Sunday, January 14, 2018

1738: Dead end?

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1738: Dead end?
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Spe­cial­ized issue, al­ways needs pro­fes­sional to solve!
The stop of [Raider] meet­ing with [Titan Giant], the flash of first time con­tact, [Titan Giant] by the in­vin­ci­ble stance, has de­feated two [Raider], thus has fright­ened Shi Lei one side tem­porar­ily. ≧,
How­ever, along with the analy­sis of Li Cai, looks like in­vin­ci­ble [Titan Giant], as if is also not that for­mi­da­ble. But [Titan Giant] is ac­tu­ally for­mi­da­ble or not, but also needs the con­fir­ma­tion of [Raider]!
„Big Brother Stone, do we have eight [Raider], isn't that right?” Al­though Li Cai was in­quir­ing, but he got the an­swer in LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, „the crea­ture weapon flex­i­ble de­gree of op­po­site party is very high, 12 [Raider] start at­tack to bring death com­pletely. We should let eight [Raider] on to­gether, so long as [Raider] has suc­ceeded, the crea­ture weapon of op­po­site party was fin­ished ab­solutely!”
The ex­tra­or­di­nary per­son­al­i­ties said right, the per­son many strengths are big!
ke ke, this the­ory, places on Robot to be sim­i­larly rea­son­able!
Shi Lei nod­ded, has is­sued the order to [Izual], mak­ing [Izual] con­trol eight [Raider], si­mul­ta­ne­ously starts at­tack to [Titan Giant].
[Izual] not im­me­di­ately at­tack, but has de­vel­oped the de­tailed fight sim­u­la­tion, seeks for the fight to lose least plans.
Un­der­ground three spaces.
Tay­lor is flat­ter­ing to Dr. Revan, „doc­tor, the [Titan Giant] bat­tle ef­fi­ciency is re­ally too for­mi­da­ble, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group any trash Robot, at is not our matches.”
Dr. Revan nods with a smile, „has Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy, is the most per­fect tech­nol­ogy. Robot? hēng hēng!” Smil­ing of Dr. Revan dis­dains.
„Doc­tor, the sup­port of Or­ga­ni­za­tion, when can ar­rive in Ah?” Tay­lor to pre­tend to speak thought­lessly the in­quiry. Ac­cord­ing to truth, Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal Bio­genet­ics Lab­o­ra­tory. Mo­men­tar­ily main­tains con­nec­tion with Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, in the event of the sit­u­a­tion of off-line. Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem dis­cov­ered the First time, thus con­tact Or­ga­ni­za­tion per­son-in-charge.
How­ever, at this mo­ment, Uncle Shi Lei's, mys­te­ri­ous Shi Wen, Bio­genet­ics Lab­o­ra­tory of cur­rently Un­der­ground deep place, is car­ry­ing on the crea­ture ex­per­i­ment of se­cret.
Al­though Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem [But­ler], re­minded Shi Wen, opin­ion that but Shi Wen as if has not paid at­ten­tion.
„Does not know! How­ever. So long as we in­sisted that over a half hour, the sup­port of Or­ga­ni­za­tion, can ar­rive ab­solutely. Mean­while, New York City Of­fi­cial strength, will note the un­usu­al­ity of Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal, sim­i­larly can ease our pres­sures.” Dr. Revan is com­fort­ing Tay­lor, he felt the vac­il­la­tion of Tay­lor keenly.
Al­though [Titan Giant] metastable as­pect, but Dr. Revan un­der­stands that the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion has sub­tly how. If they had the in­ter­nal con­tra­dic­tions, per­haps bal­ance will be bro­ken im­me­di­ately.
Tay­lor re­laxed. Thought of in the heart that faint trace be­trayal, re­ceived cau­tiously. Tay­lor has the be­trayal the thoughts, ac­tu­ally to main­tain life, since now can main­tain life. Also why car­ries on the back the name of rebel?
