Sunday, December 24, 2017

1422: secret of beetle!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1422: secret of beetle!
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The na­ture does not have 100% per­fect crea­ture!
Even if as the hu­man­ity of food chain most peak, is not per­fect crea­ture, even the flaw are many. \\ ( 23 )( wx )
At pre­sent, dur­ing Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] fac­ing TAL­ENS Tran­scrip­tion Ac­ti­va­tion-like Ef­fect Nu­cle­ase Tech­nol­ogy, man­u­fac­ture crea­ture Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, in­deed was was dis­ad­van­ta­geous.
How­ever, Shi Lei be­lieves that bee­tle per­son has cer­tainly the flaw, im­pos­si­ble 100% per­fect. And, Shi Lei had dis­cov­ered a pos­si­bil­ity flaw, that is phys­i­cal abil­ity issue of bee­tle per­son!
Sim­i­lar to the me­chan­i­cal units has Long-term Use Du­ra­tion re­stric­tion(s), the crea­ture body has ‚long-term use’ sim­i­larly re­stric­tion(s). The crea­ture body com­pared with the me­chan­i­cal units, is eas­ier falls into ‚long-term use’ re­stric­tion(s).
The bee­tle per­son has the Ex­tra­or­di­nary strength, pow­er­ful de­fense, their ‚long-term use’ time should not be long. Be­cause, the for­mi­da­ble strength needs crea­ture to sup­port, but crea­ture of crea­ture body can ori­gin in food.
Once the crea­ture body lacks the crea­ture en­ergy, then means the hunger, needs to eat food to sup­ple­ment. Shi Lei spec­u­lates the op­er­a­tional time of bee­tle per­son, not over one hour.
Oth­er­wise, didn't bee­tle per­son go against heaven's will?
Ac­cord­ing to be­fore­hand Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] and fight de­ter­mine of bee­tle per­son, the cara­pace of bee­tle per­son even can re­sist heavy snipe rifle at­tack \; Through mag­netic Bomb ex­plo­sion de­ter­mine, bee­tle per­son's re­sis­tance to the ex­plo­sion also is very again high.
So per­fect bee­tle per­son, if has not bat­tled time as­pect re­stric­tion(s), that had al­ready gone against heaven's will the Right? pos­si­bly also low-key hide­away in Com­pass Area?
„We con­tinue to in­sist for a half hour! Within a half hour, the phys­i­cal strength of bee­tle per­son should pre­sent issue. To that time. Also is not what­ever we do butcher?” Shi Lei in [Dawn]'s on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, was say­ing to the Dark Hell five peo­ple.
se­cret Un­der­ground Base, [Amon] an­tic­i­pates looks at [Am­du­sias]. [Hope] [Am­du­sias] gives an af­fir­ma­tive reply.
On the [Am­du­sias] face that wipes the faint smile the ex­pres­sion, [Amon] that looks at some­what is scared.
„[Amon], you guess that the TAL­ENS tech­nol­ogy does have the flaw?” [Am­du­sias] was re­spond­ing to [Amon] with a melody of teas­ing.
[Amon] clenched teeth, re­ceives to have an in­ten­tion the cor­rup­tion to read, but said: „Def­i­nitely has!”
If the TAL­ENS tech­nol­ogy does not have the flaw, why No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body will be long the bird wool? No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body tragedy, is un­able to main­tain the shape of hu­man­ity un­ex­pect­edly.
„Con­grat­u­lates you. Guessed right!” TAL­ENS tech­nol­ogy that singing that [Am­du­sias] teased, „we ob­tained, al­though was com­plete. But does not mean that does not have ex­is­tence of flaw. Even, the flaw of TAL­ENS tech­nol­ogy is ob­vi­ous. The use an­i­mal gene im­plants the human Gene Chain, be­sides the ul­tra-high mor­tal­ity rate, even though suc­ceeded. Gene Chain of hu­man­ity changed. It can be said that com­pletely no longer is pure hu­man­ity.”
In the [Amon] eye has shown the panic-stricken look.
