Tuesday, December 26, 2017

1466: They abandon the child!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1466: They abandon the child!
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On Feb­ru­ary 14, a spe­cial day.
If on this day, boyfriend or is Hus­band does not an­swer the tele­phone, then has the big issue pro­duc­tion. Shi Lei this mo­ment cur­rently processes big issue, and has processed sniper.
As a re­sult of [Izual] is un­able the con­firmed sniper quan­tity, after Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem to strike has killed Num­ber One sniper, [Izual] con­trols it to con­tinue up­wardly to search.
The [Izual]'s Log­i­cal Analy­sis way and Or­di­nary hu­man­ity a lit­tle dif­fer­ence, [Izual] is the pro­ce­dure, the Jinli Build­ing 36 floors, re­gard­ing [Izual], equiv­a­lent to 36 Task re­gions.
Re­gard­less of the front 35 re­gions what hap­pened, the Thirty-sixth re­gion, re­gard­ing [Izual], is a brand-new re­gion, will not come under the in­flu­ence of front re­gion.
Even if in thirty-fifth floor, has solved sniper, more­over just also en­coun­tered sniper to at­tack, but [Izual] is con­trol­ling [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem as be­fore , to con­tinue to search up­wardly.
Shi Lei in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, is ex­am­in­ing the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem dam­age con­di­tion.
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem, has used Mod­u­lar De­sign. Al­though Mod­u­lar De­sign also has the short­com­ing, but Mod­u­lar De­sign, very big, that is a lit­tle easy to re­place the dam­age part.
Just Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem, with­stood Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle short dis­tance at­tack, ac­cord­ing to nor­mal con­di­tion, even if armor, could not block Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle at­tack.
How­ever, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem armor, trans­planted Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]'s armor Sys­tem, has used strong alloy and form of ce­ramic union, enor­mous pro­moted de­fense in­ten­sity.
Even if Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle of cal­iber. Less than ten me­ters dis­tance fire, has not been break­ing Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem de­fense as be­fore.
‚, Has not dam­aged per­cent Sixty-two un­ex­pect­edly. If comes time at­tack again, [Fear­less] de­fense will be bro­ken. The luck good also to fight. The luck is not good, will dis­card ab­solutely di­rectly.’ Shi Lei is an­a­lyz­ing the sit­u­a­tion.
„[Izual], con­trols [Fear­less] care­fully, pre­vents spot that is dam­aged, was at­tacked again same.” Shi Lei was re­mind­ing [Izual].
„Yes , sir.” Reply of [Izual] sound ice-cold un­feel­ing.
A time re­treat point, be­side Shuanghu Dis­trict, Beiyu Dis­trict Jing'an For­est.
Here is Shuangqing City Power Grid Sys­tem Trans­former Cen­ter Sta­tion. The elec­tric power of Shuangqing City major part, needs to carry on as­sign­ment pro­cess­ing through here.
Usu­ally, Jing'an For­est al­ways gath­ers round the wire net­ting, but also is hang­ing the Dan­ger prompt of high-volt­age, sim­ply does not have what habi­ta­tion to exist. But now night early morn­ing time, Jing'an For­est ac­tu­ally a babel of voices.
Shuangqing City Power Grid Sys­tem En­gi­neer and tech­ni­cal per­son­nel, is prospect­ing the sit­u­a­tion at the scene com­pletely, nu­mer­ous Po­lice Force, arms Po­lice Force and Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency agent, is pro­tect­ing Jing'an For­est.
Jing'an For­est Trans­former Cen­ter Sta­tion, en­coun­tered reached the at­tacks of eight Sin­gle-shot Rocket. Eight Sin­gle-shot Rocket, De­stroy close per­cent Forty cen­ter sta­tion po­ten­tial de­vice, wanted re­pair Trans­former Cen­ter Sta­tion. This is a dif­fi­cult work.
Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Bu­reau Chief, Bai Qiang per­son­ally ar­rived at the scene, per­son-in-charge ex­change of his cur­rently and Power Grid Sys­tem. Shuangqing City Power Grid Sys­tem per­son-in-charge named Zuo Zhengyou, a com­par­i­son has the opin­ion name.
Zuo Zhengyou seems like only Forty years old, but in fact, he was 55 years old. In op­er­a­tion, a Zuo Zhengyou al­ways face friendly ex­pres­sion, but the Zuo Zhengyou in­ner­most feel­ings are dan­ger­ous.
How­ever, at this mo­ment. Zuo Zhengyou whole face anx­ious was ask­ing, „Bu­reau Chief Bai. Blows up the sus­pect of elec­tri­cal net­work, did you hold?”
