Sunday, December 3, 2017

985: Angel Parliament, Second Giant!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#985: Angel Parliament, Second Giant!
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The Wards Is­land road and per­son march for­ward exit / to speak, en­coun­tered the block­ade of CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau, Shi Lei has been stranded in Wards Is­land tem­porar­ily. ***
Is Shi Lei was plan­ning [Raphael], but in a flash, Shi Lei un­ex­pect­edly be­came by plan­ning. Luck­ily, Shi Lei had found the fall-out point, that was per­son­nel of CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau is in­suf­fi­cient, blocks the arrange­ment of Wards Is­land still to have the gap.
Block­ade per­son­nel of CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau, does not know that Shi Lei grasped nu­mer­ous Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, knew they block the be­hav­iors of four bridges. They think that Shi Lei will drive ‚un­li­censed taxi’ to walk into a trap!
How­ever, [Izual] has in­formed Shi Lei ahead of time, blocked the sit­u­a­tion of bridge about CIA, Shi Lei aims at the en­trance train bridge the vi­sion. Train route that the en­trance train bridge is, but has passed through Wards Is­land, but has not had the stay in Wards Is­land. There­fore, under the sit­u­a­tion that CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau, in short-handed, has not blocked the en­trance train bridge tem­porar­ily.
After Shi Lei De­stroy ‚un­li­censed taxi’, through skill, has walked off with an­other's pos­ses­sions once more a au­to­mo­bile of rid­ing in­stead of walk­ing. tar­get of Shi Lei this choice is Lit­tle Pick-up, rea­son that chooses the Lit­tle Pick-up rea­son, lies in Lit­tle Pick-up is com­mon.
Train route that the en­trance train bridge is, via the Wards Is­land road sec­tion, used the pat­tern of viaduct, Shi Lei has or­dered [Izual] to seek for an ap­pro­pri­ate break­through point. The track line of this viaduct pat­tern, being CIA has not blocked one of the en­trance train bridge rea­sons tem­porar­ily.
Be­cause Shi Lei has not ex­pected so the sit­u­a­tion from the be­gin­ning, train route that there­fore Shi Lei has not been at to the en­trance train bridge, car­ries on the spe­cial in­quiry and re­mem­bers.
[Izual] in­quired Wards Is­land part road sec­tion, but be­cause [Izual] does not have Image Recog­ni­tion En­gine, does not have the Graph­i­cal analy­sis ca­pa­bil­ity, [Izual] can only prompt Shi Lei say­ing: „Sir, the en­trance train bridge in route, via the road sec­tion image of Wards Is­land part, has trans­mit­ted to your cell phone, please ex­am­ine.”
The Shi Lei cor­ners of the mouth cast aside, this does not have the Image Recog­ni­tion En­gine mal­prac­tice. If there is Image Recog­ni­tion En­gine, [Izual] then can au­to­mated analy­sis sta­tic state Graph­i­cal, thus de­ter­mine via viaduct train route of Wards Is­land part, most suits hu­man­ity to cut into any po­si­tion.
Shi Lei stops in the road­side, puts out col­ored tablet cell phone. This cell phone is not dis­pos­able, but is Li Zifeng uses cell phone that False Iden­tity han­dles. Shi Lei was ex­am­in­ing pic­ture in­for­ma­tion that [Izual] de­liv­ers, fi­nally in the First traf­fic lane and k road in­ter­sec­tion point, presently an op­por­tu­nity not to be missed. This con­ver­gence point, the strut­ting be­tween train route viaduct and ground, is not a re­in­forced con­crete prop, but has adopted the Steel and Iron con­struc­tion.
After look­ing up break­through point of cor­re­spon­dence, Shi Lei dri­ves to­ward the First traf­fic lane and k road in­ter­sec­tion point im­me­di­ately hur­ries . When reaches the des­ti­na­tion, Shi Lei stopped Pickup Truck in the road­side, at the back of the gui­tar box, walked to­ward the Steel and Iron con­struc­tion.
„Sir, Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem scans over 100 peo­ple, CIA per­son­nel con­tact of cur­rently with block­ing bridge. Sys­tem trans­fers the Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine analy­sis au­to­mat­i­cally, through human Dy­namic Be­hav­ior and man­ner analy­sis, the emer­gy­ing human and CIA per­son­nel, be­longs to the friendly re­la­tions.” [Izual] is pro­vid­ing an­swer of Sys­tem analy­sis.
Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, can Dy­namic Be­hav­ior be­tween de­ter­mine hu­man­ity and hu­man­ity, but ex­pres­sion re­la­tions and man­ner. For ex­am­ple, Dy­namic Be­hav­ior be­tween two hu­man­ity, dis­play to fight, that nat­u­rally pos­si­bly is not the friendly re­la­tions. If the man­ner of two hu­man­ity, dis­play are sim­i­lar to the hand­shake or are hug and other move­ments, Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine meets de­ter­mine, two hu­man­ity are the friendly re­la­tions.
Now [Izual] through Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, de­ter­mine both sides is the friendly re­la­tions, in­di­cated that the reen­force­ment of CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau, the Shi Lei rest of the time are not much, must leave Wards Is­land as soon as pos­si­ble, in order to avoid do not have the op­por­tu­nity to leave again.
The Steel and Iron con­struc­tion of sup­port train route viaduct, the whole pre­sents -and-a-half arcs, the bot­tom and the ground con­tact arc. Shi Lei has mounted half arc Steel and Iron con­struc­tion flex­i­ble, up­ward climb­ing up that then the hands and feet and uses.
After sev­eral min­utes, Shi Lei through the Steel and Iron con­struc­tion of half arc, has then mounted the train route viaduct. Luck­ily on viaduct, al­though there are three rail­way rails, but pre­in­stall per­son good chan­nel.
Shi Lei walks on the per­son good chan­nel, prob­a­bly only takes five min­utes, Shi Lei then can through the en­trance train bridge, ar­rive at the other half Man­hat­tan penin­sula.
„[Izual], did the reen­force­ment of CIA, enter Wards Is­land?” Shi Lei in­quired.
The mat­ter that this CIA both­ers sud­denly, the ten points fishy, Shi Lei some­what wants to know ac­tu­ally that is ac­tu­ally who to plan se­cretly.
„Sir, the reen­force­ment strength of CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau counts, al­to­gether has the 146 per­son. At pre­sent, the CIA reen­force­ment strength, en­tered Wards Is­land, starts to in­spect in view of Wards Hotel.” [Izual] is re­ply­ing Shi Lei.
Hears the CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau to in­spect Wards Hotel, Shi Lei hā hā smiles, the ac­tion of CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau, will be sim­i­lar to gen­eral that he will ex­pect, the First time will re­ally in­spect hotel. If Shi Lei hid in hotel, now ab­solutely on tragedy!
Shi Lei has not paid at­ten­tion to CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau in the in­spec­tion of Wards Hotel, he ar­rived at the bridge head of en­trance train bridge, has built Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle, tries to ob­serve the sit­u­a­tion through the snipe mir­ror.
How­ever, Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle the dis­tance of snipe mir­ror ob­ser­va­tion is lim­ited, Shi Lei not presently any use­ful in­for­ma­tion. Ac­tu­ally [Izual] pre­sent es­sen­tial in­for­ma­tion.
„Sir, Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, presently higher did Gov. Of­fi­cial of CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau, ex­am­ine?” [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
The Shi Lei table is star­tled, „which CIA higher Gov. Of­fi­cial?”
„Card­son Wright, CIA Amer­i­can Di­vi­sion As­sis­tant Sec­tion Head, the con­crete char­ac­ter pic­ture, has de­liv­ered to your cell phone.” [Izual] is re­ply­ing Shi Lei.
Since [Izual] has matched Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, the re­port about human iden­tity, the gain speed was quicker. [Izual] through mon­i­tor­ing the cam­era scans the CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau reen­forces per­son­nel the time, has con­nected the CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau au­to­mat­i­cally, the image in­for­ma­tion con­trast of open to the pub­lic, has de­ter­mined Card­son Wright iden­tity.
„Card­son Wright?” Shi Lei has con­sid­ered, and put out cell phone to look at this Amer­i­can Di­vi­sion As­sis­tant Sec­tion Head ap­pear­ance, con­firmed he was not Angel Par­lia­ment per­son­nel. „Ac­tu­ally is this fel­low who? At this time why ar­rived at Wards Is­land?”
„[Izual], at­tempts to break into the com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nel be­tween CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau per­son­nel.” Shi Lei was telling [Izual].
„Sir, at­tempts to be de­feated, the com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau per­son­nel, has used the closed Wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The nearby does not have the Wire­less re­ceive that Sys­tem con­trols and de­liv­ers the equip­ment, Sys­tem is un­able to ex­plain the Wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion of op­po­site party.” [Izual] replies Shi Lei di­rectly.
