HK :: VOLUME #15
#1481: Falls suddenly!
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„Shuang Shuang, the detailed situation, basically exactly as stated like this, this news, must be released that attacks Samsung Company?” Shi Lei Xizhou Province Xiyang City, the situation that Samsung Company synthesizes the experience for oneself shop, told to Mu Shuang.
Mu Shuang had pondered, has made the final decision, „Shi Lei, waits! Let me first in Nanchao Nation Stock Market, Short Sell(ing) Samsung Company Stock, you announced again this news, suppresses the Samsung Company stock price.” Samsung Company that Mu Shuang said that is not entire Samsung Group Company, but is Samsung Electronics Company.
„Good! I reorganize various data of entire item matter first, especially the video surveillance record, lets Nanchao Nation these fellows, the true feeling, came from our Xia Nation full evil intention!” Shi Lei hēi hēi badly said with a smile.
Mu Shuang has not responded to Shi Lei, but was telling [Izual], „[Izual], in Nanchao Nation Stock Market, created 2000 investment accounts.”
[Izual] defers to the instruction of Mu Shuang immediately, in Nanchao Nation Stock Market, clears the numerous network account. Less than one minute, the [Izual] report said: „Ms. Mu, 2000 network accounts found.”
„The 9 Billion US Dollar assignment to 2000 accounts, from 500,000 US Dollar to the 20 Million US Dollar random distribution.” Mu Shuang was explaining the situation.
[Izual] according to the Mu Shuang plan, the 9 Billion fund, random distribution in 2000 network accounts. As a result of the anonymous rule of network account, wants investigate these 2000 network accounts the ownership power, quite suitable difficulty.
„Ms. Mu, all fund allocations.” [Izual] reports to say once more.
On the Mu Shuang face reveals wipes the chilly smiling face. „All funds, invests Short Sell(ing) Samsung Company!”
„Yes , madam.” [Izual] endures compared with most Top strategist. Is absolutely impossible to make a mistake, operating speed absolutely is most Top, and can the multi-thread operations.
Even if operates 2000 accounts one time, will not make [Izual] present the mistake, or is the operating delay.
The Nanchao Nation kospi200 index is continue fall, the Samsung Company Stock price is also keeping dropping, even if Samsung Company has taken some public relations measures. But is unable to recall the Stock bear market as before.
When the Short Sell(ing) operation of 9 Billion US Dollar, arrives in Nanchao Nation Stock Market, immediately made the Samsung Company Stock price have the fierce fluctuation.
So-called Short Sell(ing) operation. Probably is such opinion, first borrows the goods to sell, then buys up the restore.
For example the investor estimated that some Stock prospect is only unsatisfactory, the stock price has greatly possibly falls very much. Then can choose the Short Sell(ing) operation. Also by the current Stock price. In advance sells Stock, after the Stock price falls, buys Stock to return again. Naturally, the actual situation is not real business Stock, being expected to fall contract that but buys up.
The 9 Billion US Dollar Short Sell(ing) contract, making the Samsung Company stock price bear very tremendous pressure, in less than a half hour, fell suddenly 6%!
Nanchao Nation Stock Market is different from Xia Nation Stock Market. Xia Nation Stock Market very marvel, all kinds system is not perfect. Even does not have existence of Short Sell(ing) mechanism.
But Nanchao Nation Stock Market permits the Short Sell(ing) mechanism!
„Shi Lei, my here processed, you a bit faster disseminated the Samsung Company bad news! Ruthlessly is better, should better make Samsung Company Stock fall suddenly!” Mu Shuang had several points of anticipation to say.
Shi Lei nodded, „good, Shuang Shuang, I start implement immediately!”
„[Izual], synthesizes the news of experience for oneself shop Xizhou Province Xiyang City Samsung Company, transmits to Nanchao Nation net world!” Shi Lei was telling [Izual].
[Izual] controls is proliferating Worldwide Zombie Server, after [Izual] told, [Izual] immediately in Nanchao Nation Internet, had issued the Xiyang City people hit. Pounding. Roaring. Snatches Samsung Company to synthesize the post of experience for oneself shop.
The component of this post is very weighty!
Although beforehand Shi Lei has also issued the numerous fabricating a rumor post, but fabricated a rumor fabricates a rumor throughout, but fact that did not have truly. Matter that this Xiyang City has, that is true, had matter.
And, this time matter, the entire journey video record of Safety Monitoring System photography, the video has persuasive power some compared with the picture. Internet users who even if beforehand suspects Shi Lei issue fabricating a rumor news, after seeing Shi Lei issued that latest post, chose has believed Shi Lei.
Shi Lei is pretending to be the Nanchao Nation patriotic member, in end of post, the expression that is worried about, is afraid Xia Nation more cities, is similar to Xiyang City same aims at Samsung Company various shops.
If, entire Xia Nation domestic Samsung Company customer shop and experience for oneself shop, encountered the angry Xia Nation people to raid completely, regarding Samsung Company, absolutely was a sad news general news.
Samsung Company does not have the First time to jump to spike a rumour finally, they know certainly this news real, if has carried on spiking a rumour, that will play the reaction absolutely.
But help Samsung Company of Shi Lei unusual good intention has actually carried on spiking a rumour!
