Saturday, December 2, 2017

968: The crisis under rainstorm!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#968: The crisis under rainstorm!
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Xia Na­tion, out­side south­ern sea, un­known in­ter­na­tional wa­ters re­gion.
Airen Is­land nearby 400 nau­ti­cal miles scopes, the weather sit­u­a­tion is very awful, the giant sea breeze, has curled up over five me­ters High De­gree rough sea waves, mak­ing the nav­i­ga­tion con­di­tion is not very ideal.
Is hang­ing Small-scale Frigate of stars and stripes, in sea breeze and rough sea waves, ‚erup­tion’ huge ‚kuāng dāng’ sound. This Small-scale Frigate half in­cline, likely had Dan­ger that tilts at any time. Its ex­actly as stated was or­dered Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] at­tack [Sea Hawk No. 3] by Shi Lei.
[Sea Hawk No. 3], helms­man Tom has worn the life jacket, al­though in this case, even if plunges into the sea, is the dead end. But, has worn the life jacket, makes helms­man Tom feel the psy­cho­log­i­cal com­fort even­tu­ally.
Nat­u­rally, merely is only the psy­cho­log­i­cal com­fort. The sea­wa­ter tem­per­a­ture is lower than ten de­grees Cel­sius, hu­man­ity en­ters this tem­per­a­ture in sea­wa­ter, can only in­sist that ap­prox­i­mately Forty-five minute to one hour, then be­cause of hy­pother­mia, but caused hu­man­ity dead.
In the per­ils of the sea, most vic­tims, were not drown to death. After all has the life jacket, was not been big by the prob­a­bil­ity of being drown to death. In­stead is the sea­wa­ter low tem­per­a­ture, has car­ried off the body tem­per­a­ture of hu­man­ity, caused a body tem­per­a­ture to pass low­ers dead.
„Cap­tain, it seems like were we dying?” Helms­man Tom was in­quir­ing Cap­tain Rudel.
Rudel luck slightly bad luck lit­tle, by the process of [The Steel and Iron] at­tack, Rudel was not care­ful splashed Steel and Iron frag­ment has scratched the calf. Now, calf of Rudel also in ooz­ing of blood, sit­u­a­tion suit­able is not ideal.
„Tom, sorry, if be­fore one hour, I obey your sug­ges­tion, the choice re­turn. Per­haps we will not meet that any Clear Sky Pi­rate Group!” The Rudel ex­pres­sion is hav­ing the deep apol­ogy.
Helms­man Tom sighed, „cap­tain, some of you also own con­sid­er­a­tions, we as bat­tle­ship, if did not fight to run away. Sim­i­lar to, we who you said that will face the court mar­tial and im­pris­on­ment.”
Rudel smiles bit­terly, „any court mar­tial, any­thing im­pris­ons, if early knows that is such re­sult, even if makes me re­ceive the mil­i­tary jus­tice. I must lead you to go back. At least only needed to sac­ri­fice my one, broth­ers can sur­vive com­pletely!”
„Cap­tain, we think, after sev­eral min­utes, after our [Sea Hawk No. 3] sink, what to do we should!” Helms­man Tom was re­mind­ing Rudel.
The Rudel com­plex­ion strug­gles er­rat­i­cally. Fi­nally has caused a look to Tom, hints Tom to ap­proach him. Tom has un­der­stood the look prompt of Rudel, ap­proached Rudel, small sound track: „Cap­tain, what mat­ter do you have to arrange?”
„Tom, you hold me to go to the cabin, I must write down final cap­tain Log. I must die in cabin!” Rudel not pulling down sound de­sir­ably, in com­mand post, other crew, heard the Rudel sound.
The view of Rudel this pes­simism, af­fected other peo­ple de­pressed, other crew of sur­vival, the look. Rudel con­tin­ues to open the mouth say­ing: „broth­ers, write nav­i­ga­tion Log, or keeps a will to the fam­ily mem­ber, [Hope] our wreck­age can be dis­cov­ered by Head­quar­ters.”
[Sea Hawk No. 3] crew. Starts writ­ing silently, only then in the helms­man Tom eye has dif­fer­ent, he has not in­quired Rudel in the com­mand post, but is hold­ing calf in­jured Rudel, moved to­ward the cabin lamely.
After hold­ing Rudel to enter cabin. Rudel tells im­me­di­ately in a low voice: „Locks the cabin door!”