Bai Qiang shook the head. „Bu­reau Chief Zuo, the re­lated sus­pect, we did not have the clue tem­porar­ily.”
Zuo Zhengyou can­not bear com­plain: „Bu­reau Chief Bai, couldn't your bu­reaus in Beiyu Dis­trict, hold the sus­pect?”
„Hēng!” Bai Qiang and Zuo Zhengyou are not fa­mil­iar, does not have what friend­ship, fac­ing the com­plaint of Zuo Zhengyou, as well as the faint ac­cu­sa­tion, Bai Qiang sneers say­ing that „Bu­reau Chief Zuo, now in Shuangqing City power cut, more­over is the night be­fore dawn, we have al­ready not mon­i­tored the record, does not have the unim­peded traf­fic con­di­tions, traces the sus­pect?”
Zuo Zhengyou re­al­ized that not being feel­ing well of Bai Qiang, he com­pen­sates to say with a smile hastily: „Bu­reau Chief Bai, I am not that opin­ion, my opin­ion, held the sus­pect, our re­spon­si­bil­ity are lit­tle.”
Power Grid Sys­tem Trans­former Cen­ter Sta­tion has en­coun­tered the at­tack of in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher, had been pho­tographed by Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, al­though cuts power now, is un­able to move to take the re­lated record, but the record has the preser­va­tion there, re­sumes power sup­ply can ex­am­ine.
Zuo Zhengyou opin­ion is very ob­vi­ous, elec­tri­cal net­work Trans­former Cen­ter Sta­tion with the minute prin­ci­ple sta­tion, has en­coun­tered the at­tack of in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher, cre­ates the en­tire Shuangqing City large-scale power cut, his Zuo Zhengyou in­deed is the First re­spon­si­ble per­son.
But Bai Qiang takes Po­lice Chief, his being able to es­cape re­spon­si­bil­ity?
Zuo Zhengyou opin­ion is, mak­ing Bai Qiang try to find the so­lu­tion, makes a sus­pect, no mat­ter he is a sus­pect, after hav­ing fas­tened the charge in any case, their re­spon­si­bil­ity will re­duce.
In the Bai Qiang heart sneers, this mat­ter does he pos­si­bly do? If the mat­ter has ex­posed, Bai Qiang will re­place Zuo Zhengyou be­comes the First re­spon­si­ble per­son, Bai Qiang is not a fool!
„Bu­reau Chief Zuo, please feel re­lieved that we will do ut­most, holds the sus­pect as soon as pos­si­ble.” Bai Qiang talks bu­reau­cratese, ap­pear­ance that being con­sci­en­tious in dis­charg­ing of­fi­cial du­ties.
In the Zuo Zhengyou heart hates darkly, but in the sur­face ac­tu­ally feels grate­ful: „Thanks Bu­reau Chief Bai, all asked!” After say­ing, Zuo Zhengyou asked for mercy: „Bu­reau Chief Bai, I must ask about the mat­ter of ser­vice progress, tem­porar­ily I must say good bye now.”
Bai Qiang nods, the words have not said one.
Al­though Zuo Zhengyou is the Power Grid Sys­tem leader, but Zuo Zhengyou sta­tus can­not com­pare Bai Qiang. Zuo Zhengyou en­tered the Power Grid Sys­tem ur­gent arrange­ment di­rec­tion scene, ex­pres­sion se­ri­ous ask­ing: „Com­plete re­pair does Trans­former Cen­ter Sta­tion, how long time re­quire?”
Power Grid Sys­tem En­gi­neer and Tech­ni­cal Spe­cial­ists, lower the head com­pletely do not speak.
„How? Mutes? Who can tell me, ac­tu­ally to need how long?” Zuo Zhengyou sends the of­fi­cer pres­tige greatly, the omi­nous flame was in­quir­ing dread­fully.
And is bring­ing old Spe­cial­ist of eye­glasses, opens the mouth say­ing: „We ur­gent re­pair part of route, have first guar­an­teed the elec­tric­ity of Gov­ern­ment de­part­ment, hos­pi­tal, school and mass tran­sit place. At pre­sent, the power sup­ply of train sta­tion and Air­port re­cov­ers nor­mally. Then, we will re­sume fur­ther civil elec­tric­ity of some areas.”
„Pages of non­sense! I am held re­spon­si­ble, can re­sume the power sup­ply of Shuangqing City?” Zuo Zhengyou angry is bel­low­ing.
Old Spe­cial­ist has pushed the eye­glasses, „, if twenty four hours of un­in­ter­rupted rush­ing a job, prob­a­bly takes three days to four days. How­ever, po­ten­tial de­vice that we keep in stock is in­suf­fi­cient, is un­able to sat­isfy the cen­ter to stand with all minute of prin­ci­ple sta­tions.”
