HK :: VOLUME #10
#990: Purchases D-Wave, is very smooth
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Times Square.
The elevator that not a well-known building, [Gabriel] rides, stopped in 30 buildings. Before [Gabriel] arrives at a Room gate, has sounded the Room gate, is waiting for inside response.
„Who?” In Room, passes on a brief inquiry.
[Gabriel] both hands in the observation range of door cat eye, made a series of complex movements, the Room gate have made a sound accordingly. This said actually, in the cat eye, has the camera of hideaway, and can distinguish Dynamic Behavior Signature.
That set of complex movement that [Gabriel] makes, is the Angel Parliament specialness to exchange gesture, indicated that the [Gabriel] one person alone comes, not with enemy.
In pushes the door to enter, in Room, blond youngster, is taking pistol to door. This blond youngster, exactly as stated Angel Parliament another Great Giant [Raphael].
„, [Gabriel], you did not come finally!” In the [Raphael] expression, is having a feeling of relaxing, has put down firearm(s) in hand.
[Gabriel] looked at thin and pale [Raphael], in the expression had meaning of teasing, „[Raphael], has not seen some time, has not thought that you were so distressed!”
[Raphael] cold snort, he and [Gabriel] relations were not good, [Raphael] in Angel Parliament, relational best exactly as stated [Uriel]. Has only been a pity, [Uriel] had been killed by the Shi Lei design.
„[Gabriel], if you want to ridicule me, your goal has been achieved! If you want to help me, that receives the taunt, helping me think how should cope with [Mr. M]! [Mr. M] had found Angel Funds Investment Management Company!” [Raphael] discontented looks at [Gabriel].
Although the [Raphael] technology is inferior to [Gabriel], status in Angel Parliament, is inferior to [Gabriel], but [Raphael] behind, is standing a huge family.
For this reason, [Raphael] and [Gabriel] status, is almost the same in fact, basically does not have what difference. This is also [Raphael] and [Gabriel] speaks, without any Esteemed or similar manner reason.
„[Raphael], you determined that invades Angel Funds Investment Management Company personnel, exactly as stated World Summit Grade Hacker [Mr. M]?” [Gabriel] is not somewhat clear.
If [Mr. M] must process [Raphael], will violate the danger by the body enters Angel Funds Investment Management Company? Definitely can tell the subordinate(s) person, enters Angel Funds Investment Management Company, assassinates [Raphael].
Even, [Mr. M] subordinate(s) influence, does not need to enter Angel Funds Investment Management Company, they can waits for [Raphael] to leave Angel Funds Investment Management Company the time, ambushes [Raphael].
By having to do mental arithmetic in the situation of having no interest, [Raphael] meets the tragedy absolutely.
In fact, Shi Lei enters Angel Funds Investment Management Company First target, does not assassinate [Raphael], but wants through Angel Funds Investment Management Company internal computer, enters Angel Parliament Internal Network, then in Angel Parliament Internal Network, in Secret Server, found an answer of matter.
How, in Angel Parliament Internal Network, has quite fierce Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System [Abdiel]. If gives the Shi Lei sufficient time, with the aid of [Izual] and [Interweave Net Miwang] computing resources, Shi Lei's can break [Abdiel] defense firmly.
At that time, Shi Lei most lacked was the time!
Invades Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters Heaven, the time that Shi Lei obtains, has more than ten minutes. In the so short time, Shi Lei is not enough to explain [Abdiel] defense. Therefore, Shi Lei chose has drawn back to ask next target, wanted to kill [Raphael].
Kills [Raphael] target, because [Gabriel] horizontal butts, also has faced the miscarriage.
[Raphael] was pondering issue that [Gabriel] raises, like the [Gabriel] inquiry, how determined that was [Mr. M] has invaded Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters Heaven?
„[Gabriel], that Shi Lei is [Mr. M] agent, you guess that this matter, can be Shi Lei be done?” The [Raphael] fool, he has been suspecting Shi Lei actually.
Before [Gabriel], had an confrontation with Shi Lei, Shi Lei to the impression of [Gabriel], making [Gabriel] not distinguish clearly, actually Shi Lei participated in [Mr. M] Plan. Even, [Gabriel] was suspecting that [Mr. M] is framing Shi Lei intentionally.
Why said that [Mr. M] does frame Shi Lei intentionally?
Before Hacker World had the hearsay, Shi Lei betrayed [Mr. M], this matter has not obtained anybody's research. However, after hearsay of betrayal, Dream Entertainment Network Defense is very as before intrepid, part of Hacker guessed that Shi Lei and [Mr. M] have not capsized actually.
Betrays, has not betrayed, [Mr. M] and Shi Lei these two concerned party have not spoken in Hacker World, their relations have become a riddle.
[Gabriel] considers many, according to the idea of [Gabriel], if Shi Lei betrayed [Mr. M], but [Mr. M] because of the great strength of Mirror Science and Technology, cannot launch the retaliation to Shi Lei. Then this time, Shi Lei arrives at Li Jian Nation, [Mr. M] can definitely shoulder the Angel Parliament anger, making Angel Parliament look for his ‚agent’ troublesome.