Helms­man Tom de­ferred to the in­struc­tion, the move­ment has locked the cabin door of cabin deftly, then said puz­zled: „Cap­tain, we such do, how long un­able to live!”
The Safety per­for­mance of cabin is good, the armor thick­ness, is the leak-proof qual­ity, Out­stand­ing. Ac­cord­ing to the space size of cabin, even if [Sea Hawk No. 3] sub­merged, resid­ual air in cabin, can guar­an­tee Rudel and helms­man Tom, at least one hour of breath time. Were many this hour, is use­ful? In Dark, feel­ing life every lit­tle bit pass­ing?
Rudel sits on the bed, has not replied Tom im­me­di­ately, in­stead in­quired: „Tom, if like this died, in your heart has re­gret­tably?”
Helms­man Tom was lost in thought that fi­nally makes an ef­fort to nod, „cap­tain, I have many re­gret­ted!”
„For ex­am­ple?” Rudel pur­sues asks.
‚kuāng dāng ~’
Also is a bang, the alloy pro­jec­tile of Third Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery launch, has hit [Sea Hawk No. 3] once more, mak­ing [Sea Hawk No. 3] pick up the speed of sub­mer­sion.
Rudel and helms­man Tom com­plex­ion slightly changes, [Sea Hawk No. 3] could not in­sist that was too long, soon will be wrecked to sub­merge. The Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery might of Third Gen­er­a­tion knock­off ver­sion, suit­able ter­ri­fy­ing!
Helms­man Tom also sat the Rudel side, the ex­pres­sion was hav­ing a sigh, „hasn't cap­tain, you known the sit­u­a­tion in my fam­ily? In my fam­ily has mother, if I died, what to do she should?”
In fact, cap­tain Rudel and helms­man Tom, then knew be­fore be­com­ing a sol­dier that their re­la­tions are quite good. They have usu­ally not dis­played, in order to avoid has aroused the dis­ap­proval.
„Such being the case, re­places me to go on liv­ing well, the mat­ter that has today, told Head­quar­ters, mak­ing Head­quar­ters re­venge for us, found that damn Clear Sky Pi­rate Group, must de­liver the top­ping cheat them!” The Rudel ex­pres­sion be­comes some­what ex­cited.
Rudel deep looked at Tom, said se­ri­ously: „Tom, re­places me to take care of my fam­ily mem­ber!”
Helms­man Tom is ac­tu­ally the brow jumps, in the eye re­vealed has wiped the in­de­scrib­able com­plex vi­sion, „cap­tain, your was opin­ion?”
In the Storm sud­den down­pour, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] as if sim­ply had not been af­fected to be the same, the fast shut­tle in the wind and rain, is sim­i­lar to silent Death God, is har­vest­ing the [Sea Hawk No. 3] final life.
„kuāng dāng ~ Gū lū lū ~”
Also after is a qual­ity is the 10 g alloy pro­jec­tile launches, it be­came the last pro­jec­tile that par­tic­i­pates in fu­neral cer­e­mony [Sea Hawk No. 3], it pen­e­trated the [Sea Hawk No. 3] against header thor­oughly, mak­ing [Sea Hawk No. 3] sink to­ward the ice-cold sea­wa­ter deep place.
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] faith­ful recorded the [Sea Hawk No. 3] sub­mer­sion process, Shi Lei told to [Izual]: „Waits for three min­utes, has a look whether has the sur­vivor to float. If there is a sur­vivor, that should not be po­lite, kills them!”
At­tacks the Li Jian Na­tion mil­i­tary naval ves­sel mat­ter. Is se­cret mat­ter that must keep se­cret ab­solutely, there­fore can­not leave be­hind any liv­ing wit­ness.
[Izual] ac­cord­ing to the Shi Lei's order, cir­cles in the sea area of [Sea Hawk No. 3] sub­mer­sion, uses In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, is scan­ning the sea level sit­u­a­tion. At pre­sent the sea­wa­ter tem­per­a­ture is low. So long as there is a hu­man­ity to float, then can dis­cover the in­frared emis­sion of human body tem­per­a­ture eas­ily.
The wait­ing of Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] is very mean­ing­ful, be­cause on [Sea Hawk No. 3], but also two sur­vivors floated. These two peo­ple are not Cap­tain Rudel and helms­man Tom, but is an­other two crew.
Two crew think that ran away the birth day from [Sea Hawk No. 3], but their waited for [The Steel and Iron] have stressed one. [The Steel and Iron] on-board avi­a­tion ma­chine gun, has played the role fi­nally, has har­vested two lives eas­ily.
