Monday, December 4, 2017

1000: The misunderstanding of mistake arising out of chance circumstances! 

HK :: VOLUME #10
#1000: The misunderstanding of mistake arising out of chance circumstances! 【Thousand chapters】
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Rudy Build­ing rooftop.
Under Shi Lei's in­duces in proper order, [Raphael] has sus­pected [Gabriel] se­cretly, ex­actly as stated mys­te­ri­ous [Mr. M]!
Shi Lei is not will­ing to kill [Raphael] and [Gabriel], the most im­por­tant fac­tor, be­cause of the Shi Lei cloth a giant bu­reau, planned [Raphael] and [Gabriel] com­pletely. Shi Lei [Hope] shoul­ders Angel Par­lia­ment in fights, mak­ing [Raphael] cope with [Gabriel].
Thinks that in Angel Par­lia­ment Two Great Gi­ants fights, Shi Lei then thinks the in­com­pa­ra­ble hap­pi­ness!
Even if [Raphael] is not the [Gabriel] match, but can let the Angel Par­lia­ment in­te­rior tur­bu­lence, Shi Lei has then sat­is­fied. If the [Raphael] per­for­mance re­sults in a pow­er­ful point, has killed [Gabriel], that is the most per­fect re­sult.
[Raphael] Raised Iden­tity is Phin­ney Dulles, the real name called Alan Rey­burn. He is an­cient Rey­burn Fam­ily Sec­ond Po­si­tion heir, the Rey­burn Fam­ily strength is for­mi­da­ble, [Raphael] is so ram­pant in Angel Par­lia­ment, in­clud­ing to Sec­ond Giant [Gabriel] should not Es­teemed, ex­actly as stated, be­cause has the Rey­burn Fam­ily strength, sup­ports the [Raphael] be­hav­ior in the back.
Mr. Dulles, or is Mr. [Raphael], gives you a friend­ship to prompt, if you know [Mr. M] real iden­tity, you best care­ful. Ac­cord­ing to the sit­u­a­tion of Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group analy­sis, [Mr. M] is grasp­ing very for­mi­da­ble per­sonal in­flu­ence. Once [Mr. M] dis­cov­ered that you know per­haps his real iden­tity, your life safety, is un­able to be safe­guarded! Shi Lei showed a wee bit good in­ten­tions.
This Shi Lei cares about [Raphael] life safety ac­tu­ally, but in car­ry­ing on a psy­cho­log­i­cal sug­ges­tion, mak­ing in the heart of [Raphael] mul­ti­ply a con­cept, that guards against [Gabriel], and can­not make [Gabriel] know that [Raphael] is sus­pect­ing him.
Shi Lei quite clear [Raphael] dis­po­si­tion. If Shi Lei in the [Raphael] heart, planter next does not let the seed of his vig­i­lant [Gabriel], per­haps [Raphael] the Idiot, will turn around then to look for the [Gabriel] con­fir­ma­tion.
Ac­cord­ing to [Gabriel] wis­dom, in the [Raphael] piti­ful method, will be seen through by the [Gabriel] First time ab­solutely, then frus­trates [Raphael], and ha­rasses Shi Lei's Plan.
On the [Raphael] face re­veals wipes to hes­i­tate , he au­to­mat­i­cally [Gabriel] that Shi Lei said that has sub­sti­tuted. [Gabriel] in­deed is grasp­ing very for­mi­da­ble per­sonal in­flu­ence. If [Gabriel] is re­ally [Mr. M], and [Raphael] looks for the [Gabriel] con­fronta­tion, then [Gabriel], but may also kill to draw him re­ally!
‚Nar­row squeak!’ The back of [Raphael], has seeped out the dense and nu­mer­ous cold sweat. If not Shi Lei re­minds him, [Raphael] also re­ally pre­pares to look for [Gabriel] to con­front. ‚Shi Lei re­minded me luck­ily. Oth­er­wise. [Black Hand] of [Gabriel] def­i­nitely under to me!’
Al­though [Raphael] some­what is proud ex­tremely ar­ro­gantly, but [Raphael] is not Idiot, basic self-knowl­edge, [Raphael] had. [Raphael] be­hind fam­ily, in­deed has very for­mi­da­ble en­ergy, be­cause of fam­ily strength. [Raphael] also in­deed not pays at­ten­tion to [Gabriel].
How­ever, [Raphael] is clear, if his ex­plicit per­for­mance knows that [Gabriel] is [Mr. M], more­over [Gabriel] is re­ally [Mr. M]. [Gabriel] will def­i­nitely kill him!
This point is with­out a doubt!
