Sunday, December 24, 2017

1406: Exceed Grade powerful Slaughter Dragon Soldier!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1406: Exceed Grade powerful Slaughter Dragon Soldier!
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'Dragon Rise' Plan se­cret Un­der­ground Base, Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room.
Sud­denly in­trudes sev­eral forms, has bro­ken the con­ver­sa­tion of Shi Lei and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled). As a re­sult of 'Dragon Rise' Plan Un­der­ground Base, opened the First Grade de­fense readi­ness con­di­tion. There­fore, Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room in­side ray, ap­pears quite gloomy.
Shi Lei looks to in­trude the Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room fel­low, the pupil shrinks fiercely!
In­trudes Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room ‚east and west|thing’, right, can only be de­scribed as ‚east and west|thing’, but is not hu­man­ity. These ‚east and west|thing’ per­haps is, 'Dragon Rise' Plan that Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) said de­vi­ated orig­i­nally the ob­jec­tive, makes ‚east and west|thing’.
These ‚east and west|thing’ has prob­a­bly two me­ters five High De­gree, is merely shorter than Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]. These ‚east and west|thing’ the stature is very grandiose, in the po­si­tion of Chest, is cov­er­ing not well-known sil­ver-white alloy, per­haps may be seals up that Mem­ory Metal of lift well.
Their both arms, have used the en­tire mech­a­nized de­sign. Also in other words, the en­tire both arms com­pletely are the me­chan­i­cal arm, was sim­i­lar to has in­stalled Yumo Med­ical issue aip Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic.
How­ever, mech­a­nized arm that they in­stall, is com­pletely dif­fer­ent from aip Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, es­pe­cially in con­tour as­pect, ap­pears fierce.
Be­sides the arm of mech­a­niza­tion, their both legs, as if are also the mech­a­niza­tion. Just, their both legs, hide under black war suit, is un­able to use the naked eye to dis­tin­guish.
„Roar ~” Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier, has bel­lowed, in his sound, does not have the emo­tions of many hu­man­ity un­ex­pect­edly, in­stead has filled the bar­barism of beasts.
„Boss. Looks at their eyes!” Ye Feng in [Dawn]'s on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, re­minded one.
Shi Lei looks im­me­di­ately to the eye of Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier, he has not dis­cov­ered from the be­gin­ning ex­cep­tion­ally. But is care­ful looked that dis­cov­ered eye of Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier, un­ex­pect­edly pre­sented the Cat Fam­ily same eye re­flec­tion!
„This...” Shi Lei was guess­ing, these ‚did east and west|thing’, in­crease the Cat Fam­ily eye gene re­ally? Does the eye of human and Cat Fam­ily, how pos­si­bly fuse to­gether?
„Boss, that is the 'Dragon Rise' Plan gene mod­ify tech­nol­ogy. Fuses the human eye of eye and Cat Fam­ily, as a re­sult of the dif­fer­ence of species. But the gene re­pels in­tensely, this tech­nol­ogy is not ma­ture, these ac­cept the gene fu­sion the test piece, shortly after re­ceives work ba­si­cally. Even if lived. The eye will quickly also aban­don!” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) through pic­ture of [Izual] share, saw Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier.
In the Shi Lei heart sinks, has the eye of Cat Fam­ily, in the Dark en­vi­ron­ment, the vi­sual as­pect su­pe­ri­or­ity has gone far be­yond [Dawn]. Even if the [Dawn]'s tech­nol­ogy is very ad­vanced, may un­able to com­pare fa­vor­ably with Cat Fam­ily.
That is the choice of na­ture Evo­lu­tion, night vi­sion as­pect, very per­fect!
„Boss, is care­ful their bat­tle ef­fi­cien­cies. They may not be weaker than [Dawn]!” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) is an­a­lyz­ing dis­cretely.
Shi Lei is more sur­prised, „A'Feng, care­ful!”
Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier al­to­gether only came four peo­ple. Their coldly looks at six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], not hav­ing the First time to start at­tack. In fact, Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier has not started the at­tack rea­son, is not they are being afraid, but is they in the wait com­mand.
