Saturday, December 2, 2017

983: CIA bothers

HK :: VOLUME #10
#983: CIA bothers!
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In most sit­u­a­tions, sniper aims at tar­get, will choose the chest, but is not the head!
A (spear|gun) ex­plodes no doubt very to have the crisp feel­ing, but the aim­ing chest is sniper most loves. Be­cause, the lethal re­gion of chest is big­ger than the head, even if aims at the chest, de­vi­ated the po­si­tion of heart, so long as but has hit on to the neck, to the re­gion of waist, can cause tar­get dead.
If aims at the head, pre­sented some de­vi­a­tions slightly, bul­let ex­actly as stated and head ‚brushes, but’ the rhythm, is un­able to cause dam­age in any body to tar­get.
Wards Is­land, Angel Par­lia­ment Safety room south­west about 300 me­ters away, above six small build­ing rooftop, Shi Lei is erect­ing Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle, has aimed at [Raphael].
‚Wind speed 1.9 m per sec­ond, light breeze con­di­tion \; tar­get trav­el­ing speed 12 km / h \; Tra­jec­tory bias quan­tity...’ Shi Lei is cal­cu­lat­ing the sniper rifle aim­ing cri­te­rion silently, the bul­let­proof pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle when [Raphael] is, is away from his ral­ly­ing point, ap­prox­i­mately when 700 me­ters, the index fin­ger of Shi Lei right hand, light pres­sure on the Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle trig­ger.
In the bul­let­proof pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle, a [Raphael] re­laxed ex­pres­sion, the pre­sent range Angel Par­lia­ment Safety room, less than one kilo­me­ter dis­tance, he al­most cal­cu­lated Safety!
‚[Mr. M], even if you are all-re­source­ful, the power and in­flu­ence is dread­ful, can­not think of our Angel Par­lia­ment, in Wards Is­land has Safety room Right?’ in the [Raphael] heart pleased is think­ing.
Angel Par­lia­ment Safety room data, adopted com­pletely has iso­lated the net­work data stor­age way, and only al­lowed to reach as high as above Sev­enth Grade, per­son-in-charge of cor­re­spond­ing area, can ex­am­ine Safety room data of re­spond­ing re­gion.
For ex­am­ple Tankarn, as New York City Angel Funds In­vest­ment Man­age­ment Com­pany Se­cu­rity De­part­ment per­son-in-charge, and has Sev­enth Grade au­thor­ity, he some qual­i­fi­ca­tions knows, New York City sur­round­ing Safety room in­for­ma­tion.
Be­cause of data of Safety room, is hav­ing the so strict pro­tec­tion, in the heart of [Raphael], even if [Mr. M] again niú chā. Also is im­pos­si­ble to know in­for­ma­tion Right? of Safety room
Only if, Angel Par­lia­ment, Sev­enth Grade above au­thor­ity Core Mem­ber, the choice be­trayed Angel Par­lia­ment, more­over must be New York City high-level per­son­nel, has the pos­si­bil­ity re­lated in­for­ma­tion, dis­closed that knows to [Mr. M].
Angel Par­lia­ment never has also ap­peared, be­trayal of Fifth Grade above au­thor­ity per­son­nel!
On six small build­ing rooftop, Shi Lei by the snipe mir­ror. Saw the smil­ing face on [Raphael] face. He also re­vealed has wiped smil­ing face. ‚[Raphael] [Raphael], died to being im­mi­nent, un­ex­pect­edly could also smile? Re­ally, may ig­no­rantly fear­less!’
Shi Lei's right hand index fin­ger. Made an ef­fort to take away the Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle trig­ger, 0.5 feet cal­iber, namely Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle of cal­iber, was pro­mot­ing the spe­cially-made armor piercer, shoots at bul­let-proof sedan that [Raphael] was.
The Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle muz­zle ini­tial speed, has been about 900 m per sec­ond, has gone far be­yond the speed of sound trans­mis­sion. The Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle sound of gun­fire, has not spread to the [Raphael] ear time, the for­mer wind­shield of bul­let-proof sedan. Al­ready by the bul­let punc­ture of Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle.
Be­fore the en­tire, wind­shield, blasted open the frag­ment, but had been ad­hered to stick co­here the glass frag­ments by in­ter­nal metal sleev­ing, has not caused the sput­ter­ing dam­age, more­over pre­vented Shi Lei to in­ves­ti­gate the con­firmed vi­sion.