Thanks Mr. Shi, I knew, I will be care­ful! In [Raphael] ex­pres­sion, a sin­cere fla­vor.
Shi Lei added a quirk: Mr. Dulles, my ac­tu­ally propo­si­tion. Our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, lost [Mr. M], does not know that you are in­ter­ested, joins our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group?
In­vited [Raphael] to join Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, this ab­solutely was the Shi Lei's wicked in­ter­est!
If [Raphael] has joined Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, that be­came Shi Lei's sub­or­di­nate(s). What mat­ter has, serves for one­self using enemy is more re­freshed than?
This ab­solutely is the most re­freshed re­tal­i­a­tion!
Fac­ing Shi Lei on be­half of the olive branch that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group threw, [Raphael] shakes the head to re­ject, was one of the Angel Par­lia­ment Four Great Gi­ants, [Raphael] can­not serve for other Or­ga­ni­za­tion. Al­though the [Raphael] com­par­i­son de­spises Sec­ond Giant [Gabriel], but re­gard­ing Angel Par­lia­ment First Giant, [Raphael] does not pre­pare to pro­voke.
sorry for the in­con­ve­nience, Mr. Shi, I can­not join Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, thank your good in­ten­tion! [Raphael] has not ex­plained the rea­son, Mr. Shi, I have got­ten down first, mat­ter about [Mr. M], if there is lat­est news, I will in­form your.
Move­ment that Shi Lei has made in­vi­ta­tion, Mr. Dulles, wish all your smooth! We get down to­gether, so as to avoid crg Con­trol Risk Group pro­duced any­thing to mis­un­der­stand.
[Raphael] has not spo­ken, is only the nod.
They down­ward were walk­ing abreast in row, re­turned to the scene of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Gamer thanks meet­ing. After en­ter­ing the con­fer­ence site, Shi Lei then sep­a­rates with [Raphael], Shi Lei walks to­ward Xiao Bo, the right hand places side the thigh, the five fin­gers in a dis­or­derly way are rap­ping, this is through Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era, by the ges­ture order to [Izual] rout­ing di­rec­tive.
‚[Izual], mon­i­tors tar­get [Raphael] and tar­get [Gabriel]. Main­tains the en­tire jour­ney mon­i­tor­ing, uses lip lan­guage analy­sis, records all di­alogs of tar­get.’
In the Blue­tooth ear­phone, the [Izual] ice-cold sound re­sounds, yes , sir. The order re­ceives, started im­ple­ment!
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Gamer thanks meet­ing, an­other side of event.
[Raphael] and Shi Lei sep­a­rate, he has first car­ried one cup of whiskey, has drunk a big mouth, not waits for him to drink the Sec­ond mouth the time, the [Gabriel] mediocre sound re­sounds.
Is the sit­u­a­tion how is it? [Gabriel] stands in [Raphael] side, the left hand car­ries one glass of cock­tails, the right hand is tak­ing a cake, the cor­ners of the mouth place even also has the cream resid­ual trace, does not pay great at­ten­tion to own ex­ter­nal image.
This slightly sloppy image, is only the cam­ou­flage of [Gabriel]. [Gabriel] dis­plays a Or­di­nary per­son, the sit­u­a­tion that should dis­play, him, in­te­grated dur­ing the life of Or­di­nary per­son com­pletely.
[Raphael] had not replied im­me­di­ately, but has drunk big whiskey again, opens the mouth say­ing: Passed awful! Shi Lei does not know that [Mr. M] in­for­ma­tion, we to the [Mr. M] mat­ter, know noth­ing as be­fore.
Right? The brow of [Gabriel] wrin­kles. Should not! Shi Lei def­i­nitely knows the [Mr. M] mat­ter! Al­though their con­tact is few, but Shi Lei has cer­tainly dis­cov­ered [Mr. M] some in­for­ma­tion!
[Raphael] has swept knit­ting the brows [Gabriel], he holds the words that [Gabriel] spoke sen­si­tively, ‚[Gabriel] [Gabriel], you know that Shi Lei and [Mr. M] con­tact is few? You know that Shi Lei has cer­tainly dis­cov­ered some [Mr. M] in­for­ma­tion? Only if you are [Mr. M], how oth­er­wise do you pos­si­bly know?’
[Raphael] is an­a­lyz­ing con­ceit­edly. This analy­sis, feel­ing also some­what truth!
[Raphael] is not [Gabriel], he does not know the [Gabriel] lay­out and arrange­ment. [Gabriel] in­ves­ti­gate Shi Lei, [Gabriel] has al­ready known that Shi Lei and [Mr. M] form the time of agent re­la­tions not to be long. Since the time is not long, among them con­tact, nat­u­rally can­not too much.
