Sunday, December 24, 2017

1423: Rout beetle person!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1423: Rout beetle person!
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Com­pass Area, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group and. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion, wants to de­stroy com­pletely the op­po­site party mu­tu­ally.
The [Am­du­sias] vi­sion is sin­is­ter, Zhou Zem­ing that was sim­i­lar to died is the same, the First time had dis­cov­ered [Dawn]'s en­er­gized Sys­tem to be for­mi­da­ble.
In order to ob­tain [Dawn]'s en­er­gizes Sys­tem, [Am­du­sias] needs to keep Com­pass Area [Dawn], best cap­tures alive Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group in­va­sion per­son­nel.
Al­though [Amon] is al­most the same in tech­ni­cal as­pect and [Am­du­sias], but from strate­gic vi­sion as­pect, [Amon] and [Am­du­sias] has dif­fered sev­eral Grade.
At least [Amon] thinks that ex­tin­guishes kills Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group [Dawn], merely is only be­cause, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group has in­vaded Com­pass Area, but to not ob­tain [Dawn]'s en­er­gizes Sys­tem.
„Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], Num­ber One to No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body? What abil­ity they have, what gene has in­jected? De­pends upon them, isn't able to de­feat Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group?” [Amon] ex­pres­sion, ac­tu­ally many sev­eral points of re­spect­ful fla­vor.
[Am­du­sias] smiles, „Num­ber One to No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, their gene change de­gree is deeper, need more time, can re­store from the freez­ing. What abil­ity has as for them? Wait a minute, you will know!”
Star light of Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer de­flec­tion, is Com­pass Area, has brought the dim bright.
In Jan­u­ary twenty on the 1st, be­fore dawn 2.5 15.
Ex­pressed the bee­tle per­son from Shi Lei, had the phys­i­cal abil­ity as­pect flaw, so far, the bee­tle per­son pur­sued Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] to ex­ceed the Forty minute doggedly. But the bee­tle per­son least bit does not have the sign that the phys­i­cal strength over­draws. Even is sim­i­lar to at first equally is as be­fore en­er­getic.
„[Izual], what's all this about?” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing [Izual], be­cause Shi Lei told [Izual] by In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor. Sur­veys the in­frared heat ra­di­a­tion image in­for­ma­tion of record and analy­sis bee­tle per­son.
Shi Lei sends [Hope] from the in­frared heat ra­di­a­tion image of bee­tle per­son, an­a­lyzes some use­ful in­tel­li­gence in­for­ma­tion.
But, in­for­ma­tion of [Izual] reply, dis­ap­point­ing Shi Lei!
„Sir, dis­cov­ered through In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor that the in­frared heat ra­di­a­tion image of tar­get crea­ture body, does not have the ob­vi­ous change. Ac­cord­ing to the analy­sis of Sys­tem. tar­get crea­ture is not con­stant tem­per­a­ture crea­ture, more sim­i­lar vari­able tem­per­a­ture crea­ture.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
The Shi Lei's crea­ture knowl­edge does not go through a strate­gic pass. [Izual] had demon­strated luck­ily many in­for­ma­tion, so-called con­stant tem­per­a­ture crea­ture, hu­man­ity is the rep­re­sen­ta­tive, the body tem­per­a­ture through­out placed a rel­a­tively con­stant value.
vari­able tem­per­a­ture crea­ture also has a name. That is the cold-blooded an­i­mal!
No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, has ab­sorbed Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle, Titan Bee­tle and Amer­i­can Cock­roach gene, they in­deed be­long to vari­able tem­per­a­ture an­i­mal.
vari­able tem­per­a­ture an­i­mal is un­able to have the body tem­per­a­ture vol­un­tar­ily, the tem­per­a­ture is too high, needs to avoid the sun­light, the tem­per­a­ture is too low, needs to ab­sorb the sun­light, in the win­ter ex­tremely in cold needs to hi­ber­nate.
Wants through the vari­able tem­per­a­ture an­i­mal in­frared heat ra­di­a­tion image, an­a­lyzes their crea­ture body char­ac­ter­is­tics. This dif­fi­culty has a lit­tle big.
