Sunday, January 14, 2018

1739: Difficult victory

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1739: Difficult victory!
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Eight Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], enter the Third Level space suc­cess­fully, flash that but Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] and [Titan Giant] bat­tle, two Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], were turned by [Titan Giant] dry in the place.
Li Cai does not care about the losses of two [Raider], [Raider] as if has As­sas­sin that catches up highly ex­plo­sive, has abil­ity that strikes to kill.
[Titan Giant] has the strength that strikes to kill sim­i­larly, but, [Titan Giant] also has for­mi­da­ble de­fense. The [Snow Sil­ver Metal] tower shield was [Titan Giant] has pro­vided very con­sid­er­able de­fense in­ten­sity.
There­fore, fight be­tween [Titan Giant] and [Raider], [Titan Giant] had very big su­pe­ri­or­ity.
Re­gard­ing the losses of two Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], Shi Lei has not cared, al­though each Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] pro­duc­tion cost reaches as high as 53.6 Mil­lion US Dol­lar.
„[Izual], North Wing ten [Raider] , to con­tinue to send in the Un­der­ground space!” Shi Lei told, if First batch of ten [Raider], are un­able to de­feat [Titan Giant], then on the Sec­ond batch on then.
Li Cai ac­tu­ally pre­vents say­ing: „Big Brother Stone, does not use! Re­main­ing six [Raider], can def­i­nitely ac­com­plish Task!”
„Oh?” Al­though Shi Lei does not un­der­stand the Li Cai con­fi­dence, ac­tu­ally ori­gin from where, but trusted Li Cai, can­celled order.
Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal, North Wing, Un­der­ground space Third Level.
Al­though [Titan Giant] has killed two [Raider], but other six [Raider], at the same time, have killed other eight Or­di­nary Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter eas­ily.
Nearby Third Level Un­der­ground space in­ter­face chan­nel, at this time only re­main­ing [Titan Giant] and six [Raider]. Six [Raider] are sur­round­ing [Titan Giant], each [Raider] is away from [Titan Giant] merely only then less than three me­ters dis­tance.
In the [Titan Giant] eye flashes through a look de­cid­edly. He knows, in pre­sent sit­u­a­tion. He has been doomed. Such being the case, [Titan Giant] has made a de­ci­sion. That be­fore death, killing more en­e­mies as far as pos­si­ble!
„!” [Titan Giant] has roared, plunged pos­i­tive [Raider], si­mul­ta­ne­ously the left hand is bran­dish­ing huge [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield, by an arc of semi­cir­cle, is pro­tect­ing be­hind po­si­tion.
Pos­i­tive [Raider], was killed by [Snow Sil­ver Metal] Láng Yá Bàng of [Titan Giant] right hand, back [Raider] be­cause of im­ped­i­ment of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield, but does not have means near body.
But side two [Raider]. Plunged side the waist and knee of [Titan Giant] re­spec­tively!
Fac­ing the threats of two [Raider], [Titan Giant] is un­afraid in time of dan­ger, the right foot tram­ples sud­denly, hap­pen to kicked [Raider], kicked fly­ing up­side down to go [Raider].
Mean­while, [Titan Giant] re­verse body as far as pos­si­ble, avoids being sneak at­tacked by an­other [Raider]. How­ever, the [Raider] speed is fast, even if the [Titan Giant] re­ac­tion rate can­not for not be rapid. But the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger punc­tured side the knee of [Titan Giant].
„dīng dāng ~!”
„kā chā ~!”
The [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger was pre­vented by the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] armor, but the tremen­dous strength is un­able to be pre­vented, even if there is a pro­tec­tion of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] armor, left knee of [Titan Giant]. Had ir­re­versible com­min­uted frac­ture as be­fore. The skele­ton, is mus­cle Or­ga­ni­za­tion, after bear­ing the im­pact of enor­mous force. Was de­stroyed com­pletely com­pletely.
Each inch mus­cle Or­ga­ni­za­tion, sev­eral near cuns (2.5cm) breaks. Is im­pos­si­ble to con­tinue to pro­vide and con­duct any strength.
[Titan Giant] when the left knee re­ceives at­tack, [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield of left hand. Hits at­tack his [Raider], the tremen­dous strength, lets the [Raider] di­rect aban­don­ment of suc­cess De­stroy [Titan Giant] left knee.
Short seven sec­onds, mus­cle Or­ga­ni­za­tion and skele­ton of [Titan Giant] left knee com­pletely crush, cover the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] armor on left leg, pre­sents the de­for­ma­tion of ex­ag­ger­a­tion.
