Sunday, December 24, 2017

1421: TALENS

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1421: TALENS!
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Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group and. The strug­gle be­tween Devil, fell in com­pre­hen­sively lee­ward.
If not. Flaw too much that Devil crea­ture Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, has per­haps, six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] all were ex­tin­guished.
Under dim Starry Sky, two are wear­ing the bee­tle per­son of swarthy glossy cara­pace mud­dily, is pur­su­ing six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]. How their speeds also to be slower than the speed that nor­mal Or­di­nary hu­man­ity runs, sim­ply pos­si­bly has not over­taken Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn].
South African local time, in Jan­u­ary twenty on the 1st, 2 : 11 am.
[Izual] in on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, was re­mind­ing Shi Lei, „sir, ac­cord­ing to the ul­tra-high fast un­known crea­ture body, first time ap­pears with the time-gap that sec­ond time pre­sented that Sys­tem in­fers the ul­tra-high fast un­known crea­ture body soon to ap­pear.”
[Izual]'s in­forms Sys­tem is the par­al­lel pro­gram, not only re­minded Shi Lei, but re­minds each [Dawn]'s pilot.
Shi Lei also in on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, re­minder of sup­ple­ment: „Care­ful, uses Alloy Heavy Shield to pro­tect the strate­gic point. More­over, mak­ing [Izual] con­nect self-pi­lot­ing.”
Fac­ing the ul­tra-high fast un­known crea­ture body, was named as crea­ture of bird hairy per­son by Shi Lei, Shi Lei, is Ye Feng and the oth­ers, does not have the good plan.
Even if the [Dawn]'s ma­chine ca­pa­bil­ity can meet the ul­tra-high fast re­sponse re­quire­ments, but the re­flec­tion nerve of hu­man­ity is not quick. Only then sends [Hope] in [Izual]'s Auto-pi­lot Mode, can ef­fec­tively avoid [Dawn] being used Great De­struc­tive Force to ex­plode weapon by the op­po­site party to give cloudy.
About after more than ten sec­onds. Sim­i­lar to [Izual] fore­cast com­pu­ta­tion, the bird hairy per­son ap­pears again, and has car­ried ex­plo­sive ma­te­r­ial.
The speed of bird hairy per­son re­ally quick. The spirit that as if can­not see to­gether, flashes past dur­ing the dark night.
Shi Lei only heard a very slight light sound, was sim­i­lar to the Lit­tle Peb­ble hit on [Dawn], but the [Izual]'s alarm sound was re­mind­ing Shi Lei, the mat­ter is not sim­ple.
Num­ber One [Dawn] of Shi Lei dri­ving, en­tered Auto-pi­lot Mode, [Izual] from Alloy Heavy Shield. Has taken down a flat­ten­ing cir­cu­lar metal disc, threw fiercely to the bee­tle per­son.
„hōng ~!”
Cir­cu­lar metal disc of flat­ten­ing. Un­ex­pect­edly is mag­netic Bomb. The fierce ex­plo­sion of mag­netic Bomb, sub­merged the forms of two bee­tle peo­ple, as if killed two bee­tle peo­ple was the same.
Shi Lei's brow tight wrin­kle, is sim­i­lar to ex­actly the same that he fore­casts. The bird hairy per­son re­ally eas­ily found has coped with the [Dawn]'s means.
Luck­ily, this mag­netic Bomb at­taches on Alloy Shield merely, if in the [Dawn]'s back, [Izual] needs to spend more time in­spec­tions, that was awful?
How­ever, when Shi Lei has not thought of the coun­ter­mea­sure, the place that mag­netic Bomb ex­plodes, two bee­tle per­son send un­ex­pect­edly loss­less flushed.
A they swarthy glossy cara­pace not any scar, even if a faint trace scratch does not have.
In Shi Lei heart help­less. ‚These two damn bee­tle peo­ple, were they re­ally in­vin­ci­ble?’
Devil se­cret Un­der­ground Base, [Amon] through dis­play wall. Looks at the bee­tle per­son for­mi­da­ble bat­tle ef­fi­ciency , the ex­pres­sion on his face is very shock­ing.
