Sunday, December 24, 2017

1411: Steel and Iron showdown!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1411: Steel and Iron showdown!
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„Warn­ing! The radar dis­cov­ered that ul­tra-high fast mi­gra­tion fly­ing ob­ject, the Sys­tem au­to­matic sec­ondary con­trol, avoids the ul­tra-high fast mi­gra­tion fly­ing ob­ject!” The [Izual]'s alarm sound, the vol­ume is some­what in­ci­sive.
Six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], took over con­trol of by [Izual] di­rectly, the fast com­pu­ta­tion the avoid­ance plan, [Izual] has been con­trol­ling Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], en­tered rapidly the scheme.
In air, two Small-scale Guided Mis­sile, erect to six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]!
How­ever, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] under [Izual] con­trol, the move­ment has shunted two Small-scale Guided Mis­sile clev­erly. But Small-scale Guided Mis­sile, has hit a paper doc­u­ment fil­ing cab­i­net of tragedy.
[Izual] con­trols the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]'s time, has prob­a­bly ten sec­onds, after [Izual] re­lease con­trol, Shi Lei asked: „[Izual], how mat­ter?”
How­ever, Shi Lei just in­quired that then un­der­stood is ac­tu­ally how a mat­ter. Be­cause, on hud Mon­i­tor, two huge sil­ver-white metal mon­sters, stand­ing erect of silent under night­time sky.
Even if now is South African local time, in the evening close zero point, Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer only shifted a star light to come in merely, but made Sil­ver War God ap­pear as be­fore the sil­ver is bright.
„Damn! Reaches as high as?” Shi Lei looks on hud Mon­i­tor, Sil­ver War God basic data that dis­plays, can­not bear spit the mor­tise.
„Boss, what is reaches as high as?” Ye Feng has not looked at the Wo Sang Na­tion an­i­ma­tion ob­vi­ously, does not know that any­thing is reaches as high as.
Shi Lei sighed, points at Sil­ver War God say­ing: „That side! That two or­gan­ism High De­gree have achieved 12 me­ters Metal Ex­oskele­ton. No, per­haps should be called mecha toy!”
Ye Feng has then dis­cov­ered two Sil­ver War God!
„This... What east and west|thing is this?” Ye Feng also had a scare by Sil­ver War God ob­vi­ously, under star light. Sil­ver War God that is sim­i­lar to four build­ing high or­gan­ism, the con­trast has two me­ters six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] merely, as if Giant and ants a dis­par­ity.
„Boss, is this our en­e­mies?” Ye Feng swal­lows the saliva.
Shi Lei af­firms say­ing: „Just Guided Mis­sile, ex­actly as stated that two mecha launched!” After Shi Lei replied, in the heart was some­what strange, giant did mecha have the ca­reer de­vel­op­ment re­ally? What did they use to en­er­gize Sys­tem?
An­other side. Zhou Zem­ing and Wu Shaobai, are dri­ving Sil­ver War God. Is look­ing out six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]. Two the vol­ume dis­par­i­ties of or­gan­ism, have brought a self-con­fi­dence of Ex­treme to Wu Shaobai.
„El­derly Zhou, when do we start to at­tack?” Wu Shaobai in­quired, now. Sil­ver War God is also con­nect­ing fuel oils trans­mis­sion con­trol, tem­porar­ily does not need to be wor­ried about the standby time issue.
„Im­me­di­ately at­tacks!” Zhou Zem­ing has shut off the fuel oils trans­mis­sion con­trol with­out hes­i­ta­tion, over­ran to six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn].
Wu Shaobai with the Zhou Zem­ing same place, over­ran to six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], he records the in­struc­tion of Zhou Zem­ing sin­cerely, kept off Alloy Heavy Shield be­fore the body, pre­vented by Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], by Ruby Laser Ar­tillery at­tack.
Shi Lei looks that two Sil­ver War God clash, in his eyes flashes through one to sneer. Metal Ex­oskele­ton is also good, mecha, is not the vol­ume bowel move­ment is ab­solutely fiercer!
On the con­trary. With­out the match en­er­gizes Sys­tem, Weapons Sys­tem and Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, then vol­ume again greatly how? Noth­ing but is a liv­ing tar­get!
„at­tack!” Shi Lei has is­sued the sim­ple order, he di­rectly uses Ruby Laser Ar­tillery, has shot at Sil­ver War God.
