HK :: VOLUME #15
#1479: Samsung Company of tragedy!
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On February 14, Valentine's Day.
3 : 00 pm ten points, Shi Lei in Emerald Building Basement Fifth Floor, Supercomputer [Origin] Core region Security Room.
Shi Lei both hands are rapping source code on the keyboard fast, unites the [Izual] together implement Third step, „did [Izual], prepare?”
„Yes , sir. System has prepared Forty-seven relay Server, distributes in Worldwide 16 Nation(s), Nanchao Nation Cyber Security Agency, is impossible to trace to issue information.” [Izual] was responding to Shi Lei's issue.
Shi Lei hēi hēi said with a smile: „Starts!”
Nanchao Nation Internet World, presented the negative report of numerous about Nanchao Nation Samsung Cellphone immediately.
The «Shuangqing City Samsung Cellphone flagship store got angry pounds!»
Xia Nation local time on February 14, 2 : 00 pm twenty differences.
The Samsung Cellphone flagship store situated in Shuangqing City Beijiang District Guanqiao commercial Center area, was destroyed by some angry Shuangqing City people. Surprisingly, when Shuangqing City Police arrives, participates to destroy suspicion personnel of Samsung Cellphone flagship store, vanished at the scene completely, and Shuangqing City Police indicated that temporarily is unable to obtain related personnel information.
The Shuangqing City situation is very special, Shuangqing City social public Safety has gone far beyond our imperial capital Seoul City. Because, Shuangqing City has is called ‚Social Public Safety System’ Monitoring System.
This set of System was advanced, depends upon this set of System, Shuangqing City formerly has realized the situations of several near zero crime rates. Samsung Cellphone flagship store situated in Shuangqing City Beijiang District, on the afternoon of February 14 2 : 00 pm twenty minutes, resumed the related power supply, Social Public Safety System also resumed the operation.
Through in every way comprehensive analysis, once after Social Public Safety System start operation, let alone has the situation of having destroyed the Samsung Cellphone flagship store. exactly as stated in the Samsung Cellphone flagship store, had the steal behavior, will be recorded by Social Public Safety System.
But Shuangqing City Police. Unexpectedly expressed that temporarily is unable to obtain related personnel information, this situation when Social Public Safety System normal operation. Basically is impossible to exist.
Through this news, is not hard manner of determine Xia Nation to Nanchao Nation, Nanchao Nation soon will perhaps face a more awful situation!
Shi Lei in the post, has inserted the numerous related picture, all pictures, are [Izual] use Unreal Graphics Processing Software completely, under the Shi Lei's direction, has carried on repeatedly modify accomplish.
[Izual] uses Unreal Graphics Processing Software. Picture of manufacture, quite real, almost can achieve to confuse falsehood with the truth. At least the Ordinary Internet users cannot distinguish, but specialized personnel wants to distinguish, quite tests the eyesight.
Along with Shi Lei in Nanchao Nation Internet World, had issued has the chart to have the post of evidence, the numerous Nanchao Nation Internet users were also angry.
Samsung Business is the pride of Nanchao Nation, everything mentioned Nanchao Nation, association naturally to Samsung. Regarding Samsung Cellphone flagship store, in Shuangqing City meeting with. The Nanchao Nation Internet users in the post of Shi Lei issue, start to reply the message, [Hope] Nanchao Nation Official issue the notice to Xia Nation. Let Xia Nation Government protect good Nanchao Nation in the Xia Nation enterprise.
Although some happen to the Shuangqing City Nanchao Nation Internet users, Shuangqing City Samsung Cellphone flagship store complete such as beginning picture, has fed in Nanchao Nation, and in Internet World, has issued the spiking a rumour news.
But such news, will often attract the [Izual]'s firepower, was encircled by [Izual]'s, was deleted the post directly, even is computer of attack promulgator.
In Nanchao Nation Internet World. As Samsung Business receives the non- equitable treatment the news more to put on Shuangqing City is broader, Samsung Company Official stands to spike a rumour. Expressed that Samsung Company in the Shuangqing City Samsung Cellphone flagship store, has not encountered any rough stuff.
However. Regarding the response of Samsung Company, Shi Lei has made the counter-attack immediately, in Nanchao Nation Internet World, has issued the post once more, in the way of conspiracy theory, expressed Samsung Company to settle a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved, is not willing at this critical moment, to be involved in Shuangqing City [Storm].
Regarding the post of Shi Lei issue, the majority of Internet users chose have believed. In network, the Internet users believe the plot argument, this is the fact that has to acknowledge. Instead is the news of spiking a rumour, usually will be considered as the false information, or covers the news.
cell phone flagship store of Samsung Company situated in Shuangqing City was pounded the event, makes noisily in Nanchao Nation Internet World, Shi Lei has not stopped, but pretends to be Nanchao Nation Hacker, in Nanchao Nation Internet, has issued a post.
In this post, Shi Lei expressed one are patriotic Hacker, has invaded Shuangqing City Government Network, wants in Social Public Safety System, seeks to destroy the evidence of Samsung Cellphone flagship store.
However, in Shuangqing City Government Network, has stumbled upon big secret.
