Sunday, December 24, 2017

1407: Laser Defense Net!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1407: Laser Defense Net!
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'Dragon Rise' Plan Un­der­ground Base, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] has solved four Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier eas­ily, Shi Lei ac­cord­ing to the [Izual]'s guid­ance, stores up Cen­ter to go for­ward to Un­der­ground Base data.
As a se­cret re­search base, 'Dragon Rise' Plan Un­der­ground Base, must record very many ex­per­i­ment data every day, more­over tests data to want fast mod­ify and stor­age, as well as in­quiry past ex­per­i­ment data archive.
There­fore, these test data and re­lated find­ings, surely is com­put­er­ized data, but is not the data of record on paper.
Nat­u­rally, has not been pos­si­ble to re­move some im­por­tant ex­per­i­ment data and re­lated re­search step, def­i­nitely has the paper record. But over­all, al­most all ex­per­i­ment data and data, have the record of com­put­er­i­za­tion com­pletely.
Shi Lei stores up Cen­ter to go for­ward to data, while and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) ex­change, „Wushuang (Un­par­al­leled), if I have ob­tained Eter­nal Life Plan re­lated data and test data, you can con­tinue to study? Do some big prob­a­bil­i­ties ob­tain find­ings?”
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) not ab­solute guar­an­tee, but opens the mouth say­ing: „Boss, I can only guar­an­tee that I per­form the max­i­mum ef­fort re­search. As for can study the re­sult, I am un­able to make any guar­an­tee. After all, Eter­nal Life, from an­cient to pre­sent, how many peo­ple are track­ing down this Dream, but did some who suc­ceed?”
Re­sponse that Shi Lei un­der­stands: „En! did not ask Eter­nal Life, but at least must study, post­pone se­nil­ity plan!”
„This I can guar­an­tee ab­solutely! The hearsay, Eter­nal Life Plan ex­per­i­ment data, has been able to make hu­man­ity pro­long one-third lives. How­ever. Spe­cific sit­u­a­tion, but also needs to at­tain to test data, can know.” In the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) ex­pres­sion is hav­ing the af­fir­ma­tion. Al­though the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) age is very small, but in the en­tire World Bio­genet­ics re­search area, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) ad­vances into the First-rate Spe­cial­ist ranks ab­solutely.
„Good! Is wait­ing for my good news, waits a while to pass on data!” The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion def­i­nitely was say­ing, as if in en­tire 'Dragon Rise' Plan se­cret Un­der­ground Base, sim­ply does not have any­thing to pre­vent him.
In fact also so!
In the Safety bunker, Wu Shaobai cur­rently pleaded Zhou Zem­ing. Zhou Zem­ing with a mean­ing­ful look, is star­ing at Wu Shaobai. Has not re­sponded to the plea of Wu Shaobai.
„El­derly Zhou! Looks at the mon­i­tor­ing quickly!” Safety On-duty Per­son­nel, was re­mind­ing Zhou Zem­ing, pointed at the mon­i­tor­ing pic­ture to say.
Six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], cur­rently stores up Cen­ter to hurry to data. The Zhou Zem­ing com­plex­ion is very ugly, Wu Shaobai ac­tu­ally re­vealed has wiped the happy ex­pres­sion.
Al­though im­ple­ment Slaugh­ter Dragon Plan is Wu Shaobai one pro­motes, but if 'Dragon Rise' Plan se­cret Un­der­ground Base has down­cast, mean­while was stolen to test data, that Zhou Zem­ing re­spon­si­bil­ity can­not run away.
‚Zhou Zem­ing Old Coarse Fel­low, I must have a look but ac­tu­ally, ac­tu­ally you are hid­ing what sub­se­quent party!’ In the Wu Shaobai heart is sneer­ing.
Zhou Zem­ing looks at six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], stores up Cen­ter to walk to data, his com­plex­ion is ugly. As the 'Dragon Rise' Plan se­cret Un­der­ground Base mem­ber, if the ex­per­i­ment stud­ies data to lose, he could not shirk the re­spon­si­bil­ity in any event.
„Re­mote con­trol data Cen­ter. Deletes data!” In the Zhou Zem­ing heart re­joiced that he has arranged Cyber Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist very early in the morn­ing, processes data Cen­ter issue. Once Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group has to steal the data sus­pi­cion, then im­me­di­ately cleans up data.
Cyber Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist rapid im­ple­ment the order of Zhou Zem­ing, the re­mote con­trol data has been stor­ing up Cen­ter, deletes all pre­served com­pre­hen­sively data.