The daz­zling red ray, is very strik­ing in night­time sky, but the red ray has hit Sil­ver War God time. Ac­tu­ally was sim­i­lar to meets the dif­fi­cult ad­ver­sary to be or­di­nary, dis­si­pated di­rectly dim light fog.
This is scat­ter­ing of light!
Using not smooth su­per­fi­cial pel­let. Laser un­sys­tem­atic scat­ter­ing, thus keeps the laser en­ergy from con­dens­ing in to­gether, could not cause any dam­age.
In Shi Lei heart cold snort, plan of this scat­ter­ing of light, merely is ap­plic­a­ble to Mem­ory Metal. If other met­als, does not have the re­duc­ing abil­ity, meets the tragedy ab­solutely.
Re­gard­ing the 'Dragon Rise' Plan Mem­ory Metal tech­nol­ogy, Shi Lei very greedy, wishes one could to in­te­grate in the pouch this tech­nol­ogy, thus builds Third Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn].
Al­though the laser has not caused dam­age to Sil­ver War God, but the Shi Lei least bit has not wor­ried, but has put out Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, to Sil­ver War God that is flush­ing, opens fire di­rectly!
The Mem­ory Metal scat­ter­ing of light plan, can pre­vent Ruby Laser Ar­tillery, but is un­able im­mu­nity Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery!
The alloy pro­jec­tile of Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery launch, has hit sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal shield, be­fore Mem­ory Metal re­stores the shape, tem­porar­ily lost the abil­ity of scat­ter­ing of light.
How­ever, sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal shield, very huge, High De­gree has been about nine me­ters, a triv­ial 10 g alloy pro­jec­tile, in hol­low small hole that above leaves be­hind, less than one square cen­time­ter.
Shi Lei wants to use Ruby Laser Ar­tillery, con­cen­trates the same po­si­tion once more, even if there is [Izual] to be aux­il­iary, suit­able is not easy!
„A'Feng, care­ful, should not be hit by the op­po­site party! The [Dawn]'s build does not have the su­pe­ri­or­ity, our choose to fight!” Shi Lei looks at Ye Feng to fall into the dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion, im­me­di­ately has sent out the prompt.
Shi Lei does not be­lieve that Sil­ver War God does not have short­com­ing!
If Sil­ver War God does not have the short­com­ing, 'Dragon Rise' Plan also de­vel­ops the wool crea­ture weapon, why doesn't de­velop Sil­ver War God Plan di­rectly? Nat­u­rally, Shi Lei did not know the Sil­ver War God code num­ber!
„Good, Boss! How­ever, we at all are not these two every­body's matches!” Ye Feng some­what wor­riedly was say­ing, Ruby Laser Ar­tillery by the scat­ter­ing of light re­straint of op­po­site party, Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, al­though can the short break op­po­site party scat­ter­ing of light de­fense plan, but faces the mo­tion the ob­ject, the Ruby Laser Ar­tillery ac­cu­rate aim is un­able to meet the re­quire­ments.
„don't worry! The op­po­site party has used In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine, their im­pos­si­ble long time to bat­tle! Ac­cord­ing to the vol­ume and weight of op­po­site party or­gan­ism, I must have a look but ac­tu­ally, how long can they bat­tle? Ten min­utes? twenty minute? A half hour?” Shi Lei from [Dawn]'s In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, has dis­cov­ered Sil­ver War God, has the in­frared heat ra­di­a­tion image of high quan­tity of heat.
Ac­cord­ing to this clue, de­ter­mine comes out Sil­ver War God, has used tra­di­tional In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine, but is not the ad­vanced elec­tri­cal en­ergy de­sign. Even if Shi Lei is ma­chin­ery Lit­tle Bai, but Shi Lei sketchily un­der­stands that wants with In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine, leads High De­gree to achieve 12 me­ters Steel and Iron mecha, that needs the big power, as well as high oil con­sump­tion.
Once the fuel con­sump­tion of Sil­ver War God, they are only the ir­re­mov­able tar­gets!
Zhou Zem­ing and Wu Shaobai that cur­rently and Shi Lei bat­tle, un­der­stand this truth ob­vi­ously. If fuel ex­haus­tion of Sil­ver War God, their re­sults, ab­solutely do not have the Sec­ond Item road to choose.