[Am­du­sias] as if had not dis­cov­ered that the [Amon] ex­pres­sion , to con­tinue to sing with a strange tune: „Usu­ally, im­plants the human Gene Chain an­i­mal gene more for­mi­da­ble, then Gene Chain of hu­man­ity changes is big­ger, will en­counter swal­low­ing of an­i­mal gene com­pre­hen­sively. No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body changed the struc­ture of hair and eye merely, this is be­cause in­jects the No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body an­i­mal gene not to be for­mi­da­ble . More­over the mod­ify range is not big.”
[Amon] frowns to in­quire: „No. 4 and No. 6 has Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, ac­tu­ally used the gene of what an­i­mal? Are they so why for­mi­da­ble?”
[Am­du­sias] does not care about [Amon] whether will di­vulge a se­cret. Prob­a­bly found the in­ti­mate friend to be the same, ex­pla­na­tion that is glad. „No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, has in­jected two types of genes and three types of genes sep­a­rately.”
Re­or­ga­nized the men­tal­ity slightly, the tune that as well as how to sing, [Am­du­sias] con­tin­ues to sing: „No. 4 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body is the early work, has poured into Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle and Titan Bee­tle gene. Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle, is Titan Bee­tle Gene Chain, com­pletely is dif­fer­ent from hu­man­ity. More­over, their Gene Chain are for­mi­da­ble, after im­plant­ing the human Gene Chain, then has in­vaded Gene Chain of hu­man­ity. The No. 4 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body sem­blance, turned com­pletely has been sim­i­lar to the Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle same cara­pace.”
„No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body is the No. 4 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body late work, the No. 4 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body tech­nol­ogy -based above, has joined the Amer­i­can Cock­roach gene, has fur­ther guar­an­teed No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body life tena­cious.” [Am­du­sias] as if very sat­is­fied No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, in the melody is hav­ing the full praise.
[Amon] ac­tu­ally com­plete crea­ture Lit­tle Bai, he asked back: „Amer­i­can Cock­roach? Can in Amer­i­can Cock­roach that in 967,500 Rem ra­di­a­tion in­ten­si­ties lives?”
„Right!” [Am­du­sias] af­fir­ma­tive nod, „in fact, a No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body in which pro­ject, ex­actly as stated, for sur­vives in the high ra­di­a­tion in­ten­sity.”
The unit of ra­di­a­tion in­ten­sity is Rem, nor­mal non- pro­tec­tive equip­ment hu­man­ity, can only en­dure 5 Rem's ul­ti­mate strengths. Once over 800 Rem, hu­man­ity must die with­out doubt.
How­ever Amer­i­can Cock­roach can ac­tu­ally en­dure 967,500 Rem's ra­di­a­tion in­ten­sity equiv­a­lents, what con­cept is this? Means that en­tire World en­coun­ters Nu­clear Bomb at­tack, Amer­i­can Cock­roach can sur­vive as be­fore.
Amer­i­can Cock­roach is a civ­i­lized sys­tem­atic name, uses the easy to un­der­stand name, that is cock­roach.
No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body in­deed was in­jected the cock­roach gene!
„[Amon], was in­jected Amer­i­can Cock­roach gene No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, has the strong en­t­elechy tol­er­ance. Even if the head cut off, will not die as be­fore im­me­di­ately, but will con­tinue to sur­vive for about 200 hours, be­cause then Ex­treme died hun­grily. Dur­ing this, if uni­fies the head and body of No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, then can ac­com­plish res­ur­rect­ing.” [Am­du­sias] was say­ing is sim­i­lar to the mat­ter of sci­ence fic­tion story.
How­ever, the tech­nol­ogy of hu­man­ity, can in­deed re­al­ize the surgery of re­place­ment head. In the red Su coun­try and Li Jian Na­tion cold face era, the red Su coun­try then used the ex­per­i­ment to make the dou­ble headed dog, but Li Jian Na­tion was the head of Mon­key re­place­ment.
Al­though dou­ble headed dog merely six days later died, Mon­key also eight days later died, but this ex­plained that the de­tach­ment fore­head in­stalls again, in­deed is a fea­si­ble Med­ical plan.
No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body was in­jected Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle, Titan Bee­tle and Amer­i­can Cock­roach gene, it no longer is hu­man­ity, but is the un­known crea­ture body.
Even if this crea­ture body has the Ex­tra­or­di­nary crea­ture char­ac­ter­is­tics, does not have any issue.
[Amon] has licked the some­what dry lip, opens the mouth say­ing: „Why can join the Titan Bee­tle gene?”
