Wednesday, December 27, 2017

1486: [Mourned Star Disaster]!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1486: [Mourned Star Disaster]!
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2008 era, Smart Phone is on the rise, in the mar­ket right and wrong Smart Phone dom­i­nates as be­fore.
Even if Smart Phone, ba­si­cally is also Sym­bian and Sys­tem. An­droid Sys­tem and ios Sys­tem also has, but the quan­tity and was in­fe­rior that the later gen­er­a­tion is so huge.
Sam­sung Com­pany cell phone, ma­jor­ity of right and wrong Smart Phone, few parts are Sym­bian, cell phone that for ex­am­ple i8510, this in 2008 will go on the mar­ket, will have s60v3 Sys­tem, will sup­port java Ex­ten­sion, will be con­sid­ered as is In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem cell phone \; I900 is also in 2008 goes on the mar­ket, has used Sys­tem, is In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem cell phone.
Nat­u­rally, An­droid cell phone and ios cell phone of con­trast these two Smart Phone and later gen­er­a­tion, that can­not be called Smart Phone sim­ply.
Al­though the in­tel­li­gent de­gree is lim­ited, so long as is the in­tel­li­gence ma­chine says, brushes the ma­chine any­thing's risk, is rel­a­tively small.
Re­gard­ing the non- in­tel­li­gence ma­chine, takes Sam­sung s3600 as the ex­am­ple, this sup­ports java Ex­ten­sion fash­ion cell phone, to brush the ma­chine, that needs the spe­cial­ized brush­ing equip­ment and lines and brushes ma­chine the equip­ment, can re­place cell phone Sys­tem.
If uses the usb cop­per-cored cable to brush ma­chine the op­er­a­tion, only if the fac­tory pro­vides spe­cial­ized soft­ware, oth­er­wise sim­ply does not have what pos­si­bil­ity. How­ever, Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Com­pany, has pro­vided Sam­sung Cell­phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware now, brushes the ma­chine in view of Sam­sung Cell­phone.
or­di­nary user nat­u­rally can car­ries on to brush ma­chine the op­er­a­tion through the usb cop­per-cored cable and in­di­vid­ual com­puter . More­over the Safety risk is lower.
The Shi Lei cor­ners of the mouth re­vealed have wiped to sneer, Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Com­pany has played such a good chess un­ex­pect­edly, dis­rupted his fol­low­ing arrange­ment, Shi Lei pos­si­bly gave up?
‚You must play, I ac­com­pany you to play!’ Shi Lei both hands start to rap on the key­board.
Nan­chao Na­tion.
After Sam­sung Com­pany has is­sued Sam­sung Cell­phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware. Not only pro­pa­gan­dizes in Of­fi­cial Web­site, but also has car­ried on the multi-chan­nel pro­pa­gan­das. In­clud­ing tele­vi­sion news, broad­cast­ing sta­tion news and ad. Out­doors busi­ness street large screen ad and net­work ad pro­pa­gan­dize.
The short time, Sam­sung Com­pany solved Sam­sung Cell­phone un­able start­ing issue. Al­most pub­lic­ity.
In ad­di­tion Sam­sung Com­pany has hired nu­mer­ous In­ter­net Mer­ce­nar­ies, on net­work boasted that Sam­sung Com­pany cell phone, had large-scale batch issue. But Sam­sung Com­pany 7 min­utes has solved issue in short one hour, not only man­i­fests the Sam­sung Com­pany tech­nol­ogy to be pow­er­ful, man­i­fested Sam­sung Com­pany to be based on user, fully for op­er­a­tion con­cept of user con­sid­er­a­tion.
As In­ter­net Mer­ce­nar­ies flat­ter­ing of wan­tonly, Sam­sung Com­pany cell phone, has the event that was un­able to start. As if not only has not cre­ated any too big trou­ble to Sam­sung Com­pany, in­stead was Sam­sung Com­pany has brought cer­tain pos­i­tive in­flu­ence strength.
Es­pe­cially more and more Sam­sung Cell­phone user, through Sam­sung Cell­phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware, have replied cell phone, and data orig­i­nally has not lost. Part of Sam­sung Cell­phone user, starts in on­line, help­ing Sam­sung Com­pany carry on the pro­pa­ganda of cer­tain ex­tent.
Shi Lei just com­piled ac­com­plish source code, [Izual] then in­for­ma­tion re­trieve, in Nan­chao Na­tion In­ter­net ac­quired Sam­sung Com­pany in­for­ma­tion, the re­port has given Shi Lei.