In Safety bunker, Zhou Zem­ing and Wu Shaobai. Is ob­serv­ing is mon­i­tor­ing Mon­i­tor. Be­fore en­ter­ing the Safety bunker, Wu Shaobai de­cides to restart Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem. In order to fa­cil­i­tate them in the Safety bunker, can see out­side sit­u­a­tion.
Their cur­rently watches the Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room sit­u­a­tion, when Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier ar­rived in Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room, Wu Shaobai sneers say­ing: „These Metal Ex­oskele­ton pi­lots died! Triv­ial Metal Ex­oskele­ton, how could also to op­pose with our Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier?”
Zhou Zem­ing says with a smile: „Shaobai, that gives Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier to issue the order!”
Wu Shaobai is im­po­lite, starts di­rectly on com­puter, input has con­trolled the order of Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier. One of 'Dragon Rise' Plan Ex­ten­sion Plan, the ex­actly as stated union ma­chin­ery and Biotech­nol­ogy, Cre­ate leaves the state-of-art weapon.
For the con­ve­nience con­trols these state-of-art weapons, 'Dragon Rise' Plan re­lated per­son­nel, the na­ture in the head of Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier, in­stalled has con­trolled chip, even was self-ex­plo­sion chip.
Wu Shaobai through Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, has listed as at­tack tar­get the Shi Lei six peo­ple, af­ter­ward is­sues the order that has cut to kill to Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier.
Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room, Shi Lei orig­i­nally cur­rently ob­ser­va­tion Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier cau­tiously. How­ever, in the Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier eye, the red light dodged sud­denly, ex­udes one to roar, loudly ex­claimed: „De­stroy!”
The Shi Lei left hand grips shield, the right hand ex­tracts Alloy Heavy Sword, the prepa­ra­tion and Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier near body fights hand-to-hand. Al­though the Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier strength is very strong, but Shi Lei is dri­ving Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], has pro­vided five High En­ergy Motor, but also has [N235 Metal] to take Power Source, toy that its im­pos­si­ble ratio so-called Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, or care­lessly pieces to­gether.
„At­tack!” Shi Lei has bel­lowed.
Four Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier, both eyes are putting the red light flushed, they have not used weapon, but uses the metal both arms merely, as to pound to put on [Dawn]'s Alloy Shield.
„kuāng dāng ~”
Fierce hit sound, re­sounds in Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room, Ye Feng has re­sisted eas­ily at­tack of Tu Dragon.
Ye Feng is feel­ing the strength that trans­mits from shield, is al­most un­able to cause any dam­age to [Dawn], he some­what won­ders. Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) had warned the Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier strength is very strong, but why Ye Feng felt that their strengths are very small?
In order to con­firm own idea, Ye Feng holds up Alloy Heavy Shield once more, has kept off Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier un­armed at­tack, but sends out to thun­der be­sides Alloy Heavy Shield, with­out any strange mat­ter oc­cur­rence.
„Boss, the sit­u­a­tion is not right! These strange fel­lows, are not for­mi­da­ble in strength as­pect!” After Ye Feng replied, Zheng San­pao also fol­lowed close on was re­ply­ing the sim­i­lar con­tent.
Ma Liang af­firms say­ing: „Boss, this any ghost toy east and west|thing, the strength is very weak! I felt, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], in strength as­pect, can def­i­nitely the crush op­po­site party!”
„I give a try!” Shi Lei uses Alloy Shield per­son­ally, with­stood Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier at­tack, en­tire puts up [Dawn] to be en­tirely still.
Fac­ing such re­sult, Shi Lei wanted to in­quire Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), but care­ful one wants to give up, be­cause of their es­sen­tial goals, must de­feat Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier merely, will the Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier weak­ness on the weak­ness, shut out the enemy to be small and weak?
In the Safety bunker, Wu Shaobai looks at­tack Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] that Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier does not threaten, his ex­pres­sion is some­what strange, there is shock­ing, there is stunned, is in­cred­i­ble.
„El­derly Zhou, is this mat­ter? Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group that what is Metal Ex­oskele­ton, so un­ex­pect­edly for­mi­da­ble? In such small or­gan­ism, is im­pos­si­ble to pro­vide the so for­mi­da­ble en­ergy!” Wu Shaobai is ma­chin­ery as­pect Ex­pert, he is clear, in the [Dawn] that ex­quis­ite or­gan­ism, is im­pos­si­ble to place the high ef­fi­ciency In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine.
