Sunday, January 14, 2018

1736: One move of second

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1736: One move of second!
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Tay­lor has made a fatal mis­take!
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] has used [Snow Sil­ver Metal] as the main man­u­fac­ture ma­te­r­ial, let alone is pis­tol, ex­actly as stated snipe rifle, is un­able to cause the ef­fec­tive dam­age to [Snow Sil­ver Metal].
Tay­lor fired three spear|guns con­tin­u­ously, then has en­coun­tered the counter-at­tack!
The red ray, pen­e­trated pis­tol to­gether, the high tem­per­a­ture melted the pis­tol main body, the burn­ing hot metal liq­uid, cov­ered all of a sud­den on the right hand of Tay­lor, mak­ing Tay­lor shout mis­er­ably.
The Tay­lor star­tled sound was scream­ing, he has not ac­cepted Ge­netic Mod­i­fi­ca­tion, was pure hu­man­ity, by hu­man­ity the flesh and blood , can also with­stand by the metal liq­uid that the high tem­per­a­ture melted?
„Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Tay­lor is roar­ing, al­though the right hand of Tay­lor, al­most dis­cards close, but Tay­lor has not lost the rea­son, but has shunted [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door drill dis­cretely, so as to avoid being struck di­rectly to kill by the laser.
Shi Lei through the [Raider] sound plucker, lis­ten­ing to curs­ing an­grily of Tay­lor, on the face to show the smil­ing face, „so looked like, these peo­ple hid in the Third Level space!”
Tao Wenx­ian has been lick­ing lip at the same time, sets the cut-throat ap­pear­ance dili­gently, „Big Brother Stone, can we kill all peo­ple?”
„Looks at the sit­u­a­tion!” Shi Lei has not said def­i­nitely.
If sci­en­tific re­search per­son­nel of Bio­genet­ics Lab­o­ra­tory Third Level space, is will­ing to pro­vide some use­ful in­for­ma­tion, Shi Lei did not mind that tem­porar­ily lets off them.
Nat­u­rally, but lets off tem­porar­ily!
[Raphael] opens the mouth to say with a smile: „[Jazz], don't you want to ob­tain some Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy re­lated data? Must know. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy, that is very ad­vanced. If can gain some data, your Two-Di­men­sion Af­fair Great Mas­ter­piece War Plan. Should forge ahead stride Right? to leave be­hind the liv­ing wit­ness to in­ter­ro­gate, needs!”
Tao Wenx­ian has ridiculed, has not replied.
Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal, North Wing Un­der­ground space.
Sec­ond Level and [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door place of Third Level in­ter­face chan­nel, [Raider] has bored hole in the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door ini­tially. Wants to fur­ther break the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door, is ac­tu­ally very sim­ple.
The daz­zling red laser pro­duces in void sud­denly, di­rect at­tack the in­te­rior of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door, has been avoid­ing the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] sur­face scat­ter­ing layer.
Tay­lor has in­jected the mit­iga­tive of strong ef­fect for one­self, looks that red laser cur­rently de­stroys the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door, Tay­lor sim­ply does not have the too much strat­egy.
How­ever. When Tay­lor can­not find way out, the Dr. Revan sound con­veys in the Wire­less ear­phone, „Tay­lor, is spray­ing water to the crack place of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door!”
Ob­vi­ously, Dr. Revan passes Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem. Is ex­am­in­ing the sit­u­a­tion of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door. If to the drill mouth spray­ing of water of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door, can in­deed ef­fec­tively solve the threat of laser.
re­stric­tion(s) that Laser Weapon re­ceives are quite many, under the spe­cial con­di­tion, the water in­deed is one of the Laser Weapon dif­fi­cult ad­ver­saries.
Tay­lor clear Dr. Revan opin­ion, he or­ders three Chee­tah Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter im­me­di­ately rapidly, meets the water through the ves­sel, splashes to the crack place of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door.
The Chee­tah Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter speed is fast, this work re­gard­ing them. It is not has the dif­fi­culty mat­ter.
Mean­while, in­struc­tion Brown Bear Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter that Tay­lor also ex­trap­o­lates, takes com­pletely the fire hy­drant in­ter­nal fire ex­tin­guisher. And. fire hy­drant in­ter­nal Fire Fight­ing pipeline con­nec­tion.
