Sunday, December 3, 2017

993: Warned the measure, saw D-Wave finally

HK :: VOLUME #10
#993: Warned the measure, saw D-Wave finally
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bat­tle of wits con­test of Shi Lei and in [Gabriel], al­though stands the [Gabriel] angle, the [Gabriel] lay­out is splen­did, it may be said that is the far­sighted model.
But [Gabriel] and Shi Lei's in­for­ma­tion is not co­or­di­nated!
Shi Lei knows that too much [Gabriel] thinks in­for­ma­tion that Shi Lei does not know, thus lets [Gabriel] Plan, pre­sented fatal flaw. Even, Shi Lei spec­u­lated that had es­ti­mated [Gabriel] Plan, has con­structed re­ver­sion Plan. Planned the Shi Lei's time in [Gabriel], the Shi Lei re­ver­sion has planned [Gabriel].
Only waited for that Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany launches in Li Jian Na­tion New York City Player Ac­tiv­ity, Shi Lei and [Gabriel] Plan, will carry on the front im­pact. At the ap­pointed time, is ac­tu­ally Shi Lei to ex­ceed, is [Gabriel] there is a way, then can untie the re­sult!
Li Jian Na­tion time, on June 6, in the evening ten o'clock. Xia Na­tion Time, 10 : 00 am.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Of­fi­cial Web­site, an­nounced Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, will con­duct Brave's World Of­fline Ac­tiv­ity an­nounce­ment(s) in Li Jian Na­tion New York City.
Li Jian Na­tion New York City Of­fline Ac­tiv­ity an­nounce­ment(s)
In view of the fact that Li Jian Na­tion Gamer to the Brave's World's en­thu­si­as­tic sup­port, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany of­fi­cially de­cided that in the Li Jian Na­tion time on June 9, will con­duct the Brave's World of­fline Gamer thanks to move in Li Jian Na­tion New York City.
The ac­tiv­ity exact place, is un­de­ter­mined tem­porar­ily, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial in the Li Jian Na­tion time, be­fore on June 8 twenty, an­nounced.
This ac­tiv­ity, in­clud­ing , but not lim­ited , the Li Jian Na­tion Gamer par­tic­i­pa­tion. Any need par­tic­i­pates in the ac­tiv­ity Gamer, please be mov­ing the an­nounce­ment(s) page to enter. Re­minded spe­cially, for the nurse re­sources, every­thing en­tered for the ac­tiv­ity, and ob­tained to par­tic­i­pate in qual­i­fi­ca­tions Gamer, if at the ap­pointed time non par­tic­i­pat­ing ac­tiv­ity, will ob­tain the fol­low­ing warn­ing mea­sure:
First: For­bids to reg­is­ter once more any Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Of­fline Ac­tiv­ity.
Sec­ond: The Brave's World good and evil value re­duces 100.
Third: In Brave's World, be­cause of ‚good faith’ charge, will not issue a war­rant for ar­rest by the gov­ern­ment au­thor­i­ties, once were ap­pre­hended by the gov­ern­ment au­thor­i­ties, will be forced to arrange in Brave's World the pub­lic wel­fare ac­tiv­i­ties.
The friend­ship prompt, please do not take the ac­tiv­ity re­sources, three warn­ing mea­sures can by im­ple­ment!
Fol­low­ing Forum id Gamer, ob­tains Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial es­pe­cially to in­vite, will not need to reg­is­ter to par­tic­i­pate in the ac­tiv­ity, ob­tains par­tic­i­pat­ing ac­tiv­ity qual­i­fi­ca­tions di­rectly:
[Storm], [Blue Ocean], [Sheng­guang Shen­guan (Holy Light Priest)] and [Ra­di­ant Wings]......
In­vited Gamer not to at­tend the event, avoid will be warned.
The in­vited Gamer list of an­nounce­ment(s) end­ing, al­to­gether more than 30, com­pletely are in Li Jian Na­tion, to Dream En­ter­tain­ment sup­port very high Gamer. Dream En­ter­tain­ment in­de­pen­dent raises, es­pe­cially in­vited these Nou­veau Riche Gamer, will let these Nou­veau Riche Gamer, thought that had the face.
As for the view of Or­di­nary Gamer?
