HK :: VOLUME #15
#1487: Burns down hardware!
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Romantic Valentine's Day, Samsung Company is doomed the tragedy!
Although Samsung Company in short one hour 7, then put out has solved Samsung Cellphone unable the starting plan, but that was only Shi Lei's First Round attack!
Shield Wall of [Mourned Star Assassin] code manufacture, from the software level, shields Samsung Cellphone System merely, lets the Samsung Cellphone screen, is unable to show that the corresponding the content, in the meantime, the entity key is unable to have the corresponding function.
[Mourned Star Disaster] that Shi Lei just developed, is more further Virus procedure!
If [Mourned Star Assassin], but also was Samsung Company has left behind means of livelihood, then [Mourned Star Disaster], then has not left behind any means of livelihood completely.
Because, [Mourned Star Disaster] sabotages the Samsung Cellphone hardware Virus procedure!
When [Izual] transmits [Mourned Star Disaster], once more simultaneous delivery [Mourned Star Assassin]. However, this carry and bear [Mourned Star Assassin] Text Message, no longer is the Telecommunications Operator balance prompts information, but is random number transmission Valentine's Day sends regards to information.
‚Valentine's Day is joyful, do you still remember our child? I in the previous place you, child want to see you!’ This SMS, exactly as stated Second Round has carried [Mourned Star Assassin] malicious SMS. Its full is having the evil intention, not only will shield Samsung Cellphone Operating System, will also let other cell phone user, withstands Danger that the sentiment changes.
In fact, in the Nanchao Nation throughout range, because of this SMS, is only several points( the clock time, had over 1000 men and women to be contradictory. This result, Shi Lei has not expected actually.
Shi Lei currently observes Samsung Company Official Website now, studies Samsung Company cell phone Management Software. Shi Lei is sinister. [Mourned Star Disaster] Virus, placed Samsung Company, cell phone Management Software requested in data Server.
Because Samsung Cellphone Management Software needs to be user reads in Operating System. But user Samsung Cellphone is many and varied models, to reduce the cell phone Management Software volume, and improves the software Safety nature, Cyber Security Department cell phone Management Software, designed the network client side pattern.
When user through the usb copper-cored cable, connects cell phone Management Software cell phone time, cell phone Management Software has distinguished the concrete Samsung Cellphone model. In Data Server, the System procedure of downloading correspondence, will then read in cell phone.
Shi Lei [Mourned Star Disaster] Virus. Places the corresponding Data Server, when Samsung Cellphone user, through cell phone Management Software, is Samsung Cellphone reads in System the time. [Mourned Star Disaster] Virus. Then together will enter cell phone with cell phone Management Software.
If no help of Samsung Cellphone Management Software, although [Mourned Star Disaster] Virus can also enter Samsung Cellphone operation System Ground Level. However, in such situation, [Mourned Star Disaster] Virus, most also on deletion System, but is unable to destroy hardware.
May through Samsung Company Official cell phone Management Software, enter Samsung Cellphone inner layer Core, Shi Lei has then been able to pass [Mourned Star Disaster] Virus. Burns down Samsung Cellphone processor chip directly.
If Samsung Cellphone processor chip were burnt down, Samsung Company can also through the cell phone Management Software restoration? If Samsung Company can pass software repair hardware issue. That Your Mother simply is rhythm that goes against heaven's will!
„[Izual], in this Samsung Cellphone move are many?” Shi Lei was inquiring [Izual], second time disseminated [Mourned Star Assassin], although Shi Lei transformed a pattern, but on this keenest struggle, Shi Lei guessed that move of person, should not be too much.
However, Shi Lei has overestimated intelligence quotient standard of Nanchao Nation people obviously. After all, who is all right on the protection SMS poison?
Second Round [Mourned Star Assassin] Virus, although has not infected numerous Samsung Cellphone, but this is not because the Nanchao Nation people changed intelligent, but was many Nanchao Nation Samsung Cellphone user, has not restored own Samsung Cellphone with enough time.
Feeds back the information statistics according to [Izual]'s, in Samsung Cellphone of net altogether only then over 2 Million department, almost in 99.99% Samsung Cellphone user move.
Shi Lei hā hā has laughed, „, merely only then insufficient Samsung Cellphone does user extremely, possibly escape death by a hair's breadth?”
„According to Telecommunications Operator network statistics, indeed is this.” [Izual] was responding to Shi Lei.
Nanchao Nation.
In Internet World, numerous Samsung Cellphone user posts to complain. Although Samsung Company provided urgently has solved cell phone unable the starting plan, but one step restored Mobile Phone System user first, expressed that their Samsung Cellphone appeared once again was unable the starting situation.
At present, restores Samsung Mobile Phone System user, basically is young user, or understands some computer user. Their Samsung Cellphone once more black, naturally will post in network attack Samsung Company.
And a post, compared with having characteristics.
A «Samsung Cellphone point is not feeling well, simply is Samstupid Cellphone!»
I now very repugnant Samsung Cellphone!
Although Samsung Cellphone is our Nation(s) First brand, but truly speaking, Samsung Company cell phone quality, really anxious.
