Tuesday, December 26, 2017

1465: sniper!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1465: sniper!
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Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Tem­po­rary Head­quar­ters, Emer­ald Build­ing.
In Emer­ald Build­ing out­side Emer­ald square, lying this way and that but ac­tu­ally bod­ies are mak­ing black war suit, wears the corpse of black mask.
Ten Au­to­mated War Weapon, quiet Lev­i­tate in the jet black night­time sky, as if not exist to be the same, no mat­ter what no one can think, in the night­time sky hides ten to slaugh­ter the ma­chine.
Emer­ald Build­ing North­ern, there is one com­pared with the Emer­ald Build­ing slightly low lit­tle of­fice. At this mo­ment, in this of­fice, had the small ac­ci­dent.
This Large Build­ing named Jinli Build­ing, al­though with the Emer­ald Build­ing dis­tance, merely less than 500 me­ters, but is such lit­tle dis­tance, caused the Emer­ald Build­ing source of wealth to enter broadly, but the Jinli Build­ing en­trance was chilly.
Night, the time has passed through on Feb­ru­ary 13, ar­rived at West­ern Valen­tine's Day.
Three put on black war suit, is lead­ing the black wig man, fun spoil­ing rushed in Jinli Build­ing. Al­though the Jinli Build­ing busi­ness is not good, but pro­vided as be­fore went on night pa­trol se­cu­rity per­son­nel.
Two se­cu­rity per­son­nel of going on night pa­trol, have dis­cov­ered three rush­ing un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel. Has not waited for them to send out the in­quiry, leads the black wig man to lift the right hand, in his hand grasped to in­stall pis­tol of si­lencer, was going on night pa­trol the se­cu­rity per­son­nel ex­actly as stated two (spear|gun)s to two, sim­ply did not have the least bit to hes­i­tate, started de­ci­sively.
Two se­cu­rity per­son­nel of going on night pa­trol, the long-term life in the Xia Na­tion Safety en­vi­ron­ment, they sim­ply had not re­al­ized that has life Dan­ger, they think merely was the young de­struc­tive per­son en­tered Large Build­ing, wanted to steal a junk.
But who knows that met Kill Gods un­ex­pect­edly!
Goes on night pa­trol se­cu­rity per­son­nel to fall down, their fore­head, out­flow blood and faint trace milk-white ma­te­r­ial. This wound and wound of Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Spe­cial-type War Squad mem­ber corpse is ex­actly the same.
Three wear black war suit un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, walks to­ward Safe Exit. In prepa­ra­tion crawl­ing stair­case Jinli Build­ing high level. The Shuanghu Dis­trict out­age, the Jinli Build­ing el­e­va­tor is nat­u­rally un­us­able.
Re­gard­ing the Or­di­nary per­son, crawl­ing stair­case is a la­bo­ri­ous work. Jinli Build­ing has 36, if the Or­di­nary per­son. To climb up 36 High De­gree on foot, at least takes the twenty minute.
Three wear black war suit un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, is car­ry­ing a gi­gan­tic travel bag com­pletely, more­over looks like the heavy com­po­nent. But their un­ex­pect­edly speed quick going up­stairs, merely five min­utes, they al­ready on 30 build­ings.
Per­haps in one minute sixth floor, the Or­di­nary per­son can also achieve. But wants con­sec­u­tively for five min­utes in 30 build­ings, let alone is the Or­di­nary per­son. Passed through the Stand­ing Army per­son of spe­cial train­ing, is hard to achieve.
But these three un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, but also re­ally in five min­utes 30 build­ings, and con­tin­u­a­tion crawl­ing build­ing that has not stood still, one minute, they had stopped in thirty-fifth floor.
Three peo­ple that stops, is the aura has merely slightly lit­tle thick, is that per­son of head, uses loudly low and deep, and some­what stiff tune. Told: „No. 2, No. 3, on your again build­ing. Goes to thirty-sixth floor. All defer to Plan im­ple­ment, first at­tack vol­ume small Drone.”
„Yes, Se­nior Of­fi­cer.” The se­r­ial num­ber is No. 2 and No. 3 un­clear iden­tity arms per­son­nel, def­i­nitely re­sponded is being per­son­nel of head, was the se­r­ial num­ber is Num­ber One un­clear iden­tity arms per­son­nel.
No. 2 and No. 3 carry travel bag to con­tinue the crawl­ing build­ing, ar­rived at thirty-sixth floor, they are rapid are fac­ing the Emer­ald Build­ing di­rec­tion, had found a win­dow. They put down the travel bag, from took out Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle of cal­iber.