Shi Lei had issued after the Xiyang City people raid Samsung Company synthesizes the experience for oneself shop, then starts to invade Samsung Company Official Website.
Samsung Company as the Nanchao Nation biggest Science and Technology enterprise, their Cyber Security strengths is formidable, even there is World Summit Grade Hacker to assume personal command.
But Shi Lei is also World Summit Grade Hacker, moreover hides in World Summit Grade Hacker of hidden place. The Samsung Company Cyber Security strength, can only carry on passive defense, is impossible to attack on own initiative.
Be only thousand day is a thief, does not have thousand day against clever truth. Shi Lei iron core must cope with Samsung Company network, even if Samsung Company has World Summit Grade Hacker, but World Summit Grade Hacker, impossible frequently attention Samsung Company Internal Network all System.
[Izual] under the Shi Lei's instruction, tries to invade Samsung Company Internal Network client list information, leads away Samsung Company World Summit Grade Hacker, but Shi Lei pushes directly into entered the Samsung Company Official Website home page, has carried on the spiking a rumour news in the Official home page.
Shi Lei pretends to be Samsung Company Official, announcement of high-sounding talk, Samsung Company in the Xia Nation Xiyang City synthesis experience for oneself shop. Not any loss.
Shi Lei this works out the smelly Samsung Company Official image intentionally, after all the general Internet users have believed Xiyang City Samsung Company synthesizes the experience for oneself shop, has encountered hitting. Pounding. Roaring. Snatching. Samsung Company Official spikes a rumour unexpectedly, this absolutely in the intelligence quotient bottom lines of challenge general Internet users.
Once in the hearts of general Internet users, had recognized after Samsung Company likes being more exposed, then, Shi Lei wants to issue that anything aims at the Samsung Company rumor, will be easier to be accepted by the general Internet users.
Sure enough, Shi Lei pretends to be Samsung Company Official. After Official Website had issued spiking a rumour news, some Nanchao Nation Internet users, start to taunt Samsung Company immediately. Expressed that Samsung Company has treated as the fool the general Internet users.
What is more excellent, after Shi Lei pretends to be Samsung Company has issued the news, about five minutes, Shi Lei directly deletes this news. And has issued another news. Expressed that Samsung Company Official Website, has encountered the invasion of Hacker.
Shi Lei spoke the truth, but the truth was often not trusted!
The Samsung Company Official Website home page, under the Shi Lei's operation, appears the somewhat contradictory rhythm, even if believed Samsung Company fans, started to vacillate.
„[Izual] , to continue implement next Plan!” Shi Lei was telling [Izual].
[Izual] responded: „Yes. sir.”
The Third step is divided into many small Plan, Shi Lei currently has carried on newest small Plan. Shi Lei in Nanchao Nation Internet, has issued latest post.
«Samsung Notebook Computer, has fatal flaw, or causes the Hacker non- barrier invasion!»
Has purchased Samsung notebook Friends, congratulated you to spread the big trouble!
Samsung Notebook Computer, has serious fatal flaw, this flaw, possibly by Hacker, with be collected the habit and related information of user, what terrifying is, Samsung Notebook Computer fatal flaw, but also was possibly used to turn on the upward data channel automatically, will invade data that personnel is interested to transmit.
If in Hard Disk, anything does not have, then congratulates you, succeeds has shunted a tribulation. But if in Hard Disk, has some quite confidential picture or commercial data, will be used by Hacker absolutely.
If user wants Samsung Notebook Computer that tests to have, has this flaw, first clicks 【Here】, Examines the detailed determine method.
Shi Lei had issued a post, this post absolutely is not information of baseless and irrational concoctions, but was Shi Lei had discovered truly Samsung Notebook Computer, had such flaw.
Meanwhile, Shi Lei also very dangerous in Nanchao Nation Internet World, released one specifically to aim at this flaw Virus.
Once Virus infected Samsung Notebook Computer, then automatically secretly will upload data, collects all data in three temporary Server.
[Izual] will process screens these data information, some quite sensitive data information, in the net world exposure of Nanchao Nation, thus more further ruins the Samsung Company reputation.
Shi Lei in Nanchao Nation Internet World, arrangement Virus is very powerful, short less than ten minutes, then infected has surpassed Ten Thousand stage Samsung Notebook Computer.
[Izual] information data of Virus collection, is carrying on the fast classification reorganization, then issued in Nanchao Nation major Forum. Because this exposed user information, has used Samsung Notebook Computer completely, making the Nanchao Nation Internet users have to believe that Samsung Notebook Computer has flaw.
„Shi Lei, actually have you made what? The Samsung Company Stock price, fell suddenly suddenly 7%!” Mu Shuang was inquiring Shi Lei in LIP Lens-type Information Processor.
Samsung Company stock price, even if under facing the operation of 9 Billion USD Short Sell(ing), only reduced 6% merely. But now, fell suddenly unexpectedly directly 7%.
This also in other words, the Samsung Company stock price, fell suddenly 13%!
Shi Lei explained simply, Mu Shuang sighed: „The Hacker destructive power is very formidable! Right, Shi Lei, I must tell you a good news!”
„What good news?” Shi Lei asked that was because Samsung Company Stock fell suddenly, has Mu Shuang made a lot of money?.
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
1481: Falls suddenly!

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