Wednesday, December 27, 2017

1488: Front is the cliff, behind is dead end!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1488: Front is the cliff, behind is dead end!
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Nan­chao Na­tion, Sam­sung Com­pany was used [Mourned Star As­sas­sin] and [Mourned Star Dis­as­ter] by Shi Lei, forced above the keen­est strug­gle.
The Sam­sung Com­pany sit­u­a­tion is not very good, it may be said that is the de­gree that know­ing when to ad­vance and re­treat is in a dilemma, front is the cliff, be­hind is also the dead end!
One step, es­tab­lishes to be­long to Sam­sung Com­pany own cell phone Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem for­ward, this is a true won­der­ful idea, but they do not have enough time.
re­treat one step, in­stalls the os­trich to be the same, mak­ing user have issue to re­store Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem on use cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware, then silently speeds up solv­ing the SMS halt­ing gate event.
But [Mourned Star Dis­as­ter] Virus, sim­ply has not given them the op­por­tu­nity! This time, SMS halt­ing gate, is not only keeps Sam­sung Cell­phone from using nor­mally, but will cre­ate the proces­sor chip over­burn­ing of Sam­sung Cell­phone.
Tech­ni­cal Di­vi­sion of Sam­sung Com­pany sit­u­ated in Seoul City, under the Sec­tion Head Zheng SuHae cur­rently mag­ni­fy­ing glass, ex­am­ines burnt down proces­sor chip, at­tempts rea­son why found can burn down.
Ge­nius tech­ni­cian Song MunHua, is also ex­am­in­ing other proces­sor.
Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment Tech­ni­cal Spe­cial­ists, in an­a­lyz­ing three cell phone stor­age chip, tries from stor­ing up chip, found some clues.
Sam­sung Group Pub­lic Re­la­tions De­part­ment, in many chan­nels, ur­gently has is­sued the no­tice, [Hope] Sam­sung Cell­phone user, stops using cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware to re­store cell phone Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, the pa­tience waited for that Sam­sung Com­pany pro­vides other so­lu­tions.
Head of Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Com­pany =
The page and Sam­sung Cell­phone Of­fi­cial home page, has con­nected can­celled down­load­ing of Sam­sung Cell­phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware, and mo­bi­lized the pub­lic re­la­tions strength, mak­ing Sam­sung Cell­phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware van­ish in en­tire Nan­chao Na­tion In­ter­net.
Sam­sung Group is very big in the Nan­chao Na­tion strength. They are ca­pa­ble of achiev­ing this point!
The re­sponse that Sam­sung Com­pany makes al­though is very rapid, but counts in­for­ma­tion ac­cord­ing to [Izual]'s, sur­passes 5 Mil­lion Sam­sung Cell­phone user as be­fore. Was burnt down cell phone proces­sor chip by Sam­sung Cell­phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware.
Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment Spe­cial­ist, re­peat­edly has stud­ied three burnt down Sam­sung Cell­phone stor­age chip, in stor­ing up chip, dis­cov­ers any un­usual sit­u­a­tion.
Ac­tu­ally, they are doomed to be de­feated!
Be­cause [Mourned Star Dis­as­ter] does not pour into Sam­sung Cell­phone in­ter­nal stor­age chip, but through Sam­sung Cell­phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware, di­rectly has car­ried on the op­er­a­tion to Sam­sung Cell­phone.
Sam­sung Cell­phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware wants to re­store Sam­sung Cell­phone Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem. Must ob­tain Sam­sung Cell­phone com­plete Man­age­ment Au­thor­ity. When cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware, after hav­ing ob­tained Sam­sung Cell­phone com­plete Man­age­ment Au­thor­ity, [Mourned Star Dis­as­ter] then seizes the chance to start. Has con­trolled the power man­age­ment plan, elec­tric cur­rent that the bat­tery and usb cop­per-cored cable pro­vides, re­leases on proces­sor chip com­pletely, thus makes proces­sor chip be burnt down.
In this case. In Sam­sung Cell­phone stor­age chip. Most can only look up [Mourned Star As­sas­sin] in Mo­bile Phone Sys­tem Ground Level Code, in­crease ‚Shield Wall’ code, but is im­pos­si­ble to look up ex­is­tence of [Mourned Star Dis­as­ter].
Chi Se­ungHyeog ex­am­ined to store up chip in­ter­nal in­for­ma­tion re­peat­edly, in the mouth mut­ters: „Should not! Un­ex­pect­edly does not have any issue!”
