Sunday, December 24, 2017

1420: No. 4 and No. 6 variable temperature!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1420: No. 4 and No. 6 variable temperature!
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Com­pass Area, dim Starry Sky of Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer de­flec­tion, mak­ing the per­son un­able to bear the pho­tog­ra­phy star. Was only a pity that the pre­sent cell phone pho­tog­ra­phy tech­nol­ogy, is un­able to achieve to pat the star tem­porar­ily High De­gree.
Well, why can pho­to­graph the star with cell phone?
In [Dawn]'s on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, Shi Lei own dis­cov­ery, told to the Ye Feng five peo­ple, „A'Feng, pre­pared at­tack! En­tire. Devil se­cret Un­der­ground Base, thor­ough De­stroy!”
Shi Lei's opin­ion is very ex­plicit, can­not let off. Devil Un­der­ground Base any per­son, no, should be any crea­ture.
Six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] ap­proach once more. The Devil se­cret Un­der­ground Base en­trance walks. But has not waited for them to ap­proach, the Un­der­ground Base en­trance, pre­sented two shad­ows.
Al­though under the dim star light, the naked eye is un­able to dis­tin­guish these two shad­ows the true fea­tures, but has the LLL night vi­sion to sur­vey Sys­tem [Dawn], can ac­tu­ally clear see­ing clearly.
„Sī ~”
„Xià ~”
In [Dawn]'s on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, one after an­other makes the sur­prised sound. If be­fore­hand No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, but also is kind of per­son crea­ture, is re­tain­ing Fa­cial Fea­ture of hu­man­ity, but the hair was re­placed by the feather, but the eye is sim­i­lar to Cat Fam­ily.
Two shad­ows that then pre­sents now, can only be lower Gra­da­tion kind of per­son crea­ture, merely is kind of per­son crea­ture, Fa­cial Fea­ture of their hu­man­ity has not re­tained, what re­places it is sim­i­lar to the bee­tle same ker­a­tiniz­ing hard shell.
This type is sim­i­lar to the Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle same ker­a­tiniz­ing hard shell. Not only in face, but has cov­ered the en­tire body. The swarthy and glossy outer cov­er­ing, prompts their de­fense in­ten­sity to be high.
„Damn!” Shi Lei scolded one in a low voice. Re­gard­ing these kind of per­son crea­ture, in his heart had the an­swer faintly. „Hits them with Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery!”
Can­not clar­ify the sit­u­a­tion of match, should bet­ter stran­gle Dan­ger in the em­bry­onic stage!
The Shi Lei right hand takes up Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, has aimed, is sim­i­lar to bee­tle same kind of per­son crea­ture, for the time being called it the bee­tle per­son.
How­ever, Shi Lei has not opened fire. Then felt a fa­mil­iar slight vi­bra­tion!
In the Shi Lei heart raised not a won­der­ful feel­ing, he looks to Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery of right hand. Sim­i­lar to be­fore­hand Ruby Laser Ar­tillery is the same soon, launches the track of alloy pro­jec­tile to be curv­ing.
With­out a doubt, Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery is un­able to use!
„Your Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery were also at­tacked Right?” Shi Lei in on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, in­quired one.
The an­swer is the af­fir­ma­tion. Just that trav­el­ing speed ul­tra-high kind of per­son crea­ture, ob­vi­ously re­stored the abil­ity to act, launched the at­tack once more.
Dur­ing the suc­ces­sive losses Ruby Laser Ar­tillery and Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, mak­ing Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] fall into was pas­sive. How­ever, that has kind of per­son crea­ture of ul­tra-high trav­el­ing speed, def­i­nitely is un­able Alloy Heavy Sword and Alloy Heavy Shield wreck­ing.
„Boss, I try, that two mon­sters, ac­tu­ally have sev­eral jin (0.5 kg) sev­eral two!” Ma Liang snatches be­fore Ye Feng. Opens the mouth to say. After say­ing, Ma Liang does not wait for Shi Lei to agree that the left hand holds the shield right hand to hold the sword. Over­ran to two bee­tle peo­ple.
Does Ye Feng pos­si­bly make risk­ing one's life broth­ers in­de­pen­dent move? He pur­sued im­me­di­ately, help­ing Ma Liang share an­other bee­tle per­son.
