HK :: VOLUME #15
#1480: Reaching an agreement hits Nouveau Riche to divide the property!
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Romantic Valentine's Day, Shi Lei and Mu Shuang not romantic date, but is carrying on secret, in view of the retaliatory action of Nanchao Nation.
The retaliatory action of this Non-violent, mainly to reduce the He Zhenbang pressure, let the He Zhenbang better pass crisis, so as to avoid being toppled by Jia Zhengchun.
Once He Zhenbang were toppled by Jia Zhengchun, the Shi Lei's day will not feel better. Therefore, this retaliatory action, in fact, is Shi Lei is helping itself.
Shi Lei and [Izual] in Nanchao Nation Internet World, were fabricating a rumor wantonly Samsung Company all sorts of rumors. Shi Lei currently inquired Mu Shuang, the situation of kospi200 index, [Izual] has actually reported one news that to Shi Lei made Shi Lei not know whether to laugh or cry.
„Sir, Xizhou Province Xiyang City Samsung Company synthesizes the experience for oneself shop, encounters hitting of numerous resident to pound and raid, System currently collects many information.” [Izual] in LIP Lens-type Information Processor, is reporting to Shi Lei.
The Shi Lei expression is startled, what situation is this?
Samsung Company all kinds was pounded is snatched, completely is Shi Lei and [Izual] in Nanchao Nation Internet World, carries on fabricated a rumor to cut down, how genuinely to occur suddenly?
„[Izual], information whether determined?” Shi Lei inquired.
Meanwhile, Mu Shuang was also responding to Shi Lei, „Shi Lei, the kospi200 index continued to fall, especially Samsung Company Stock, dropped sharply 1.7 percentage points.”
„hēi hēi, Shuang Shuang, do we continue the implement Third step?” Shi Lei inquired.
Mu Shuang had considered, „temporarily stops, so as to avoid goes too far is as bad as not far enough. When I have a look at the kospi200 index the first trend, in the meantime, I must analyze International Floating Capital, may join us.”
„Um. Good! Has anything to change, you momentarily called me.” Shi Lei affirmative saying.
Mu Shuang um, then started to analyze the related situation.
[Izual] waited for the telephone conversation conclusion of Shi Lei and Mu Shuang. Reports to Shi Lei, „sir. information reality already confirmed. System invaded Xizhou Province Xiyang City Samsung Company to synthesize Security Surveillance Camera near experience for oneself shop, the following was the scene situation real-time image.”
[Izual] synthesizes Security Surveillance Camera near experience for oneself shop Xiyang City Samsung Company, the picture of photography, projected in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen.
Shi Lei examines the situation in Virtual transparence screen, the situation that Xiyang City Samsung Company synthesizes the experience for oneself shop is not being good, from the picture of monitoring camera photography, gathered very many people on the spot, but Samsung Company synthesizes the glass door and glass curtain wall of experience for oneself shop. Had also been pounded has broken to pieces place, situation unusual disorder in shop.
The numerous people, currently Samsung Company synthesizes in the experience for oneself shop, carries on is snatching the activity insanely, they are look that anything takes anything, the demonstration notebook of test and demonstrated cell phone, the people have loaded in own pocket.
Meanwhile, the people have also pried open the lock of cabinet, brand-new machine in cabinet, robbing gratefully. Snatched the east and west|thing people. Starts to be quietly pushes to leave, but has not snatched the east and west|thing people , to continue synthesizes the experience for oneself shop to force one's way to Samsung Company.
Even if Shi Lei through the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen. After the discovery has Police Force came, these Crazy people, but also in Samsung Company synthesizes in the experience for oneself shop to receive to blow.
Shi Lei looks somewhat is in a daze!
‚Damn, are these Crazy fellows, actually they doing?’ The Shi Lei somewhat anxious secret passage, „[Izual], looks up the cause of this matter! investigate screening condition, first from Xiyang City native place Forum, native QQ|Penguin group. Carries on related information retrieve.”
Shi Lei has given the investigate screening condition, under normal conditions. Similar such hitting. Pounding. Roaring. Snatches the event, possibly temporarily does not conceive a plan. Because. To form the scale to have the motion of Organization, must carry on coordinated ahead of time.
Sure enough!
[Izual] in Xiyang City native place Forum, had discovered the cause of this matter, [Izual] the related content, will project in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen.
Shi Lei is examining the special details, originally, in Xiyang City native place Forum, in the Xiyang City native of Nanchao Nation abroad study, Shi Lei in Nanchao Nation Internet World, issue the fabricating a rumor post of Samsung Company, reprinted Xiyang City native place Forum.
[Izual] according to reply information, traces ip address, looked up Xiyang City Internet Café, and from Internet Café Monitoring System, looked up a more detailed record.
In this Internet Café, ten several bad youth after winning over of reply personnel, then intertwined more bad youth, synthesizes the experience for oneself shop to hurry to Xiyang City Samsung Company together.
All the way, more and more bad youth have joined them, finally has formed over hundred people of scales, thus achieves the flock of sheep effect the situation, causes Samsung Company to synthesize the experience for oneself shop in the Xiyang City tragedy.
