HK :: VOLUME #18
#1765: Amon14, goes all out!
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Under normal conditions, most advanced technique or top-secret data, not data preservation, but will choose the paper storage.
even though chooses the data preservation, will choose to isolate the Internet Environment preservation, but non- stores up in having the Internet Environment equipment.
This did not mean that stores up the most advanced technique or top-secret data in having the Internet Environment equipment, a exactly as stated Shithead behavior.
A any choice, has the respective advantages.
If chooses the most advanced technique or top-secret data, by the way preservation of paper, although has isolated thoroughly by the possibility that Hacker steals, but will produce new issue.
Paper data in real world, was stolen, photocopying, photograph easily wait / etc., even an extreme point situation, may by the enemy forcefully attack storage paper data taking care place.
For example Mirror Science and Technology Group new Power Source data, if chooses the paper preservation plan, do not say. Devil Organization, exactly as stated Mirror Science and Technology Group intimate partner Rongcheng Military District, may have the crooked thoughts.
As for isolating Internet Environment storage plan, seemed like synthesized the dual superiority of paper storage plan and Internet Environment storage plan, and significant attenuated both's shortcoming. But in fact, this is also a storage way of failure.
Isolates Internet Environment to store up data, then means the owner unable the remote management, once met Emergency Situation, cannot effectively solve the difficult problem.
This storage plan, has the paper data storage plan similarly all sorts of weakness, even is more obvious.
For example, Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Mystical Thief Group of Shi Lei, they , to steal to seal up Network System data. Only needs a Wireless network equipment, installs secretly sealing up Network System, then can long-distance stealing data.
According to the Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Mystical Thief Group skill, has after perhaps stolen data, is unable to be discovered any trail!
Therefore. Isolates Internet Environment to store up the data way, is not the good method, can only be an alternative plan.
Although regardless of paper storage plan, isolates the Internet Environment storage plan, is not the perfect plan, but this does not mean. Has the Internet Environment storage plan is the good plan!
In fact, has the Internet Environment storage plan obviously, the shortcoming also . The biggest shortcoming, exactly as stated was invaded by Hacker easily, even was stolen data by Hacker.
As for merit. Then is the owner can the rapid reaction, provides the solution.
When Hacker invasion, so long as the technology of owner is wise enough, stores up data equipment Defense System to be formidable enough, then can stop the intruder, does not fear the intruder.
Mirror Science and Technology Group has formidable Network Technology, in addition the data sensitivity, not the suitable paper storage and isolates the Internet Environment storage. Naturally chose had the Internet Environment storage plan.
[Duke] invades Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, has encountered the resistance of h Organization, this makes [Duke] understand. Mirror Science and Technology Group Core data, definitely stores up in Internal Network, but has not used the paper data storage, or isolates the Internet Environment storage plan.
This also means that so long as [Duke] broke Mirror Science and Technology Group internal Network Defense, then has the opportunity to obtain Mirror Science and Technology Group most Core data information.
„[Butler]. I need the amon14 resources!” [Duke] told.
„Sir [Duke], according to your authority. It is not able to obtain the amon14 resources!” The [Butler] response said.
Regarding is unable to obtain the Supercomputer amon14 resources, [Duke] early has the expectation. Initially. [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen], after having taken back amon13 and amon14 authority, then has made the authority adjustment of correspondence.
By [Duke] authority, can only transfer Supercomputer amon13, but is unable to transfer amon14.
„Activates the [Savior] procedure!” [Duke] told.
Devil Organization Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System [Butler], this time has not rejected the order of [Duke], but was implement.
„The currently implement [Savior] procedure, Main System starts determine High Grade authority...” [Butler] related information, will demonstrate on the [Duke] Notebook Computer screen.
„High Grade authority Marquis [Aamon], cancelled...”
„High Grade authority [Satan] Duke, is unable to obtain contact, according to Main System Logical Judgement, [Satan] Duke died, corresponds authority to freeze temporarily...”
„High Grade authority Duke [Amdusias], died, the authorization stops.”
„High Grade authority [Eligor] Duke and High Grade authority [Agares] Duke, according to information of Main System collection, died in the State of Nevada s17 base, the authorization stops.”
„Requested through High Grade authority [Duke] that the [Savior] procedure starts accomplish, temporarily awards [Duke] complete authority, till by Super Authority cancelled!”
[Butler] one after another sends out to prompt information, obviously the [Butler] interior, has certain determine pattern . The Devil Organization Core Member quantity reduces to the certain extent time, then can start named ‚saving’ procedure.
[Duke] through ‚saving’ procedure, obtained the [Butler] temporary complete authorization.
