­ment Com­pany Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, in in­ter­nal Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem prompts them, in­di­cated that Man­hat­tan Weapons Stor­age Site was looked up by NYPD!”
Angel Funds In­vest­ment Man­age­ment Com­pany, after Se­cu­rity De­part­ment re­ceived in­for­ma­tion, First time con­tact Tankarn \; Tankarn has given [Raphael] the in­for­ma­tion re­port, re­quested that [Raphael] makes the de­ci­sion.
The [Raphael] com­plex­ion is much paler, ‚is it pos­si­ble that is [Mr. M]? If this is also the arrange­ment of [Mr. M], ac­tu­ally then [Mr. M] does have all-re­source­ful how?’
[Raphael] had con­sid­ered, de­cides to flee to the Safety room out­side city.
After the de­ci­sion of [Raphael] is­sues, the route of [Raphael] travel, ex­actly above the route that Li Zifeng waits for gains with­out pains..


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