They had speed­ily found the ap­pro­pri­ate snipe place. Starts to erect snipe rifle, af­ter­ward passes the Wire­less ear­phone. Re­ports to say to Num­ber One: „The No. 2 prepa­ra­tion fin­ished!”
„The No. 3 prepa­ra­tion fin­ished!”
Num­ber One also by the thirty-fifth floor win­dow, erected Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle of cal­iber. In the Wire­less ear­phone, re­sponded: „The Num­ber One prepa­ra­tion fin­ished, starts to choose to as­sign tar­get.”
The Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle tele­scopic sights, have glim­mer Night Vi­sion Func­tion. There­fore, three peo­ple can see clearly in night­time sky Lev­i­tate ten Au­to­mated War Weapon.
„No. 2, that Small-scale Drone of ten o'clock di­rec­tion is your tar­get \; No. 3, Small-scale Drone of 15 o'clock di­rec­tion is you.” Num­ber One is as­sign­ing Task, they choose is [Shadow Dragon].
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion ad­vanced ver­sion [The Steel and Iron], al­though is also Small-scale Drone, but com­pares [Shadow Dragon], the [The Steel and Iron] vol­ume is with­out doubt big­ger.
Chooses Small-scale tar­get, has to guar­an­tee some cal­ibers Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle, 100% can guar­an­tee, Small-scale [Shadow Dragon], shoots the frag­ment.
„Yes!” No. 2 and No. 3 re­sponse with one voice.
Num­ber One has cho­sen six o'clock di­rec­tion tar­get, he started to aim at tar­get. „En­ters at­tack standby Phase, after ten sec­onds, has aimed at tar­get, opens fire di­rectly.”
„Does not have issue!”
Sky over Emer­ald Build­ing, ten Au­to­mated War Weapon, under the [Izual]'s con­trol, al­most at the uni­form speed at the cruise, were wait­ing for the raider de­liv­ers.
Shi Lei, is [Izual], does not know that ten Au­to­mated War Weapon, be­came tar­get of other peo­ple.
Shi Lei at this time cur­rently and Shuangqing City Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Bu­reau Chief Zhong Wei­jian talked over the tele­phone, „Bu­reau Chief Zhong, thanked you to ex­tend the aid very much, this friend­ship, I in heart.”
Zhong Wei­jian says with a smile: „Major Shi, de­fends na­tional ter­ri­tory Safety, this is my work and re­spon­si­bil­ity, [Hope] we can the co­op­er­a­tion be happy.”
„Relax, Bu­reau Chief Zhong, me will not pre­sent big issue.” Shi Lei af­fir­ma­tive say­ing.
Zhong Wei­jian slightly hes­i­tant, is con­sid­er­ing the ex­cuse, then said: „Major Shi, if can evade In­jury-free to per­ish, please as far as pos­si­ble evade In­jury-free to per­ish.”
Shi Lei stares slightly, „evades In­jury-free to per­ish? Bu­reau Chief Zhong, you know that sword and spear does not have the eye, after the bul­let pro­jects, pos­si­bly to be how ab­solutely safe?”
„Major Shi, you un­der­stood that made a mis­take!” Zhong Wei­jian is quite po­lite re­gard­ing Shi Lei, this is be­cause, Shi Lei has rep­re­sented Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict. If no Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict this re­la­tions, the Zhong Wei­jian man­ner, per­haps is an­other sit­u­a­tion. „Major Shi, my opin­ion is, try not to cause the civil­ian ca­su­alty.”
„This is nat­ural! Bu­reau Chief Zhong, here is also my moth­er­land!” Shi Lei ex­pres­sion [Holy] was say­ing, as if a fran­tic pa­tri­otic mem­ber.
How­ever. Shi Lei just said that in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, demon­strated a pic­ture. As well as re­lated writ­ing ex­pla­na­tion.
In LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, pre­sented a pic­ture of ex­plo­sion. [Izual] has been joined to writ­ing ex­pla­na­tion in the one side.
‚No. 4 [Shadow Dragon] ex­plodes, ac­cord­ing to lock­ing of other or­gan­ism op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem, at­tack ori­gin in North­ern 482 me­ters Jinli Build­ing.’
Jinli Build­ing three un­clear iden­tity armed per­son­nel, No. 2 first opens fire, has wrecked No. 4 [Shadow Dragon]. But also in dis­guised form re­minded Shi Lei and [Izual], has sniper in one side glare like a tiger watch­ing his prey. [Izual] is con­trol­ling other nine Au­to­mated War Weapon im­me­di­ately, car­ries on the un­sys­tem­atic flight, avoids sniper at­tack.