„[Butler], prepares amon14 computing resources!” [Duke] has issued the order once more.
This time, [Butler] has not rejected directly, but is responds: „currently examines Supercomputer amon14 to calculate Task, does not have Super Authority authorization Task, currently transmits related Task to stop informing, currently reorganizes Supercomputer amon14 computing resources, please wait a moment...”
[Duke] is waiting for patiently, Supercomputer amon14 is. Devil Organization Core Supercomputer. Devil Organization develops the Biological Gene Technology key computation strength, exactly as stated Supercomputer amon14 provides.
About after a half minute, [Butler] has given the prompt once more, „Sir [Duke]. Supercomputer amon14 prepares accomplish!”
On [Duke] front notebook screen, was demonstrating Supercomputer amon14 computing resources, has 1200 tflops Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources fully!
equivalent to Supercomputer [Lightning] four times!
Supercomputer amon13 and amon14 computing resources adds, has been the 1700 tflops degree, and is Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources.
[Duke] to break Mirror Science and Technology Group Network Defense. Obviously is prepares to go all out!
At present, Mirror Science and Technology Group Network Defense, demonstrated the defense intensity, synthesizes probably to be only the 500 tflops Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources degree.
Although the [Endless Defense] System attack defense proportion is splendid, but faces 1700 tflops Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources attack time, there is a possibility tragedy.
This [Endless Defense] System is not very actually powerful. But is Loose Distribution Computing Resources that [Interweave Net Miwang] provides is not very powerful. computing resources that so long as a [Interweave Net Miwang] fluctuation, provides slightly is unable to arrive on time, [Endless Defense] System will then collapse.
[Duke] gathered Supercomputer amon13 and amon14 computing resources, has stopped slightly the attack rhythm, making Mirror Science and Technology Group defense relax vigilantly. Afterward immediately launched the sharp big attack.
When 1700 tflops Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources, is similar to Tsunami same attack Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum time, Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum presents the browsing to be slow immediately, situation that even is unable to provide the service.
The [Raphael] First time calls out in alarm, „, the situation is not wonderful!”
Shi Lei had discovered does not suit, told loudly: „[Jazz], a bit faster investment fight. Helps Phinney resist attack!” After saying, Shi Lei continues to tell, „[Izual]. Activates the [Interweave Net Miwang] d procedure!”
d, overseed!
Through computing resources that enhancing each d derives, making [Interweave Net Miwang] obtain many computing resources. According to the [Interweave Net Miwang] huge degree, in does not affect in the user situation, [Interweave Net Miwang] are most almost can obtain 8000 tflops Loose Distribution Computing Resources.
Although analyzes from data merely, 8000 tflops has gone far beyond 1700 tflops. But in fact, 8000 tflops is Loose Distribution Computing Resources. But 1700 tflops is Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources.
Both at all are not a concept!
Even if neglects very many issue, has included the uniformity, coordination, delay wait / etc.. According to very simple proportion conversion, 8000 tflops Loose Distribution Computing Resources, most also on equivalent to 1000 tflops Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources, even has the 800 tflops Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources degree.
Although adds on 300 tflops Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources that Supercomputer [Lightning] provides again, falls behind [Duke] control 1700 tflops Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources, but will not differ too much eventually, does not have the performance and computing resources gap.
Depends upon [Endless Defense] System, but can also prevent!
If no computing resources that [Interweave Net Miwang] provides, does not have d to derive many [Interweave Net Miwang] resources, has Supercomputer [Lightning] merely, perhaps facing threatening [Duke], Mirror Science and Technology Group internal Network Defense, already directly collapsed!
Luckily, Shi Lei already had foreknowledge, has constructed [Interweave Net Miwang], as one of the Mirror Science and Technology Group cards in a hand, protects the Mirror Science and Technology Group network environment.
[Interweave Net Miwang] in the Hacker war, has played the important role repeatedly!
[Duke] and Tao Wenxian and [Raphael], have attacked continuously close a half hour, finally dejected gave up directly through the network invasion, breaks Mirror Science and Technology Group Network Defense plan.
[Duke] simply has not thought that Mirror Science and Technology Group can assemble such many computing resources unexpectedly!
‚It seems like, can only in presently World, attempt to enter Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network!’ [Duke] in the heart is thinking secretly.
Although through the real world way, enters Mirror Science and Technology Group Internal Network, has the certain extent danger, but this does not have the means of means.
And looks like in [Duke], current situation, is the best opportunity!
Once has missed the present good opportunity, perhaps does not have the opportunity again, gains the Mirror Science and Technology Group acme and new technology. Fortunately, [Duke] already expected this situation, and has made scheduled plan.
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
1765: Amon14, goes all out!

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