Sunday, January 14, 2018

1737: The extraordinary personalities said right!

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1737: The extraordinary personalities said right!
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Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] con­trasts Third Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], al­though pro­vides the power the sshp High En­ergy Motor quan­tity, re­duced two from five. ∑,
How­ever, each sshp High En­ergy Motor power, has achieved 1200 horse­power!
1200 do horse­power, what mean?
Such for­mi­da­ble power, mean­ing [Raider] can ac­tu­ate 90 tons in weight ob­ject, by every. one sec­onds meter speed, the uni­form speed op­er­ates up­wardly.
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], has two so for­mi­da­ble sshp High En­ergy Motor, but was struck to fly by [Titan Giant] one move un­ex­pect­edly!
Has the [Titan Giant] strength, sur­passed Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider]?
Shi Lei face darken looks at the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, demon­stra­tion the image of [Titan Giant], the in the heart faint feel­ing is shock­ing.
„What toy is this fel­low? Heavy Armor in­fantry?” Tao Wenx­ian some­what is in a daze looks at [Titan Giant].
[Raphael] frowns say­ing: „[Stone], per­haps this is the trump card of op­po­site party!”
Shi Lei nods, in the heart thinks is cop­ing with the [Titan Giant] means.
Third Level space.
The [Titan Giant] easy so­lu­tion [Raider], al­most two me­ters six High De­gree [Heavy Shield], in the [Titan Giant] hand as if were af­ter­ward light , if no thing to be the same, swept by the shield bot­tom acme to an­other [Raider].
Where Sec­ond puts up the [Raider] fate also very to ar­rive at ob­vi­ously!
Al­though [Titan Giant] looks like very clumsy, but in fact, the [Titan Giant] move­ment sim­ply is fast as light­ning. He bran­dishes the shield move­ment, will draw near Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] not to have the de­gree of means avoid­ance.
Must know, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] on land. Can be 300 km per hour most quickly, even if starts to ac­cel­er­ate from the sta­tic con­di­tion. In one sec­ond can also ac­cel­er­ate to the 30 m per sec­ond above speed.
But is such speed, is un­able to avoid [Titan Giant] at­tack!
Thus it can be seen. Flex­i­ble de­gree that [Titan Giant] dis­plays with hav­ing strength, ab­solutely is ex­cep­tion­ally ter­ri­fy­ing!
„[Izual], re­port loss!” Shi Lei told.
The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was demon­strat­ing two [Raider] three di­men­sional Vir­tual struc­ture draw­ings, First by [Raider] that Láng Yá Bàng hits, the both arms part pre­sented the red con­di­tion.
[Izual] in the both arms part, has la­belled the writ­ing ex­pla­na­tion, the both arms struc­ture com­pletely was de­stroyed, con­ducts Mod­ule and power trans­mis­sion route in­clud­ing in­ter­nal ma­chin­ery. Has come under the De­stroy na­ture at­tack.
Even if there is [Snow Sil­ver Metal] mem­ory resti­tu­tion, at least also re­quires over three hours re­cov­ery time, can re­store re­luc­tantly.
Mean­while, be­cause power trans­mis­sion route is not the rea­son of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] man­u­fac­ture, Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery the part in­clud­ing Laser Weapon and Fifth Gen­er­a­tion, is un­able to ob­tain the ef­fec­tive restora­tion, must the im­por­tant per­son labor re­pair.
Sec­ond was swept by shield state-of-art [Raider], seems more frigid!
shield swept the waist of [Raider] state-of-art, for­mi­da­ble strength. Al­most has torn the waist of [Raider], if not [Snow Sil­ver Metal] has the good duc­til­ity, per­haps [Raider] had cut in two at the waist.
But pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, even if not cut in two at the waist. Also is not won­der­ful!
Be­cause [Raider] was swept by shield the waist, high­lit close 30 cen­time­ters stiffly back­ward, [Raider] was un­able to stand.
