Sunday, December 24, 2017

1412: Make a comeback extinguishes kills!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1412: Make a comeback extinguishes kills!
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Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] is Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, the ma­chine sci­ence tech­nol­ogy and Com­puter Net­work Tech­nol­ogy mar­riage, rep­re­sented Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group most High-tech to man­i­fest.
Al­though Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], in power and build as­pect by the Sil­ver War God com­pre­hen­sive sup­pres­sion. But does not rep­re­sent, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] does not have the strength to hit back!
In fact, now Dan­ger, in­stead is Sil­ver War God!
Once the Sil­ver War God op­er­a­tional time ex­hausts, they only then waited for that [Dawn]'s slaugh­ters. There­fore, Zhou Zem­ing and Wu Shaobai started Dan­ger Plan, im­ple­ment ‚have killed the enemy 1000, dam­aged 800’ Plan.
Saw that Zhou Zem­ing Alloy Heavy Sword, will soon cut Ma Liang dri­ving Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], but Shi Lei ac­tu­ally not ex­ces­sive worry.
Zhou Zem­ing and Wu Shaobai have ne­glected a mat­ter!
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] has two dri­ving plans.
First, man­ual dri­ving pat­tern, is the human pilot op­er­a­tor schema. Under this pat­tern, the [Dawn]'s ac­cord­ing to the cir­cum­stance strength and syn­the­sis co­op­er­a­tion strength is stronger.
Sec­ond, Auto-pi­lot Mode! Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] can by [Izual] Re­mote Con­trol dri­ving! Al­though [Izual] is un­able to achieve human pilot that abil­ity ac­cord­ing to the cir­cum­stance, is un­able to make some Cre­ate na­ture the tac­ti­cal ma­neu­ver and tac­ti­cal op­er­a­tion. But [Izual]'s con­trol, in fact pre­cise. Mean­while, in some sim­ple mo­tions, can re­place the human pilot to op­er­ate [Dawn], mak­ing the human pilot ob­tain many re­lax­ation times.
When Zhou Zem­ing Mem­ory Metal Longsword, will soon cut Ma Liang [Dawn]. The [Izual]'s prompt sound, re­sounds in on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem.
„The Shock Ab­sorp­tion in­stall­ment re­stored to fin­ish, en­ters Sys­tem Auto-pi­lot Mode!” Just ap­proached the ex­plo­sions of ten Guided Mis­sile. large part shock-wave was re­sisted by Alloy Shield very much, causes the [Dawn]'s Shock Ab­sorp­tion equip­ment to be weary.
When the Shock Ab­sorp­tion in­stall­ment re­stored to fin­ish, [Izual] has con­trolled Ma Liang [Dawn] im­me­di­ately, at cer­tainly in­clined angle, has raised up Alloy Shield, re­sisted Zhou Zem­ing Mem­ory Metal Longsword.
„kuāng dāng ~”
The fierce metal hit sound re­sounds, Sil­ver War God huge strength. Let that Ma Liang dri­ves put up [Dawn], flies to draw back to go back­ward.
But such re­sult. Ob­vi­ously in [Izual]'s com­pu­ta­tion range, Ma Liang dri­ving [Dawn], very steady land­ing, even has also made a tum­bling move­ment of re­duced po­ten­tial en­ergy. In order to guar­an­tee in dri­ving Safety of cabin hu­man­ity pilot.
Zhou Zem­ing sur­prised looks at Ma Liang dri­ving [Dawn], in dri­ving of Sil­ver War God in the cabin, on his face showed the in­cred­i­ble look, in the mouth mut­tered: „Is this pos­si­ble? Is this pos­si­ble? Then the small or­gan­ism, is im­pos­si­ble to re­sist eight Guided Mis­sile shock-waves!”
Wu Shaobai com­plained in Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem: „El­derly Zhou, what's the mat­ter?”
How­ever, after Wu Shaobai just com­plained, then has en­coun­tered at­tack!
Eight Guided Mis­sile let Sil­ver War God that Wu Shaobai dri­ves, fell into trou­ble­some. Al­though used Mem­ory Metal shield to re­sist the shock-wave, but Mem­ory Metal shield was hit bumpy by the Guided Mis­sile shrap­nel, lost the func­tion of scat­ter­ing of light.
Five daz­zling red rays. Has shot at Wu Shaobai dri­ving Sil­ver War God!
