Wednesday, December 27, 2017

1483: Your current balance is

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1483: Your current balance is
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. Wants into World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, not only needs the for­mi­da­ble Hacker tech­nol­ogy, cre­ativ­ity that but also needs to de­velop. Merely only then the pure tech­no­log­i­cal strength, is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble be­comes World Sum­mit Grade Hacker.
Sim­i­lar to In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem is the same, even if the In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem func­tion is for­mi­da­ble, the com­pu­ta­tion speed is fast, Spe­cial­ist func­tion Sys­tem are many, the de­fense strat­egy is firm, but if does not have cre­ativ­ity, is only Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, is not True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem.
True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem is the same with World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, needs cre­ativ­ity!
As World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, Shi Lei nat­u­rally not de­fi­cient cre­ativ­ity. At pre­sent, Shi Lei needs to at­tack Nan­chao Na­tion Stock Mar­ket, at­tacked Sam­sung Com­pany, Shi Lei has thought of a non-con­ven­tional in­va­sion side method.
Shi Lei has con­trolled Nan­chao Na­tion Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Op­er­a­tor Net­work Base Sta­tion, en­tire Nan­chao Na­tion Net­work Base Sta­tion, com­pletely under the Shi Lei's con­trol. And, Shi Lei in Net­work Base Sta­tion of com­mu­ni­ca­tions ser­vice provider, mod­ify bot­tom level es­tab­lish­ment of Net­work Base Sta­tion, even read was Shi Lei own au­thor­ity code.
Also in other words, only if com­mu­ni­ca­tions ser­vice provider close Net­work Base Sta­tion, the for­mat­ting du­pli­cate loads Net­work Base Sta­tion Sys­tem again, pos­si­ble to sweep clear Net­work Base Sta­tion Shi Lei. „[Izual], tests all Net­work Base Sta­tion con­nec­tion rates.” Shi Lei has is­sued the order.
[Izual] to Nan­chao Na­tion all Net­work Base Sta­tion, has is­sued the test order im­me­di­ately, is con­nect­ing each Net­work Base Sta­tion, the in­ter­net con­nec­tion delay and data be­tween loss rate test and Net­work Base Sta­tion.
Prob­a­bly has con­sumed the twenty sec­ond, [Izual] is feed­ing back in­for­ma­tion. „Sir, all Net­work Base Sta­tion con­nect unim­peded, the high­est delay rate is 90 ms. data loses in­suf­fi­cient ex­tremely one.”
On the Shi Lei face re­veals wipes happy ex­pres­sion, „[Izual], pre­pares to start at­tack!”
„Yes , sir! Sys­tem cur­rently ‚[Mourned Star As­sas­sin]’ plan, will trans­mit to each Net­work Base Sta­tion, it is ex­pected that after ten sec­onds, starts at­tack.” [Izual] is re­ply­ing Shi Lei.
Shi Lei in heart, count­down silently. Ten sec­onds are not long time.
Nan­chao Na­tion and Xia Na­tion have one hour of time dif­fer­ence, Xia Na­tion now is af­ter­noon 4.5 18, Nan­chao Na­tion is 5.5 18. Hap­pen to is rush hour.
Nan­chao Na­tion im­pe­r­ial cap­i­tal Seoul City, on a lively street, crowded ap­pears very lively.
Sud­denly, on the street has re­sounded the dense and nu­mer­ous cell phone tings. The pedes­tri­ans pull out their cell phone. Was ex­am­in­ing Text Mes­sage that cell phone re­ceives.
And a mid­dle-aged man, what use is gl cell phone, he opened the cell phone SMS inbox, is ex­am­in­ing new in­for­ma­tion. ‚Hello, cut off on Feb­ru­ary 14, 2008, you in the same month real-time phone bill 158,000 ker, the bal­ance of ac­count was 376,000 ker, in your cur­rent meal a minute of num­ber has used for 600 min­utes. Sur­plus 0 min­utes.’
The mid­dle-aged man ex­am­ines Text Mes­sage, on face is re­veal­ing wipes the forced smile the look. Thought aloud in a low voice: „For half a month the time, has made more than 600 min­utes of phone calls un­ex­pect­edly, the work also is re­ally la­bo­ri­ous!”
An­other young­ster, is ex­am­in­ing cell phone SMS, what the young man uses is pt cell phone, when young­ster sees is the bal­ance prompt, self-ridicules to say slightly: „Each month, ex­cept for you, but also who will send SMS to me?”
The mid­dle-aged man, is young­ster, re­gard­ing this Text Mes­sage, has not had any sus­pi­cion. Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Op­er­a­tor, each month more or less will send out the prompt in any case.
