HK :: VOLUME #15
#1484: Temporarily the patch becomes effective!?
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Samsung Group Company Cyber Security Department, not deficient network Expert, even can be said as Expert converges.
Any Transnational High-tech Company, will not lack the support of network Expert absolutely. Otherwise, is unable to be bigger and stronger, what discussed into transnational Big Company?
Samsung Company Cyber Security Department, has World Summit Grade Security Specialist, naturally, can be said as World Summit Grade Hacker.
Technical Department Studio, Cyber Security Department Security Specialist, currently and technical Engineer studies Samsung Cellphone issue together.
Technical Department Engineer, will have issue Samsung Cellphone to carry on dismantling. Samsung Electronics Company Technical Department, all staff personnel were forced to request to use Samsung Cellphone. As for wanting other cell phone? Very simple, buys one again!
Samsung Electronics Company Technical Department, all technical Engineer Samsung Cellphone all presented halting, naturally does not lack dismantling the raw material.
Technical Engineer, have dismantled Samsung Cellphone of ten different scales, even has included antique Samsung Cellphone, tried to find the answer from hardware.
However, Samsung Cellphone of ten different scales, from the hardware level analysis, have not discovered any damage. This indicated that causing Samsung Cellphone is unable starting, is not the damage of hardware, but is software aspect issue.
Ten Samsung Cellphone that technical Engineer will dismantle, have connected the Samsung Company internal instrumentation, is carrying on the examination of software level.
But the examination of software level, has not discovered any issue as before, as if ten Samsung Cellphone are the same in the normal operation. Naturally, is unable to demonstrate any information besides the screen, key not any function, other all normal.
Technical Department Engineer, are unable to examine issue. Is one's turn Cyber Security Department to go on stage, this obviously is software level issue, moreover should be malicious software. interference Samsung Cellphone normal operation issue.
Although Samsung Cellphone Operating System and tabletop computer has the difference with Server Operating System, but the basic principle is the same. Cyber Security Department Security Specialist, are examining ten Samsung Cellphone software operational aspects and System operational aspects.
Samsung Group Company Public Relations Department, currently was discussing intensely.
Li ChunMing is Public Relations Department Section Head, is Samsung Group Company high-level one, Samsung Group is the family firm, Li Family is grasping Samsung Group lifeline. If Li ChunMing is not Li Family direct line member, possibly controls Public Relations Department such important department?
„Section Head Kim, current situation how?” Li ChunMing was inquiring Public Relations Department Vice-section Head Kim JaeKeng. This 30 over man, is Li ChunMing most important right-hand.
The Kim JaeKeng expression is somewhat bitter and astringent, „Section Head, the situation is not very wonderful, this time is large-scale issue, cell phone that our Company produces, almost 100% completely moves. Although over 50% cell phone, pass the warranty period, but regarding our Company reputation, has had the enormous impact. Especially gl Company internet merc ringer. In Internet, has compiled many attack our Company post, making us very passive.”
Li ChunMing complexion cloudy clear uncertain. „Stock Market aspect situation?”
Kim JaeKeng looked at Li ChunMing secretly, afterward lowers the head saying: „The Stock Market situation is very bad, our Company Stock falls suddenly once more 17%, has achieved the historical maximum decline range record. At present, our Company Stock price, has probably two days ago 70%. We are in the market, has discovered a number of Short Sell(ing) our Company Stock investor, but that group of investors have used the network account, is unable to look up concrete information.”
„17%? Hēng! is good!” The Li ChunMing anger smiles extremely. „, Are some people aiming at our Samsung Company? To gain from Stock Market?”
„Has this possibility! However. Very strange matters.” On the Kim JaeKeng face has shown the look of doubts, obviously something make Kim JaeKeng not think clearly.
Li ChunMing inquired: „What strange matter?”
„Blocks Short Sell(ing) our Company Stock investor. Unexpectedly has not used the financial release lever. And, they only aim at our Company merely, but is not entire Group Company. In fact, entire Group Company Stock, comes under the influence of our Company, presented falling of varying degrees. If that group of investors, want to get bigger interests, why they don't use the financial release lever? Why not snipe Group other listing Company?” Kim JaeKeng is analyzing the rhetorical question.
Li ChunMing has also pondered, „Section Head Kim, this issue, do you report to give Finance Department?”
„Has reported the past, Finance Department Specialist, currently analysis and solution.” Kim JaeKeng was responding.
Shuangqing City, Shuanghu District.
In LIP Lens-type Information Processor, Mu Shuang happy and surprised and Shi Lei talked over the telephone, „Shi Lei, Samsung Electronics Company Stock, fell suddenly suddenly 17%. At present, the Samsung Electronics Company Stock decline range has surpassed 30%, actually do you how achieve?”
Shi Lei smiles hē hē saying: „[Izual], related data and report, transmits to Mu Shuang.”
[Izual] implement the Shi Lei's order, the Nanchao Nation related report, has transmitted to Mu Shuang immediately.
Mu Shuang in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, is examining the related content, „in Ah? Nanchao Nation, does close 20 Million department Samsung Cellphone collective halt unable starting? This... This... Shi Lei, is this you do?”
Shi Lei hēi hēi smiles, „Yes! Shuang Shuang, this means good Right? Samsung Electronics Company Stock falls suddenly directly, if they are unable to explain issue that Samsung Cellphone halts, their Stock prices, but also more further drop, isn't that right?”
„Naturally!” Mu Shuang detailed asking, „Shi Lei, you determined that Samsung Company isn't able to solve cell phone unable starting issue?”