There­fore. Shi Lei is un­able to de­ter­mine whether [Raphael] died.
For safety's sake, after Shi Lei opened fire, draws the bore of gun fast, con­tin­ued to aim at the bul­let­proof pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle to open fire. Has only been a pity, the Sec­ond (spear|gun) has not hit the bul­let­proof pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle, be­cause of the dri­ver of bul­let­proof pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle, the Tankarn re­ac­tion rate is quick, he is dri­ving the bul­let­proof pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle, en­tered a Un­der­ground garage en­trance fast.
Shi Lei looked at a that Un­der­ground garage, shak­ing the head of sigh, that Un­der­ground garage ex­actly as stated Angel Par­lia­ment Safety room place en­trance. The Angel Par­lia­ment Safety room, the de­fense in­ten­sity is high, Shi Lei is un­able to in­trude sin­gle-hand­edly ab­solutely. There­fore, Shi Lei took in the gui­tar box Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle, uses fast falls the equip­ment, fast de­par­ture roof rooftop.
The bul­let­proof pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle that [Raphael] is, drove into the Safety room en­trance Un­der­ground garage, Tankarn adopted the con­fir­ma­tion rapidly, en­ters Sec­ond Level that the Un­der­ground garage hid.
After was en­ter­ing the Angel Par­lia­ment se­cret Safety room se­ri­ously, Tankarn re­laxed. He turns the head to look at Lit­tle Wight of copi­lot seat, the chest cav­ity of Lit­tle Wight van­ished, what re­places it is a giant cav­ity.
This is by the con­se­quence that the ul­tra-high fast 0.5 inch bul­let hits!
Sits in Lit­tle Wight fol­low­ing Lit­tle Kraff, sim­i­larly died! The ab­dom­i­nal cav­ity of Lit­tle Kraff, was pen­e­trated the snipe bul­let of Lit­tle Wight chest cav­ity, passed through once more, has caused the lethal at­tack dam­age.
Big Kraff is hand-held [Raphael], the ex­pres­sion on face is being some­what ugly. Lit­tle Kraff is his blood brother, like this died in his front un­ex­pect­edly, mak­ing the Big Kraff mood very sor­row­ful.
In the heart of [Raphael], has filled alarmed and afraid!
[Raphael] is not Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Elite mem­ber, fac­ing death threat time, but can also keep cool. [Raphael] is a Young Sir elder brother of re­spected fam­ily, is Angel Par­lia­ment Great Giant, rad­i­cally is a fel­low of being pam­pered since child­hood, what dis­cussed spirit that what does not fear?
In the bul­let­proof pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle, has Tankarn to be calmest.
Just in the flash that Shi Lei opened fire, Tankarn saw Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle, the fire­works of muz­zle, he did not de­vi­ate the steer­ing wheel on the point of death ran­domly. Al­though Tankarn has res­cued [Raphael], but Tankarn also has the self­ish­ness. For ex­am­ple, the Tankarn de­vi­a­tion steer­ing wheel, has cho­sen per­son­nel of at­ten­dance dri­ving seat, is he.
Then caused the Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle bul­let, strik­ing of killing two birds with one stone to kill Lit­tle Wight and Lit­tle Kraff.
„Just what's the mat­ter?” [Raphael] re­turned to nor­mal the mood, was ask­ing about the sit­u­a­tion.
Tankarn re­veals wipes sad look, „Mr. [Raphael], we by at­tack! Lit­tle Wight and Lit­tle Kraff, they sac­ri­ficed!” Lit­tle Wight and Lit­tle Kraff, that is the Tankarn ab­solute trusted sub­or­di­nate, if can choose, Tankarn is not will­ing to sac­ri­fice them ab­solutely.
„Pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle that Tankarn, we take, has used spe­cially bul­let­proof pro­cess­ing, how can by at­tack?” [Raphael] puz­zled ask­ing.
Tankarn frowns say­ing: „Mr. [Raphael], at­tack our per­son­nel, have used the bul­let of 0.5 feet cal­iber. That Grade bul­let, our Bul­let­proof Glass can­not block!”