[Mr. M] does not like Angel Parliament, if let Angel Parliament and Shi Lei had the conflict, [Mr. M] absolutely very happy.
„One of people [Raphael], that Shi Lei, is very likely also plan!” [Gabriel] will speculate possibly said.
[Raphael] has hesitated, „not too possible Right?”
[Gabriel] mysterious smiles, „what has not to be impossible? Is this impossible matter, often is most likely!”
„That... What to do should we? Looks for that Dream Entertainment Shi Lei to tell him directly, was he planned by [Mr. M]?” Flavor that the means that [Raphael] proposed, somewhat teased. „If we suspected mistakenly, Shi Lei was also [Mr. M] Plan part, what to do should we?”
Has not waited for [Gabriel] to reply that [Raphael] continues saying: „, How we should explain our identity. Told him directly, were we Angel Parliament Great Giant? Shi Lei that small does character, know that what is Angel Parliament is big issue!”
[Gabriel] says with a smile: „[Raphael], you do not need to worry, I have means to test, is actually Shi Lei part in [Mr. M] Plan!”
„What means?” The [Raphael] hurried inquiry said.
[Mr. M] became the worry in [Raphael] heart, if not solve [Mr. M] issue, [Raphael] sleeps is not calm and steady.
[Gabriel] has not spoken, but the right hand lifts, the index finger has aimed at [Raphael].
[Raphael] also extended the right hand, the index finger has aimed at itself, some apertures of being perplexed said: „[Gabriel], your is opinion I?”
„Right! Is you!” [Gabriel] affirmative replying.
„What opinion?” [Raphael] puzzled asking. [Raphael] does not excel at the schemes and tricks, or is the layout plans, although [Gabriel] has given the prompt, but [Raphael] does not understand [Gabriel] opinion.
[Gabriel] sighed, said in a low voice: „Idiot!”
[Raphael] clenches teeth, has pinched tightly the fist, but to know the answer, he bore has not manifested suddenly, „[Gabriel], you sufficed! A bit faster said that is actually any opinion, you have any means that determine Shi Lei also help [Mr. M] work!”
„This truth is simple, the key is to lie in you. You said that [Mr. M] has invaded Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters, has left behind the note of threat to you. Then explained issue, [Mr. M] knows you in Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters.” A [Gabriel] more further prompt said.
„What did this also explain?” [Raphael] does not understand.
[Gabriel] has patted the forehead, „forget about it, I said directly, you did not have the medicine to rescue simply!”
After satirizing [Raphael], [Gabriel] continues saying: „[Mr. M], since knows you in Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters, knows you! Said straightforwardly, [Mr. M] knew your identity data. If Shi Lei and [Mr. M] have relations, these time invades Angel Funds Investment Management Company personnel, is the Shi Lei's words, indicated that Shi Lei also affirmed knows you!”
[Raphael] nods, indicated that approves the inference of [Gabriel].
„According to this condition, we comes up with a hypothesis, if you suddenly appear in front of Shi Lei's, if Shi Lei displays the special look, then showed that Shi Lei knows you, explained that relations of Shi Lei and [Mr. M], perhaps has not separated. This time invades the Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters matter, even if not the Shi Lei behavior, has certainly the relations with Shi Lei.” [Gabriel] is analyzing the situation.
[Raphael] somewhat has straightened out finally, latter after the knowledge , the sleep said: „If Shi Lei does not know me, indicated that he and [Mr. M] have not related. This time, Angel Funds Investment Management Company could Headquarters by the matter of [Mr. M] invasion, instead be [Mr. M] use us to cope with Shi Lei?”
The [Gabriel] nod said: „Right!”
[Raphael] a little knits the brows: „[Gabriel], if Shi Lei has contact with [Mr. M], my Danger?”
[Gabriel] opens the mouth saying: „Not Danger! I have dispatched two Devil Mercenary Corps Main War Squad, they can rush to New York City tonight.”
Devil Mercenary Corps Main War Squad is powerful, Main War Squad of [Raphael] to Devil Mercenary Corps, has been full of confidence.
„Which two Squadron is?” [Raphael] inquired.
[Gabriel] light snort, „doesn't this believe me? Thirteenth and Fourteenth Main War Squad, each Squadron nine member, they are Elite in Elite! Protects you, will not have the contingency absolutely!”
[Raphael] heard Thirteenth and Fourteenth Main War Squad, on the face has shown the smiling face, these two Main War Squad, indeed were Elite in Devil Mercenary Corps Main War Squad.
If there are these two Main War Squad to protect, [Raphael] will not worry about own Safety!
„issue, [Gabriel], you plan in what way, lets me and Shi Lei meets?” [Raphael] was inquiring most essential issue, if could not see Shi Lei, their beforehand suppositions and speculations, simply did not have the opportunity!.
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
990: Purchases D-Wave, is very smooth

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