This World, did not have so-called ab­solute fair. So-called ab­solute fair, is ac­tu­ally un­fair!
Brave's World of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany op­er­a­tion, quite fa­vored High-end Player. This fact, from game Pub­lic Test, gen­eral Gamer then had not had the prepa­ra­tion. There­fore, re­gard­ing es­pe­cially in­vited the Gamer pro­ce­dure, Or­di­nary Gamer not to have the opin­ion of too much.
This Player Ac­tiv­ity, Shi Lei did not plan that con­ducts in the open to the pub­lic lo­ca­tion, but pre­pares to choose in­door lo­ca­tion. The mal­prac­tice of open to the pub­lic lo­ca­tion were many, has in­cluded the open­ing lo­ca­tion, is un­able to con­trol to par­tic­i­pate in the Gamer quan­tity. If the Gamer quan­tity are too much, per­haps in the event of any con­tin­gency, will have very se­ri­ous con­se­quence. After all, Shi Lei knew, this Player Ac­tiv­ity will cer­tainly have the ac­ci­dent.
If no ac­ci­dent, Shi Lei dares to eat the key­board!
Chooses the open to the pub­lic lo­ca­tion to con­duct field as the ac­tiv­ity, an­other mal­prac­tice is the Safety na­ture is un­able to be guar­an­teed. Be­cause, the open lo­ca­tion is un­able to con­trol the sur­round­ing sit­u­a­tion. In the even though sur­round­ing roof, is am­bush­ing sniper, does not know!
Shi Lei knows, Angel Par­lia­ment [Gabriel], def­i­nitely when Dream En­ter­tain­ment holds the ac­tiv­i­ties, im­ple­ment any­thing Plan. Even if Shi Lei does not know [Gabriel] de­tailed Plan, but Shi Lei can def­i­nitely pre­vent [Gabriel] Plan, con­se­quence that causes.
Shi Lei cur­rently Plan time, placed the tele­phone on bed to make a sound. The Shi Lei left hand pinched the chin, the right hand has pinched the fist to wield, „such man­aged! Ac­tu­ally I must have a look at [Gabriel] to have any abil­ity but ac­tu­ally!”
After say­ing, Shi Lei turns around to move to­ward the bunk, on the pure white quilt, took up cell phone, [Izual] re­mind­ing au­to­mat­i­cally, the calls num­ber is Xiao Bo. Shi Lei has pressed down the an­swer­ing key, first one step opens the mouth say­ing: „Is Xiao Bo, the D-Wave Com­pany mat­ter, what had to progress newly?”
Pur­chases D-Wave Com­pany, Shi Lei ex­erts its ut­most!
Even if bids the D-Wave Com­pany mar­ket price is higher, under Shi Lei also with­out hes­i­ta­tion pur­chase D-Wave Com­pany.
New York City an­other side, Xiao Bo took cell phone, on the face is re­veal­ing wipes the com­plex look, Shi Lei had guessed cor­rectly di­rectly the rea­son that he tele­phoned, no won­der ini­tially he and Shi Lei op­posed, was in­stead planned by Shi Lei.
„Right, Chief Shi, D-Wave Com­pany in Canada Head­quar­ters, con­tact I have car­ried on the de­ter­mi­na­tion, they will ride air­plane to come to­mor­row morn­ing, to­mor­row af­ter­noon can carry on the face-to-face talk to work with us.” Xiao Bo said Ming­dao.
Shi Lei re­vealed has wiped the smil­ing face, this some­what was a good news. „Xiao Bo, D-Wave has Com­pany de­ter­mined the meet­ing time and meet­ing place?”
„Chief Shi, D-Wave Com­pany per­son-in-charge, has arranged the time and place. The spe­cific time is to­mor­row af­ter­noon two o'clock, the place at the D-Wave Com­pany Li Jian Na­tion man­age­ment point.” Xiao Bo had con­sid­ered, sup­ple­ment said: „Boss, First Round ne­go­ti­ated, needed me to re­cruit some busi­ness ne­go­ti­a­tions Spe­cial­ist?”
Shi Lei shook the head, „does not need, I come!”