On the dis­play wall, six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] as be­fore and two bee­tle peo­ple cir­cle, is not will­ing to give up the plan of De­stroy se­cret Un­der­ground Base.
[Am­du­sias] is bring­ing sneer­ing, he has seen through the Shi Lei's scheme, „, be­cause Titan Bee­tle anti- hun­gry, grown Titan Bee­tle never eats food, till death. Al­though Ex­per­i­men­tal Body is un­able to achieve Titan Bee­tle anti- hun­gry, but at least can fight for over 48 hours, but does not need to eat food any food. If Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group thinks that they can delay time, but de­feats No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, that is com­pletely mis­taken!”
[Amon] is sup­press­ing the sur­prised thoughts, he has not thought that No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body is so for­mi­da­ble.
„Is the Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle gene, the pro­moted body de­fense in­ten­sity and strength?” Ask­ing of [Amon] probe.
[Am­du­sias] looks that six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] were pur­sued by the bee­tle per­son, is in a good mood, being out­spo­ken was ex­plain­ing to [Amon]. After all, these data, al­though is the rel­a­tive se­cu­rity, even if re­vealed that does not have what re­la­tions.
Also, [Amon] is Mar­quis, par­tic­i­pates in Or­ga­ni­za­tion al­ready 12 years, told him not to have any big issue.
„Right! The Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle cara­pace, has very good de­gree of hard­ness, and has the cer­tain ex­tent the color de­te­ri­o­ra­tion pro­tec­tion fea­ture. What is most im­por­tant, you know that the Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle strength is huge?” [Am­du­sias] has not kept guess­ing , to con­tinue to sing di­rectly: „Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle can move equiv­a­lent to own body weight 850 times of weights.”
„Kick-ass!” [Amon] has called out in alarm one, ex­pressed ‚good niú bāi’ opin­ion.
No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body body weight, has ex­ceeded 100 kilo­grams, even though ac­cord­ing to 100 kilo­grams com­pu­ta­tion, after 850 times, how many are that?
If No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, in­her­ited the Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle strength per­fectly, then they can move at least 85 tons weight the ob­ject.
„No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body has flaw, can only dis­play per­cent twenty Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle genes ap­prox­i­mately the strengths. How­ever, ex­actly as stated so, they can also de­feat Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton eas­ily.” Singing of [Am­du­sias] pleased.
Said like [Am­du­sias], even if No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, can only dis­play per­cent twenty Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle gene strengths merely, strength that but they had, has ex­ceeded 17 tons.
The so for­mi­da­ble strength, no won­der easy hit­ting flies [Dawn], after Alloy Heavy Shield hits the dis­tor­tion, but also has de­stroyed a [Dawn]'s arm.
[Amon] is lis­ten­ing to No. 4 and great strength of No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, he is ex­cited the whole body to shiver, can­not bear ask­ing that ex­ceeds au­thor­ity: „Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], since No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body is so for­mi­da­ble, why Or­ga­ni­za­tion doesn't make some much? If we have many No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body sim­i­lar crea­ture sol­dier, our Or­ga­ni­za­tion strength, can ob­tain very huge pro­moted ab­solutely!”
In the [Am­du­sias] eye re­vealed has wiped con­temp­tu­ously, „some­thing, God did not like being too per­fect. We have touched the for­bid­den area of God di­vine cre­ative force, God ob­vi­ously re­stric­tion(s) our strengths.” The re­sponse of [Am­du­sias] ir­rel­e­vance, but thinks care­fully that ac­tu­ally pos­si­bly un­der­stands any­thing.
Should be ap­prox­i­mately, wants to train No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, is not Free­dom train­ing, but re­ceived very se­ri­ous re­stric­tion(s). Oth­er­wise, ac­cord­ing to the Or­ga­ni­za­tion strength, isn't able to train are more?
Thinks is also, had over a hun­dred years of Or­ga­ni­za­tion, that is al­most asks for money richly, some peo­ple have the per­son, wants the power to be au­tho­rized, they def­i­nitely meet issue that was un­able to solve.
„[Amon], do not con­sider too much, we should think now how to keep Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton.” [Am­du­sias] is the same with the Shi Lei's idea, wants to de­stroy com­pletely the op­po­site party!


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