„Damn!” Shi Lei cursed one, af­ter­ward in on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, ex­plained the sit­u­a­tion to the Ye Feng five peo­ple. „We met trou­ble­some! About phys­i­cal abil­ity issue of bee­tle per­son, pre­sented the wrong es­ti­mate. Ac­tu­ally can con­tinue the com­bats of how much time as for the bee­tle per­son, tem­porar­ily is un­able ac­cu­rately to fore­cast.”
Ye Feng re­sponds im­me­di­ately: „Boss, how re­gard­less of the sit­u­a­tion, we lis­tens your.”
Zheng San­pao is chem­istry Spe­cial­ist, he some­what knows some crea­ture study as­pect knowl­edge. „Boss, al­though bee­tle per­son ghost east and west|thing looks like very strange. But it as be­fore is crea­ture. So long as is crea­ture, I do not be­lieve that it can all -weather un­in­ter­rupted com­bat!”
The Ma Liang [Dawn] bat­tle ef­fi­ciency pelts, he sighed: „Boss, sorry, I...”
Shi Lei has bro­ken the Ma Liang apol­ogy, „Liang Zi, you have ren­dered mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice, if were not you have ex­plored the de­tails of bee­tle per­son, we might lose are big­ger.”
„broth­ers, we two roads can choose now. First, we leave Com­pass Area di­rectly, then bets one, has a look. Can Devil ex­pose us to 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion.” Shi Lei said a First plan.
Ye Feng re­sponds im­me­di­ately: „Boss, this plan, is not ab­solutely good! We can­not our des­tinies, hand over. In hand of Devil. Op­po­site party oc­cu­pied ab­solute ini­tia­tive, we are too pas­sive.”
Other peo­ple are also sec­ond­ing the mo­tion, ex­pressed that can­not defer to First plan im­ple­ment ab­solutely. By 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion in the Xia Na­tion strength, they want to fum­ble and break up the show Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, that di­vides minute's of mat­ter.
In Shi Lei heart joy­ful, a First plan, Shi Lei is only the probe. Be­cause of im­ple­ment this plan, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, al­though will be fum­bled and bro­ken up the show in Xia Na­tion, thus re­moves in Xia Na­tion thor­oughly. But the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group strength, can ac­tu­ally con­tinue in Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion.
Changes a view is, First plan, loss com­pletely is the strength that Shi Lei has, but is not Dark Hell. If in Dark Hell, some peo­ple ap­prove a First plan, then he for­ever is un­able to join to say Shi Lei's Core Layer.
„A Sec­ond plan, that is we. Devil dies to knock. Devil thinks that they do have vic­tory in the hand? I told you. Devil ab­solutely does not have the least bit strat­a­gem which en­sures suc­cess!” Shi Lei was say­ing in [Dawn] on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem loudly.
In the Shi Lei hand is also grasp­ing trump card Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron]!
Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] that is that been dam­aged!
Why can the bird hairy per­son first at­tack Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]'s Ruby Laser Ar­tillery and Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery? Be­cause this dif­fer­ent weapon, will pose the huge threat to the bee­tle per­son.
There­fore, bird hairy per­son first De­stroy [Dawn]'s long-dis­tance weapon!
But the bird hairy per­son does not have the wing, is un­able to fly, there­fore does not have the means to process Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] Ruby Laser Ar­tillery and Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery.
Shi Lei is not does not want to use Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] from the be­gin­ning, but is Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] is in his hand very im­por­tant card in a hand, if quilt. Devil de­stroys, Shi Lei wants to dump tray again, that will pay very sig­nif­i­cant price.
„Boss, we with that two swarthy fel­low, die to knock!” Not yet grown Zhu Mingx­uan, loud clam­or­ing sound. „Boss, I want First to rush, at­tract their at­ten­tion, your at­tack their joint places, should have ef­fect Right?”
