HK :: VOLUME #18
#1764: Invalid attack!
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[Duke] disseminated the Shi Lei death and Mirror Science and Technology Group divides the rumor that the disintegration analyzed, that was because, [Duke] [Hope] entered Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network black, thus obtained Mirror Science and Technology Group Core Mechanical Technology data.
However, [Duke] does not know that Shi Lei has not died!
Shi Lei with the aid of playing dead information, from changed to the hidden place in public, on a grand scale hunts down [Duke] in Shuangqing City. However, Shi Lei also has wrong information.
Initially [Jehovah] gave Shi Lei's information, was wrong. [Duke] image information that Shi Lei has, at is not true [Duke].
[Duke] has Xia Nation Raised Identity ‚Luo Jianshu’, with the aid of this identity, [Duke] escaped investigate of Mirror Science and Technology Group cooperation influence.
[Duke], is Shi Lei, information of both sides is not coordinated, each other has the inferiority, each other has the superiority.
Emerald Building Basement Fifth Floor.
Shi Lei explained with a smile, „[Duke] in Shuangqing City, you knows Right?”
Tao Wenxian and [Raphael] affirmative response.
„We in the raid of Shuangqing City, look like do not progress at present. I have to admire, the [Duke] hideaway ability is very formidable!” Shi Lei praised one, afterward continues saying that „, but, regardless of [Duke] hideaway technology good, finally he will walk into a trap!”
„Why?” Inquiry of Tao Wenxian direct doubts. „[Duke] not that silly Right?”
[Raphael] has not spoken, he understands obviously that Shi Lei has certainly plan, making [Duke] walk into a trap finally.
„Is very simple! Just Mu Shuang reminded me, [Duke] target is our Group Mechanical Technology!” Shi Lei replied with a smile.
Tao Wenxian frowns saying: „Including [Dawn] and [Raider] these Mechanical Technology?”
[Raphael] actually straighter moon's orbit: „Should be our new Power Source technology Right?”
„Right! Most Core target. Naturally is our new Power Source technologies. [Duke] will certainly attempt to invade our Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network, thus attempts in Internal Network, seeks for the technology about new Power Source!” Shi Lei said with a smile.
Tao Wenxian knows that more inside stories, contemptuous cold snort|hum, „[Duke] was impossible to succeed!”
Tao Wenxian opinion is. Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network, has the protection of [Izual] and [Endless Defense] System, [Duke] is absolutely impossible to break [Endless Defense] System.
Moreover, Tao Wenxian also knows the essence of new Power Source technology, even if [Duke] obtained [N235 Metal] data, is impossible to make [N235 Metal] -based Power Source Core.
The reason lies. [N235 Metal] manufacture -based Power Source Core, but also needs Ultra-high Speed Multi-frequency Electric Current Stimulator, carries on the final activation to release the energy. If not know that Ultra-high Speed Multi-frequency Electric Current Stimulator corresponding frequency, is absolutely impossible to succeed to activate [N235 Metal].
Because of these two reasons, Tao Wenxian indicated. [Duke] is absolutely impossible to succeed.
[Raphael] is consistent with the view of Tao Wenxian, „, I also believe that [Duke] is impossible to succeed!”
The Shi Lei nod has affirmed them, „your views are consistent with me! [Duke] wants to break Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network defense, that possibility is almost zero. A situation, [Duke] may enter Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network.”
[Raphael] said curiously: „What situation?”
[Raphael] ponders fast in in the heart that is actually any situation. Can make [Duke] enter Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network.
But, [Raphael] has pondered many plans, is unable to break through the [Izual] arrangement [Endless Defense] System. He can only inquire the Shi Lei concrete answer.
„[Jazz], your brat guesses that obtains?” Shi Lei spoke thoughtlessly to inquire Tao Wenxian, did not expect that Tao Wenxian can guess to obtain, after all Tao Wenxian most situations were not reasonable.
However, Tao Wenxian actually guessed correctly!
„[Duke] enters Emerald Building, uses Mirror Science and Technology Group Child Company internal computer. Then can enter Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network with ease.” After Tao Wenxian said that looked to Shi Lei. The inquiry said that „Big Brother Stone. Should be this situation Right?”
Hacker invasion, not merely only then sits in front of computer invades. If facing sealing up System, or is defense formidable System, then needs Hacker to go into action personally.
[Duke] wants to invade Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network, is unable to break through in the [Endless Defense] System situation, only then such a choice!
Shi Lei strange looked at Tao Wenxian, nods saying: „Right! My plan, exactly as stated to ignore [Duke] entered Emerald Building, when [Duke] implement inquired Mirror Science and Technology Group internal network, we acted to seize [Duke].”