„In­suf­fi­ciently buys!” Zuo Zhengyou cold hum said that „I give you three days, three days later, en­tire Shuangqing City, must re­sume power sup­ply!”
This time, Wo Sang Na­tion, Nan­chao Na­tion and Hacker al­lied armies of South­east Asia var­i­ous coun­tries, have in­deed gone too far in doing lit­tle, their be­hav­iors, have not been able to in­cor­po­rate into the Hacker in­va­sion purely, but should be con­sid­ered as on is Ter­ror­ist At­tack.
Was sim­i­lar to Li Jian Na­tion world trade Large Build­ing en­coun­tered the at­tack to be the same in the past, al­though the loss of Shuangqing City so is not se­ri­ous, but in­deed has en­coun­tered Ter­ror­ist At­tack.
Shuangqing City Gov­ern­ment is fu­ri­ous in­com­pa­ra­bly, this mat­ter up­ward re­port, the [Hope] high level can make the strong point de­ci­sion di­rectly. But the Xia Na­tion high level, as if the plan cold treat­ment, does not have many re­sponse Shuangqing City, but tells Shuangqing City, processes the arrange­ment of power cut as soon as pos­si­ble and en­sure will not have the re­bel­lion of any peo­ple.
As for the Xia Na­tion high level, can ac­tu­ally send out the protest to sev­eral Na­tion(s), is tem­porar­ily un­known.
Shuanghu Dis­trict, Jinli Build­ing.
[Izual] is con­trol­ling Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem, on thirty-sixth floor. No. 2 and No. 3 sniper, orig­i­nally in thirty-sixth floor, when they heard the thirty-fifth floor sit­u­a­tion, and in the Wire­less ear­phone, con­tact Num­ber One, after Num­ber One has not re­sponded, No. 2 and No. 3 give up thirty-sixth floor, ar­rived at roof rooftop.
Their [Hope] on rooftop, used fast falls the equip­ment to run away the birth day. Al­though on rooftop, is easy to en­counter the at­tack of air ef­fort, but they have dressed Anti-in­frared Ther­mal In­duc­tion De­tec­tion War Suit, they have been full of con­fi­dence, can de­ceive the air ef­fort.
Has only been a pity, their not clear [The Steel and Iron] and [Shadow Dragon] sur­vey plan, [The Steel and Iron] and [Shadow Dragon], not only has In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, but also has the night vi­sion to sur­vey Sys­tem.
When No. 2 and No. 3 sniper, ar­rived at rooftop time, waited for that their is two [The Steel and Iron].
The [The Steel and Iron] ex­ter­nal loud­speaker, is broad­cast­ing Japan­ese and Eng­lish, re­quest­ing them to put down the weapon sur­ren­der, with the aim of hav­ing the op­por­tu­nity of main­tain­ing life.
But two sniper have cho­sen the sui­cide un­ex­pect­edly with­out hes­i­ta­tion!
They have bro­ken by bit­ing the cyanide thing in oral cav­ity. The poi­so­nous pouch, died in short sev­eral sec­onds, the method of sim­ply not hav­ing re­versed. Even if Xi­anxia World Great Prin­ci­ple Golden Im­mor­tal de­scends to the world of im­mor­tals, per­haps can­not pre­vent this type of evil and cruel chem­istry tox­i­cant.
Shi Lei sur­veys Sys­tem through the [The Steel and Iron] night vi­sion, help­lessly looks that two sniper died, his mood is some­what awful. This Shi Lei benev­o­lence sends ac­tu­ally greatly, was not cruel enough to look at the enemy dead, be­cause has not held the liv­ing wit­ness, is un­able to ob­tain many in­for­ma­tion, mak­ing Shi Lei not be feel­ing well.
Shuanghu Dis­trict, in un­known res­i­dents.
Male cur­rently op­er­ates Note­book Com­puter, sud­denly, on the note­book screen, sends out the prompt. Side of this man, an­other man, he looks at the prompt on screen, said with a smile lightly: „Three sniper died!”
„In­dif­fer­ent, they aban­doned the child! Those who let my ac­ci­dent is, they elim­i­nated Drone un­ex­pect­edly, has made use of waste fi­nally, Cre­ate a wee bit val­ues.” The man of op­er­a­tion note­book re­sponded.
„When do we move?” Be­fore that man in­quired.
The man of op­er­a­tion note­book, shakes the head slightly, „don't worry, does not ar­rive at the op­por­tu­nity, our tar­get, are not that sim­ple!”


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