Passed through for about three min­utes, [Izual] fi­nally ac­com­plish the fight sim­u­la­tion, cal­cu­lates bat­tle loss least plans. [Izual] con­trols eight [Raider], the prepa­ra­tion is start­ing to at­tack [Titan Giant].
[Titan Giant] looks that eight [Raider] start to change the po­si­tion. Im­me­di­ately re­ports to Dr. Revan, „Sir. The en­e­mies will soon ini­ti­ate the charge! Please care­ful!”
Dr. Revan can­not at­tend to Tay­lor in one side, told loudly: „Must pre­vent the enemy! Can­not make the enemy crash in the Third Level space ab­solutely!”
„Yes, Sir!” [Titan Giant] trans­fers other nine Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter im­me­di­ately, en­abling other nine Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter any­time and any­where to serve as the can­non fod­der.
If com­pared with [Titan Giant], Titan Bee­tle Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, is Chee­tah Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, or griz­zly bear Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, as well as Bat Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, they com­pletely are the can­non fod­ders!
Eight [Raider] ad­justed po­si­tion fin­ished, [Izual] in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was demon­strat­ing news that soon will at­tack.
Shi Lei nod­ded slightly, hints the [Izual] at­tack.
Con­cerned about the width of in­ter­face chan­nel, every time can only through two [Raider], [Izual] first trans­fer two [Raider], erupts the quick­est speed di­rectly, threw to [Titan Giant].
And [Raider] tar­get is the fore­head of [Titan Giant], an­other [Raider] tar­get, is the [Titan Giant] knee spot.
[Titan Giant] re­tained wis­dom of most hu­man­ity, looks that two [Raider] kill, [Titan Giant] not rash, but lifted the giant tower shield to keep off be­fore the body. Mean­while, [Titan Giant] told Titan Bee­tle Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, starts the sui­cide to [Raider]. At­tack.
The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was demon­strat­ing mo­tions of two [Raider], Shi Lei com­plex­ion is tran­quil, as if not care about the re­sult to be the same, but he ten fin­gers of over­lap­ping both hands, make an ef­fort ob­vi­ously over­sized, demon­strates the anx­i­ety of Shi Lei in the heart.
Tao Wenx­ian is more anx­ious, he can­not bear in­quire: „Big Brother Plum, is [Raider] good!”
„kuāng dāng ~”
The Tao Wenx­ian voice just fell, was re­duced the bang of vol­ume to trans­mit to­gether. And a [Raider] [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger, has hit [Titan Giant] [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield, has made the fierce metal col­li­sion sound.
Sim­i­lar to the analy­sis of Li Cai is the same, [Titan Giant] through [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield, has re­sisted the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger that suc­ceeded, but the huge im­pulse, let [Titan Giant] again and again re­treat.
An­other [Raider] makes use on, tries to by­pass im­ped­i­ment of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield, thus knee of at­tack [Titan Giant]. How­ever, the idea is very won­der­ful, the ac­tual sit­u­a­tion is [Raider] is ac­tu­ally pre­vented by Titan Bee­tle Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter.
[Raider] is bran­dish­ing the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger in hand, easy punc­tures the fore­head of Titan Bee­tle Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, af­ter­ward plunged [Titan Giant] once more.
Al­though Sec­ond puts up [Raider] by the time that Titan Bee­tle Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter stops, merely only then less than three sec­onds, but enough [Titan Giant] has ad­justed.
[Titan Giant] looked at [Raider] sur­pris­edly, be­fore two [Raider] did not have the strength of re­volt was killed, made [Titan Giant] es­ti­mate the [Raider] strength wrongly.
Now, ex­plo­sive force that [Raider] dis­plays, lets [Titan Giant] being star­tled very!
„Sir, the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency of enemy is very for­mi­da­ble, ask­ing the Sir to re­treat im­me­di­ately, I can pre­vent for about three min­utes for the Sir.” [Titan Giant] First time re­port said.
