Monday, December 4, 2017

1001: battle of wits [Raphael], fire in one's backyard?

HK :: VOLUME #11
#1001: battle of wits [Raphael], fire in one's backyard? 【1001 nights】
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[Gabriel] and Shi Lei's re­late very strangely, it may be said that is both teacher and friends.
‚for­merly’ in Angel Par­lia­ment, Shi Lei is per­son­nel of Sec­ond Giant clique. Angel Par­lia­ment Sec­ond Giant and First Giant have not imag­ined the har­mony, among them has the bat­tle re­peat­edly.
Some time, [Gabriel] has got­ten drunk time, but also in­dis­tinct dis­closed that in his hand was grasp­ing the First Giant han­dle, mak­ing First Giant not dare to act rashly.
Was only a pity that Shi Lei can­not be trusted by [Gabriel] com­pletely, from the [Gabriel] mouth, has not ob­tained the First Giant han­dle.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, the Gamer thanks can the event.
The [Gabriel] left hand car­ries the red wine, right hand is tak­ing a nap­kin, the cur­rently clean­ing up cor­ners of the mouth resid­ual cream.
„Sir, tar­get [Gabriel] cur­rently ap­proaches, ac­cord­ing to Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture Analy­sis, tar­get [Gabriel] does not have Dan­ger.” The [Izual] ice-cold un­feel­ing sound, re­sounds in the Blue­tooth ear­phone.
Shi Lei does not like Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, uses Human Emo­tion Em­u­la­tion Sim­u­la­tion Mod­ule, sim­u­lates the human ex­pres­sion to talk with him. He does not like, with­out any spe­cial rea­son.
Shi Lei re­ceived cell phone, the right hand is car­ry­ing the less than half cup red wine, left bracelet hugs in the waist, on the face is hav­ing the in­dif­fer­ent look, is tak­ing a fast look around Gamer of en­tire event.
When Shi Lei as if, took a fast look around [Gabriel] time, Shi Lei lifted the right hand was grasp­ing the less than half cup red wine, on the face showed the smil­ing face to [Gabriel] hints.
[Gabriel] also raises glass to hint, he Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion and move­ment, re­ceives com­pletely in the eye­ground, ‚strange! Is it pos­si­ble that this Shi Lei, what doesn't know re­ally? [Raphael] that hasn't Idiot, said my iden­tity un­ex­pect­edly? Does not have to in­cur­able de­gree ac­tu­ally stu­pid.’
The Shi Lei's per­for­mance, per­fect lulling [Gabriel], mak­ing [Gabriel] think that Shi Lei any­thing does not know, also did not know the [Mr. M] sit­u­a­tion, did not know his iden­tity.
May in fact, Shi Lei any­thing know!
Be­cause any­thing knows, there­fore the Shi Lei's per­for­mance does not have the flaw!
[Gabriel] has ar­rived at side Shi Lei, small sound track: „sorry for the in­con­ve­nience, Mr. Shi, takes your sev­eral min­utes.”
A Shi Lei brow wrin­kle, has not com­plied im­me­di­ately, but looked to [Gabriel], has re­vealed the color of nor­mal not bear­ing, „Mr. John­son, what mat­ter had?”
„Mr. Shi, I just saw you to leave the con­fer­ence site with Gamer, that Gamer prob­a­bly...”
[Gabriel] has not said that was bro­ken by Shi Lei, in the Shi Lei eye has re­vealed the col­ors of many alert, more­over ex­pres­sion some­what im­po­lite [say / way]: „Did Mr. John­son, you care ex­ces­sively? My mat­ter, does not need you to care about too much.”
Shi Lei shows so the man­ner, will be ap­proved by [Gabriel]. If [Gabriel] said that he was mon­i­tor­ing Shi Lei, Shi Lei did not have too loudly to re­spond, [Gabriel] was very easy to re­al­ize that had issue.
[Gabriel] is very in­tel­li­gent, even if Shi Lei is hav­ing the in­for­ma­tion su­pe­ri­or­ity, so long as Shi Lei does not go astray care­fully one step, then may other [Gabriel] dis­cover, and car­ries on coun­ter­at­tack­ing.
[Gabriel] has ap­proved the Shi Lei's man­ner at heart, he saves to say hastily: „Mr. Shi, please do not mis­un­der­stand, I have not mon­i­tored your opin­ion, I want to tell you, just that looked for your Gamer, prob­a­bly some issue on iden­tity, [Hope] Mr. Shi car­ries on in­ves­ti­gate, in order to avoid being de­ceived by cer­tain de­ceit­ful vil­lains.”
