Saturday, December 2, 2017

967: Destroy

HK :: VOLUME #10
#967: Destroy!
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Choice that Li Jian Na­tion Small-scale Frigate level Sea Cruiser, makes self- De­stroy road. ******( Phoenix dance lit­er­a­ture net­work) the [Sea Hawk No. 3] cap­tain, Rudel Peter was ex­ces­sively more self-con­fi­dent, he thinks Clear Sky Pi­rate Group, does not dare at­tack their [Sea Hawk No. 3].
What a pity, Rudel Peter too has un­der­es­ti­mated the Shi Lei's guts!
Ac­tu­ally does Shi Lei have bold how? Had a look at him to pass through, has done any mat­ter, then ac­tu­ally knew Shi Lei how bold. Let alone triv­ial Li Jian Na­tion Small-scale Frigate, ex­actly as stated Li Jian Na­tion car­rier squadron, so long as Shi Lei has the op­por­tu­nity, will choose De­stroy with­out hes­i­ta­tion.
Shi Lei is never a soft­hearted per­son, he has calmly with the dis­po­si­tion that Crazy mixes, this calm time, Shi Lei is calm \; Can Crazy time, the Shi Lei's Crazy de­gree has sur­passed most peo­ple.
does sir, what way at­tack enemy use? [Izual] was in­quir­ing Shi Lei, re­minded: sir, be­cause [The Steel and Iron] pastes the sea to fly, is away from the sea level High De­gree, prob­a­bly paces back and forth in three me­ters to five me­ters, this High De­gree has been lower than Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile and Crush Sea Se­ries Guided Mis­sile shoots High De­gree lowly.
Um? Shi Lei left sur­prised, [Izual], can tem­po­rary pro­moted High De­gree? Short time High De­gree, pro­moted to Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile shoots High De­gree lowly, after hav­ing shot Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, rapid re­duc­tion High De­gree.
[Izual] unites ibsp \; The plan that Shi Lei said that has cer­tain im­ple­ment strength. [The Steel and Iron] ma­neu­ver­ing force Out­stand­ing, each sec­ond of climb speed has been 27 me­ters. Ac­cord­ing to Swift Arrow is the shoot­ing re­quest of kind of Guided Mis­sile. [The Steel and Iron] only needs to climb for less than two sec­onds, then can achieve Swift Arrow is kind of Guided Mis­sile shoots the low­est High De­gree re­quest.
Just, [The Steel and Iron] the biggest su­pe­ri­or­ity is pastes the sea to fly at pre­sent, [Sea Hawk No. 3] not presently [The Steel and Iron] po­si­tion. [The Steel and Iron] hides in the hid­den place, by far ex­pos­ing to be bet­ter.
Can the radar of in­ter­fer­ence op­po­site party? Shi Lei leaves the in­quiry. Uses [The Steel and Iron] car­ry­ing Guided Mis­sile, solves [Sea Hawk No. 3] is the most con­ve­nient way. [The Steel and Iron] car­ry­ing avi­a­tion ma­chine gun, re­gard­ing Frigate, but, even if Small-scale, does not have the too big use.
Per­haps biggest use, ex­actly as stated on the op­po­site party deck. Makes some not smooth small hole, as the mat­ter stands, the op­po­site party also needs to spend not a poor paint patch­ing fee!
sir, [The Steel and Iron] is un­able tem­porar­ily the in­ter­fer­ence radar. [Izual] brief re­sponse Shi Lei. [Izual] is only Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, but is not True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem. There­fore, [Izual] can pro­vide the in­for­ma­tion analy­sis. As well as nu­mer­ous the logic of data and fact -based cal­cu­lated, but can­not pro­vide the sub­jec­tive Cre­ate na­ture so­lu­tion.
Shi Lei had con­sid­ered, de­cides to give up using Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile fi­nally, at­tacks [Sea Hawk No. 3] Plan. It is not able to use Guided Mis­sile to at­tack [Sea Hawk No. 3], Shi Lei is un­able to think of bet­ter means tem­porar­ily.
[Izual], if our pull-up [The Steel and Iron] High De­gree. Has shot Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, has the big prob­a­bil­ity, can wreck Li Jian Na­tion Small-scale Frigate di­rectly? Shi Lei was in­quir­ing con­crete prob­a­bil­ity issue, if the prob­a­bil­ity were con­sid­er­able, that Shi Lei is will­ing to wres­tle. If the prob­a­bil­ity is too low, for the Airen Is­land mat­ter, Shi Lei also can only en­dure suf­fer­ing to let off Li Jian Na­tion Small-scale Frigate.
