Sunday, January 14, 2018

1741: Abundant harvest!?

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1741: Abundant harvest!?
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Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal, North Wing, Third Level Un­der­ground space. >\;=,
Sec­ond batch of ten [Raider] in the Third Level en­trance, are pro­cess­ing First batch of ten [Raider] sim­ply, strives to re­duce is dam­aged the [Raider] re­cov­ery time.
[Raider] that does not need to be dam­aged re­stores many bat­tle ef­fi­cien­cies, but re­stores the basic ac­tion.
Be­cause, the Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal un­usual cir­cum­stance, had been dis­cov­ered by NYPD as­pect, [Raider] that if dam­aged, is un­able to re­store in­clud­ing the basic ac­tion, the road of fol­low­ing be­com­ing a fugi­tive will be quite trou­ble­some.
„Sir, Sys­tem through the [Raider] sound plucker, dis­cov­ered that the Third Level space has the human the piti­ful yell sound.” [Izual] said through the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor re­port.
The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion slightly changes, brow wrin­kled.
The Tao Wenx­ian mind­less start to talk said: „Piti­ful yell? They had dis­cov­ered Sec­ond batch of [Raider] do enter? This is their De­spair and fright­ened piti­ful yell Right? hā hā hā!”
[Raphael] sighed: „Or­ga­ni­za­tion pol­icy-mak­ing per­son­nel in im­ple­ment Cleans­ing Op­er­a­tion.”
„What Cleans­ing Op­er­a­tion?” Tao Wenx­ian puz­zled ask­ing.
Shi Lei said back and forth to say: „To pre­vent to di­vulge a se­cret, Or­ga­ni­za­tion in the leader of this Un­der­ground space, de­cided to kill re­lated per­son­nel, thus avoided, be­cause re­lated per­son­nel was cap­tured by us, cre­ated tech­ni­cal di­vulging a se­cret. Re­ally was neg­li­gent, has not thought that the op­po­site party was so de­ci­sive!”
„Yes! The basic ne­go­ti­a­tions are not held, then chose has cleaned plan!” [Raphael] also bit­ter and as­trin­gent sec­ond­ing the mo­tion said.
Dr. Revan looks at the com­puter win­dow ten [Raider], the face mean­ing on taunt is ob­vi­ous. He thought aloud that opens the mouth say­ing: „Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group? Hēng!”
Four Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter re­turn to side Dr. Revan, since they moist­ened com­pletely the both hands of blood. Then can de­ter­mine come out, they al­ready ac­com­plish Task.
Dr. Revan has not paid at­ten­tion to four Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter. But turned around to move to­ward one to place the shelf of chem­i­cal. Dr. Revan has taken down sev­eral types of liq­uids from the shelf, ex­tracts a test tube con­ve­niently, mixed ac­cord­ing to the dif­fer­ent pro­por­tions the multi- clock liq­uid, fi­nally rocks evenly, has pro­duced a pale-blue liq­uid.
Dr. Revan looks at the pale-blue liq­uid, was only hes­i­tant, then has placed the mouth the test tube, raised head to drink, af­ter­ward nu­mer­ous fell the test tube on the ground.
‚[Je­ho­vah]. Grey­sen, [Hope] our next gen­er­a­tion, but can also the see you again later sur­face!’ On the Dr. Revan face has shown the un­der­stand­ing smil­ing face, walks to­ward Third Level and Sec­ond Level in­ter­face chan­nel.
When Dr. Revan saw [Raider], not any mood of fear, but the light start to talk said: „I must sur­ren­der!”
Shi Lei and Tao Wenx­ian have looked at each other one, [Raphael] in LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor con­struc­tion Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel, the sur­prised start to talk said: „This is un­sci­en­tific!”
Shi Lei also ex­pressed that this is un­sci­en­tific!
Only then Tao Wenx­ian has laughed, „hā hā. I un­der­stood, I un­der­stood!”
„What do you un­der­stand?” Shi Lei puz­zled looks at Tao Wenx­ian.