When Samsung Cellphone first time presents issue, Samsung Company 7 has drawn up the solution in one hour, I was very at that time affected. After all, facing large-scale batch issue, Samsung Company in the so short time, then gave has seemed like the perfect solution, how can not be affected?
But now, I have saying that Samsung Company is bullshit!
Why said?
Because of my Samsung Cellphone, according to cell phone Management Software that Samsung Company provides, just restored successfully, but once again the tragedy, enters now was unable the starting condition.
I acknowledged that my hand was inexpensive, has selected strange SMS, then cell phone tragedy. I know that some people must say, you lull being all right hand to do inexpensively, any SMS.
But I want to say that Damn Your Mother, cell phone does not look at SMS, is cell phone Ah?
Do Samsung Company, please tell me, now what to do I should? Do not tell me, uses cell phone Management Software that you provide to reply cell phone Operating System once more.
Do your procedure apes and attacking a city lions, know how long restores cell phone to need? Moreover, who can guarantee. My next time selects SMS, but can also continue the tragedy?
Trash Samsung Cellphone! Radically is Samstupid Cellphone!
The angry extension throws gl Faction!
This post, but also is really not the (spear|gun) lines on the hand of Shi Lei issue. But is the genuine goods at reasonable prices, Nanchao Nation post of Samsung Cellphone user issue.
Similar to this post said that can cell phone also examine SMS happily?
The post following reply are many, very large part is Samsung Cellphone user, expressed that the poster do not give up, waited for that Samsung Company gives to prevent the plan that SMS halts.
Samsung Company Technical Department and Cyber Security Department, depressed. They think issue solved. Will not have similar issue again, but has not thought that unexpectedly came one time.
Samsung Company Cyber Security Department Specialist. It is not does not know that Hacker can indeed come again one time , to continue Samsung Cellphone kidnapping, keeping it from starting starting.
But under normal conditions. Samsung Company has given the solution. After the Hacker style was explained that Hacker will not play a time same move again.
Chi SeungHyeog frowns, depressed cursed: „Actually is which damn Hacker, is bored the egg to hurt, unexpectedly uses the two times same attack way.”
Che UnJun frowns saying: „Receives, now is not the complaint time, thinks how should solve issue.”
Chi SeungHyeog says with a smile painstakingly: „Section Head, this issue is not good to solve. Although I do not want to acknowledge. But these time is very wise in view of our Hacker, the opposite party broke through our cell phone Operating System forcefully. Has poured into System Ground Level Shield Wall source code, obtained First priority authority. Wants defense similar attack, extreme difficulty.”
„Receives, you also said that is only very difficult, there is means that isn't that right?” Che UnJun pursues asks.
Chi SeungHyeog shook the head, „Section Head, you understand, why asked?”
„Really, only then reconstructs cell phone Operating System, and joins the brand-new protection scheme?” Che UnJun also painstakingly says with a smile, if reconstructs Samsung Cellphone Operating System, with brand-new protection scheme, this is a very huge work.
If moreover, Samsung Company must reconstruct cell phone Operating System, that Microsoft pocketpc.wm System office? Nokia Symbian office? Withdraws from their Operating System joint pledges?
Also, has reconstructed Mobile Phone System, big of work load, is unable in a short time accomplish. Reconstructs Mobile Phone System, equivalent to anything works, can understand that is apple Company, develops ios System to be the same, Samsung Company develops one to belong to Samsung Company Operating System specially.
Then, the Safety nature then can be guaranteed!
But the current situation, where has the time to rebuild the Mobile Phone System time to Samsung Company? Reconstructs Mobile Phone System, does not have one year or so, even is for several years, basically is very difficult.
Samsung Company Technical Department and Cyber Security Department, have not discussed how to handle the Samsung Cellphone SMS halting gate event, brand-new issue approaches once more.
numerous Samsung Cellphone user, contact Samsung Company customer service Center, inquired why through cell phone Management Software that Samsung Company provides, is unable to restore Samsung Cellphone.
This issue, has immediately caused Technical Department and Cyber Security Department High Degree attaches great importance. What they choose is sure card, impossible unable to restore Samsung Cellphone Operating System, only if Samsung Cellphone hardware, presented issue, likely has such situation.
Technical Department hardware Engineer, had found three Samsung Cellphone fast, distinguishes right and wrong Smart Phone and two Smart Phone.
Cyber Security Department Cyber Security Specialist, three cell phone through the usb copper-cored cable, connects on the computer, through cell phone Management Software restores System time, from the beginning is very normal.
But when restores the progress, arrives at 99% times, non- Intelligence System that Samsung Cellphone, the black screen halts immediately. A moment later, another two intelligent cell phone, had the situation of halting.
Technical Department hardware Engineer, have dismantled three cell phone after fast, obtained a tragedy the reasonable answer, three Samsung Cellphone processor chip, were burnt down by the formidable electric current.
Suddenly, Cyber Security Department Cyber Security Specialist and Technical Department hardware Engineer, you have a look at me, I have a look at you, no one can take better means.
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
1487: Burns down hardware!

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