Sunday, January 14, 2018

1740: Internal strife

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1740: Internal strife!
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First batch of ten Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] and Or­ga­ni­za­tion Bio­genet­ics do­main high­est mas­ter­piece [Titan Giant] per­ishes to­gether!
Such vic­tory, al­though looks like price is quite heavy. After all, ten Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] pro­duc­tion costs, have sur­passed five hun­dred mil­lion USD.
But Shi Lei does not care!
The eco­nomic loss is se­ri­ous, can through other chan­nels, re­gain money. The life is dif­fer­ent, life only then one time, if the life elapses, what does not exist, what sig­nif­i­cance does that have?
Even if Shi Lei, looked like as if had the sec­ond time life, but Shi Lei was the re­birth re­turned for six years ago, but in Shikong (time-space) orig­i­nally, did not have the sec­ond time life.
Un­der­ground Third Level space.
Dr. Revan looks that [Titan Giant] face up fell down, on the face has flashed through wipes the sad ex­pres­sion, af­ter­ward im­me­di­ately re­stores to do in­ten­tion­ally the in­dif­fer­ent tran­quil­ity.
Dr. Revan and [Titan Giant] Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, has un­known pass­ing ac­tu­ally. The [Titan Giant] Ex­per­i­men­tal Body pro­to­type, for­merly is the or­phan of Dr. Revan adop­tion, named Grey­sen.
After Grey­sen Dr. Revan adopts, is trained skill of all kinds body­guard, ex­is­tence of Grey­sen, ex­actly as stated to pro­tect Dr. Revan. Grey­sen is also glad to pro­tect Dr. Revan, and will pro­tect Dr. Revan re­gards as the sig­nif­i­cance that the life had.
Three years ago, Dr. Revan was at­tacked ac­ci­den­tally, Grey­sen has pro­tected Dr. Revan reck­less, but Grey­sen has paid the deeply grieved price.
At­tacks the rifle bul­let, has hit the Grey­sen ab­domen. The bul­let stayed in the ab­dom­i­nal cav­ity. If no ap­pear­ance of no Mir­a­cle, Grey­sen will pay with the life the price.
At that time. Dr. Revan told Grey­sen, if Grey­sen is will­ing to be­come [Titan] plan Ex­per­i­men­tal Body. Per­haps also has a slim chance of sur­vival.
Grey­sen as the Dr. Revan body­guard, knows cer­tainly that the Bio­genet­ics Trans­for­ma­tion ex­per­i­ment of Dr. Revan im­ple­ment, in the life and death at point of death, Grey­sen chooses into [Titan] plan Ex­per­i­men­tal Body.
Very lucky!
Grey­sen bet right, Grey­sen be­came [Titan] plan Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, was trans­formed by Dr. Revan per­son­ally be­came [Titan Giant].
Mean­while, Mir­a­cle ap­peared!
After Grey­sen be­comes [Titan Giant], al­most re­tained wis­dom of all hu­man­ity, be­sides body huge. Grey­sen Ge­netic Mod­i­fi­ca­tion not any short­com­ing.
Sev­eral near per­fect re­ten­tion hu­man­ity wis­dom, for­mi­da­ble body strength, flex­i­ble agility wait / etc., [Titan Giant] that pow­er­ful.
But [Titan Giant] de­feated as be­fore!
„Pre­pares to re­treat!” The Dr. Revan sound low and deep in­struc­tion said.
At pre­sent, Dr. Revan also re­tained two Titan Bee­tle Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter with two Chee­tah Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, by these four Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, Dr. Revan be­lieves that evac­u­a­tion that they can suc­ceed.
Tay­lor has not noted the [Titan Giant] death time, on the Dr. Revan face re­veals that wipes sadly. His happy say­ing with a smile: „Good! For­tu­nately, [Titan Giant] in the final mo­ment, has killed all Robot, is dies valu­able!”
„Hēng!” Dr. Revan cold snort|hum. in the heart se­cret de­ci­sion, once went through today's dif­fi­culty, next Ge­netic Mod­i­fi­ca­tion Ex­per­i­men­tal Body. ex­actly as stated Tay­lor!