The Dr. Revan ex­pres­sion is very sur­prised, [Titan Giant] is the Bio­genet­ics Trans­for­ma­tion sol­dier of Or­ga­ni­za­tion most trump card, isn't [Titan Giant] able to be a wor­thy op­po­nent Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Robot?
„Isn't able the wiped out enemy?” Dr. Revan uses ‚wiped out’ in­ten­tion­ally, but non- ‚being de­feated’, this is to pre­vent Tay­lor mul­ti­plies two hearts.
„Yes, Sir! Al­though the de­fense in­ten­sity of enemy is not high, but the at­tack in­ten­sity is very high!” [Titan Giant] was re­spond­ing to Dr. Revan, just the [Titan Giant] left hand used [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield, al­though has re­sisted [Raider] at­tack, but the huge strength, mak­ing the [Titan Giant] left hand tin­gle with numb­ness.
Dr. Revan sighed, has pulled down sound re­sponse, „we may run away road­less! Only road, only then con­quers enemy!” Here, Dr. Revan looked at other Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, al­though al­to­gether had 12 Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter in pe­riph­ery, but their strengths were well below [Titan Giant], very dif­fi­cult to re­sist with [Raider].
[Titan Giant] silent sev­eral sec­onds, af­ter­ward re­sponded: „Sir, I am will­ing to use my life, fights for the Sir at the last minute!”
Dr. Revan has not spo­ken, re­mains silent.
The Sec­ond Level Un­der­ground space and in­ter­face chan­nel of Third Level Un­der­ground space, the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door was early torn to pieces, after two [Raider] at­tempted to sneak at­tack [Titan Giant], has not pur­sued once more, but was de­fend­ing stub­bornly the in­ter­face chan­nel.
Under two [Raider] guards, other six [Raider] through the in­ter­face chan­nel, enter the Third Level space.
[Titan Giant] looks at eight [Raider], in eye flashes through a help­less mood, „Sir, the enemy quan­tity in­creases to eight, is un­able to guar­an­tee that pre­vents the enemy com­pletely, be please care­ful!”
After say­ing, [Titan Giant] no longer hes­i­tates, told that other Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter at­tack, he also on own ini­tia­tive rushed.
ex­pe­ri­ence for one­self the [Raider] at­tack strength, [Titan Giant] has un­der­stood per­son­ally that fears the hand to fear the de­fense of foot, he ab­solutely is not the [Raider] match, only then gives it all, per­haps also has the op­por­tu­nity.
[Titan Giant] ob­tained with the Li Cai sim­i­lar con­clu­sion, his at­tack [Raider] is one move of sec­ond, if [Raider] has gone round shield at­tack he, per­haps can also be one move of sec­ond.
„Ha!” [Titan Giant] roars, the right hand is grasp­ing huge Láng Yá Bàng, as if no weight to be the same, has bran­dished to [Raider].
[Izual] dis­tin­guished de­ter­mine the [Titan Giant] move­ment, con­trolled [Raider] to avoid the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] Láng Yá Bàng at­tack range, but [Titan Giant] jumped sud­denly, Láng Yá Bàng hit that [Raider] chest cav­ity po­si­tion, let the [Raider] di­rect aban­don­ment.
Mean­while, [Titan Giant] left hand shield re­ceives back­ward, af­ter­ward pushed out sud­denly, strikes to fly an­other [Raider].
[Titan Giant] and [Raider] bat­tle, de­scribed that the feel­ing is very long and com­plex, but in fact, in basis less than five sec­onds, [Titan Giant] has solved two [Raider]!
Tao Wenx­ian looks at the loss of [Raider], frowns to put Mouth Ar­tillery say­ing: „Big Brother Plum, saw Right? [Raider] is re­ally not the match of that mys­te­ri­ous crea­ture weapon!”
Li Cai as if has not seen the losses of two [Raider], a calm self-con­fi­dent ap­pear­ance, had as if rec­og­nized [Raider] can win, he says with a smile: „Con­tin­ues to look!”


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