The Ma Liang right hand grasped Alloy Heavy Sword, strength enor­mous cut­ting has been ap­proach­ing the bee­tle per­son. Ac­cord­ing to the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]'s strength, this sword can cut off Steel and Iron ab­solutely, the rhythm that the Or­di­nary bur­glar-proof door can­not block.
How­ever, bee­tle per­son has lifted the arm. Then eas­ily has blocked Alloy Heavy Sword at­tack, more­over sent out has been sim­i­lar to the Steel and Iron col­li­sion same sound. The bee­tle per­son does not have re­treat Half-step. Even pre­vents the arm of Alloy Heavy Sword, does not have the least bit to rock.
Do not think that has blocked Alloy Heavy Sword at­tack, did not have any­thing at the worst. In fact, this sim­ple move­ment, ac­tu­ally ex­treme ex­ag­ger­a­tion.
Why said?
Be­cause that is at­tack that Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] starts!
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] used five High En­ergy Motor to ac­tu­ate, the four limbs in­de­pen­dently have used the High En­ergy Motor di­rect drive. Each High En­ergy Motor out­put power, has achieved 134 horse­power.
Per­haps 134 horse­power ex­tremely in the ab­stract, are ac­tu­ally un­able to ex­press has the how huge strength, con­verts slightly, turns into more vivid data, 134 horse­power can let 10,000 kilo­grams, is 10 tons ob­ject, car­ries on one. one sec­onds meter mi­gra­tion.
A more di­rect-view­ing ex­pres­sion, that is bmw3 of 1.6 t dis­place­ment is a pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle, is about 136 horse­power. So ex­plained that should be able to un­der­stand the [Dawn]'s four limbs, the in­de­pen­dence has pro­vided 134 horse­power High En­ergy Motor, ac­tu­ally to have Right? how for­mi­da­ble
Even if the sketchy com­pu­ta­tion, when Alloy Heavy Sword hits the arm of bee­tle per­son, the im­pulse of that flash, at least has sev­eral tons strength.
But the bee­tle per­son is en­tirely still un­ex­pect­edly! Has not rocked in­clud­ing the arm!
If nor­mal hu­man­ity, with­stands sev­eral tons im­pulse, let alone any­thing is en­tirely still, the skele­ton of arm will crush the dregs ab­solutely!
The bee­tle per­son has not moved to re­sist Alloy Heavy Sword at­tack in­clud­ing the arm, this ex­plained that the strength of bee­tle per­son has the over­whelm­ing su­pe­ri­or­ity, more­over armor de­fense very Out­stand­ing.
„A'Feng, Liang Zi, re­treat!” Shi Lei in on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, ex­claimed loudly.
How­ever, the Shi Lei's re­minder late one step, after Ye Feng heard ob­vi­ously, fast re­treat, has evaded at­tack of bee­tle per­son.
But Ma Liang so is un­lucky!
An­other hand of bee­tle per­son, fights with the fists to the Ma Liang ab­domen. Luck­ily, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] has Auto-pi­lot Mode, [Izual] through op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem, the look-ahead at­tack of bee­tle per­son, is con­trol­ling [Dawn] to re­treat, si­mul­ta­ne­ously moved Alloy Heavy Shield to keep off be­fore the body.
[Izual]'s Auto-pi­lot Mode, even­tu­ally was slow one step. After all dis­tin­guishes Dy­namic Be­hav­ior through op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem, ar­rives at the [Izual] de­ter­mine com­puter con­trol plan again, is con­trol­ling [Dawn] re­treat, these steps re­quire the time.
There­fore, Ma Liang dri­ving Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], by a bee­tle per­son fist strike in Alloy Shield.
„hōng ~”
Even if [Izual] has been con­trol­ling [Dawn] in re­treat, but the fist of bee­tle per­son, hit , on Alloy Shield, sends out as be­fore is sim­i­lar to the ex­plo­sion same bel­low.
The thick­ness has achieved Alloy Shield, the prac­ti­cal mea­sure­ment can re­sist Alloy Shield that Small-scale Guided Mis­sile ex­plodes, the con­struc­tion cost is 4 Mil­lion Xia Na­tion Yuan Alloy Shield, un­ex­pect­edly fought with the fists by the bee­tle per­son dis­torts!