[Gabriel] said that to­tally stems from the basic log­i­cal de­duc­tion, but is not the sit­u­a­tion of [Raphael] analy­sis.
Some­times, cer­tain lan­guages, often can be an­a­lyzed many mean­ings. But in fact. Does not have the mean­ing that these an­a­lyze, per­haps merely is only pure a few words.
The mat­ter that [Gabriel], Shi Lei knows is few. How­ever, Shi Lei promises us, can jointly cope with [Mr. M] with us. [Raphael] this point does not have say a lie ac­tu­ally. Shi Lei is also such pledges to him.
The brow of [Gabriel] is wrin­kling as be­fore, ‚damn [Raphael] Idiot. Is it pos­si­ble that was this fel­low screws up the mat­ter? What flaw was he is seen by Shi Lei?’
[Gabriel]. I pre­pared to walk first, the ac­tiv­ity of this any Gamer thanks meet­ing, you con­tin­ued to stay here to play, I did not have the free time to ac­com­pany Shi Lei this lit­tle ras­cal to play nois­ily! Re­main­ing whiskey of [Raphael] in the cup, has drunk.
[Gabriel] nod­ded, fi­nally said: I will arrange Thir­teenth Squadron to de­liver you to go back. On road care­ful, [Mr. M] stared at you, spunks up, do not lose one's life in vain!
[Gabriel] stemmed from the good in­ten­tion. Ex­horts [Raphael] to pay at­ten­tion to Safety, and also dis­patches Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps, Thir­teenth Main War Squad es­corts [Raphael].
But the Shi Lei de­sign has framed [Gabriel], mak­ing [Raphael] be­lieve that [Gabriel] is [Mr. M]. There­fore, the [Gabriel] good in­ten­tion, im­me­di­ately has be­come in the [Raphael] eye the evil in­ten­tion.
‚hēng hēng! Damn [Gabriel], is he test­ing me? To in­ves­ti­gate, did I know his ex­actly as stated [Mr. M] real iden­tity? Also must dis­patch Thir­teenth Main War Squad to de­liver me, clearly mon­i­tors me! Said that any [Mr. M] stared at me, orig­i­nally was you stared me!’ In the heart of [Raphael], has flashed through sev­eral ideas in a flash.
Had con­sid­ered ten sev­eral sec­onds, [Raphael] can only ac­cept [Gabriel] ‚good in­ten­tion’, good, [Gabriel], [Hope] your per­son, can pro­tect me!
[Gabriel] has not lis­tened to opin­ion that in the [Raphael] ex­pres­sion im­plied, but said: You go to the pre­vi­ous place I, after wait­ing for the ac­tiv­ity of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany to fin­ish, I then went back to look for you. Right, [Raphael], what need do you have to tell me?
[Raphael] firm shak­ing the head, did not have, I be­lieve firmly that Shi Lei any­thing does not know!
Good! Since this, you go back first, I wait / etc. went back again! [Gabriel] no longer in­quired [Raphael].
[Raphael] turns around then the exit to­ward event to walk, in the flash of turn­ing around, [Raphael] pulls out cell phone, is edit­ing the SMS con­tent, then put out Shi Lei to give his name card, trans­mit­ted Text Mes­sage to Shi Lei.
[Gabriel] cur­rently walks to Shi Lei, he needs to prove the [Raphael] con­clu­sion. Be­fore he ap­proaches Shi Lei, Shi Lei in cell phone of Li Jian Na­tion use, re­ceived in­for­ma­tion sud­denly.
sir, trans­mits the Text Mes­sage cell phone num­ber, was reg­is­tered in the name of Phin­ney Dulles. [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
On the Shi Lei face shows the happy ex­pres­sion, he looks at the Text Mes­sage con­tent, ‚is care­ful May­orksa John­son, he may be the [Mr. M] in­former, I am un­able to de­ter­mine now, but also is col­lect­ing plen­tier ev­i­dence.’
[Raphael] dis­closed se­cret in­for­ma­tion to Shi Lei's, has not spo­ken the truth, but with way of beat­ing around the bush, in­di­cated that can­not be­lieve May­orksa John­son. When Shi Lei has read off Text Mes­sage, [Raphael] is look­ing to­ward Shi Lei that Shi Lei has se­lected under one to [Raphael] slightly.
Has fed back in­for­ma­tion [Raphael], hav­ing the heavy heart to leave, he does not know how should plan [Gabriel], probes [Gabriel], can make [Gabriel] ap­pear the pri­mary form.
[Gabriel] has not paid at­ten­tion to de­par­ture of [Raphael], he is car­ry­ing the cock­tail, slowly moved to­ward Shi Lei...


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