Mem­ory Metal shield is un­able to re­sist laser again, di­rectly by five red ray di­vi­sions. Even, Wu Shaobai be­cause of the ma­chin­ery con­duc­tion ser­vice plat­form, has con­ducted part of shock-waves, mak­ing his body very un­com­fort­able, there­fore is un­able to re­store to move im­me­di­ately. Thus lets Sil­ver War God. Has en­coun­tered Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery at­tack.
If the nor­mal con­di­tion, huge Sil­ver War God fuse­lage. Even if has en­coun­tered Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery at­tack, does not have what re­la­tions, waited for sev­eral min­utes, Mem­ory Metal re­stored.
But now Wu Shaobai be­cause of with­stand­ing shock-wave, but is un­able to move!
There­fore, when Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery on the Sil­ver War God fuse­lage, has made one less than one square cen­time­ter small hole, will is sim­i­lar to the small thumb nail cov­ers such small hole, then made Sil­ver War God fall into the dead end.
This small hole, has en­coun­tered Ruby Laser Ar­tillery at­tack im­me­di­ately!
Doesn't have the scat­ter­ing of light plan, Sil­ver War God pos­si­bly to block the laser? That is crack­ing a joke sim­ply!
Shi Lei uses Ruby Laser Ar­tillery, ac­cu­rately hits small hole that the Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery alloy pro­jec­tile has made. The daz­zling red ray had not been scat­tered again, but is the co­he­sive force en­ergy, pen­e­trates Sil­ver War God or­gan­ism de­fense.
Wu Shaobai in Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, anx­ious loudly ex­claimed: „El­derly Zhou, a bit faster saves me!”
In fact, such re­sult, rad­i­cally dur­ing the com­pu­ta­tion of Zhou Zem­ing! Zhou Zem­ing dur­ing just the bat­tle, had dis­cov­ered Sil­ver War God is un­able to de­feat Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]. There­fore, Zhou Zem­ing pro­posed trades the wound plan by the wound.
Is Zhou Zem­ing in­tel­li­gent?
Wu Shaobai chose one has looked like Dan­ger, in fact Safety Task, that com­pletely was Zhou Zem­ing is the false ap­pear­ance that Wu Shaobai built.
Zhou Zem­ing is clear, once after Sil­ver War God is un­able to move, will then face the total de­struc­tion!
For this rea­son, Zhou Zem­ing dis­agree­ment Wu Shaobai com­petes for that ‚Safety’ Task, but has cho­sen Dan­ger Task.
When five [Dawn] at­tack Wu Shaobai, Zhou Zem­ing has cho­sen flee­ing, he runs away to North­ern, Sil­ver War God is step­ping greatly cross run­ning away.
Wu Shaobai un­der­stood the Zhou Zem­ing Evil thoughts ob­vi­ously!
[Dawn] when at­tack he, will def­i­nitely not pur­sue Zhou Zem­ing. Be­cause Zhou Zem­ing Sil­ver War God has not been dam­aged, the laser how him, Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery how him, why can [Dawn] pur­sue?
Hun­dred birds in the for­est, are in­fe­rior to a bird in the hand. Pur­sues Zhou Zem­ing with it, is in­fe­rior to safe tak­ing Wu Shaobai!
„Zhou Zem­ing Old Coarse Fel­low, you die like a dog! Your this Old Coarse Fel­low, plans me from the be­gin­ning, said that any­thing must run away with me, orig­i­nally treated as the board game piece me, wish has made me help you keep off the (spear|gun)!” Wu Shaobai in on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, was curs­ing an­grily Zhou Zem­ing.
Zhou Zem­ing found time to reply one, „Shaobai, must blame only to blame Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton being too for­mi­da­ble! Orig­i­nally, ac­cord­ing to my Plan, so long as we have cap­tured the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group tech­ni­cal ex­oskele­ton, that all are the best re­sults. Just, the pre­sent is such sit­u­a­tion, we can­not take them. There­fore, only then sac­ri­ficed you!”
„Zhou Zem­ing, I cursed your son am the ho­mo­sex­u­al­ity, your daugh­ter or the ho­mo­sex­u­al­ity, your wife am also the ho­mo­sex­u­al­ity!” Wu Shaobai knows the dead end, Zhou Zem­ing is in any event im­pos­si­ble to res­cue him, there­fore in on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, was curs­ing Zhou Zem­ing vir­u­lently.