„Big Brother Stone, [Raphael], you guessed be­fore mis­tak­enly. This fel­low is not to pro­tect Or­ga­ni­za­tion se­cret, but has killed other peo­ple. He for him­self, he wants to sur­ren­der. But [Hope] is not known by other peo­ple, and he is afraid other peo­ple loyal to Or­ga­ni­za­tion. There­fore. He under the pre­text of loyal, has killed all peo­ple ahead of time. Fi­nally sur­ren­ders, has guar­an­teed con­fi­den­tial­ity.” Tao Wenx­ian said one.
„You think, now only then this fel­low per­son, we ac­cepted the sur­ren­der of this fel­low, we will def­i­nitely not pub­li­cize, isn't that right? Then, in Or­ga­ni­za­tion in­tel­li­gence in­for­ma­tion, this fel­low is a de­ceased per­son, Or­ga­ni­za­tion will not look for his trou­ble. The strat­egy of this fel­low, is sim­ply flaw­less! Has pro­tected own life per­fectly, will not be in­ves­ti­gated by Or­ga­ni­za­tion!” Tao Wenx­ian was say­ing with an ex­pres­sion of praise.
The [Raphael] hear the view of Tao Wenx­ian, after hav­ing pon­dered for sev­eral sec­onds, does not de­ter­mine say­ing: „Prob­a­bly some­what the ap­pear­ance of truth!”
The­ory that Tao Wenx­ian said that in­deed sev­eral points of truth, but Shi Lei ac­tu­ally does not be­lieve that Shi Lei felt in­dis­tinctly has any­thing not to suit.
Shi Lei has put through a [Raider] ex­ter­nal loud­speaker, uses pure Eng­lish to ask: „Do you sur­ren­der? Are you will­ing to be­tray Or­ga­ni­za­tion?”
„Yes! I want!” Dr. Revan af­fir­ma­tive reply.
A Shi Lei eye­ball rev­o­lu­tion , to con­tinue to in­quire: „Just that Giant crea­ture weapon, can you train?”
„That is Or­ga­ni­za­tion Most So­phis­ti­cated Bio­genet­ics Trans­for­ma­tion plan, named Last Giant: [Titan] plan. I am that plan pres­i­dent!” Dr. Revan says with a smile.
„I need all data about [Titan] plan!” Shi Lei im­me­di­ately sets the re­quest.
Dr. Revan has not ac­tu­ally com­plied with Shi Lei, but is point­ing at own head with the hand, „com­pletely here!”
Tao Wenx­ian looks at the Dr. Revan move­ment, sneers say­ing: „Has a look! This fel­low, wants in this man­ner, pro­tects his life!”
Shi Lei ac­tu­ally does not think!
Be­cause the per­for­mance of Dr. Revan was too tran­quil, he sim­ply does not have the feel­ing that the half minute dreads, such per­for­mance, is not one tries to sur­ren­der com­pletely, the fel­low who has the liv­ing on dis­hon­or­ably op­por­tu­nity, tran­quil­ity that can dis­play.
If Dr. Revan so fears death, he stands, in mo­men­tar­ily can kill in front of his [Raider], should not be so tran­quil ab­solutely. Even if Dr. Revan thinks that [Titan] plan can pro­tect his life, but so will not have the so calm per­for­mance.
Such calm tran­quil­ity, has a pos­si­bil­ity!
Fear­less life and death!
Only the true fear­less life and death, can no place to fear!
Dr. Revan ab­solutely do not sur­ren­der!
The Shi Lei com­plex­ion dras­tic change, told loudly: „[Izual]. In­ven­to­ries quickly in­ves­ti­gates the sur­round­ing sit­u­a­tion, sur­veys whether has the ex­plo­sive ma­te­r­ial!”
After the in­struc­tion. Shi Lei through the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, looks at Dr. Revan. In­ter­ro­gated: „You in pro­tracted time, right?”
Dr. Revan hā hā has laughed, has not spo­ken, but the an­swer was ob­vi­ous.
„Re­treats! [Izual], a bit faster re­treats! All [Raider] re­treat! Let com­plete [Raider] , help­ing un­able in­de­pen­dent mo­tion [Raider], a bit faster leaves the Un­der­ground space!” Shi Lei is bel­low­ing the in­struc­tion.