„Damn!” [Raphael] cold did snort, „Tankarn, you see the enemy? Around the con­tact New York City com­pen­sa­tion, blocks Wards Is­land fast, I must hold that to at­tack our per­son­nel!” [Raphael] is­sued the order to say.
[Raphael] is also unascer­tain­able, at­tacks their per­son­nel. Ac­tu­ally is [Mr. M]. But whether or not [Mr. M], at­tacks their per­son­nel, since has at­tacked them in Wards Is­land, then has proven that per­son­nel, now also in Wards Is­land.
So long as Angel Par­lia­ment per­son­nel, has blocked Wards Is­land, then can at­tack­ing their per­son­nel, com­ing one to catch a tur­tle in a jar. Once held has at­tacked their per­son­nel, then can know that was ac­tu­ally [Mr. M] to aim at his [Raphael].
„Mr. [Raphael], per­haps we in the Wards Is­land strength. It is not enough to block en­tire Wards Is­land.” Tankarn some­what re­luc­tantly was say­ing.
„Hēng!” [Raphael] angry cold snort. „Mo­bi­lizes the pe­riph­eral strength. We must...”
[Raphael] had not said the time, satel­lite that he car­ries along kept se­cret cell phone to make a sound. [Raphael] ex­am­ined the calls num­ber, is ac­tu­ally a se­cret tele­phone.
Slightly hes­i­tant, [Raphael] has pressed down the an­swer­ing key. „Who is Hello??”
„Is I!” satel­lite keeps se­cret in the cell phone re­ceiver, has broad­cast a mediocre mid­dle-aged mas­cu­line sound.
[Raphael] com­plex­ion one happy, „how do you have free time to give me to tele­phone?”
„Do you cur­rently have trou­ble­some? You in Wards Is­land?” An­other head of satel­lite se­cret tele­phone, had not replied ob­vi­ously [Raphael] issue, in­stead pro­posed own issue.
[Raphael] com­plex­ion once more one stiff, his po­si­tion is in­for­ma­tion, al­ways known how by other peo­ple? Is he so easy to be traced? Must know that he may not have to con­nect the net­work en­vi­ron­ment now, uses the Hacker way, may not look up his po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion.
„How do you know?” [Raphael] some­what sur­prised ask­ing.
„I in New York City. Some in­former in­form­ers exist. I have dis­patched some per­son­nel to go to Wards Is­land, cal­cu­lates that the time al­most ar­rived, do you need to help?” satel­lite keeps se­cret an­other head of cell phone, the sound mediocre mid­dle-aged male, asks.
[Raphael] said im­me­di­ately: „I need to help! You a bit faster arrange the per­son. Blocks en­tire Wards Is­land, seeks for sniper. That sniper, just al­most de­liv­ered me to see God, I must hold him!”
„Right?” The sound mediocre mid­dle-aged male, is bring­ing a teas­ing lan­guage gas chan­nel: „Is it pos­si­ble that is that what [Mr. M]? [Raphael], you by this [Mr. M], were bul­lied re­cently quite mis­er­ably, has to think can re­tal­i­ate?”
„I nat­u­rally must re­tal­i­ate! What's wrong? Is it pos­si­ble that do you want to help me re­tal­i­ate?” [Raphael] has laughed at one.
„Doesn't wel­come? My cur­rently catches up to­ward Wards Is­land, I will come per­son­ally, help­ing you han­dle this mat­ter. After I come, I will help you level this mat­ter.” Sound mediocre mid­dle-aged male, con­fi­dent say­ing.
Wards Is­land.
Shi Lei is dri­ving ‚un­li­censed taxi’, Wards Is­land that the prepa­ra­tion leaves time, [Izual] has sent out the prompt.
„Sir, Wards bridge al­ready by the CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency block­ade. Through the road Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem scan­ning, CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency, per­son­nel that cur­rently in­spects each pass­ing.”
Shi Lei com­plex­ion slightly changes, Wards Is­land is an is­land, the chan­nel of link out­side, be­sides Wards bridge, has three Robert. Kennedy bridge.
How­ever, [Izual] fol­low­ing, has given prompt in­for­ma­tion of tragedy once more, „sir, three Robert. The Kennedy bridge, was blocked by CIA com­pletely, im­ple­ment in­spec­tion work.”
‚CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency? Did they mix? They and do Angel Par­lia­ment have what re­la­tions? Is other sit­u­a­tions?’


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