Fortunately, Xiyang City Police is very powerful, even if they do not have Shuangqing City same Social Public Safety System, but they have Safety Monitoring System.
Takes the Security Monitoring record through the accent, had determined is the several bad youth of head, the scene held these bad youth!
When Shi Lei looks that Xiyang City Police takes police car six bad youth, Shi Lei tells immediately: „[Izual], traces these three police car, determined that which Police Station they are at or are Police Department, the police of invasion correspondence use network, actually I must think these fellows because of any reason, but the decision raids Samsung Company to synthesize the experience for oneself shop.”
After Shi Lei told, somewhat hesitated, must help conveniently these bad youth. Shi Lei pities them actually, unknown what does to come pity?
Reason that Shi Lei has had convenient gang next several thought of bad youth, that is because they walk with Shi Lei exactly on same strip road, Shi Lei [Hope] through them, attacks Nanchao Nation Stock Market, attacks Samsung Company Stock.
‚Calculates that you are in luck!’ Shi Lei revealed has wiped the chuckle, told: „[Izual], cleans up the post in that Forum. Especially reply information of that bad youth, deletes the smashing thoroughly. Moreover, deletes the bad youth in the Internet Café monitoring record, Xiyang City Safety Monitoring System monitoring record.”
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] implement gets up immediately.
About after 78 minutes, [Izual] was reminding Shi Lei, „sir, System traced three police car final positions, confirmed they arrives at Xiyang City Nan Ling District Police Force Substation, System the police who invaded the correspondence has used System, at present is governing Nan Ling District Police Force Substation all Police System resources.”
„Is very good!” Shi Lei sits quietly Diaoyutai, through the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, is examining Xiyang City Police Force, six bad youth, led the interrogation room.
System of Xia Nation in unceasingly perfect, the Police Force interrogation person needs to open Security Surveillance Camera, although does not remove also some matters of some irregularities, but that situation is not too much.
In the Nan Ling District interrogation room, not only has Security Surveillance Camera, collects the sound microphone.
It looks like 30 -year-old over Police Force, was inquiring a bad youth, „shoddy head, your this time has violated the big matter, you solid confessed why you want Organization to roar. Snatches Samsung Shop?”
The nickname was called the shoddy head bad youth, cold snort one, „our is revenging! Nanchao Nation these son of a bitch, they started Terrorist Attack that side Shuangqing City, our is wins for the motherland!”
„Fart!” The middle-aged Police Force anger has pounded on the table, „is this is winning for the motherland? Your this is in the crime!”
„Police Officer Liu, is your Police Force news so really backward?” shoddy head with a contemptuous look, looks at that middle-aged Police Force surnamed Liu.
The Shuangqing City place dialect and Xiyang City are similar, words that shoddy head spoke, Shi Lei can understand directly, collects System through the sound, listening to the reply of shoddy head, the expression on face somewhat to smile. Shi Lei just helped record that shoddy head deletes, wastes the strength, shoddy head acknowledged all unexpectedly.
„shoddy head, you had the words saying that had the fart to put!” Middle-aged Police Force surnamed Liu somewhat was saying vulgarly, copes with these bodgies, Police Force are also very helpless.
„Police Officer Liu, you access the net to look up, had similar matter in many other cities. Our is resisting Nanchao Nation, our is defending own Nation(s), these Nanchao Nation son of a bitch, dare to create the terrifying event in Shuangqing City today, difficult insurance not to come Xiyang City to create the terrifying event tomorrow!” shoddy head quite pleased was saying, as if became the hero is really same.
Police Officer Liu was said by shoddy head had a scare, „shoddy head, you are waiting first honestly, I ask the situation!”
Shi Lei saw here, could not bear hā hā laugh. Really, the woods are big anything bird has, never overestimate the intelligence quotients of all people, always has that some people, likes making the matter of comedy.
shoddy head also in Xiyang City native place Forum reply that fellow, is he coordinates Organization raiding Plan, but he has not understood now that these raid the news of Samsung Company shop front, fabricating a rumor that but Shi Lei carries on.
Although shoddy head at this matter, was Shi Lei has provided the real source material, but Shi Lei could not help shoddy head too much, Shi Lei deleted the related video and network data merely. However, at this special matter, Xiyang City Police estimate extremely in feeling embarrassed shoddy head.
Because this matter, is not a shoddy head person participates, but was over over a hundred people to participate. The law does not punish numerous offenders, must seize over a hundred people of Ah?
After Police Officer Liu exited for about five minutes, returns interrogates the room, data of one pack of a4 printing paper, patted on the stainless steel table before shoddy head body.
„shoddy head, you have a look, this is you so-called, the matter that other cities have, can determine that basically belongs to network to fabricate a rumor!” Police Officer Liu cold hum said.
shoddy head is examining data, somewhat was suddenly scared, reaching an agreement hits Nouveau Riche to divide the property, has become such situation?
However, although shoddy head tragedy, but Shi Lei currently prepares to use the shoddy head matter, operation well!
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
1480: Reaching an agreement hits Nouveau Riche to divide the property!

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