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] of Ma Liang dri­ving, seemed hit by the train was the same, has flown up­side down di­rectly!
„[Izual], a bit faster feed­back!” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing.
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] is Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group most High-tech man­i­fests, its Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy con­tent is high, the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency is for­mi­da­ble, sur­vey Sys­tem and sens­ing Sys­tem of in­te­rior in­te­gra­tion are quite many.
„Sir, the No. 4 [Dawn]'s left arm, the Shock Ab­sorp­tion in­stall­ment break­age de­gree sur­passes 80%, is un­able to re­store to use. Ac­cord­ing to break­age of Shock Ab­sorp­tion in­stall­ment, in­fers the human pilot, sit­u­a­tion that about per­cent twenty pos­si­bil­i­ties, have the bone frac­ture. More­over, the No. 4 [Dawn]'s both legs Shock Ab­sorp­tion in­stall­ment, dam­ages 17% and per­cent twenty sep­a­rately two. Draws the con­clu­sion ini­tially, No. 4 [Dawn], loses 76% bat­tle ef­fi­cien­cies, the sug­ges­tion with­drawal from com­bat.” The [Izual]'s syn­the­sis com­mented, trans­mit­ted to each [Dawn]'s pilot.
This syn­the­sis com­mented, Ruby Laser Ar­tillery and Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, counted for­get about it to go. Oth­er­wise, but broke an arm, the both legs Shock Ab­sorp­tion equip­ment small scope was dam­aged, was im­pos­si­ble to re­duce 76% bat­tle ef­fi­cien­cies.
Qual­ity syn­thetic eval­u­a­tion data that [Izual] gives, the heavy pres­sure on the hearts of all peo­ple, has struck merely, and [Izual] has made the aux­il­iary con­trol, but makes Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] kneel un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly.
Shi Lei did not re­mem­ber, after [Dawn] de­vel­ops suc­cess­fully, how long hasn't he eaten has owed like this? No! Should not eat such owing!
„Boss, I am all right, left hand does not have the bone frac­ture. Just, is un­able to con­trol the [Dawn]'s left arm now.” Ma Liang works loose from the bad con­di­tion, has re­ported own sit­u­a­tion fast.
After two bee­tle peo­ple strike kills [Dawn], stands in same place the mo­ment, then threw to Shi Lei and the oth­ers. How­ever, the speed of bee­tle per­son is slow.
Even was in­fe­rior speed that the nor­mal per­son runs!
Such sit­u­a­tion, makes Shi Lei relax fi­nally. If, bee­tle per­son had just that to grow the fel­low that speed of bird wool, they did not need to con­sider De­stroy. Devil, how thinks to es­cape is the cor­rect path.
How­ever, ob­vi­ously the bee­tle per­son does not have the speed of bird hairy per­son. On that head ul­tra-high of bird wool fast is mov­ing crea­ture steadily, by the Shi Lei de­f­i­n­i­tion for bird hairy per­son.
„Tem­porar­ily evades its front!” The Shi Lei brief in­struc­tion said that ac­tu­ally wants to ob­serve the bee­tle per­son to have any weak­ness. Sim­i­lar to that bird hairy per­son is the same, it can only in very short time, main­tain the ul­tra-high speed.
Devil Un­der­ground Base no longer keeps se­cret con­di­tion, com­pletely ex­posed in the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group eye. How­ever. Devil is ob­vi­ously more pow­er­ful than 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion, is sim­i­lar to Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group presses 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion to beat to be the same crazily. Devil also presses Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group one to beat crazily.
In those days was sim­i­lar to om­nipo­tent Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], might be called in­vin­ci­ble Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], in the spe­cific sit­u­a­tion, has en­coun­tered the ab­solute sup­pres­sion.
In Devil Un­der­ground Base, [Amon] sur­prised looks at the dis­play wall, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] in the [Amon] eye, is pow­er­ful in­com­pa­ra­ble ex­is­tence.
But now by No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body thor­ough sup­pres­sion, lets [Amon] un­ex­pect­edly is re­ally sur­prised.
„Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], these Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, are ac­tu­ally any­thing... east and west|thing?” [Amon] had con­sid­ered, the Ex­per­i­men­tal Body de­f­i­n­i­tion for east and west|thing, but is not hu­man­ity!


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