Shi Lei sighed, has put down Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle, walks to­ward the Man­hat­tan penin­sula along the en­trance train bridge. After two min­utes, Shi Lei ar­rived at the Man­hat­tan penin­sula, Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle is re­ceived by Shi Lei in the gui­tar box, car­ried on the arm slant­i­ngly on the shoul­der.
When Shi Lei walks in the Man­hat­tan Nine­teenth street, he has ob­tained con­tact through the Blue­tooth ear­phone and Shi Mayi, „Shi Mayi, mo­tion can­celled.”
Why Shi Mayi has not in­quired, neat re­sponse: „Boss, the order re­ceives.”
Shi Lei had fin­ished with the Shi Mayi com­mu­ni­ca­tion, he sees the op­po­site of street, one crowd wears per­son­nel of west­ern-style cloth­ing uni­form, cur­rently runs to­ward the en­trance train bridge. These wear per­son­nel of west­ern-style cloth­ing uni­form, im­pres­sively is per­son­nel of CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau.
If Shi Lei slightly is late a point through the en­trance train bridge, he by per­son­nel of CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau, will be stopped up!
‚Damn CIA cen­tral re­port bu­reau, is the re­ac­tion rate so fast?’ In Shi Lei heart in­com­pa­ra­ble hid­den bit­ter­ness, this at­ti­tude should not be CIA Right?, but should be dhs De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cu­rity is right!
While Shi Lei care­lessly guess time, his look is star­tled sud­denly. Along with Shi Lei's look trac­ing in the past, wore the mid­dle-aged per­son of Chi­nese-style cloth­ing, at a mod­er­ate pace fol­low­ing in be­hind of one group of CIA agents.
That wears the mid­dle-aged per­son of Chi­nese-style cloth­ing, is not the Xia Na­tion per­son!
That is a stature is not big, even some­what thin and weak for­eigner, his ap­pear­ance very Or­di­nary, if places Times Square him, and changes the Chi­nese-style cloth­ing, he is un­able to cap­ture any­body's at­ten­tion ab­solutely.
This com­mon mid­dle-aged per­son, closely cap­tured the Shi Lei's at­ten­tion. Shi Lei vis­its him stub­bornly, when that mid­dle-aged for­eigner turns the head, Shi Lei has taken back the vi­sion rapidly, dis­guises care­less is walk­ing.
That wears the mediocre mid­dle-aged per­son of Chi­nese-style cloth­ing, stopped the foot­steps, turns the head to look at Shi Lei, his brow wrin­kled slightly, on the face re­veals the think­ing the table.
‚Strange!’ In the mid­dle-aged per­son heart is siz­ing up Shi Lei se­cretly, ‚how to feel that young­ster does har­bor evil in­ten­tions to me?’
The mid­dle-aged peo­ple did not sus­pect that Shi Lei is gay, even if Shi Lei is gay, will not have a lik­ing for mid­dle-aged per­son funds ab­solutely. The mid­dle-aged peo­ple had pon­dered after meet­ing, looked own Chi­nese-style cloth­ing, feel­ing re­laxed smiles.
‚Orig­i­nally is issue of this clothes!’ The mediocre mid­dle-aged per­son shook the head, he is not the Xia Na­tion per­son, does not like pre­sent Xia Na­tion, he likes for­merly An­cient Era Xia Na­tion, es­pe­cially that mag­nif­i­cent era. There­fore, he likes wear­ing that era clothes, even if this type of clothes in Li Jian Na­tion propos­ing some­thing new and dif­fer­ent.
Shi Lei at the back of the gui­tar box, the whole body mus­cle tight­ens, right hand un­in­ten­tional has de­lim­ited the waist, mo­men­tar­ily is main­tain­ing and [Izual]'s con­tact.
„[Izual], trans­fers me be­hind to mon­i­tor the video record­ing, once be­hind has any per­son­nel, why not ap­pro­pri­ate ac­tion does to take the post, im­me­di­ately re­ports me!” Shi Lei was telling [Izual] car­ries on Se­cu­rity Mon­i­tor­ing.
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] replied rapidly.
Shi Lei not anx­iously not slow is walk­ing for­ward, until ar­riv­ing at a road fork time, he has turned left, long sigh vented anger.
Until this mo­ment, Shi Lei is clear, why CIA per­son­nel will ap­pear in Wards Is­land, why he plans [Raphael], in­stead was ac­tu­ally planned!
Be­cause, that wears the mediocre mid­dle-aged per­son of Chi­nese-style cloth­ing, im­pres­sively is the Shi Lei's old ac­quain­tance!
Angel Par­lia­ment, Sec­ond Giant [Gabriel]!


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