[Izual]'s loss re­port. Had in­di­cated the waist ma­chin­ery con­duc­tion of [Raider] pre­tends to dam­age com­pletely, sim­i­larly at least re­quires over three hours turn­around time. How­ever. What is slightly good a point is, Weapons Sys­tem had not been dam­aged. After rest­ing for three hours. The bat­tle ef­fi­ciency at least can re­store over 90%.
Dr. Revan looks at the [Titan Giant] re­laxed in ad­di­tion happy sec­ond two Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], on the face has shown the smil­ing face fi­nally.
„[Titan], de­fends the front door, kills all in­truder!” Dr. Revan told, he had not been or­dered [Titan] to kill suc­cess­fully to con­fused.
If [Titan] killed, but Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Robot has leaked, they wanted the tragedy ab­solutely!
„Re­ceives, Sir!” [Titan Giant] de­fended in the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] en­trance, the provo­ca­tion looks at an­other eight [Raider].
Shi Lei looks at grandiose [Titan Giant], heart in­side first time ac­knowl­edged Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy, seems less dis­ap­point­ing than Me­chan­i­cal Tech­nol­ogy.
„[Izual], uses Laser Weapon at­tack!” Shi Lei told.
[Izual] re­minded: „Sir, ac­cord­ing to the op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem analy­sis, shield that the enemy uses, 99% pos­si­bil­i­ties, have used the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] man­u­fac­ture, and in­creased the anaer­o­bic tech­nol­ogy of laser light scat­ter­ing. The [Raider] Laser Weapon power, is un­able to break op­po­site party de­fense!”
„In light of Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery to­gether at­tack!” The Shi Lei sup­ple­ment order said.
Shi Lei's opin­ion is, lets Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery at­tack [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield, cre­ates the laser light scat­ter­ing pro­cess­ing ef­fec­tive­ness of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield sur­face, thus uses Laser Weapon at­tack again.
„Sir, ac­cord­ing to the Sys­tem com­pu­ta­tion, this at­tack plan suc­cess ratio less than 3%.” [Izual] in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, why is demon­strat­ing the at­tack suc­cess ratio low rea­son.
Be­cause of the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield par­tic­u­lar­ity, even if the Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery pro­jec­tile, de­stroyed laser light scat­ter­ing pro­cess­ing of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] sur­face, so long as is un­able to hit the de­stroyed place in a short time, then the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] mem­ory, will re­store to scat­ter the func­tion.
In ad­di­tion [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield sil­ver-white in­te­gral color, even if hit place, is the sil­ver-white color, [Raider] op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem, is un­able to dis­tin­guish the po­si­tion pre­cisely. After all, [Titan Giant] shield, is im­pos­si­ble main­tains the stay still po­si­tion, to Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery and laser at­tack.
There­fore, [Izual] has fed back the at­tack suc­cess ratio low con­clu­sion.
„Damn!” Shi Lei cold snort|hum, „first co­or­di­nated laser at­tack with Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, con­tact Li Cai!”
„Yes!” [Izual] im­ple­ment the Shi Lei's order, has been con­trol­ling sur­plus eight [Raider] at­tack [Titan Giant] time, syn­chro­nized con­tact Li Cai.
Sim­i­lar to the re­sult of [Izual] com­pu­ta­tion is the same, Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery and Laser Weapon at­tack, was re­sisted by [Titan Giant] [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield di­rectly, sim­ply has not caused any losses.
After Li Cai has put through the [Izual]'s voice con­nec­tion, Shi Lei in­tro­duced sim­ply the sit­u­a­tion, asked af­ter­ward: „Lit­tle Plum, the strength of that crea­ture weapon, you es­ti­mate, ac­tu­ally for­mi­da­ble?”
Sigh that Tao Wenx­ian some­what wor­ries about: „The strength of crea­ture weapon is so strong, per­haps mus­cle in­ten­sity and skele­ton in­ten­sity, has been the as­ton­ish­ing de­gree. We want to cope with him, is not def­i­nitely easy!”
The Li Cai hear Shi Lei's said that after worry of Tao Wenx­ian, im­me­di­ately hā hā has laughed.