Why Tay­lor does not un­der­stand Dr. Revan cold snort|hum, his eye­ball rev­o­lu­tion. The guess of think­ing one­self in­fal­li­ble be­lieves that Dr. Revan was dis­con­tented he has shown the joy­ful look pre­ma­turely.
„Doc­tor. I Or­ga­ni­za­tion re­search per­son­nel, we leave im­me­di­ately to­gether!” After Tay­lor said that shouts out hastily loudly other Bio­genet­ics re­search per­son­nel.
Four Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter in four di­rec­tions, sur­round is pro­tect­ing Dr. Revan, they are the Dr. Revan final strengths.
Dr. Revan in the heart sighed se­cretly, ‚[Hope] do not occur again ac­ci­den­tally, oth­er­wise...’
Lucky Wushuang (Un­par­al­leled) to mis­for­tune never singly comes!
Dr. Revan just had car­ried on pray in in the heart, but the mon­i­tor­ing walls of six com­puter screen com­po­si­tions, had demon­strated makes the per­son balls live the cold pic­ture.
Sec­ond Level and Third Level Un­der­ground space in­ter­face chan­nel, ten Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] ap­pear!
Shi Lei al­to­gether dis­patched 30 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] to enter New York City, these time par­tic­i­pated to in­vade Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal [Raider], nat­u­rally was also 30.
How [Titan Giant] is pow­er­ful, has killed ten [Raider]. When First batch of last [Raider] and [Titan Giant] per­ish to­gether, Shi Lei told that Sec­ond batch of ten [Raider] enter the Third Level Un­der­ground space.
Dr. Revan face whiten looks at the com­puter screen, the look flashes through has wiped the help­less look. Dr. Revan deeply in­spired, has rapped on the key­board fast, in­puts one string of im­ple­ment code or­ders. Al­though Dr. Revan is not skilled in re­gard­ing the com­puter tech­nol­ogy, but the con­ven­tional ap­pli­ca­tion does not have issue.
After im­ple­ment code order of Dr. Revan input op­er­ates, Tay­lor just re­turns to the Dr. Revan side.
„Doc­tor, all re­search per­son­nel have in­formed, we mo­men­tar­ily can. More­over, not hav­ing re­search per­son­nel in­jured!” The Tay­lor ex­pres­sion was say­ing de­light­edly.
Tay­lor sub­or­di­nate(s) Se­cu­rity per­son­nel, is the loss of Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, not in the Tay­lor con­sid­er­a­tion range. Be­sides Tay­lor own life, re­search per­son­nel life safety, is issue that Tay­lor needs to con­sider.
A Tay­lor face smil­ing face was say­ing, but he dis­cov­ered that Dr. Revan seems not in­ter­ested, ask­ing that he has doubts: „Doc­tor, when do we re­treat?”
Dr. Revan turns the head to look at Tay­lor, the vi­sion looks straight ahead the eye of Tay­lor, they are look­ing at each other, Dr. Revan straight­for­ward start to talk, „Tay­lor, the op­por­tu­nity that if we have not es­caped, will you be­tray Or­ga­ni­za­tion, isn't that right?”
Tay­lor ex­pres­sion one stiff, the look flashes through wipes flur­riedly, af­ter­ward forces to be calm: „Doc­tor, I have the ab­solute loy­alty to Or­ga­ni­za­tion.”
Dr. Revan hā hā has smiled, right hand has pressed down the enter key on key­board gen­tly.
Tay­lor was smiled by Dr. Revan can­not feel brains, but he turns the head to look at the com­puter screen time, the com­plex­ion be­comes very ugly.
Ten Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], are gath­er­ing at the Third Level space en­trance.
„This... This... This... Is im­pos­si­ble! Weren't they killed by [Titan Giant]? How to re­ac­ti­vate? Can Robot res­ur­rect?” Tay­lor some­what was say­ing in­co­her­ently.