Shi Lei light snort, has not paid at­ten­tion to [Gabriel], but has taken up the in­ter­com, uses the Xia Na­tion lan­guage say­ing: „Se­cu­rity Cen­ter, be­fore re­trieve, and my in­de­pen­dent dis­cus­sion Gamer iden­tity. Ac­cord­ing to this Gamer Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture, de­ter­mines this Gamer in­for­ma­tion. I must know about his all in­for­ma­tion, im­me­di­ately im­ple­ment!”
[Gabriel] is lis­ten­ing to Shi Lei's to tell at the same time that the ex­pres­sion on his face, dis­plays un­able to un­der­stand the Xia Na­tion lan­guage the look, but the eye­ground re­vealed has wiped the sur­prise. ‚Se­cu­rity Cen­ter? Has Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy set up such de­part­ment un­ex­pect­edly? Specif­i­cally is used to process the Se­cu­rity Is­sues de­part­ment?’ In the [Gabriel] heart is some­what sur­prised.
Shi Lei has not ob­served [Gabriel], Shi Lei very clear [Gabriel] speaks the Xia Na­tion lan­guage, more­over is Level that is skilled. Shi Lei in front of [Gabriel], uses the Xia Na­tion lan­guage to tell that in­ten­tion­ally in­ves­ti­gate [Raphael] iden­tity, dis­played two opin­ion.
First Level opin­ion is, the re­la­tions of Shi Lei and [Raphael] are not close, Shi Lei does not trust [Raphael], cre­ates an mis­con­cep­tion to [Gabriel], in­di­cated that Shi Lei and [Raphael] have not col­luded in pri­vate.
Sec­ond Level mean­ing, then dis­plays the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy strength, lets [Gabriel] and Angel Par­lia­ment do not act rashly, let them has the psy­chol­ogy of hav­ing scru­ples.
So-called Se­cu­rity Cen­ter, is ac­tu­ally [Izual]!
[Izual] is High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, has pow­er­ful Deep Nat­ural Logic Think­ing Mod­ule, be­sides not hav­ing ca­pa­bil­ity for mak­ing in­de­pen­dent in­no­va­tion, [Izual] in log­i­cal in­fer­ence as­pect, even com­pared with Or­di­nary hu­man­ity more pow­er­ful.
Some sim­ple in­for­ma­tion pro­cess­ing, [Izual] ac­com­plishes a task with ease com­pletely!
After Shi Lei told, has prob­a­bly been sep­a­rated for one minute, in the in­ter­com, has broad­cast a low and deep sound, „Boss, looked up, tar­get named Phin­ney Dulles, ac­cord­ing to our in­ves­ti­gate, this iden­tity was False Iden­tity, and was Grade very high False Iden­tity, wanted to dis­tin­guish very dif­fi­cultly.”
Shi Lei does in­ten­tion­ally the com­plex­ion changes, con­strains is get­ting angry the quirk: „Idiot! A bit faster finds this per­son to me, uses all strengths to seek to me!”
„Re­ceives, Boss!”
After hear­ing the af­fir­ma­tive an­swer, Shi Lei deeply in­spired, re­turned to nor­mal the mood.
[Gabriel] was hear­ing the com­plete di­a­log at the same time very much clearly, what he ac­tu­ally pre­tends not to know, „Mr. Shi, sit­u­a­tion how? I think your some...”
Shi Lei beck­oned with the hand, has in­ter­rupted the [Gabriel] words, „Mr. John­son, be­fore that Mr. Dulles, iden­tity not any issue.”
In the [Gabriel] heart sneers, ‚Hēng! Idiot! Thinks that I don't speak the Xia Na­tion lan­guage?’ Al­though [Gabriel] is de­spis­ing Shi Lei in the heart, but in the sur­face ac­tu­ally ships out the ap­pear­ance that re­laxed, „doesn't have issue? That was too good! Right, Mr. Shi, does not know that my pre­vi­ous propo­si­tion, your com­pany does have the in­ten­tion of co­op­er­a­tion?”
The Shi Lei brow deeply wrin­kles, ex­pres­sion cold, „sorry for the in­con­ve­nience, Mr. John­son, my also a lit­tle mat­ter needs to process, tem­porar­ily leaves.”
The [Gabriel] re­gret­table nod, he wants to co­op­er­ate with Shi Lei ac­tu­ally, but spoke thought­lessly to probe Shi Lei.
Shi Lei knows cer­tainly [Gabriel], re­ally do not fa­cil­i­tate Dream En­ter­tain­ment and gamers­first Com­pany co­op­er­ates, [Gabriel] re­peat­edly is prob­ing, hav­ing a look at Shi Lei can ex­pose weak­nesses.
„Xiao Bo, you come!” Shi Lei just walked two steps, in­ten­tion­ally with the sound that [Gabriel] can hear, greeted Xiao Bo. For does not cause the sus­pi­cion of [Gabriel], Shi Lei has nat­u­rally used the Xia Na­tion lan­guage.