„El­derly Zhou. Deletes data al­to­gether to take four min­utes 17 sec­onds, but the in­truder only takes two points of twenty sec­ond to two points of Forty sec­ond. Then can ar­rive in data to store up Cen­ter. If the op­po­site party has com­puter tech­nol­ogy Ex­pert, they can, in data stores up that side Cen­ter, stops the long-dis­tance data dele­tion order, then ob­tains part of data.” Cyber Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist re­ports to say to Zhou Zem­ing.
The Zhou Zem­ing eye­lid jumped jump­ing, to this es­sen­tial time, Zhou Zem­ing is im­pos­si­ble to have any­thing to at­tack the thoughts of match again, once data stores up Cen­ter data to be stolen, his day does not feel bet­ter sim­i­larly.
„Opens Laser De­fense Net!” The Zhou Zem­ing order said.
„El­derly Zhou, the Laser De­fense Net con­nec­tion in the thing net­work­ing, thing net­work­ing Sys­tem had been con­trolled by the op­po­site party, even if we open Laser De­fense Net, im­pos­si­ble to cre­ate trou­ble­some to the op­po­site party.” Cyber Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist an­swered.
Zhou Zem­ing cold snort, „the con­trol pro­ce­dure in­de­pen­dent en­cryp­tion of Laser De­fense Net! Then starts Laser De­fense Net! Does not make you block the op­po­site party, but de­lays next time. Waited for that data stores up Cen­ter data, after delet­ing, they go to data Cen­ter, does not have what re­la­tions!” Zhou Zem­ing also un­der­stands some com­puter tech­nolo­gies, se­lected the so­lu­tion di­rectly.
Cyber Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist look one bright, af­ter­ward im­me­di­ately starts im­ple­ment, about after ten sev­eral sec­onds, he opens the mouth to re­port say­ing: „El­derly Zhou, has iso­lated Laser De­fense Net Con­trol Sys­tem, car­ries on en­cryp­tion pro­cess­ing of in­de­pen­dent.”
cur­rently goes to data to store up Cen­ter Shi Lei, sud­denly re­ceived the [Izual]'s prompt, „sir, adopts the net­work­ing, ex­am­ines the front 273 me­ters places, opened Laser De­fense Net, Sys­tem has marked the Dan­ger po­si­tion au­to­mat­i­cally. Mean­while, as a re­sult of Laser De­fense Net Con­trol Sys­tem, has taken the in­de­pen­dent quar­an­tine mea­sures, and has car­ried on the en­cryp­tion, Sys­tem cur­rently car­ries on De­cryp­tion.”
The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion stares slightly, ‚re­ally also has Laser De­fense Net?’
Laser tech­nol­ogy, al­though ap­pears in sci­ence fic­tion novel and sci­ence fic­tion movie fre­quently, but the Laser Weapon tech­nique con­tent, is not un­at­tain­able ex­is­tence.
Be­sides sharp light sword of fixed shape, the laser de­fense cover, this sim­i­lar Black Tech­nol­ogy same ex­is­tence, merely is the laser (spear|gun), Laser Ar­tillery, ab­solutely does not have the dif­fi­culty.
Some en­gi­neer­ing course ex­perts of later gen­er­a­tion, emit the video on net­work fre­quently, self-made Laser Weapon laser weapon, then fully ex­plained that Laser Weapon Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy con­tent ac­tu­ally high.
Laser Weapon dif­fi­culty, mainly in sup­ply en­ergy, if no highly ef­fec­tive en­er­giz­ing Sys­tem, uses Laser Weapon is a big joke!
„Boss, front the [Izual] prompt has Laser De­fense Net, we what to do?” Ye Feng was in­quir­ing Shi Lei.
[Izual]'s prompts in­for­ma­tion is Par­al­lel Pro­cess­ing, only will not trans­mit merely a Shi Lei per­son, but is all peo­ple also trans­mits.
Shi Lei says with a smile: „A'Feng, your pen­e­trate into a bull's horn! We con­tinue to go for­ward, has waited till Laser De­fense Net the time, how I told you to process!”
More than 200 me­ters dis­tances, re­gard­ing Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], at all are not the dis­tances!
Six [Dawn] are away from Laser De­fense Net, about ten me­ters place, stopped. Shi Lei uses Alloy Heavy Sword, has cut off a leaf of alu­minum alloy glass door at will, then holds the alu­minum alloy glass door, threw the Laser De­fense Net po­si­tion it.