‚Hate­ful!’ Shi Lei has pinched tightly the fist. He has not thought that un­ex­pect­edly Sam­sung Com­pany through his Plan, ob­tained the pos­i­tive in­flu­ence of cer­tain ex­tent. This is slap­ping the face sim­ply, slap­ping the face of naked!
„[Izual], con­firms source code, Vir­tual Test source code!” Shi Lei was telling [Izual], lets source code that [Izual] im­ple­ment he just com­piled.
Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Com­pany, Seoul City Tech­ni­cal Di­vi­sion.
Tech­ni­cal De­part­ment and Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment Tech­ni­cal Spe­cial­ists, cur­rently cheers the cel­e­bra­tion, is not only the cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware ad­di­tional func­tion that be­cause, they de­velop was suc­cess­ful. Solves the trou­ble of Sam­sung Com­pany \; Be­cause also the Sam­sung Com­pany high level in­di­cated that must re­ward Tech­ni­cal De­part­ment and Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment Spe­cial­ist well.
„Big Brother Se­ungHyeog. Con­grat­u­lates you!” Song MunHua was say­ing heart­feltly, Chi Se­ungHyeog com­pi­la­tion cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware. Has solved issue per­fectly, lets Song MunHua suit­able ad­mir­ing.
Chi Se­ungHyeog has pat­ted the arm of Song MunHua, „MunHua, your merit is not small.” Chi Se­ungHyeog re­ported Sam­sung Com­pany Head­quar­ters time, the Song MunHua merit, had writ­ten, this made their re­la­tions pull closer the First Year step all of a sud­den.
„hā hā! Big Brother Se­ungHyeog, you said that what Com­pany will re­ward our?” Song MunHua mood good in­quiry.
Chi Se­ungHyeog is longer in the Sam­sung Com­pany time, had close ten years, al­though Chi Se­ungHyeog Twenty-seven year, but Chi Se­ungHyeog just 18 years old had joined Sam­sung Com­pany. Re­gard­ing the op­er­a­tion and man­age­ment de­ci­sion of Sam­sung Com­pany, Chi Se­ungHyeog basic un­der­stand­ing.
„Es­ti­mate is the cash and real es­tate! Our time, help­ing Com­pany solve very big trou­ble, Com­pany will not be par­si­mo­nious.” Chi Se­ungHyeog was say­ing con­fi­dently.
Chi Se­ungHyeog is an in­vestor, the Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Com­pany Stock price, Chi Se­ungHyeog has also been pay­ing at­ten­tion. When Sam­sung Cell­phone in the Nan­chao Na­tion large-scale col­lec­tive has issue, Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Stock falls sud­denly 17%, and is still con­tinue fall.
Now, they solved Sam­sung Cell­phone un­able start­ing issue, Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Stock the pow­er­ful to rise im­me­di­ately, rose sud­denly 10%, and was ris­ing fast, re­stored the be­fore­hand stock price, was not the im­pos­si­ble mat­ter.
Solved so thorny issue for Sam­sung Com­pany, Chi Se­ungHyeog in Fan­tasy, Sam­sung Com­pany has even re­warded to his one set of Seoul City real es­tate.
If the Seoul City real es­tate, that is too sim­ply won­der­ful! The Seoul City house price in­creases quickly, 2008 house price, al­most will be 2006 two times.
„Real es­tate? If the real es­tate, I will have a dream will also smile to awake. Big Brother Se­ungHyeog, if is re­ally real es­tate, I asked you to eat the bar­be­cue, we were not drunk do not turn over?” Song MunHua was say­ing hope­fully.
If, Song MunHua and Chi Se­ungHyeog, have solved the Sam­sung Com­pany dif­fi­cult prob­lem, Sam­sung Com­pany par­si­mo­niously will def­i­nitely not be­stow the real es­tate to them.
Sam­sung Com­pany re­gard­ing hav­ing the strength has per­son­nel of tech­nol­ogy, will never be par­si­mo­nious, even very nat­ural, thus wins over Core per­son­nel.
How­ever, Chi Se­ungHyeog and have Song MunHua solved issue re­ally?
Xia Na­tion, Shuangqing City Shuanghu Dis­trict.
The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, is demon­strat­ing [Izual] Vir­tual Test source code. [Izual] told ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's that is sim­u­lat­ing Sam­sung Cell­phone Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, then runs source code that Shi Lei just com­piled.