Shi Lei look one bright, im­me­di­ately on [Dawn]'s hud Mon­i­tor, the three di­men­sional solid de­fect dis­play of bee­tle per­son, through [Izual]'s image par­ti­tion demon­stra­tion, the joint place of bee­tle per­son, per­haps also re­ally frailly.
How­ever, can Zhu Mingx­uan pos­si­bly drag two bee­tle peo­ple?
„Mingx­uan, do not im­pulse, I had the so­lu­tion.” Shi Lei de­tailed show­ing, how uses only Third Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], through the Ruby Laser Ar­tillery at­tack two bee­tle peo­ple, „our Task as far as pos­si­ble pro­tects Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron]. Once Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] quilt. Devil kills, what for­mi­da­ble enemy later has again, we will pos­si­bly fall into the hope­less sit­u­a­tion, yes?”
Six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] lost long-dis­tance weapon, wants to pro­tect [The Steel and Iron] to be very dif­fi­cult. The Shi Lei [Hope] peo­ple pro­tect [The Steel and Iron], lis­tens to the des­tiny com­pletely human af­fairs.
Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] stays in the Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer peak, avoid­able Dan­ger with every ef­fort, the [Izual]'s voice prompt re­sounds in [Dawn]'s on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem.
„Sir, Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] soon at­tack, be­cause main pro­peller and tail wing pro­peller par­tial fault. There­fore, the Ruby Laser Ar­tillery ac­cu­racy, big date drops 7% to 11%.” [Izual] is re­port­ing in­for­ma­tion.
After [Izual] has re­ported that im­me­di­ately starts Ruby Laser Ar­tillery at­tack.
A daz­zling red laser, sud­denly pro­duces in Com­pass Area once more, the scald­ing hot red ray, after adopt­ing the test fire, im­me­di­ately to a bee­tle per­son shoots.
The bee­tle per­son who was in­suf­fer­ably ar­ro­gant, hits the bee­tle per­son who Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] re­treats in de­feat again and again, may be called the in­vin­ci­ble bee­tle per­son, fac­ing Laser Weapon time, is frail is sim­i­lar to a white paper!
The red ray, is cut­ting the bee­tle per­son sim­ply, has two sec­onds merely, a bee­tle per­son, by the red laser, from left to right was been then slant­ing to cut two.
An­other bee­tle per­son felt Dan­ger, but the speed of bee­tle per­son orig­i­nally slow, pos­si­bly es­caped trac­ing of Laser Weapon?
By the crea­ture body hard anti- Laser Weapon might, even though is cul­ti­vat­ing true virtue Plane, or is magic Plane, is very stu­pid pro­ce­dure.
The bee­tle per­son not only does not open the deity beast, does not cre­ate the Saint beast, and pos­si­bly can block the laser?
Has Amer­i­can Cock­roach gene No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body also merely com­pared with No. 4 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, had in­sisted one sec­ond, fac­ing fierce and tough Laser Weapon, the bee­tle per­son has handed over the an­swer paper of death.
Devil se­cret Un­der­ground Base, No. 4 and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body by the sit­u­a­tion that Third Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] ex­ter­mi­nates, di­rectly looks by [Amon] and [Am­du­sias] in the eye.
[Amon] clenched teeth, angry [say / way]: „Damn! We did not have Guided Mis­sile De­fense Sys­tem, oth­er­wise, hit to ex­plode that Lit­tle Air­plane!”
Ini­tial time of Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group in­va­sion. Devil has then launched de­fense Guided Mis­sile, wreck­ing Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron]. An­other [The Steel and Iron], re­ceived some dam­ages, but has not lost the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency.
In Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group De­stroy 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion, looked. Devil trou­ble­some time. Devil Guided Mis­sile De­fense Sys­tem, fault choice at­tack [Dawn], but has not cho­sen [The Steel and Iron].
Has left be­hind Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron]. Devil No. 4 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body thor­ough De­stroy. If the time can flow back­wards, [Amon] can ab­solutely first De­stroy Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron].
Al­though [Amon] ex­pressed the re­gret and not the will­ingly mood, but on the [Am­du­sias] face has ac­tu­ally shown the strange smil­ing face...


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