An­other side Song MunHua, loud start to talk said sud­denly: „I have dis­cov­ered issue.”
Tech­ni­cal De­part­ment and Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment Spe­cial­ist, gath­ered on the vi­sion Song MunHua com­pletely, let this twenty two -year-old Ge­nius, has had sev­eral points of su­pe­ri­or­ity feel­ing.
„I had just in­spected two pieces of proces­sors. Dis­cov­ered that they were wrecked by the heavy cur­rent. This sit­u­a­tion, if cell phone nor­mal op­er­a­tion time. Is im­pos­si­ble to occur. Be­cause, the cell phone Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem pro­tec­tion scheme, or is cell phone hard­ware pro­tects Sys­tem, can pre­vent heavy cur­rent over­burn­ing proces­sor chip. But now had such mat­ter, ex­plained ex­actly as stated only, had ma­li­cious pro­ce­dure in­ter­fer­ence the cell phone Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem pro­tec­tion scheme, as well as hard­ware pro­tected Sys­tem.” Song MunHua ex­plained.
The Chi Se­ungHyeog ex­pres­sion stares, af­ter­ward also opens the mouth say­ing: „I also un­der­stood!”
The peo­ple go to Chi Se­ungHyeog the vi­sion, does not know that Chi Se­ungHyeog un­der­stood any­thing.
Chi Se­ungHyeog im­me­di­ately has not ac­tu­ally opened the mouth to ex­plain, but was both hands has rapped on the key­board fast, about after three min­utes, Chi Se­ungHyeog opened the mouth say­ing: „We were been cloudy by mys­te­ri­ous Hacker! Op­po­site party has in­vaded cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware Data Server, has im­planted the ma­li­cious Virus pro­ce­dure in in­side. When cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware re­quested data to Data Server, then the Virus pro­ce­dure of evil in­ten­tion, trans­mit­ted to cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware, thus con­trolled cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware, then through cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware, con­trolled the usb cop­per-cored cable con­nec­tion cell phone, mak­ing the cell phone proces­sor be burnt down!”
„Damn!” Che UnJun angry scolded one, „re­ceives, we clean up time Data Server now, then in­forms user to down­load cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware, strives ac­com­plish in a half hour!”
The Chi Se­ungHyeog forced smile said: „Sec­tion Head, use­less, if we do not solve the SMS halt­ing gate, can­not de­fend the match. But wants to solve the SMS halt­ing gate, the dif­fi­culty is also very high.”
„Your opin­ion is, did we fall into the im­passe?” Some Che UnJun in­con­ceiv­able [say / way], solemn In­ter­na­tional na­ture big en­ter­prise, un­ex­pect­edly by a small Hacker im­mo­bi­liza­tion?
„, Sec­tion Head, we can­not solve this issue, but re­quires the time. In view of the non- in­tel­li­gence ma­chine, we can pro­mote the up­date Sys­tem firmware, mak­ing the cell phone Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem thor­ough so­lid­i­fi­ca­tion, the in­crease read in the pro­tec­tion fea­ture. Then, the Shield Wall code in SMS halt­ing gate, fac­ing read­ing in pro­tec­tion time, is un­able to read in Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem bot­tom level, nat­u­rally is un­able to con­trol cell phone.” Chi Se­ungHyeog an­swered.
„S60 Sys­tem and wm Sys­tem? What to do should we?” Che UnJun in­quired.
Song MunHua is re­plac­ing Chi Se­ungHyeog to in­quire at the same time: „Sec­tion Head Che, lets Nokia Com­pany and Mi­crosoft Com­pany, up­date Safety flaw! If this Hacker, next time moves Mo­bile Phone Sys­tem in view of Sym­bian and Mi­crosoft, they def­i­nitely will have bad luck.”
Che UnJun thinks that prob­a­bly also is re­ally this truth!
Nokia Com­pany and does the Mi­crosoft Com­pany mat­ter, why want Sam­sung Com­pany to help to process?
„Good! Re­ceives, we ac­cord­ing to your method im­ple­ment, the up­date Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem firmware, so­lid­ify Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, the in­crease read in the pro­tec­tion fea­ture. How much time prob­a­bly re­quires?” Che UnJun can­not think that bet­ter means that can only use the Chi Se­ungHyeog means. Only [Hope], ex­actly as stated lit­tle spends time, quick processes.
Chi Se­ungHyeog scratches the head, some­what help­less fla­vor: „Per­haps Sec­tion Head, at least re­quires one week of time.”