[Izual] un­der­went a very care­ful ana­log com­pu­ta­tion, fi­nally ob­tained one with re­ally live, does not have too big dis­par­ity re­sult.
sir, if uses under the Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile sit­u­a­tion. [The Steel and Iron] pull-up High De­gree, shoots Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile force­fully, wants to wreck Li Jian Na­tion Small-scale Frigate, the pos­si­bil­ity is quite low, after the Vir­tual com­pu­ta­tion of Sys­tem. Prob­a­bly has 17% wreck­ing rates. If si­mul­ta­ne­ously shoots two Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, wrecks the Li Jian Na­tion Small-scale Frigate pos­si­bil­ity, can pro­moted to 55%. [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei, an ana­logue re­sult.
Uses Crush Sea Se­ries Guided Mis­sile? Shi Lei in­quired.
Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile is Small-scale Guided Mis­sile, re­gard­ing in­di­vid­ual, but, its might in­deed is un­able to pre­vent \; But now tar­get is Small-scale Frigate, Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile might, but also is un­able to be guar­an­teed.
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], has car­ried Crush Sea Se­ries Guided Mis­sile luck­ily. Crush Sea Se­ries Guided Mis­sile is Full-sized Guided Mis­sile, might as­pect is very for­mi­da­ble big­ger than Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile.
sir, if in­de­pen­dent shoots Crush Sea Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, wrecks the Li Jian Na­tion Small-scale Frigate pos­si­bil­ity, has achieved 72% \; Two Crush Sea Se­ries Guided Mis­sile un­even times, Small-scale Frigate by the De­stroy pos­si­bil­ity, reaches as high as over 97%! [Izual] gives an­swer that Shi Lei has liked.
What a pity, Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, is Crush Sea Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, can­not achieve shoots High De­gree lowly. Wants Safety safe shoot­ing Guided Mis­sile, wrecks Li Jian Na­tion Small-scale Frigate, best choice ex­actly as stated Crush Sea Se­ries.
But Crush Sea Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, Shi Lei leaves Airen Is­land Fei Lu Na­tion nine No. 10 mil­i­tary naval ves­sel, if has cur­rently used, when ar­rives in Airen Is­land, what weapon does [The Steel and Iron] with cope with nine No. 10 mil­i­tary naval ves­sel?
Right! Shi Lei was pon­der­ing ac­tu­ally should choose time, sud­denly pat­ted started, on the face showed the pleas­antly sur­prised look, [Izual], our knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, whether can use?
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], has adopted [N235 Metal], has sup­plied sta­ble Elec­tric Power. There­fore, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery is fierce.
The knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery tech­nol­ogy, in Shi Lei, has un­folded three gen­er­a­tions of tech­nolo­gies. First Gen­er­a­tion knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, filled thick for­ti­fied hill vil­lage at­mos­phere, the pro­jec­tile qual­ity had 5 g, the ini­tial ve­loc­ity was only 800 m per sec­ond, the ini­tial ki­netic en­ergy had 1600 joules, the en­ergy trans­fer ratio was piti­ful in­com­pa­ra­ble 1.6%.
The Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery tech­nol­ogy, en­ergy trans­fer ratio pro­moted to 5% stan­dard, the ini­tial ve­loc­ity also rose 1200 m per sec­ond, the ini­tial ki­netic en­ergy has been 3600 joules, the pro­jec­tile qual­ity is only 5 g as be­fore. This gen­er­a­tion of knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery might, al­most and light sniper rifle is sim­i­lar. Al­though the might is very ob­jec­tive, ac­tu­ally how Heavy Armor Equip­ment.
At pre­sent, what Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] car­ries was Third Gen­er­a­tion knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, the pro­jec­tile qual­ity rise to 10 g, the ini­tial ve­loc­ity has been 2800 me­ters, the ini­tial ki­netic en­ergy has been 39200 joules. So knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery of de­gree, fi­nally re­luc­tantly is con­sid­ered as is ‚ar­tillery’, but is not the put­ty­blower of elec­tro­mag­net­ism prin­ci­ple tech­nol­ogy man­u­fac­ture.
sir, Sys­tem ex­am­ines Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, be­cause is un­able to know the tar­get armor thick­ness, there­fore, Un­able to Judge on-board Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery whether to pen­e­trate tar­get armor de­fense. [Izual] is prompt­ing Shi Lei.