Xiao Bo has put down the wine class, ar­rives at side Shi Lei, small sound track: „Does Chief Shi, have the mat­ter?”
Shi Lei sug­gested Xiao Bo with the look, al­though has low­ered the sound, ac­tu­ally as be­fore can be heard by [Gabriel]. „Does Xiao Bo, see that side that per­son? That per­son called May­orksa John­son, was Li Jian Na­tion na­tive place named gamers­first Com­pany per­son­nel, in­cluded our Com­pany black­list him, pro­hibit­ing him from en­ter­ing our Com­pany of­fice. Yes?”
Xiao Bo nods, „good, Chief Shi, I wrote down!”
[Gabriel] hears, his city palace that Shi Lei said is ex­tremely deep, al­though in the heart is un­happy, on the face the least bit has not ac­tu­ally dis­played, com­pletely is the model rep­re­sen­ta­tive of wily old fox.
‚Damn Shi Lei, dares to in­clude the black­list me! How­ever, this Idiot, has noth­ing to do with [Mr. M] prob­a­bly.’ In the [Gabriel] heart is cal­cu­lat­ing se­cretly, ‚ac­cord­ing to wis­dom that [Mr. M] dis­plays, he is in­deed im­pos­si­ble to leave be­hind Shi Lei this flaw. This Shi Lei, is very likely the aban­doned child who [Mr. M] throws, but wants to cap­ture the at­ten­tion of per­son with high as­pi­ra­tions. It seems like that un­der­es­ti­mated [Mr. M] wis­dom!’ In the [Gabriel] heart is pon­der­ing.
Who is, then has any thoughts.
The [Gabriel] in­ner­most feel­ings are sin­is­ter, his can­not help but also [Mr. M], con­sid­ered the same per­son. As every­one knows, Shi Lei knows that the [Gabriel] dis­po­si­tion, has de­signed the trap in­ten­tion­ally, waits for [Gabriel] to jump, elutes the sus­pi­cion for one­self.
On June 9, 4 : 30 pm.
Under the Shi Lei's man­age­ment, the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Gamer thanks can move, en­ters the ac­tiv­ity the last act. In the end­ing of ac­tiv­ity, Or­ga­ni­za­tion a small lot­tery ac­tiv­ity, each par­tic­i­pant, has se­lected some Brave's World's gifts.
The Ex­ceed Grade Nou­veau Riche [Storm] moral be­hav­ior erupts once more, un­ex­pect­edly has se­lected one ‚Mys­te­ri­ous Tal­is­man’.
Mys­te­ri­ous Tal­is­man is in Brave's World, the most for­mi­da­ble dis­pos­able con­sum­ables, do not have one! Nor­mally, Gamer sur­passes Nineti­eth Grade, can ob­tain Mys­te­ri­ous Tal­is­man. The func­tion of Mys­te­ri­ous Tal­is­man is to counter-bal­ance Brave's World char­ac­ter, ran­dom way death. Al­though can only use one time, but re­gard­ing Brave's World se­ri­ous in­com­pa­ra­ble Death Penalty, this Mys­te­ri­ous Tal­is­man use, was re­ally too im­por­tant!
In an en­vy­ing envy of au­di­ences Gamer hates, the Li Jian Na­tion Gamer thanks of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany can move to end, Shi Lei leads Ye Feng and the oth­ers to leave the event, but Xiao Bo re­mains to look after Gamer. Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, was Gamer has pro­vided the self-ser­vice sup­per cock­tail party, Gamer that is will­ing to keep, can re­main to con­tinue to ex­change.
Shi Lei one line of Safety re­turned to hotel, has not met any­thing to as­sas­si­nate, or is other make trou­ble out of noth­ing mat­ters.
„Does Boss, want us to kill two tar­get?” Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad youngest Zhu Mingx­uan, asks Shi Lei, this fel­low is un­der­age, the tem­pera­ment is some­what im­pul­sive.
Shi Lei shook the head, „does not need! Has killed them, in­stead will annoy to trou­ble!” Shi Lei does not think to sum­mon now Angel Par­lia­ment First Giant, the tem­pera­ment of that fel­low is poor, Shi Lei has not grasped copes with him. „You rest! We do not have Dan­ger tem­porar­ily!”
Ye Feng re­sponded: „Good, Boss!” Say­ing, Ye Feng has been pat­ting the shoul­der of Zhu Mingx­uan, lead­ing the peo­ple to leave Shi Lei's Room.
In Room, re­main­ing a Shi Lei per­son, Shi Lei has only pinched the chin to con­sider, ac­tu­ally must give Angel Par­lia­ment to come the ruth­less trick. How­ever, when the [Black Hand] of Shi Lei con­sid­er­a­tion under to Angel Par­lia­ment, his [Old Nest] Shuangqing City, ac­tu­ally had an ac­ci­dent ....


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