Be­cause of so, Wu Shaobai a strength ad­vo­cates to start Slaugh­ter Dragon Plan, wants to use Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier, breaks these damn iron-cov­ered canned food.
But the re­sult is ac­tu­ally just the op­po­site!
In Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room, four after ma­chin­ery and crea­ture trans­for­ma­tion Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier, if fac­ing Or­di­nary hu­man­ity, they sweeps away all ob­sta­cles ab­solutely.
Is [Dawn]'s bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, but in­tre­pid? Even if fac­ing the tank, [Dawn] has strength of the war! ‚east and west|thing that’ let alone does this flaw have the ma­chin­ery and crea­ture that trans­forms?
Probe clear Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier ac­tual sit­u­a­tion, dis­cov­ered this scary ‚east and west|thing’ is only the good-look­ing but use­less goods, Shi Lei use Alloy Heavy Sword grate­fully, easy held Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier within the body, af­ter­ward a Alloy Heavy Sword ag­i­ta­tion, made Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier lose the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency im­me­di­ately.
How­ever, the Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier good and evil passed through crea­ture and ma­chin­ery trans­forms, even if so caused heavy losses, had not died im­me­di­ately, but twitches in the ground.
„Sir, Main Sys­tem ac­cord­ing to the In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor analy­sis, this crea­ture within the body may the hide­away en­ergy stor­age, and pos­si­bly ac­ti­vated the ex­plo­sion pro­ce­dure, please avoid!” [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei, as well as Ye Feng and the oth­ers.
This re­minder func­tion is par­al­lel pro­gram, the im­por­tant fight news, re­minded Shi Lei's si­mul­ta­ne­ously, will re­mind Dark Hell every­one.
Six [Dawn] round cut to kill four Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier in one, after ob­tain­ing [Izual]'s re­minded, im­me­di­ately leaves Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room, hur­ried to next tar­get.
The Safety bunker, Wu Shaobai through Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, looks that four were placed the great ex­pec­ta­tions by him Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier, is sim­i­lar to the fum­bled and bro­ken up the show cloth doll is the same, dis­or­derly scat­tered place, his face darken much.
„El­derly Zhou, said Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group! Said their Metal Ex­oskele­ton!” Wu Shaobai ex­pres­sion some are not good, man­ner that in his opin­ion, just Zhou Zem­ing showed that clearly is knows [Dawn]'s to be fierce, but has not said in­ten­tion­ally, isn't this cheats?
Zhou Zem­ing says with a smile: „Shaobai, I do not know that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton is any sit­u­a­tion.”
Wu Shaobai clenched teeth, sup­presses the im­pul­sion that wanted to curse at peo­ple, was only cold snort one.
„Shaobai, you think that I am de­ceiv­ing you?” How Zhou Zem­ing does not know that idea of Wu Shaobai, he ex­plained: „I, al­though guessed that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton is very for­mi­da­ble, but has not thought for­mi­da­ble so. No won­der. Devil does not dare to re­sist with them di­rectly.”
Wu Shaobai cursed one, „damn. Devil! They think that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group has ti­died up us, will then let off them? El­derly Zhou, you have said that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group is looks. Devil trou­ble­some Right?”
The Zhou Zem­ing nod said: „Yes! hearsay Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group and. Devil makes very stiffly, this is the news that in the fly-by-wire comes out, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group def­i­nitely is asks them to trou­ble, but is not we.”
„We now what to do? Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier can­not block the op­po­site party!” Wu Shaobai some­what wor­ried, if Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group [Dawn], makes a com­plete mess Un­der­ground Base, even has stolen their data, that Wu Shaobai will def­i­nitely en­counter Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pun­ish­ment.
There­fore, Wu Shaobai at­tempts to make Zhou Zem­ing try to find the so­lu­tion, avoids the most awful re­sult.
Zhou Zem­ing looks at Wu Shaobai, on the face re­veals has wiped the mean­ing­ful smil­ing face...


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