Tao Wenx­ian some­what dis­con­tented snort|hum said: Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] that „Lit­tle Plum, you de­sign, had been ex­ploded by the crea­ture weapon of op­po­site party, do you have the thoughts to smile? You are mind­less Right?”
Li Cai re­futed: „[Jazz], do not carry on de­ter­mine with the crea­ture knowl­edge of your crude per­son! Big Brother Stone, in fact, your de­ter­mine was wrong, dur­ing that crea­ture weapon, you have not imag­ined the great strength!”
Tao Wenx­ian re­futes to say im­me­di­ately: „Lit­tle Plum, you have not seen fierce of that crea­ture weapon! Does Big Brother Stone, dis­patch two [Raider] to go to probe again? Let Lit­tle Plum have a look, that crea­ture weapon is ac­tu­ally fierce!”
The Shi Lei di­rect de­nial, „does not need to make the sense­less loss! [Izual], play­backs a time the be­fore­hand fight record!”
Li Cai stops said: „Stops stops from time to time, [Izual], does not need to broad­cast! Big Brother Stone, I read the fight record fast, there­fore I said that your de­ter­mine was wrong, the crea­ture weapon of op­po­site party is not fierce.”
„Oh?” Shi Lei is some­what puz­zled, „said to look, what sit­u­a­tion?”
„We first need to clar­ify the [Raider] the re­la­tions of out­put power and tol­er­ance. The [Raider] out­put power, can in­deed achieve 2000 horse­power above High De­gree. But this is only means that the [Raider] at­tack strength, can achieve 2000 horse­power above facts.” Li Cai was say­ing some­what in­co­her­ent the­ory.
„Has [Raider] pro­vided [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger isn't that right?” Li Cai con­tin­ues say­ing that „, if, [Raider] car­ries on at­tack with the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger, then, the strength of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger, can in­deed achieve above 2000 horse­power. Or [Raider] can in­deed stand in ground, throws off weight close about 180 tons tanks. But this does not mean that [Raider] can re­sist that huge strength at­tack.”
Shi Lei as if some­what un­der­stands that Li Cai opin­ion, „your opin­ion is, is [Raider] high at­tack low de­fense?”
„Can such un­der­stand!” Li Cai also ex­plained that „does the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] weight, 1000 kg, you think its de­fense in­ten­sity high? There­fore, I said that the crea­ture weapon of op­po­site party, looks like fierce in­com­pa­ra­ble, but dur­ing fact, you have not imag­ined the great strength.”
„How do we de­feat it?” Tao Wenx­ian as if not be­lieve that the the­ory of Li Cai, has choked Li Cai one di­rectly.
Li Cai hēi hēi smiles, „dis­plays the [Raider] high at­tack essence! The op­po­site party can the sec­ond kill [Raider], [Raider] can also the sec­ond kill the op­po­site party! So long as [Raider] has hit the op­po­site party weak­ness, the fate and [Raider] of op­po­site party are the same!”
„Weak­ness where?” Tao Wenx­ian in­domitable ask­ing.
Li Cai in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was se­lect­ing to the [Titan Giant] image.
„Fore­head! Only needs [Raider] to use the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger, has hit the op­po­site party fore­head, even if the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger is un­able to pen­e­trate op­po­site party hel­met, but huge im­pulse, will make the brain of op­po­site party turn into one group of starch!” After Li Cai said that con­tin­ues to point out more weak­ness again, „knee! Sim­i­larly uses the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger, so long as has hit the knee of op­po­site party, the [Raider] huge strength, will make the knee of op­po­site party crack di­rectly, the op­po­site party also has be­come a crip­ple!”
Li Cai had pointed out con­tin­u­ously two weak­ness spots, as if have not sat­is­fied a crav­ing to be the same , to con­tinue say­ing: „Neck, waist and en­tire back, not! Should say, any place even weak­ness! The [Raider] out­put strength is so huge, so long as has hit any place, the crea­ture weapon of op­po­site party, will col­lapse ab­solutely!”
Tao Wenx­ian snort|hum, „ut­tered fine words, we wait!”


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