Sim­i­lar to ex­actly the same of Li Cai in­fer­ence, [Titan Giant] has the sec­ond to kill the [Raider] strength, [Raider] also has the sec­ond to kill the [Titan Giant] strength.
How­ever, [Titan Giant] takes a left leg as the price, has ex­changed three [Raider] with­drawals from com­bat, has gained ob­vi­ously rhythm.
[Titan Giant] left knee aban­don­ment, he uses the left hand to raise [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield is the pivot, bal­ance the body, in the look is hav­ing proudly and un­yield­ing look.
Li Cai sighed, „my good­ness, the re­ac­tion rate is re­ally fast! Has only been a pity, left knee com­plete com­min­uted frac­ture, in­clud­ing mus­cle Or­ga­ni­za­tion, thor­ough break. Re­main­ing three [Raider] can def­i­nitely kill him!”
Tao Wenx­ian re­joices say­ing: „For­tu­nately, re­mained three [Raider]! This fel­low, but also is re­ally fierce!”
Shi Lei af­firms say­ing: „Yes! We un­der­es­ti­mated the Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy strength!”
Should say that they un­der­es­ti­mated the human wis­dom strength!
Al­though [Raider] bat­tle ef­fi­ciency is very for­mi­da­ble, what con­trols [Raider] is [Izual], how even if [Izual] dis­plays and hu­man­ity is sim­i­lar, but [Izual] is only Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem.
[Izual] lacks true human wis­dom that abil­ity ac­cord­ing to the cir­cum­stance, as well as the pow­er­ful and un­con­strained style gen­eral fight imag­i­na­tion, in the hope­less sit­u­a­tion, the erup­tion po­ten­tial that wres­tles at risk of life.
[Raider] of [Izual] con­trol, from be­gin­ning to end bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, will only dis­play very sta­bly, lacked the un­du­la­tory prop­erty of true hu­man­ity.
Why this also has in the [Raider] sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei must de­velop the [Dawn]'s rea­son as be­fore!
In per­haps the most sit­u­a­tion, [Raider] under the [Izual]'s con­trol, con­trols to be fiercer than true hu­man­ity. But the [Izual]'s con­trol, for­ever is un­able to re­place the human pilot.
In­deed, Un­manned Con­trol [Raider], will not have the per­son­nel ca­su­al­ties, but [Raider] and [Dawn] com­pare, truly has the dis­par­ity.
„Big Brother Stone, we must at­tain re­lated data of this crea­ture weapon, we can also train the crea­ture weapon!” Tao Wenx­ian was say­ing ex­cit­edly. „By the Lit­tle Jian tech­no­log­i­cal strength, Dragon Risen that side equip­ment, we 100% can du­pli­cate this fierce crea­ture weapon!”
„Right! [Stone], I also so thought!” [Raphael] sec­onds the mo­tion to say.
Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal, North Wing, Third Level Un­der­ground space.
Three [Raider] in three po­si­tions, sur­rounded [Titan Giant], [Izual] cur­rently has cal­cu­lated the ap­pro­pri­ate at­tack op­por­tu­nity.
[Titan Giant] is low and deep the start to talk. „Sir, sorry. I dis­ap­pointed you!”
Dr. Revan through Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era, saw the [Titan Giant] sit­u­a­tion. Al­though [Titan Giant] has de­feated seven [Raider]. But [Titan Giant] has been in­jured at pre­sent, ob­vi­ously is not the re­main­ing three [Raider] matches.
„The strength of enemy is too strong, I do not know how should win, please for­give my choice.” [Titan Giant] is low and deep is speak­ing to Dr. Revan, while is ob­serv­ing three [Raider].
Dr. Revan has not re­sponded as be­fore, but is lis­ten­ing to the [Titan Giant] speech.
„They be­lieve that I should dying of quiet, but like the pre­sent, they do not un­der­stand me. How­ever that has not re­lated!” [Titan Giant] grasped the right hand of sil­ver Láng Yá Bàng to tighten.
„Sir, sorry once more, I have not been able con­firmed whether can pro­tect you, but I will fight the life last minute!” The [Titan Giant] look con­denses, the vi­sion shows look de­cid­edly.
„Per­haps, I should be sim­i­lar to they said that dying of peace­ful, but is not the choice pre­sent sit­u­a­tion is liv­ing. How­ever, Sir. Thank you, gives me the sec­ond time life, thanked your Cre­ate I!” [Titan Giant] al­ready had the dead will.