That mag­netic Bomb might, [Amon] is clear. If that mag­netic Bomb, places under a chas­sis of com­pact car, that can be blown to pieces ab­solutely the com­pact car.
But, might so tyran­ni­cal mag­netic Bomb. Un­ex­pect­edly has not caused any dam­age to the bee­tle per­son. [Amon] how can there be not sur­prised truth?
[Amon] re­peat­edly in­quired one time, „Sir Duke [Am­du­sias]. Ac­tu­ally No. 4 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body and No. 6 are Ex­per­i­men­tal Body what east and west|thing?”
[Am­du­sias] sits on com­fort­able seat back cush­ion chair, care­less looks at the dis­play wall, the melody lazy re­sponse, „[Amon], you know why we do co­op­er­ate with Dragon Risen?”
[Amon] joins. The Devil time is not long, is only 12 years merely, has es­tab­lished over hun­dred years of Or­ga­ni­za­tion re­gard­ing one, 12 years in­deed are not a pe­riod of long time.
There­fore, [Amon] does not know. Devil too much Con­fi­den­tial In­for­ma­tion.
„Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], I have been hav­ing doubts, why can we co­op­er­ate with Dragon Risen? Al­though the Dragon Risen strength, is strong in Xia Na­tion, but they re­gard­less in Com­puter Net­work Tech­nol­ogy, is Biotech­nol­ogy, falls be­hind us.” [Amon] said own doubts.
[Am­du­sias] has not kept se­cret, but is sound light singing: „Be­cause 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion Core is 'Dragon Rise' Plan. 'Dragon Rise' Plan is the name of Xia Na­tion per­son, is sim­i­lar to Deity Plan of Wo Sang Na­tion per­son is the same, al­though the name is dif­fer­ent, but fi­nally is the same tech­nol­ogy, that is Tran­scrip­tion Ac­ti­va­tion-like Ef­fect Nu­cle­ase Tech­nol­ogy, is called s.”
The [Amon] ex­pres­sion stares, eye in­side has shown the look of think­ing, a mo­ment later, he gains ground, looks at [Am­du­sias] to in­quire: „Is the gene tech­nol­ogy that darpa has not an­nounced? This tech­nol­ogy can the tar­get to op­er­at­ing the Gene Chain strip, has in­cluded the de­tach­ment bad gene, im­plants the fine gene, even copies the ac­ti­va­tion gene, isn't that right?”
[Am­du­sias] nod­ded slightly, on the face is hav­ing the light happy ex­pres­sion, „in­deed is the gene tech­nol­ogy that darpa has not an­nounced. How­ever, to avoid cov­et­ing of other Na­tion(s), darpa im­ple­ment has tempted Plan, puts out s Tran­scrip­tion Ac­ti­va­tion-like Ef­fect Nu­cle­ase Tech­nol­ogy in­ten­tion­ally, tempts the spy bur­glar­ies of other Na­tion(s).” Singing that [Am­du­sias] is bring­ing ad­mir­ing.
„Was darpa failed?” [Amon] pur­sues asks, „was this tech­nol­ogy, stolen by Xia Na­tion and Wo Sang Na­tion? Other Na­tion(s)?”
„No! darpa suc­ceeded!” [Am­du­sias] sighed in a soft voice, then sang: „Never must un­der­es­ti­mate darpa, our Or­ga­ni­za­tion na­ture, I want by your sta­tus, clear Right? darpa to serve as the bait the s tech­nol­ogy not to be in­com­plete, they use a in­com­plete tech­nol­ogy, has tempted other Na­tion(s) spies, this sim­ply is the mat­ter of killing two birds with one stone. Has given up cov­et­ing of other Na­tion(s), si­mul­ta­ne­ously cleaned up in­ter­nal spy.”
The [Am­du­sias] look, some­what fondly re­mem­bers, af­ter­ward con­tin­ues to sing: „Be­sides Xia Na­tion and Wo Sang Na­tion, other Na­tion(s) also has, in­clud­ing So­viet Rus­sia, Great Britain Em­pire, France, Ger­man. Any for­mi­da­ble Na­tion(s), ba­si­cally ob­tained this tech­nol­ogy.”