[Izual] con­trols Au­to­mated War Weapon to avoid sniper at the same time. At the same time goes to Jinli Build­ing sur­round­ing. Pas­sive de­fense, ab­solutely is not the good means that at­tacks to kill sniper on own ini­tia­tive, is the kingly way.
„Bu­reau Chief Zhong, me was a lit­tle trou­ble­some, waits a while to process, again con­tact you.” Shi Lei was say­ing to the Zhong Wei­jian apol­ogy.
Al­though Zhong Wei­jian does not know that what hap­pened, but also knows the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, „good, Major Shi. You process first.”
After hav­ing hung up and tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion of Zhong Wei­jian, Shi Lei asks im­me­di­ately: „[Izual], what hap­pened?”
[Izual] re­lated in­for­ma­tion. The demon­stra­tion in LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, after Shi Lei ex­am­ined, clenches teeth say­ing: „Must kill these sniper! [Izual], uses In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, searches these to hide in Jinli Build­ing sniper!”
„Sir, In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor is un­able to sur­vey the op­po­site party, the Sys­tem analy­sis in­fer­ence, sniper of at­tack side, has dressed Anti-in­frared Ther­mal In­duc­tion De­tec­tion War Suit.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
Shi Lei cold snort. Now ap­peared in­clud­ing Anti-in­frared Ther­mal In­duc­tion De­tec­tion War Suit, these in view of Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group. In view of the mo­tion of Shuangqing City, ab­solutely is not sev­eral Na­tion(s) Hacker al­lied armies. Then can Plan ac­com­plish.
„As­sem­bles [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem to come, the killing op­po­site party that does not hes­i­tate the price!” Shi Lei cold hum in­struc­tion.
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] the im­ple­ment order, cur­rently such sit­u­a­tion, uses Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem im­me­di­ately is the best so­lu­tion.
Oth­er­wise, is it pos­si­ble that uses [The Steel and Iron] or is [Shadow Dragon] en­ters the Jinli Build­ing com­bat? The nar­row and small space, is too big re­gard­ing [The Steel and Iron] and [Shadow Dragon] re­stric­tion(s), [The Steel and Iron] and [Shadow Dragon] su­pe­ri­or­ity can­not dis­play.
After close five min­utes, as­sem­bles Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem that from Emer­ald Build­ing, en­tered Jinli Build­ing.
Four Set-up [Shadow Dragon] and five [The Steel and Iron], make the anom­alous flight re­gard­ing Jinli Build­ing, can avoid by sniper at­tack, can pre­vent sniper to flee Jinli Build­ing.
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem, after en­ter­ing Jinli Build­ing, en­ters the Safe Exit crawl­ing stair­case.
„Sir, Sys­tem had de­ter­mined, sniper over 33 High De­gree.” [Izual] has brought a good news.
Re­gard­ing ma­chin­ery Equip­ment, did not have an ex­hausted feel­ing say­ing. The speed of Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] crawl­ing stair­case is fast, three min­utes, then ar­rived at 30, one minute the speeds of ten build­ings, worthily ma­chin­ery War Weapon of right and wrong hu­man­ity.
Shi Lei through the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, is ex­am­in­ing the pic­ture of Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem pho­tog­ra­phy.
When Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem, starts re­trieve from three ten third floor, had ar­rived at thirty-fifth floor time, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem has dis­cov­ered Num­ber One sniper.
Be­cause, Num­ber One sniper in Safe Exit out­side, is car­ry­ing Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle, has aimed at Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem.
„Piu ~”
Has in­stalled Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle of si­lencer, has ex­uded the slight sound of gun­fire, cen­ter the bul­let the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem Cen­ter po­si­tion.
Even if Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle of cal­iber, can­not pen­e­trate Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem de­fense armor.
After all, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem has used Elec­tri­cized De­sign, has more spa­tial arrange­ment armor!
Num­ber One sniper stares slightly, such re­sult with is dif­fer­ent, but the next sec­ond that he fore­casts, he lost the abil­ity of pon­der.
Be­cause of [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, has aimed at the head of Num­ber One sniper, has cho­sen the launch. The Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery alloy pro­jec­tile, by every. 3800 sec­onds a me­ters speed, has hit the head of Num­ber One sniper.
That scene, was sim­i­lar to from thirty-fifth floor has thrown down wa­ter­melon same...


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