Dr. Revan has not re­sponded to [Titan Giant], sees only Dr. Revan to purse the lips. The tooth bites tightly, both hands make a fist, the breath is some­what loud.
„Sir. If there is a next life, I am will­ing to pro­tect you as be­fore!” [Titan Giant] was say­ing low and deep. Af­ter­ward does not have the in­di­ca­tion plunged [Raider].
Al­though left knee of [Titan Giant] al­ready com­min­uted frac­ture, but re­lies on the sup­port of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] armor. [Titan Giant] as if dis­re­garded the bone frac­ture of left knee to be the same, speed as be­fore fast.
sil­ver Láng Yá Bàng has hit the [Raider] left arm, and led [Raider] to fly.
[Izual] wrong de­ter­mine the [Titan Giant] left knee in­jured sit­u­a­tion, the erup­tion of human under De­spair sit­u­a­tion, has de­feated [Izual]'s Log­i­cal Judge­ment once more.
An­other [Raider] under the [Izual]'s con­trol, uses the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger thorn to the head of [Titan Giant], but [Titan Giant] lean­ing lean­ing body, makes way the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger, the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger has stabbed the left shoul­der.
The enor­mous strength, pen­e­trates the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] armor, the left shoul­der of [Titan Giant], mus­cle Or­ga­ni­za­tion, is the skele­ton, in the tremen­dous strength col­li­sion, com­pletely was de­stroyed.
Orig­i­nally light , if no thing [Snow Sil­ver Metal] shield, kuāng dāng fell on the ground, after Zuo Jian­pang was de­stroyed, is not al­ready able to pro­vide and con­duct the strength.
How­ever, the func­tion of strength mu­tual, [Raider] has hit the left shoul­der of [Titan Giant], that tremen­dous strength, de­stroyed mus­cle Or­ga­ni­za­tion and skele­ton of [Titan Giant] left shoul­der, but also made the right arm of [Raider] have the de­for­ma­tion, and en­tire or­gan­ism with­stood the re­act­ing force time, had the short un­bend­ing sit­u­a­tion.
[Titan Giant] as if not know the ache, turns around sud­denly, Láng Yá Bàng of right hand, has hit un­bend­ing con­di­tion the fore­head of [Raider].
Luck­ily, [Raider] is Robot, but is not hu­man­ity, even if the fore­head dis­torts se­ri­ously, af­fected op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem and In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem and radar sound­ing Sys­tem, but has not let the [Raider] thor­ough strike.
At this time, Un­der­ground space Third Level, only re­main­ing [Raider], but [Titan Giant] is se­ri­ously in­jured, the left knee and left shoul­der were hit by [Raider], mus­cle Or­ga­ni­za­tion and skele­ton crush com­pletely.
[Titan Giant] stub­bornly stares at last [Raider], [Titan Giant] is mov­ing about with dif­fi­culty, he only then waits for [Raider] at­tack, but, [Titan Giant] dis­cov­ered that [Raider] as if no at­tack opin­ion.
The [Titan Giant] com­plex­ion changes, he de­cided that take risks to try, sees only [Titan Giant] to [Raider], ejected [Snow Sil­ver Metal] Láng Yá Bàng of right hand, but [Raider] has avoided the sneak at­tack of Láng Yá Bàng un­flus­tered.
Now, [Titan Giant] has not threat­ened [Raider] weapon, [Izual] con­trols [Raider] to over­run to [Titan Giant], at­tempts with the fore­head of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] at­tack [Titan Giant].
[Titan Giant] seemed scared same did not have any move­ment of mov­ing aside, be­cause or the left shoul­der and left knee are in­jured, but does not have the means to move.
When [Raider] will soon hit [Titan Giant], [Titan Giant] has lifted the right hand sud­denly, by elbow out­ward, at­tack [Raider].
„dīng dāng ~”
The [Snow Sil­ver Metal] dag­ger has hit the fore­head of [Titan Giant], even if there is pro­tec­tion of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] hel­met, but the tremen­dous strength con­ducts through hel­met, enough shakes one group of starch the brain of [Titan Giant].
How­ever, the right elbow of [Titan Giant], has hit the neck of [Raider], the poor point neck tear­ing of [Raider], the neck of [Raider] pre­sents an angle of ex­ag­ger­a­tion, drops down slowly back­ward.
The [Titan Giant] look loses the gloss grad­u­ally, his cor­ners of the mouth slightly up­ward flood a curve, the sound that micro can­not be ob­served spreads from the [Titan Giant] mouth.
„Sir... Please... Per­mis­sion... I... Call­ing... You... Fa­ther...”


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