How­ever, the pic­ture that the com­puter screen then demon­strates, why mak­ing Tay­lor un­der­stand. Be­cause, ten Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], nearby the cur­rently Third Level Un­der­ground space en­trance, be­fore re­or­ga­niz­ing the res­cue, dam­aged ten [Raider].
Mainly is the po­si­tion that helps the [Raider] de­for­ma­tion be dam­aged, car­ries on the ex­ter­nal force to rec­tify, thus saves the time that [Snow Sil­ver Metal] re­stores.
„You asked when we re­treat, I tell you now, we could not get away, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group. Robot that dis­patches, does not have ten!” The Dr. Revan ex­pres­sion is light, as if saw through the life and death to be the same.
The Tay­lor com­plex­ion fluc­tu­ates er­rat­i­cally, the look is more com­plex, about after 45 sec­onds, Tay­lor ex­pres­sion mean is star­ing at Dr. Revan, „doc­tor, you said right, [Hope] that if has not es­caped, I will choose to be­tray Or­ga­ni­za­tion! Be­cause, I can­not die, I have the rea­son that must go on liv­ing!” Tay­lor in­dif­fer­ent looks at Dr. Revan.
Dr. Revan has laughed at one, „can't die? No­body can­not die! Any­body died, is un­able to af­fect the Earth ro­ta­tion.”
Tay­lor light snort|hum, „doc­tor, has sorry, now looks like, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group won, to go on liv­ing, I must put out the be­trayal the sin­cer­ity, putting out let the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group sat­is­fac­tory sin­cer­ity. There­fore, Doc­tor, you now are my cap­tive, I will give Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group you. I be­lieve that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group will be cer­tainly in­ter­ested, cap­tures alive one to train the [Titan Giant] this Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter crea­ture sci­en­tist!”
Re­gard­ing in­so­lent of Tay­lor, Dr. Revan not any sur­prised, in­stead taunt looks at Tay­lor, „I am very cu­ri­ous, do you cap­ture me? If I see, your right hand has been in­jured se­ri­ously, even if our one-to-one duel, you should not be my match!”
Tay­lor sneers say­ing: „Doc­tor, do not for­get, I am here Se­cu­rity Su­per­vi­sor! My re­spon­si­bil­ity, be­sides pro­tect­ing your crea­ture sci­en­tists, mon­i­tors your priv­i­lege. There­fore, did you un­der­stand?”
„Oh! so it was orig­i­nally this!” Dr. Revan says with a smile coldly, „your opin­ion is, you have these Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter Con­trol Au­thor­ity. And, au­thor­ity that you have, but also above my au­thor­ity, isn't that right?”
„Right! Holds him!” The Tay­lor use in­jured left hand, has not been point­ing at Dr. Revan, or­ders two Chee­tah Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter.
How­ever, two Chee­tah Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter sim­ply have not moved!
Dr. Revan taunt looks at Tay­lor, „Tay­lor, you know that you are very piti­ful! They are I make com­pletely, you think re­ally that Or­ga­ni­za­tion re­stric­tion(s) chip au­thor­ity, I haven't dealt with the method?”
Tay­lor ex­pres­sion shock­ing looks at Dr. Revan, he as if also wanted to say any­thing time, Dr. Revan did not have the pa­tience to lis­ten to the Tay­lor idle talk again.
„Kills him!” Dr. Revan cold hum in­struc­tion.
Chee­tah Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, the right hand has de­lim­ited the neck of Tay­lor, the sharp claw rips open the throat of Tay­lor, keep­ing Tay­lor from re­volt­ing.
Tay­lor opened mouth, but the throat was torn, is un­able to say any word, in his eyes is re­main­ing to the at­tach­ment of life, may die is fair, any per­son is avoid­less.
Dr. Revan has not looked at Tay­lor again, but con­tin­ues to tell that four Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, „kills other sci­en­tific re­search per­son­nel!”
Two Chee­tah Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter flushed im­me­di­ately, two Titan Bee­tle Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter fol­low after that less than ten sec­onds, the piti­ful yell re­sounds!


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