Waited for after sev­eral min­utes, de­ter­mined that after not hav­ing the crew floats, [Izual] has re­ported the sit­u­a­tion, and ex­pressed in the sea level. Has not searched many in­frared heat ra­di­a­tions the source, Shi Lei or­ders [Izual] to drive Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], over­takes to­ward Airen Is­land.
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] is away from the Airen Is­land also more than 100 kilo­me­ters, even if in so bad weather en­vi­ron­ment, only needs less than a half hour. Shi Lei found time to drink one thick cof­fee, he wanted to con­tinue yes­ter­day evening's for­mi­da­ble, con­tin­ued to stay up late to stay up a all night.
After Twenty-seven minute. Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] ar­rived had five nau­ti­cal miles po­si­tion from Airen Is­land merely. The Airen Is­land weather is more awful than the be­fore­hand in­ter­na­tional wa­ters, the sur­round­ing sea area, ocean waves High De­gree, has been six me­ters de­gree.
The dark cloud in sky, is glit­ter­ing thun­der and light, has hin­dered the satel­lite scan­ning of outer space. The sur­round­ing sea area, be­sides Fei Lu Na­tion nine No. 10 mil­i­tary naval ves­sel that Airen Is­land is sta­tioned, on ships with­out any water sur­face.
As for the water sur­face, has the nu­clear-pow­ered sub­ma­rine, tem­porar­ily is an un­solved mys­tery. Just. Re­gard­less of sub­ma­rine has the sub­ma­rine, with the [The Steel and Iron] not too big re­la­tions.
[The Steel and Iron] does not have the sub­ma­rine op­er­a­tional ca­pac­ity, to sub­ma­rine has not posed the threat weapon. Even if there is a sub­ma­rine to peep ob­ser­va­tion in the, [The Steel and Iron] does not have the means to the sub­ma­rine.
How­ever, cal­cu­lated ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's. Xia Na­tion does not per­mit other Na­tion(s) sub­marines, en­ters the Airen Is­land sea area. There­fore, Shi Lei felt re­lieved bold sends Airen Is­land provo­ca­tion Fei Lu Na­tion [The Steel and Iron].
Airen Is­land.
Fei Lu Na­tion is de­tained on Airen Is­land nine No. 10 mil­i­tary naval ves­sel, al­to­gether seven have elite sol­dier guard­ing of very com­pre­hen­sive knowl­edge. These sol­diers not only have for­mi­da­ble field sur­vival abil­ity, but also has the fierce and tough psy­cho­log­i­cal qual­ity . If no per­fect psy­cho­log­i­cal qual­ity, is im­pos­si­ble to guard on tat­tered mil­i­tary naval ves­sel, more­over any­time and any­where when must worry about Xia Na­tion, can kill.
Nine No. 10 mil­i­tary naval ves­sel the issue guards the cap­tain, named Lemass Desa. Lemass has rich being sta­tioned Ex­pe­ri­ence, the or­di­nary cir­cum­stances how Lemass.
But in this issue guards in per­son­nel, one is not the trou­ble­some trou­ble. The cur­rent pe­riod guards Airen Is­land small­est mem­ber, named Sish Can­dice, he was in­quir­ing Lemass, al­though ex­pres­sion per­for­mance of Sish as far as pos­si­ble a no place to fear tone, but his look ac­tu­ally be­trayed him.
„Cap­tain, our pre­sent Dan­ger do Grade, have First Grade re­ally?” Sish Can­dice in­quired.
The Sish Can­dice look, is bring­ing thick worry, for fear that next quar­ter Xia Na­tion kills, or is a Tsunami raids, or is in this net­work the hearsay, Nanyue Na­tion will also look for their trou­bles.
In brief, Sish Can­dice is afraid very much!
„We in­deed are in Dan­ger, but ab­solutely does not have too much Dan­ger. We since 1997, have seized the Airen Is­land ten years. Dur­ing this, how many times has Xia Na­tion warned our? But they have not moved. Was not Xia Na­tion can­not cope with us, but was Xia Na­tion and Li Jian Na­tion is gam­bling. We are only the in­signif­i­cant small board game pieces, so long as Li Jian Na­tion has with­stood, Xia Na­tion does not dare to be what kind to us!” Lemass looks at very thor­oughly issue.
He has not seen, the cri­sis under Tem­pest...


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