Tay­lor or­ders Bat Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter to take fire ex­tin­guisher, is lo­cat­ing to spurt to the crack of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door fiercely, the in­fla­tion bub­ble that the foam fire ex­tin­guisher spouts, ef­fec­tively has re­ally re­strained Laser Weapon.
Tay­lor re­laxed slightly!
„Doc­tor, how much time?” Tay­lor in­quired through the Wire­less ear­phone.
Dr. Revan re­sponded: „Two points of Forty sec­ond! Hold On!”
„Good!” Tay­lor was say­ing high-spir­ited, fire ex­tin­guisher. The spray­ing of water law, can pre­vent Laser Weapon. Tay­lor nat­u­rally has the con­fi­dence to de­fend the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] two points of Forty sec­ond.
Be­sides Laser Weapon, [Raider] did not have any­thing to cope with the good method of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door re­ally!
In fact also in­deed so. Shi Lei through [Raider] op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem, looks at the predica­ment that [Raider] faces, Shi Lei is the ex­pres­sion is also star­tled.
To Laser Weapon of limit, so sim­ply had been con­trolled in­tre­pidly un­ex­pect­edly, Shi Lei has not thought.
„This...” Tao Wenx­ian some­what could not speak, „Big Brother Stone, our Laser Weapon, prob­a­bly too out of it Right?”
[Raphael] re­futed: „[Jazz], is not our Laser Weapon is not good, but is the Laser Weapon essence, has such flaw. If the Laser Weapon power is big enough, big to has been able to break these bar­ri­ers in­stan­ta­neously the de­grees, that was good!”
Shi Lei sighed, con­tin­u­a­tion hole that „[Izual], lets [Raider] many blos­som­ing! The po­si­tion of com­pu­ta­tion hole, de­stroys the sta­bil­ity of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door, strives to be able the vi­o­lence to break fi­nally!”
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
Laser Weapon is un­able to yield the ef­fec­tive re­sult, can only re­turn the zero point, again makes Di­a­mond Drill Bit go on stage.
The other as­pect of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door, Tay­lor hears the sound that Di­a­mond Drill Bit and [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door rubs, on the face to show the smil­ing face.
Sound that the pre­vi­ous time, Di­a­mond Drill Bit and [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door rubs, in the Tay­lor ear, is sim­i­lar to Suo Mingmo sound same ter­ri­fy­ing.
But the time of pre­sent, the sim­i­lar sound, sounds in Tay­lor, is ac­tu­ally sim­i­lar to the sound of sounds of na­ture!
Be­cause, such sound, rep­re­sents [Raider] un­able through Laser Weapon to break the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door, can only re­turn to the prim­i­tive means. That means that chis­els a hole once more, at least takes three min­utes, but Tay­lor only needs to de­fend two points of Forty sec­ond!
‚ac­com­plish Task!’ Tay­lor se­cretly said in heart, can­not help but has shown the look of re­lax­ation.
Third Level space.
Dr. Revan ded­i­cated looks at Cul­ture Tank, this Cul­ture Tank com­pares Or­di­nary Cul­ture Tank a lit­tle big­ger, al­most went against the ceil­ing.
In Cul­ture Tank in­ter­nal Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, looks like to hu­man­ity is al­most same, be­sides build as­pect big.
Cul­ture Tank in­ter­nal hu­man­ity, the height has been two me­ters five de­gree!
Other in­dices. Com­pletely is other pro­por­tion ex­pan­sions, for ex­am­ple his arm, is al­most equal to the thigh of Or­di­nary hu­man­ity is equally thick.
„Doc­tor, one minute!” The mid­dle-aged white man was re­mind­ing Dr. Revan.
Dr. Revan nod­ded, „pre­pares [Titan] arm­ing!”
„Good!” The mid­dle-aged white man told im­me­di­ately. In less than 30 sec­onds, an­other two Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, bring­ing the [Titan] mil­i­tary equip­ment to ar­rive by giant Cul­ture Tank.
And Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, stren­u­ous is tak­ing sturdy metal Láng Yá Bàng. Láng Yá Bàng over­all sil­ver-white, the length has prob­a­bly two me­ters, the acme thick­est di­am­e­ter. Per­haps has the Forty cen­time­ter.