But Zhou Zem­ing as if has not ac­tu­ally heard, wholly ab­sorbed trav­el­ling!
Sil­ver War God has fought for seven min­utes, ac­cord­ing to just fight in­ten­sity, Sil­ver War God also had three min­utes of fight time. How­ever, is used to travel merely, can use ac­tu­ally 78 min­utes.
The Zhou Zem­ing po­si­tion, from north Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer, four kilo­me­ters, the Sil­ver War God speed is not prob­a­bly quick, four kilo­me­ters at least take four min­utes.
If Zhou Zem­ing does not travel with sin­gle-hearted de­vo­tion, Sil­ver War God may un­able to run Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer!
So long as left Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer, Zhou Zem­ing the pre­pare out­side Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer all plans, he has al­ready been able to run away im­me­di­ately.
How­ever, does Shi Lei pos­si­bly make Zhou Zem­ing run away?
If after Zhou Zem­ing runs away, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group can also feel bet­ter in the Xia Na­tion day?
Al­though Shi Lei does not know in Sil­ver War God that es­capes, is ac­tu­ally Zhou Zem­ing, does not know that Zhou Zem­ing and Wu Shaobai have bro­ken off.
But Shi Lei un­der­stands that can­not let off any fish slip through!
„[Izual], ends him!” The Shi Lei dis­crete in­struc­tion said that even if Sil­ver War God is away from the Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer north edge, ap­proaches four kilo­me­ters dis­tance, but Shi Lei al­ready im­pa­tient or­der­ing.
Six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], in­deed do not have the means to cause the dam­age to Sil­ver War God. Ruby Laser Ar­tillery fac­ing the Mem­ory Metal scat­ter­ing of light plan, sim­ply is the meet­ing with dif­fi­cult ad­ver­sary!
As for Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, if Sil­ver War God is stand­ing mo­tion­less, that co­or­di­nates Ruby Laser Ar­tillery, can per­form good deeds ac­tu­ally.
How Sil­ver War God pos­si­bly to freeze?
How­ever, in the Shi Lei hand also has unique skill Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron]!
Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] only lost one, al­though an­other part is dam­aged, but can also op­er­ate nor­mally. Sil­ver War God in­deed re­strains Ruby Laser Ar­tillery, but is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to re­strain Guided Mis­sile.
Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] car­ried two Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile with two Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, [Izual] has been con­trol­ling Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], pur­sued to Sil­ver War God.
Even if the [The Steel and Iron] main pro­peller and tail wing pro­peller, re­ceives the dam­ages of vary­ing de­grees, the fly­ing speed re­duced part, but its speed has sur­passed a Sil­ver War God big trun­ca­tion as be­fore.
Sil­ver War God in Com­pass Area, ap­prox­i­mately the speed of each hour is the Sixty kilo­me­ter \; Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], cer­tainly is dam­aged at pre­sent, the speed has ex­ceeded 300 km per hour!
Merely less than one minute, Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] over­took Zhou Zem­ing dri­ving Sil­ver War God, two Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile lock­ing, launch af­ter­ward!
Two large flames have de­lim­ited the night­time sky, Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, has aimed at the fore­head, an­other has aimed at the Steel and Iron calf of Sil­ver War God.
For safety's sake, after two Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile Launch, two Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, has launched. And, [The Steel and Iron] in air­borne also trans­formed an angle, these two Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, the angle and Swift Arrow of a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile launch is en­tirely op­po­site.
Mean­while, as a re­sult of the Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile fly­ing speed com­pared with Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile quickly, even if after them launches, but with Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, si­mul­ta­ne­ously will al­most hit Sil­ver War God.
Sit­u­a­tion that four Guided Mis­sile si­mul­ta­ne­ously hit, means Sil­ver War God how , re­gard­less of being un­able to re­sist com­pletely. More­over, by the Sil­ver War God mo­bil­ity, is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to avoid Guided Mis­sile!
Sur­vival Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], be­came the re­verse war most es­sen­tial point. Luck­ily, en­tered Un­der­ground Base be­fore time, has not made [The Steel and Iron] ex­plore the way first.
Oth­er­wise, Sil­ver War God is very likely to es­cape. Such con­se­quence, Shi Lei will not like ab­solutely!


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