When the alu­minum alloy glass door flies the Laser De­fense Net po­si­tion, in the air, shone an or­ange light net sud­denly, looked like quite at­trac­tive.
But the alu­minum alloy glass door was ac­tu­ally cut very small frag­ment by this light net!
In the Safety bunker, Zhou Zem­ing watches the Shi Lei's ex­per­i­ment, in the heart re­laxed. The Laser De­fense Net de­fense in­ten­sity is with­out a doubt, even though ther­mostable ultra in­ten­sity alloy, is un­able to pre­vent the laser.
Only if after spe­cial against laser pro­cess­ing, oth­er­wise, wants the hard anti- laser, that is ab­solutely un­sci­en­tific.
Shi Lei knows ac­tu­ally a unique skill of de­fense laser, Cap­i­tal City of later gen­er­a­tion, de­vel­oped ex­tremely ad­vanced en­vi­ron­ment weapon, through the con­trol change weather en­vi­ron­ment, made one type weather en­vi­ron­ment that was sim­i­lar to the fog, thus re­sisted Laser Weapon at­tack.
And, this ex­tremely ad­vanced en­vi­ron­ment weapon, but can also pre­vent the op­ti­cal de­tec­tion ef­fec­tively, even is the aim­ing of Guided Mis­sile, thus pro­tects cap­i­tal Cap­i­tal City Safety.
How that ad­vanced tech­nol­ogy, ba­si­cally can only be used in the en­vi­ron­ment, but can­not load on [Dawn]!
„Boss, this Laser De­fense Net at­tack in­ten­sity was very high, has sur­passed our Ruby Laser Ar­tillery, do we want to try to keep off with Alloy Heavy Shield?” Ye Feng pro­posed the so­lu­tion.
Shi Lei shakes the head di­rectly!
„A'Feng, the so­lu­tion processes issue, must pon­der flex­i­ble! A plan is un­able to be solved, that thinks other plan! Why do we want to meet the tough head-on with tough­ness with these Laser De­fense Net?” Shi Lei was say­ing, while lifts Ruby Laser Ar­tillery, has aimed at the Laser De­fense Net shot­point, then di­rectly opens fire.
Daz­zling red ra­di­ance, dis­tin­guishes and or­ange Laser De­fense Net com­pletely, but both are the lasers!
The red ray that Ruby Laser Ar­tillery stim­u­lates, has hit the Laser De­fense Net stim­u­la­tion equip­ment, but does not have the ac­com­plish­ment, in­stead was opened by the Laser De­fense Net stim­u­la­tion equip­ment scat­ter­ing ball.
Through the plan of scat­ter­ing of light, re­sists Laser Weapon, this is very con­ve­nient mat­ter.
Shi Lei looks that the red laser was scat­tered, was only the chuckle one, with an­other hand, has lifted Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, aimed at the Laser De­fense Net stim­u­la­tion equip­ment is a round!
The ul­tra-high fast alloy pro­jec­tile, the Laser De­fense Net stim­u­la­tion equip­ment, has made hol­low of fist size, al­though suc­cess­ful de­fense alloy pro­jec­tile, but Shi Lei again uses Ruby Laser Ar­tillery.
This time, the scat­ter­ing dis­posal plan of de­fense laser, has en­coun­tered the de­struc­tion of alloy pro­jec­tile, is un­able to re­sist the daz­zling red laser again, was pen­e­trated by the laser.
„zī zī zī ~”
Along with the red laser, has hit the Laser De­fense Net stim­u­la­tion equip­ment, erupted an elec­tric spark, Shi Lei has used the Cast­ing Stone To In­quire The Way method once more, Laser De­fense Net has not ap­peared again.
„Walks, goes to data to store up Cen­ter! [Izual] ex­am­ined, op­po­site party cur­rently deleted data!” Shi Lei is­sues the order to say.
Six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], store up Cen­ter to run fast to data.
In the Safety bunker, the Zhou Zem­ing com­plex­ion is ugly, al­though Wu Shaobai the com­plex­ion is not good, but looks at Zhou Zem­ing to suf­fer a loss, he some­what felt the lit­tle com­fort.
„El­derly Zhou, we now what to do?” Wu Shaobai dis­gust­ing Zhou Zem­ing said in­ten­tion­ally.
Zhou Zem­ing cold snort, „, since they want these data, gives them! Deleted in any case over 70%! Ob­tained data as for them, has the life to leave Com­pass Area, I an­tic­i­pated ac­tu­ally!”
Com­pass Area, hasn't 'Dragon Rise' Plan pos­si­bly hid­den the strength?


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