An­other Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, towed one set of sil­ver-white whole body armor and a giant tower shield. The tower shield is very big, the length at least two me­ters six, can the ro­bust man in com­plete pro­tec­tion Cul­ture Tank.
„Count­down three sec­onds!” The mid­dle-aged white man re­minded, si­mul­ta­ne­ously in the mouth the count­down got up. „Three, two, one! Last Giant, [Titan] pro­ject Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, ac­ti­vates suc­cess­fully!”
Giant Cul­ture Tank in­ter­nal nu­tri­ent fluid fast took away, [Titan Giant] has opened both eyes, com­pares in Or­di­nary Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, [Titan Giant] look ob­vi­ously in­tel­li­gen­tial some. This means that human wis­dom that [Titan Giant] re­tains are more.
„[Titan]!” Dr. Revan opens the mouth to shout.
[Titan] looked un­ex­pect­edly to Dr. Revan, two me­ters five height bowed slightly. Ex­pres­sion Es­teemed said: „Sir, [Titan] salutes to you!”
[Titan Giant] al­most re­tained com­plete human wis­dom!
[Titan] plan is. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion in the Bio­genet­ics do­main, im­ple­ment most High Grade plan, makes [Titan Giant], not only the com­bat is pow­er­ful, but also has wis­dom!
„Cloth­ing. Stand­ing by!” The Dr. Revan ex­pres­sion ice-cold in­struc­tion said.
[Titan Giant] nods, „com­pli­ant. Sir!”
Do not think that the [Titan Giant] build is huge, then lost the flex­i­bil­ity. Being in ef­fect it is not so. [Titan Giant] has only spent for 15 sec­onds, then dressed the sil­ver-white armor of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] man­u­fac­ture, has taken up the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] tower shield and Láng Yá Bàng.
„Doc­tor, [Titan] did plan suc­ceed?” The Tay­lor sound passes on, „us soon could not with­stand, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Robot, on the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door, has chis­elled eight cave en­trance, we are un­able to seal off all cave en­trance. Most most, but can also in­sist for one minute!”
Dr. Revan laughs say­ing: „[Titan] came, you re­treat!”
„Good, good!” Tay­lor re­laxed, re­treats to Dr. Revan hastily. On re­treat­ing road, Tay­lor saw [Titan Giant] of whole body armor, in his eyes has shown the panic-stricken look.
[Titan Giant] also saw Tay­lor ob­vi­ously, he was smil­ing to Tay­lor un­ex­pect­edly, the friendly move­ment, ac­tu­ally had a scare Tay­lor, picked up the speed of run­ning.
[Titan Giant] has not paid at­ten­tion to Tay­lor, ar­rived around the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door, he ob­served the sit­u­a­tion in scene, then un­der­stood the gen­eral sit­u­a­tion.
After all, [Titan Giant] re­tained wis­dom of hu­man­ity, but is not Or­di­nary Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter is the same, solely de­pends upon the chip con­trol, al­though the op­er­a­tional ca­pac­ity is very for­mi­da­ble, the flex­i­bil­ity that may bat­tle is very bad.
Tay­lor re­turned to side Dr. Revan, through Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, is ex­am­in­ing [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door nearby [Titan Giant], some­what scru­ple ask­ing: „Doc­tor, [Titan Giant] bat­tle ef­fi­ciency how?”
Dr. Revan does not have the di­rect re­ac­tion, but is a face an­tic­i­pa­tion ex­pres­sion, „waits a while, you knew!”
The [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door under suf­fer­ing of ten [Raider], falls to the ground loudly, two [Raider] one step has crashed in the Third Level Un­der­ground space, pre­pares ice-cold heart­less slaugh­ter­ing.
How­ever, sturdy sil­ver-white Láng Yá Bàng, wielded sud­denly to [Raider]. [Izual] con­trols [Raider], both hands is in­ter­sect­ing be­fore the body, tries to pre­vent Láng Yá Bàng.
But un­ex­pected mat­ter oc­curred, for­mi­da­ble in­com­pa­ra­ble Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], was struck to fly by 'Stick' un­ex­pect­edly, seemed been same by one move of sec­ond!


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