Tao Wenx­ian wants to speak, but looks at the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, bore has not opened the mouth.
twenty puts up [Raider] to start to evac­u­ate. Two [Raider], com­pletely lost the ac­tion. And had been hit the waist by [Titan Giant], al­most cre­ates the ef­fect of cut­ting in two at the waist. An­other is the both legs se­ri­ously dis­torts, ba­si­cally is un­able to move in­de­pen­dently.
Sec­ond batch of ten [Raider], as­sis­tor First batch of ten [Raider], fast leaves the Third Level Un­der­ground space.
Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem that the Third Level Un­der­ground space, six com­puter screens com­pose, is demon­strat­ing the count­down time, 15 sec­onds. En­tire Un­der­ground space im­ple­ment self-de­struc­tion ex­plodes pro­ce­dure.
The after ex­plo­sion pro­ce­dure of Un­der­ground space starts, has not been sim­i­lar to some Film and Tele­vi­sion works show, but also meets the em­a­na­tion voice prompt of Crazy, in­di­cated the ex­plo­sion sur­plus times of base.
Be­cause of Dr. Revan re­stric­tion(s) prompt. Starts Self-de­struct Sys­tem with the silent pat­tern. Ac­cord­ing to the Self-de­struct Sys­tem might, not only the en­tire Un­der­ground space wants the tragedy, per­haps Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal North Wing. Also thor­oughly by De­stroy.
In even though some re­gions of build­ing, are not pos­si­bly able to es­cape death by a hair's breadth.
„Speed again a bit faster!” Shi Lei is bel­low­ing.
LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen. A twenty green lu­mi­nous spot, rep­re­sents twenty to put up [Raider]. They are mov­ing fast.
The Fifth sec­ond, they leave from the Third Level space, and has passed through the Sec­ond Level space \; The Eighth sec­ond, they ar­rive at the First Level Un­der­ground space.
But First Level Un­der­ground space en­trance, to­gether sin­cere metal front door, cur­rently merge slowly. From the metal front door sil­ver-white color, then can dis­tin­guish, that is the front door of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] man­u­fac­ture!
Under Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion, [Izual] made the de­ci­sion in­de­pen­dently, [Izual] has got­ten rid of two com­plete loss of mo­bil­ity [Raider]!
The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was demon­strat­ing the de­ci­sion that [Izual] makes, 18 have [Raider] of ac­tion, be­fore [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door thor­ough close, ran out of the Un­der­ground space.
Two loss of mo­bil­ity [Raider], stayed in in­side.
The Twelfth sec­ond, 18 [Raider] leave the North Wing range, they have not hur­ried to to­ward build­ing, but is runs to the east side di­rectly crazily, af­ter­ward plunged into the East River.
Waits for out­side ten [Raider], plunged into the East River, leaves Roo­sevelt Is­land to­gether.
[Izual] in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, demon­strated that a route of with­drawal, sur­plus Twenty-eight have put up [Raider], en­ters Hud­son River through the East River, then hides in Hud­son River.
Once there is any un­usual cir­cum­stance, they can through Hud­son River, enter in the sea any­time and any­where, thus leaves Li Jian Na­tion thor­oughly.
Shi Lei looks at the [Izual]'s dis­posal plan, nod­ded to ex­press sat­is­fac­tion. Just sit­u­a­tion was ur­gent, [Izual] de­ter­mine came out, the clos­ing speed of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] front door.
If not give up two loss of mo­bil­ity [Raider], per­haps will also com­pen­sate two mo­tion nor­mal [Raider]. There­fore, [Izual] must make the de­ci­sion. Mean­while, [Izual] has not waited for the Shi Lei's order.
If waited for that Shi Lei makes de­ter­mine, in run­away process of rac­ing against time, loss is not two [Raider], but are more are more.
„hōng ~”
Twenty-eight puts up the [Raider] am­bush in the East River, and swims away to Hud­son River. Shi Lei has con­trolled Roo­sevelt Is­land nearby Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era, saw Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal, had the fierce ex­plo­sion.
In Dark, flame of fierce ex­plo­sion shoots up to the sky, has al­most il­lu­mi­nated en­tire Roo­sevelt Is­land...


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