Shi Lei open to the public expressed that in Shuangqing City Government Network, had discovered Shuangqing City Government, attempts in view of Samsung Company, carries on all kinds Should-pay Taxation investigate and Product Aftermarket Survey.
Should-pay Taxation investigate, is Product Aftermarket Survey, will hit Samsung Company lifeline absolutely. Which doesn't Big Company, have the situation of reasonably avoiding taxes?
Shi Lei pretends to be Nanchao Nation Hacker, had issued most after latest post, Nanchao Nation Samsung Company Headquarters could not sit still, although they know that the cell phone flagship store was pounded is the Fake news. But they actually do not know, news that Hacker that Shi Lei pretends to be, discloses real.
If, Shuangqing City Government investigate Samsung Company in Shuangqing City related tax affairs issue and product post-sale issue, that absolutely is the big tragedy.
„Shi Lei, the kospi200 index continues to fall, at present fell over 12 points!” Mu Shuang told the real-time situation to Shi Lei.
If Shi Lei had disclosed the Samsung Cellphone flagship store pounded news, and is not enough to affect the kospi200 index. Because, regardless of true or false of this news, is unable to create the too big trouble to Samsung Company.
But Shi Lei had disclosed Shuangqing City Government wants investigate Samsung Company when the Shuangqing City tax position, immediately caused the laughing to be big. wave, the Samsung Company Stock price accelerates to fall, the kospi200 index was also affected by Samsung Company, thus creates the situation that the whole fell.
Shi Lei hā hā is laughing, „Shuang Shuang, we , the investment operates kospi200 index Ah?”
Mu Shuang light snort, „Shi Lei, present opportunity also!”
„Good! I continue the implement Third step, gives Nanchao Nation and Samsung Company again holds a blade!” Shi Lei hēi hēi said with a smile strangely.
„Um, you continue, I must study, when we enter Nanchao Nation Stock Market to be most appropriate specifically.” The Mu Shuang response said.
Shi Lei in Nanchao Nation Internet World, started the fabricating a rumor activity immediately once more. Shi Lei thanked this era, because of this era, Internet fabricated a rumor temporarily also has not been defined as the crime.
Internet to Reality, here is Illusory, all are Virtual, the law responsibility that needs to shoulder is few, is nearly different.
After Shi Lei fabricated a rumor continuously, started to issue that the post continued to fabricate a rumor, this time, Shi Lei has chosen Samsung Company. After all, Samsung Company is the Nanchao Nation flag, fabricated a rumor does not make Samsung Company, that is unfair to itself simply!
The «Capital City Samsung Cellphone flagship store was pounded, Capital City Police disregards!»
«Shanghai Samsung synthesis flagship store was pounded, value million Top Quality was raided, Police expressed helplessly!»
Some «Shengjing City Samsung Company warehouse is on fire suddenly, was burnt down the value 14 Million Xia Nation Yuan property!»
«Shuangqing City Samsung Company Nanchao Nation accredits personnel, encounters the local black influence blackmail, Shuangqing City Police is inactive temporarily!»
The numerous fabricating a rumor news spreads in Nanchao Nation Internet, although Samsung Company knows some people in aiming at them, but in Internet World, they are unable to prevent Shi Lei and [Izual].
Even if Samsung Company also has World Summit Grade Hacker, they can delete Shi Lei and post of [Izual] issue anytime and anywhere, so long as they delete one, Shi Lei and [Izual] will issue two, deletes two to issue four, cannot delete!
Facing so the situation, Samsung Company expressed very reluctantly!
Samsung Company has sought help from Nanchao Nation Cyber Security Agency, but Nanchao Nation Cyber Security Agency, more important matter processing, they need to guard against Internet World, appears in view of the opinion of Nanchao Nation, possibly manages the Samsung Company life?
Perhaps changes time, they will definitely help Samsung Company, but is not now!
Shi Lei and [Izual] aim at Samsung Company, many fabricating a rumor that carries on move, making the Nanchao Nation Internet users resentment extremely heavy. They have believed Shi Lei and fabricating a rumor post of [Izual] issue, because each post has the picture proof of numerous.
The Nanchao Nation Internet users urged that Nanchao Nation network Great God, gives the Xia Nation net world sanction, making the Xia Nation Internet users know their fierce.
But in fact, Nanchao Nation network Great God, is network Hacker, at this time is also intertwining!
Xia Nation Hacker World, because of the Shuangqing City matter, warned seriously severely Nanchao Nation Hacker World, lets Nanchao Nation Hacker World major Organization, restrains Hacker, waited for after matter investigate is clear, fights again, so as to avoid the snares of other influences.
Both sides both are not the fools, thought faintly all these were being controlled by pair of a big hand of not being able to see.
„Shuang Shuang, situation how?” Shi Lei and [Izual], had issued continuously after ten several posts, was inquiring Mu Shuang again.
Shi Lei thought that Stock Market is very mysterious, obviously is some news of making groundless accusations, unexpectedly can affect Stock Market. As if butterfly effect is the same, fluttering of butterfly, in another side of sea, will raise [Storm]!
Shi Lei now is that butterfly!
Mu Shuang has not replied time, [Izual] has reported a news of not knowing whether to laugh or cry to Shi Lei...
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
1479: Samsung Company of tragedy!

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