„In darpa is hid­ing that many spies?” Sus­pi­cion that [Amon] First does not be­lieve said.
[Am­du­sias] shakes the head, „nat­u­rally is not! But is darpa re­quests nsa Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, sends for pro­tect­ing this data, not only has cleaned up the darpa in­ter­nal spy, but also cleaned up the nsa in­ter­nal spy.”
„Per­fect!” Say­ing that [Amon] ad­mires. „Did Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], we also ob­tain s tech­nol­ogy isn't that right? Then these strange fel­lows, are Ex­per­i­men­tal Body of s tech­nol­ogy, right?”
Nod that [Am­du­sias] has not de­nied, sound light singing: „Yes. No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body has the ul­tra-high trav­el­ing speed, this is be­cause of No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, trans­planted Sharp-tailed Swift and Chee­tah gene.”
[Amon] has shown the feel­ing re­laxed ex­pres­sion, „no won­der the hair of No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body is the feather . More­over the eye has the Cat Fam­ily char­ac­ter­is­tics.” After say­ing, [Amon] has shown the hes­i­tant ex­pres­sion, clenched teeth to ask: „Does Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], through the s tech­nol­ogy trans­plant gene, have the side ef­fect?”
[Am­du­sias] faint smile looks at [Amon].
Com­pass Area, six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] are tired out from the press, two speed not quick bee­tle peo­ple, expel them to run every­where. Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] can­not hit bee­tle per­son ob­vi­ously, but Shi Lei is not will­ing to re­treat as be­fore.
This Shi Lei does not see clearly the war ac­tu­ally, but is Shi Lei does not dare to evac­u­ate. The pre­sent sit­u­a­tion is, they al­ready. Devil has got­ten into a dead­lock, if com­pletely does not solve. Devil, Shi Lei can af­firm. Devil will ex­tin­guish the Com­pass Area 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion news Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group ab­solutely, trans­mits to Xia Na­tion 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion Head­quar­ters.
Shi Lei not clear 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion in Xia Na­tion sta­tus ac­tu­ally high, but Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has in­di­cated Zhou Zem­ing priv­i­lege, even is al­most the same as State Af­fairs Ad­min­is­tra­tion Big Shot, this ex­plained 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion in the Xia Na­tion sta­tus eyes di­rect ac­cess to the high­est au­thor­i­ties.
De­pen­dence cur­rent Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, in the Of­fi­cial level, very dif­fi­cult to re­sist with 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion merely. even though is counted He Zhen­bang, im­pos­si­ble with the 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion re­sis­tance.
Has a plan for the pre­sent, only then. Devil also all ex­tin­guishes, lets this se­cret, for­ever buries in Com­pass Area, is the thor­ough in­sur­ance.
Just. Devil was too fierce a point, solely de­pends upon Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], seems very dif­fi­cult to ex­ter­mi­nate. Devil in the Com­pass Area strength.
Be­sides this rea­son, Shi Lei also has an­other rea­son to re­main. That is, Shi Lei does not be­lieve bee­tle per­son not any re­stric­tion(s).
The ul­tra-high fast mi­gra­tion of bird hairy per­son has about one minute 50 sec­onds of time in­ter­val re­stric­tion(s), didn't the bee­tle per­son have re­stric­tion(s)?
Any crea­ture body, abides by the basic prin­ci­ple of crea­ture. The bee­tle per­son has per­verted de­fense, the per­verted strength, the Nei­jia in­sect per­son has other as­pect flaws surely. Not is only lower than speed flaw that nor­mal hu­man­ity runs, def­i­nitely also has other as­pect flaws, but has not dis­cov­ered tem­porar­ily.
Once had dis­cov­ered per­haps the flaw of bee­tle per­son, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], then can ex­tin­guish di­rectly kills the bee­tle per­son. As for can dis­cover that the flaw of bee­tle per­son, Shi Lei be­lieves the long-term ob­ser­va­tion, can dis­cover ab­solutely.
Be­cause, Shi Lei has dis­cov­ered a bee­tle per­son, pos­si­ble flaw!


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