A young woman, star­tled called out ac­tu­ally sud­denly: „What's the mat­ter, my cell phone au­to­matic turn off the ma­chine?”
The young woman male com­pan­ion, re­ceived cell phone in fe­male hand, presses the start­ing key, but cell phone has not started suc­cess­fully.
The men open the cell phone top plate, took down the bat­tery, re­in­stalls, clicks on the start­ing but­ton once more. How­ever, cell phone does not have the least bit to re­spond as be­fore.
„TaoYuan Oppa, my did cell phone shat­ter? This cell phone, I buy for half a month!” The young woman was say­ing piteous.
The named TaoYuan man, in­quired: „GeumJu, what did you just carry on to op­er­ate?”
GeumJu shakes the head say­ing: „TaoYuan Oppa, I put out cell phone, ex­am­ines new Text Mes­sage!”
„Text Mes­sage? What Text Mes­sage?” TaoYuan sud­denly pulls out cell phone, se­lects the bal­ance in Text Mes­sage to prompt in­for­ma­tion, in­quired, „was such bal­ance prompts in­for­ma­tion?”
„Oboe, I do not know that just opened Text Mes­sage, the cell phone screen black fell, I have not seen am any news!” GeumJu some­what de­pressed was say­ing, „thinks Sam­sung Cell­phone is our Na­tion(s) First brand, but has not thought that so is un­ex­pect­edly dis­ap­point­ing!”
Said has no in­ter­est, the lis­tener in­tends.
What TaoYuan use is cell phone of gl brand, he looks all around to dis­cover that many per­son also com­plex­ion have dif­fer­ent, there­fore in­quired loudly: „Does Friend, have to use Sam­sung Cell­phone, but sud­denly turn off the ma­chine?”
Along with the in­quiry of TaoYuan, the nu­mer­ous pedes­trian re­sponded.
„My Sam­sung Cell­phone turn off the ma­chine, was un­able to start nor­mally!”
„My Yes also!”
„Yes Yes! Ob­vi­ously is Sam­sung Cell­phone, how can leave issue col­lec­tively?”
„Is! My Friend gl cell phone does not have the mat­ter!”
TaoYuan uses the cell phone digit di­al­ing im­me­di­ately, waited for a mo­ment later, the tele­phone was put through, TaoYuan opens the mouth say­ing: „Di­rec­tor, I care­free World, had dis­cov­ered at pre­sent Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion, after Sam­sung Cell­phone ap­peared halted mas­sively, is un­able once more start­ing. Our gl cell phone has not had issue tem­porar­ily, but does not re­move fol­low­ing has sim­i­lar issue.”
TaoYuan is gl cell phone per­son­nel, after dis­cov­er­ing Sam­sung Cell­phone pre­sents issue, TaoYuan in­forms gl Com­pany Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor, the [Hope] op­po­site party to take se­ri­ously this issue im­me­di­ately, im­me­di­ately after study­ing why Sam­sung Cell­phone halts, is un­able start­ing, si­mul­ta­ne­ously pre­vents gl cell phone also from such issue.
„Good, TaoYuan, I study Sam­sung Cell­phone issue im­me­di­ately, pre­vent­ing our gl cell phone to have class same issue.” gl Com­pany Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor, un­der­stands com­pletely TaoYuan opin­ion, they have been work­ing after all to­gether for over ten years.
„Um, Di­rec­tor, I give Sec­tion Head Park to tele­phone im­me­di­ately, let our Pub­lic Re­la­tions De­part­ment gates, pro­pa­gan­dizes our gl cell phone, sup­presses the Sam­sung Com­pany rep­u­ta­tion, strives to crush Sam­sung Com­pany!” TaoYuan schaden­freude was say­ing.
„This mat­ter don't worry, TaoYuan, we must de­ter­mine that is ac­tu­ally any rea­son, mak­ing Sam­sung Cell­phone have issue, so as to avoid we also ap­peared.” gl Com­pany Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor was ex­plain­ing sit­u­a­tion.
TaoYuan says with a smile: „Di­rec­tor, you could rest as­sured that Sec­tion Head Park will only com­plete re­lated Plan, only then we have given the def­i­nite news, Sec­tion Head Park meets im­ple­ment re­lated Plan.”
„Good! TaoYuan, you a bit faster re­turn to Com­pany, tonight we work over­time to­gether!” Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor said to TaoYuan.
The TaoYuan forced smile said: „Di­rec­tor, I with GeumJu date!”
GeumJu is lis­ten­ing at the same time, on face has shown the happy smil­ing face, even if Sam­sung Cell­phone is un­able start­ing, has not af­fected the GeumJu mood.