Along with Vir­tual Test car­ries on, [Izual] the Vir­tual Test re­sult, feeds back on the Vir­tual trans­parence screen, fa­cil­i­tates Shi Lei to ex­am­ine.
‚Test code broke through non- in­tel­li­gent na­ture Sam­sung Cell­phone Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, the cur­rently mod­ify Sys­tem es­tab­lish­ment...’
‚Test code opens Sam­sung Cell­phone to op­er­ate the Sys­tem Ground Level code, de­com­pile car­ries on, some de­com­pile ac­com­plish, cur­rently adds the foun­da­tion au­thor­ity code...’
‚The ac­com­plish Sys­tem Safety es­tab­lish­ment, tests the code suc­cess to shield the Safety es­tab­lish­ment, the cur­rently mod­ify Safety strat­egy plan...’
‚ac­com­plish foun­da­tion au­thor­ity code in­ser­tion work, opens Sam­sung Cell­phone Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem to read in au­thor­ity...’
‚Com­plete strat­egy plan mod­ify ac­com­plish, reads in the pre­in­stall code...’
‚Test code ac­com­plish pre­in­stall in­va­sion side case!’
‚S60v3 Sys­tem tests, ac­com­plish pre­in­stall in­va­sion side case!’
‚Bile Sys­tem tests, ac­com­plish pre­in­stall in­va­sion side case!’
Shi Lei from the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, ex­am­ines [Izual] demon­stra­tion feed­back in­for­ma­tion, the cor­ners of the mouth is re­veal­ing a curved curve.
Sam­sung Com­pany in 2008 era, has not is­sued An­droid -based Smart Phone, but in 2009 June, has is­sued based on An­droid 1.5 i7500. There­fore, Shi Lei com­pi­la­tion source code, tem­porar­ily not in view of An­droid Sys­tem.
Re­gard­ing An­droid Mo­bile Phone Sys­tem, Shi Lei, al­though knows that it was ac­tu­ally fiery in the fu­ture, has cre­ated how tremen­dous in­flu­ence, but Shi Lei had not planned that started to An­droid.
The rea­son has two.
First, the An­droid back­stage is very strong. Al­though An­droid is de­vel­ops by a Andy Rubin Li Jian Na­tion per­son at first, but in fact, early in 2005, An­droid by google one of the two big Founder, Lary. Petch pur­chases. Mean­while, Andy Rubin also en­tered google Com­pany.
2008 time, even if google Com­pany does not have the later gen­er­a­tion to be so for­mi­da­ble, but al­ready be­came In­ter­net Giant Rank Com­pany.
gle Com­pany fa­vors the An­droid Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem fu­ture, and does not keep the ample force is pro­mot­ing this Sys­tem, [Hope] pushes to en­tire World An­droid Sys­tem. Facts showed that google is suc­cess­ful, An­droid Sys­tem in­deed is all the rage World­wide, be­came mar­ket share high­est Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem.
Shi Lei wants to dare the great­est dan­ger, snatches An­droid Sys­tem from the google Com­pany mouth, ba­si­cally does not have what pos­si­bil­ity. google Com­pany is not short of money, does not lack the tech­nol­ogy.
If Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group and google Com­pany makes war in In­ter­net, the best re­sult is also the both sides tie. As for can de­feat google Com­pany? Shi Lei has not gone to ex­pec­ta­tion care­lessly. google Com­pany wants the re­sources to have the re­sources, wants the tech­nol­ogy to have the tech­nol­ogy, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group is not de­feated by google Com­pany, is the heaven blesses.
Sec­ond rea­son, is be­cause Shi Lei has a bet­ter choice. LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, car­ried the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany self-de­vel­op­ing, it has sur­passed at pre­sent in the mar­ket con­di­tion per­fectly any mo­bile equip­ment Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem.
cell phone of Sam­sung Com­pany man­u­fac­ture, built-in Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, can­not com­pare An­droid Sys­tem, do not say is.
There­fore, Shi Lei wants to cap­ture Sam­sung Cell­phone Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, basic as easy as blow­ing off dust, even if ob­tains Sys­tem High­est Au­thor­ity, does not have the dif­fi­culty.
„[Izual], ‚[Mourned Star Dis­as­ter]’ will put in!” Since tests passes com­pletely, Shi Lei also no longer hes­i­tates, he can­not look at Sam­sung Com­pany pleased, but was the choice gives Sam­sung Com­pany to deal a head-on blow!
[Mourned Star Dis­as­ter], will make Sam­sung Com­pany re­ally ab­solutely crisp...


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