„Is indefinite. However, even if they have solved this issue, I have the new means to cope with them.” Shi Lei was saying self-confidently.
Mu Shuang relaxed, afterward is happy: „That was too good! So long as Samsung Company within two days, is unable to solve this matter, their Stock prices, will fall suddenly absolutely. Thus further affects Nanchao Nation Stock Market and kospi200 index.”
„Wants two days of time?” Shi Lei as before self-confident asking.
„Yes!” the Mu Shuang affirmation said that „wants two days, the guarantee that I can affirm, Nanchao Nation Stock Market will be finished!”
„Good! Shuang Shuang. I win two days to you!” The trivial two days of time, Shi Lei also really can achieve, because Shi Lei also has the subsequent party. Even if Samsung Company, after solving the present halted, is unable starting issue. Shi Lei also has lethal card.
„Shi Lei, you give me two days of time, I make you witness with own eyes, Nanchao Nation Stock Market collapse!” Mu Shuang self-confidently was also saying, as governing Mirror Science and Technology Group Business Queen, Mu Shuang has such confidence and boldness, such ability.
Nanchao Nation, Seoul City.
Although Samsung Company Headquarters in the Gyeonggi-do Seongnam. It is not Seoul City, but Seongnam neighbors Seoul City, Samsung Company many departments, established in Seoul City.
For example Samsung Company Technical Department, has the important branch in Seoul City. Technical Department has dismantled ten Samsung Cellphone, unites Cyber Security Department to carry on the comprehensive analysis.
Even if the rush hour, sign that but Samsung Company, simply has not gotten off work. Samsung Electronics Company Stock fell suddenly, has caused entire Group Company Stock with the diving.
If not solve Samsung Cellphone unable as soon as possible starting issue, perhaps Samsung Company will lose seriously. Although did not say any bankruptcy. But can injure and basis absolutely.
At least, during the Nanchao Nation cell phone brand ranks, the Samsung Cellphone First throne will give gl cell phone absolutely. Even if pt cell phone can also be listed at the Second position, but can Samsung Cellphone be listed at the Third position, is an unknown number.
In Samsung Company Seoul City Technical Department, Cyber Security Department and Technical Department technical Engineer, is analyzing the reason together.
„Well, Section Head Zheng, you have a look, ten cell phone System Ground Level source code, have a strange code completely!” Young technical personnel. Is calling out in alarm loudly.
Zheng SuHae is Seoul City Technical Division Section Head, although he is only 37 years old. But already the position of arrival high weight.
„Code that Little Song, will correspond transmits to the large screen!” Zheng SuHae told.
Song MunHua is graduation university student(s). Is only twenty two years old, but is Samsung Electronics Company, Seoul Technical Division Core Technology personnel.
After hearing the instruction, the code that Song MunHua will correspond immediately, transmitted the large screen, then explained: „Section Head Zheng, this code looks like does not have the destructiveness, but it has other most High Grade priority, the equivalent to System Ground Level foundation code, is the First Grade first loading sequence.”
The Zheng SuHae First time has not really looked at issue, inquired: „Little Song, actually does this code have strangely what?”
Other technical personnel have not discovered issue, looks at Song MunHua, waits for the explanation of Song MunHua.
Song MunHua raises a light superiority feeling, „Section Head Zheng, after this code implement, can the interference window function and key operating function, equivalent to between Mobile Phone System and cell phone hardware, has established Shield Wall. After user starting, although does not have the starting picture, is unable the implement operation, but in fact is the starting success, is only this code, has shielded the demonstration and key operation of screen feeds back.”
The Zheng SuHae expression is startled, „has the means solution?”
„Solution is very simple, only needs us to issue that special Tool, in view of this code, after it carries on the deletion, then can normally start cell phone.” Song MunHua definitely was expressing.
„Little Song, you give a try immediately!” Zheng SuHae told.
Song MunHua Samsung Cellphone of ten dismantling, is carrying on the operation of deletion code immediately, tears down Shield Wall, then chooses to restart cell phone.
When Song MunHua starts First department cell phone, all people lowered the breathing, was waiting for whether cell phone can start successfully.
As Song MunHua has pressed down the start key, the cell phone screen shone the light glimmer, afterward demonstrated the logo symbol of Samsung Cellphone.
„hā hā!”
In Technical Department, technical Engineer, is Cyber Security Specialist, completely happy applauds. Especially Technical Department Engineer, this issue is their Technical Department discovery, but this issue, belongs to issue that Cyber Security Department should discover.
Because this issue is Samsung Mobile Phone System is invaded, tampered with the System code to cause.
„Little Song, how should we process this issue now?” Zheng SuHae was inquiring Song MunHua, even if Song MunHua joined Technical Department less than one year, even if Song MunHua twenty two years old, but reached is the master, Song MunHua found issue, exactly as stated Section Head was unable to despise Song MunHua.
Song MunHua had considered, responded: „Section Head Zheng, wants to solve cell phone unable to start, there are two plans. And, the quite simple plan, just said that that directly aims at cell phone System Ground Level, deletes the shield code of correspondence, then can solve troublesome.”
Stopped slightly, Song MunHua continued saying: „In view of user, we only needs to issue that a temporary patch, after letting user downloads, the cell phone connection on the computer, the start temporary patch, making the temporary patch delete that part of shield codes, user cell phone will then restore!”
„Manufactures a temporary patch, how much time requires?” Zheng SuHae was inquiring, Samsung Electronics Company, lacks the time at present.
But does the temporary patch, have the effect really?
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
1484: Temporarily the patch becomes effective!?

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