At the same time, net­work that the re­gion that in en­tire Nan­chao Na­tion, any by com­mu­ni­ca­tions ser­vice provider net­work sig­nal cov­er­age, any cell phone is main­tain­ing with the com­mu­ni­ca­tions ser­vice provider is at the con­nec­tive state, re­ceived a bal­ance to prompt Text Mes­sage.
Ac­cord­ing to ir­re­spon­si­ble un­sci­en­tific sta­tis­ti­cal data, 80% user, re­ceived the bal­ance prompt of Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Op­er­a­tor trans­mis­sion not com­pletely, will choose the dele­tion \; 19.9% user, main­tain will choose the dele­tion some time \; user that 0.1% do not ar­rive, will look that does not look deletes \; As for that less than 0.001% user, then likes pre­serv­ing the bal­ance prompt of op­er­a­tor, has been pre­serv­ing, hearsay such user, ba­si­cally is Scor­pio
Be­cause most user chose ex­am­ined Text Mes­sage, there­fore in most Sam­sung Cell­phone user move!
Any bal­ance of ex­am­in­ing the Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Op­er­a­tor trans­mis­sion prompts SMS, and Sam­sung Cell­phone of use, only then a re­sult, that is cell phone au­to­matic turn off the ma­chine, and falls into un­able the start­ing as­pect.
Re­gard­less of user takes the bat­tery, is the use re­place­ment key, does not have what func­tion. Sam­sung Cell­phone is will­ful not start­ing, falls into the con­di­tion of feign­ing death.
2008 era, what sta­tus is Sam­sung Cell­phone in Nan­chao Na­tion? The an­swer is very sim­ple, Sam­sung Cell­phone in Nan­chao Na­tion mar­ket share First, reaches as high as per­cent Sixty many.
Sim­ply speak­ing, ten cell phone user, six peo­ple have cho­sen Sam­sung Cell­phone. An­other four peo­ple choose other brands cell phone, in­clud­ing gl, pt wait / etc..
The Sam­sung Com­pany even once ex­tremely ar­ro­gant ex­pres­sion, had two cell phone in Nan­chao Na­tion, one type is Sam­sung Cell­phone, one type is cell phone out­side Sam­sung.
Sam­sung Cell­phone of ul­tra-high mar­ket share, in the Nan­chao Na­tion mar­ket in­ven­tory, has prob­a­bly the 20 Mil­lion de­part­ment. Per­haps the total pop­u­la­tion con­trast of mar­ket in­ven­tory and Xia Na­tion of 20 Mil­lion de­part­ment, ap­pears lit­tle lit­tle, but Nan­chao Na­tion total pop­u­la­tion quan­tity 50 Mil­lion, but must re­move does not need the cell phone old per­son and child, 20 Mil­lion de­part­ment Sam­sung Cell­phone in­ven­tory, quite as­ton­ish­ing.
Bal­ance of this Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Op­er­a­tor trans­mis­sion prompts in­for­ma­tion, has killed al­most all Sam­sung Cell­phone di­rectly.
Ex­cept for few strange user, did not look that SMS deletes, mi­nori­tier is in the sig­nal non- area of cov­er­age, es­caped.
Did the life in the mod­ern so­ci­ety, lose cell phone is the how painful mat­ter? Even if were in 2008, Smart Phone did not have the com­pre­hen­sive pro­mo­tion, but the cell phone im­por­tance can­not ne­glect as be­fore.
Es­pe­cially some busi­ness pro­fes­sion­als, gov­ern­ment af­fairs pub­lic fig­ure, when Sam­sung Cell­phone is un­able start­ing, lost the sig­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions time, re­gard­ing these per­son­nel, sim­ply is the huge mat­ter.
En­tire Nan­chao Na­tion as if pro­duced earth­quake to be the same, the earth­quake source, was only the bal­ance of Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Op­er­a­tor trans­mis­sion prompts in­for­ma­tion merely.
Sam­sung Com­pany Head­quar­ters, al­though is the rush hour, but Sam­sung Com­pany staff per­son­nel, es­pe­cially Tech­ni­cal De­part­ment and Pub­lic Re­la­tions De­part­ment per­son­nel, in work of work­ing over­time.
Tech­ni­cal De­part­ment tech­ni­cal per­son­nel, cur­rently an­a­lyzes Sam­sung Cell­phone to halt in­tensely and is un­able the start­ing rea­son \; Pub­lic Re­la­tions De­part­ment per­son­nel, is going all out to de­fend the Sam­sung Com­pany pub­lic image, wants to sup­press dili­gently this mat­ter.
But they can­not imag­ine, ac­tu­ally they are fac­ing what enemy...


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