„What? One week? Can quickly?” The Che UnJun ex­pres­sion changes, one week of time, if places usu­ally, what big issue that at is not, but like this in the pe­cu­liar cir­cum­stance, Sam­sung Cell­phone does user, how pos­si­bly in­sist now for one week?
One week does not use cell phone, re­gard­ing most peo­ple, that is im­pos­si­ble!
„Es­ti­mate can­not! One week of time, I work from 14 hours to 16 hours to cal­cu­late ac­cord­ing to every day. If the nor­mal eight hours of op­er­at­ing time, does not have half a month, im­pos­si­ble ac­com­plish.” Chi Se­ungHyeog was say­ing re­luc­tantly.
Che UnJun clenched teeth, „good! I con­tact Pub­lic Re­la­tions De­part­ment Sec­tion Head Li, then make the de­ci­sion first!”
When Che UnJun ex­plained after male Di­vi­sion Head Guan Li Chun­Ming the fur­ther in­for­ma­tion, ex­claim­ing that the Li Chun­Ming anger roared: „One week? Che UnJun, do you know that one week of time, what does mean?”
„Sec­tion Head Li, I know that I un­der­stand, but this is the quick­est speed, more­over can only solve like this.” Che UnJun is the Sam­sung Com­pany old per­son, worked in Sam­sung Com­pany has ex­ceeded the twenty year, al­though Li Chun­Ming was Li Fam­ily Core per­son­nel, but Che UnJun was also ar­gu­ing strongly based on rea­son.
„Hēng! your as soon as pos­si­ble ac­com­plish!” Li Chun­Ming does not want to say any­thing with Che UnJun, he now is also badly bat­tered, be­cause Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Com­pany Stock falls sud­denly once more.
When orig­i­nally, Sam­sung Com­pany had is­sued cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware, an­nounced can re­store Sam­sung Cell­phone time, Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Com­pany Stock rose sud­denly 10%, and is ris­ing fast, is very likely to re­store to the be­fore­hand con­di­tion. Mean­while, en­tire Sam­sung Group Stock, rises.
But now, Sam­sung Cell­phone was ex­ploded falls into the SMS halt­ing gate once more, and was ex­posed cell phone Man­age­ment Soft­ware, is un­able to re­store the Sam­sung Cell­phone event, Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Com­pany Stock, fell sud­denly close per­cent Forty.
The Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Com­pany pres­sure is big, it is also im­pli­cat­ing list­ing Com­pany of en­tire Sam­sung Group, to­gether bad luck.
Xia Na­tion, Shuangqing City.
Mu Shuang cur­rently passes LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, con­tact Shi Lei.
„Shi Lei, hears that side Nan­chao Na­tion, cell phone of Sam­sung Com­pany man­u­fac­ture, had hard­ware issue mas­sively, right?” Mu Shuang has been pay­ing at­ten­tion to the Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Stock price, she nat­u­rally saw the Sam­sung Com­pany sit­u­a­tion.
„Yes! Shuang Shuang, Sam­sung Com­pany Stock price how?” Shi Lei in­quired with a smile.
„Two days ago, fell per­cent Forty, this data ex­ag­ger­ates. Be­cause of this Sam­sung Com­pany cell phone, had hard­ware issue, the nu­mer­ous Nan­chao Na­tion in­vestor, the choice has joined the Short Sell(ing) Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics ranks. At pre­sent, ac­cord­ing to the [Izual]'s sta­tis­tics, over two Ten Bil­lion USD in­vested, dur­ing cur­rently rapidly in­creases, the Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics des­tiny, will be very piti­ful.” Mu Shuang says with a smile.
Sam­sung Com­pany cell phone issue, has de­vel­oped hard­ware issue, is im­pos­si­ble to have the re­ver­sal in a short time. Even if were Sam­sung Com­pany de­vel­ops to so­lid­ify the Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem read-in pro­tec­tion scheme, but had the loss of 5 Mil­lion user, should un­der­take by whom?
In this 5 Mil­lion user, most user Sam­sung Cell­phone, has ex­ceeded the war­ranty time, Sam­sung Com­pany will not have re­placed to them.
„Is piti­ful?” Shi Lei cu­ri­ous ask­ing.
Mu Shuang smiled, had not replied that Shi Lei's this issue, Mu Shuang may not only pre­pare to de­feat Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics, even for­mu­la­tion tar­get, routs Nan­chao Na­tion Stock Mar­ket from the be­gin­ning, can­not sat­isfy Mu Shuang, she has very big am­bi­tion ....


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