No mat­ter Shi Lei these!
Does not have what good means now in any case, probes the Li Jian Na­tion Small-scale Frigate armor thick­ness, is not can­not mat­ter.
[Izual], chooses a place ca­su­ally, uses knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, at­tack tar­get, probes whether can de­feat tar­get armor de­fense. After Shi Lei cloth order, im­me­di­ately sup­ple­ments said: Only probes, then im­me­di­ately changes the [The Steel and Iron] po­si­tion, pre­vents by op­po­site party op­ti­cal di­rec­tion find­ing Sys­tem pre­sent.
yes , sir! [Izual] is con­trol­ling [The Steel and Iron] im­me­di­ately, start is the Third Gen­er­a­tion knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery suf­fi­cient en­ergy. En­tire can suf­fi­ciently the process, needs to con­sume for two sec­onds, after can fin­ish suf­fi­ciently, [Izual] has cho­sen side the Li Jian Na­tion Small-scale Frigate [Sea Hawk No. 3] hull, shot the qual­ity is the 10 g pro­jec­tile.
[The Steel and Iron] cur­rently from Li Jian Na­tion Small-scale Frigate, merely has more than one into the sea, is less than two -and-a-half kilo­me­ters dis­tance. The Third Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery pro­jec­tile ini­tial ve­loc­ity, has been 2800 m per sec­ond. Changed a view, ex­actly as stated Third Gen­er­a­tion knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery just shot, within one sec­ond, has then hit tar­get.
kuāng dāng ~
When the qual­ity merely is the 10 g alloy pro­jec­tile, when has hit the Small-scale Frigate hull side, left the deaf­en­ing bang, even if sur­round­ing Storm heavy rain, is un­able to cover that bang sound.
[The Steel and Iron] op­ti­cal di­rec­tion find­ing Sys­tem, pre­cise Seize ar­rived, the pro­jec­tile that knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery pro­jects, in the enor­mous dam­age that side the Small-scale Frigate hull causes. Side the hull the alloy pro­jec­tile by the place that hits, pre­sented a di­am­e­ter to sur­pass one meter cir­cu­lar hol­low area.
On [Sea Hawk No. 3] Small-scale Frigate level Sea Cruiser, 11 Ship-based per­son­nel in­clud­ing Rudel Peter, com­pletely by the sound that knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery makes, had a scare.
A crew asked hastily: Cap­tain, was just a mat­ter? Did we strike a reef?
Rudel had not replied with enough time that helms­man Tom then replied: Does not strike a reef! Here is deep-sea area, sim­ply does not have close sea level hid­den rock to exist! Per­haps just at­tack, ori­gin side hull, was Clear Sky Pi­rate Group gives our warn­ing, in­di­cated that they had at­tack our strength.
Hēng! Rudel cold snort, angry looked at helms­man Tom, every­body should not be anx­ious, op­po­site party at­tack sim­ply does not have the ef­fect to us, our is de­fense in­ten­sity very high mil­i­tary naval ves­sel, we...
kuāng dāng ~
Also the bang trans­mits to­gether, [Izual] is con­trol­ling [The Steel and Iron], once more at­tack Small-scale Frigate. The order that Shi Lei is­sues is De­stroy, but is not the de­ter­rent, there­fore, [Izual] at­tack that con­tin­ues not to stand still.
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] is sep­a­rated for three sec­onds then to shoot knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, the short three min­utes, have then shot a Sixty high ve­loc­ity and high ki­netic en­ergy pro­jec­tile.
After three min­utes of fast at­tack, Li Jian Na­tion Small-scale Frigate was in im­mi­nent dan­ger, three in 11 Ship-based per­son­nel, luck very bad luck was pen­e­trated the armor knock­off Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery pro­jec­tile, has hit the body, thus lost the life ahead of time.
Shi Lei looks at the real-time image that [The Steel and Iron] trans­mits in­dif­fer­ently, in the mouth talks to one­self: The next gen­er­a­tion rein­car­na­tion, re­mem­bers to me­di­ate!
[Izual], at­tacks and sinks it, then en­ters to Airen Is­land! Shi Lei is­sues order that has killed cer­tainly.


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