Tao Wenxian frowns saying: „Big Brother Stone, if, enters the Emerald Building fellow, is [Duke] Clone Body?”
„Is impossible!” Shi Lei says with a smile, „Emerald Building has comprehensive information Defense System, aims at software, aims at hardware. If arranges Clone Body to enter Emerald Building, Communications Equipment of Clone Body within the body, will then be surveyed by information Defense System, thus communication between interference Clone Body and [Duke], causes the connection to stop.”
Nod of Tao Wenxian clear as, „so it was originally this! Like this said that [Duke] personally will certainly enter Emerald Building?”
„Right!” Shi Lei affirms to say.
Now is on the morning of June 6 just crossed, Shi Lei has had a yawn, told: „Phinney, [Jazz], you rest! I estimated that [Duke] tonight not attack, he also in Shuangqing City, even, he also needs to adjust the time difference, now should rest, we do not use he.”
„But...” Tao Wenxian somewhat hesitant wish said anything, but was broken by Shi Lei.
„Not, but! Relax, even if there is any contingency, [Izual] momentarily will also inform us.” Shi Lei has patted clapping, hints them to sleep.
After Shi Lei is only the simple confession , the choice enters the sleep mode.
A night lives in peace with each other.
Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network, has not really encountered [Duke] attack. Obviously, [Duke] also analyzed has invaded the Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network difficulty.
On June 6, 8 : 00 am 12 differences.
[Izual] issues the urgent notice, has awakened Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian, including in North Ossetia [Raphael], was called to get out of bed by [Izual].
„Sir, Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, currently withstands attack!” [Izual] in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, is demonstrating the related content.
[Izual] Shi Lei three people of LIP Lens-type Information Processor, has connected encryption Voice Communication Channel, facilitates them to exchange.
Has encountered attack regarding Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, Shi Lei is not accidental.
„Phinney, [Jazz], gave you to process, I cannot get rid, so as to avoid [Duke] discovered my existence!” Shi Lei was illustrating the [say / way].
Once [Duke] discovered that Shi Lei had not died, perhaps draws support from ‚Luo Jianshu’ Raised Identity, [Duke] will escape to leave Shuangqing City, thus vanishes in Dark.
Based on information that Shi Lei grasps, if Shi Lei wants to discover [Duke] once more, absolutely is not an easy matter. Even, [Duke] may also start once more assassinates Shi Lei's plan.
„Relax!” [Raphael] simple replied, after saying, [Raphael] then entered Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, started to resist to invade data flow.
[Raphael] with invading data flow just resisted for two minutes, [Raphael] has then opened the mouth saying: „Really is [Duke]!”
„You can block Right?” the Shi Lei inquiry to say.
The [Raphael] self-confident response, „does not have issue! Based on [Interweave Net Miwang] and Supercomputer [Lightning], [Izual]'s is auxiliary, although I am unable to defeat [Duke], but defends Forum Safety, absolutely does not have issue.”
As the [Raphael] voice just fell, invades Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum data flow, promoted ten times has continued suddenly!
[Duke] mobilized the Supercomputer amon13 resources obviously!
Beiyu District, some pub.
[Duke] currently operates Notebook Computer, attempts to invade Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, [Duke] wants to enter Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network, at least must open the gap of Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network system, can smoothly enter.
However, [Duke] underestimated Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum obviously!
„[Raphael]? H Organization that mysterious World Summit Grade Hacker?” [Duke] meditates to talk to oneself that he in the invasion of Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, has encountered Mirror Science and Technology Group snipe, according to the operation characteristics of opposite party, [Duke] was guessing opposite party identity.
Tao Wenxian is not World Summit Grade Hacker, but after has joined h Organization, promote ascend to World Summit Grade Hacker.
Therefore, the Tao Wenxian reputation does not reveal, temporarily not by World Summit Grade Hacker circle understanding!
[Duke] not clear Tao Wenxian identity, but this does not affect the invasion of [Duke]. [Duke] thinks after accomplish has killed the Shi Lei's ultimate goal, simply has not placed in other people the eye.
h Organization World Summit Grade Hacker. In the Devil Organization eye, or in the [Duke] eye, merely has a Shi Lei person to be threatening.
As for other people, [Raphael]?
[Raphael] formerly is Angel Parliament Fourth Giant, [Raphael] does not know [Duke], but [Duke] actually clear [Raphael] details.
[Duke] does not care about [Raphael], if in the situation of same level resources, [Duke] can relaxed victorious [Raphael]!
[Duke] invades Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, although has encountered the resistance, and causes invasion invalid, but [Duke] least bit not anxious, instead anticipated.
Because of h Organization Expert, stopping him to enter Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network, explained big issue!
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
1764: Invalid attack

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