„El­derly Zhou, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton, is re­ally not the Sil­ver War God match. How­ever, they were too flex­i­ble, we can­not hold them!” Wu Shaobai at­tempt lets Zhou Zem­ing, draws up a fea­si­ble plan.
In the Zhou Zem­ing heart se­cretly is also wor­ry­ing, now both sides have bat­tled for two min­utes, the Sil­ver War God left hand hold the shield right hand to hold the sword, wants to cut the frag­ment [Dawn], but is that also pos­si­ble?
„Shaobai, I have Plan!” In the Zhou Zem­ing heart has thought fast a so­lu­tion, does not wait for Wu Shaobai to in­quire, then di­rectly said. „Our Sil­ver War God de­fense in­ten­sity, has sur­passed Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton ab­solutely. After all, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton, is higher than the Or­di­nary per­son, can the de­fense in­ten­sity big?”
„Then?” Wu Shaobai fast ask­ing.
Zhou Zem­ing hā hā said with a smile: „We use the mu­tu­ally wounded plan! Our short dis­tance launches Guided Mis­sile! More­over does not lock Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton, di­rect point­ing ground. Let the ex­plo­sion the shock-wave and shrap­nel, stops Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton for us!”
Wu Shaobai look one bright, „good! El­derly Zhou, this method is good! Which Metal Ex­oskele­ton we choose, as strike tar­get? In order to guar­an­tee ab­solutely safe, we should bet­ter choose one first to at­tack tar­get. We only need to at­tack Metal Ex­oskele­ton, even if other ran away has not re­lated!”
„En! this! In the di­rec­tions of your 11 o'clock, locks it!” Zhou Zem­ing has cho­sen Ma Liang dri­ving [Dawn], as tar­get.
„Good! El­derly Zhou, I use Guided Mis­sile at­tack, you must seize the op­por­tu­nity!” Wu Shaobai un­der­took on own ini­tia­tive has seemed like the Dan­ger plan, but pon­dered sketchily, was in ef­fect it is not so!
Al­though the short dis­tance launches Guided Mis­sile, is very likely to threaten Sil­ver War God one­self, but at­tack Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton, no one knows that what lethal card the op­po­site party can have? Other can [Dawn] rush to res­cue?
In dri­ving of Sil­ver War God Num­ber One the cabin, Zhou Zem­ing has shown the light smile, he knew this time, im­pos­si­ble to have a falling out with Wu Shaobai.
Also, isn't his [Hope] re­sult? There­fore ac­cepts say­ing: „Good! Shaobai, you must let Guided Mis­sile, af­fects the op­po­site party, should bet­ter let the op­po­site party tem­porar­ily loss of mo­bil­ity!”
„Relax! El­derly Zhou, please be­lieve me!” Wu Shaobai def­i­nitely was re­ply­ing.
They dis­cussed coun­ter­mea­sure time, as be­fore is main­tain­ing and [Dawn]'s fight, but the fight in­ten­sity markedly re­duces, Shi Lei in [Dawn]'s on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, re­minded: „You, these two mecha pos­si­bly have any unique skill care­fully!”
The Shi Lei's voice just fell, Wu Shaobai started the mo­tion!
„hōng hōng hōng hōng ~ ~~”
Close ten Guided Mis­sile, ex­plode side [Dawn] of Ma Liang dri­ving, al­though Ma Liang uses Alloy Heavy Shield promptly, pro­tected it­self, but has not re­sisted the ex­plo­sion as be­fore com­pletely the shock-wave.
Wu Shaobai does not feel bet­ter, the fierce shock-wave, through the ma­chin­ery con­duc­tion ser­vice plat­form, trans­mit­ted part to give Wu Shaobai, mak­ing Wu Shaobai some­what dizzy.
This is also the mal­prac­tice of ma­chin­ery con­duc­tion ser­vice plat­form!
Zhou Zem­ing was wait­ing for this op­por­tu­nity, over­ran to Ma Liang im­me­di­ately, in his hand is bran­dish­ing Alloy Heavy Sword, wants to cut in two at the waist Ma Liang.
Ma Liang comes under the in­flu­ence of shock-wave as be­fore, tem­porar­ily does not have the abil­ity to act, as if silly in same place, help­lessly looks at Alloy Heavy Sword.
How­ever, Wu Shaobai, is Zhou Zem­ing, they have ne­glected a mat­ter!


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