Busi­ness ne­go­ti­a­tion Spe­cial­ist in the do­main of busi­ness ne­go­ti­a­tion, is in­deed more pow­er­ful than Shi Lei, the ex­per­tise sec­ond has killed Shi Lei a lot. But the ap­pear­ance of busi­ness ne­go­ti­a­tion Spe­cial­ist, is a mis­take. This on be­half of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, re­gard­ing orig­i­nally the meet­ing of Or­di­nary, un­usual at­tach­ing great im­por­tance. Thus dis­closed that in­for­ma­tion, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany wanted to pur­chase D-Wave Com­pany.
If only Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany ceo, goes the high-level meet­ing with D-Wave Com­pany, in­for­ma­tion that can rep­re­sent were then many, may be Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, fa­vors the D-Wave Com­pany ca­reer de­vel­op­ment, wants to carry on the pur­chase or is the cap­i­tal \; Also may be Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany want to pur­chase the D-Wave Com­pany pro­duc­tion Quan­tum Com­puter.
Al­though any one type, re­gard­ing D-Wave Com­pany, is the good re­sult, but two sit­u­a­tions, rep­re­sen­ta­tive the man­ner of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, is com­pletely dif­fer­ent.
Xiao Bo has not con­tin­ued to ex­press own opin­ion, but the ap­proval said: „Good, Chief Shi, to­mor­row af­ter­noon o'clock, I come hotel to meet you.”
The time in a hurry, in an in­stant has been on June 7, in the af­ter­noon, around 1 : 00.
Xiao Bo dri­ves per­son­ally, car­ries Shi Lei to go to the D-Wave Com­pany New York City man­age­ment point. The New York City trans­porta­tion is busy, but the plan of New York City is very rea­son­able, ba­si­cally is the stan­dard lay­out in any case, trans­porta­tion as­pect ex­tends in all di­rec­tions.
The Xiao Bo in­deed very fa­mil­iar New York City pas­sage­way, can look, Xiao Bo has re­mem­bered at­ten­tively trans­porta­tion as­pect in­for­ma­tion. Close two o'clock time, they ar­rived at D-Wave Com­pany at the New York City man­age­ment point.
Shi Lei does not pre­pare through de­lib­er­ately to delay the time, but cre­ates to be late, plays fa­mous any­thing. Shi Lei pays great at­ten­tion to the time sense, es­pe­cially agrees on the good time, Shi Lei does not like oth­ers not obey­ing the rule.
D-Wave Com­pany at the New York City man­age­ment point, not in lively re­gion, but in a rel­a­tively peace­ful street. This is be­cause of the D-Wave Com­pany strength, and in­suf­fi­ciently for­mi­da­ble, they do not have qual­i­fi­ca­tions in any Wall Street, Times Square , etc., set up their man­age­ment points.
After D-Wave Com­pany was es­tab­lished, al­most does not have what mar­ket­ing in­come, their un­ceas­ing at in­vest­ment fund re­search and de­vel­op­ment, ad pub­lic re­la­tions. The later gen­er­a­tion, the aca­d­e­mic cir­cle did not ac­knowl­edge D-Wave Com­pany, be­cause ex­actly as stated D-Wave Com­pany ad blew too fiercely.
D-Wave Com­pany, New York City man­age­ment point, Small-scale con­fer­ence room.
This par­tic­i­pa­tion con­fer­ence, al­to­gether has five peo­ple. Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany rep­re­sents the side is Shi Lei and Xiao Bo, the D-Wave Com­pany rep­re­sen­ta­tive side sep­a­rately is Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral Hoyt Van­den­berg and Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Sant­ford Henry, as well as Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor Wal­ter Smith.
And Hoyt Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral owns stocks 75%, Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Sant­ford owns stocks 15%, Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor Wal­ter owns stocks 10%. In these three peo­ple, Shi Lei only plans to leave be­hind Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor Wal­ter Smith.
The Quan­tum Com­puter re­search work of D-Wave Com­pany, Wal­ter Smith is im­por­tant, even can say that he is Core! If no Wal­ter Smith, per­haps D-Wave Com­pany could not have stud­ied Quan­tum Com­puter!
„Hello I am D-Wave Com­pany Hoyt Van­den­berg.” Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral Hoyt opens the mouth to say.
The Shi Lei cor­ners of the mouth pull out, this damn Hoyt, does not un­der­stand un­ex­pect­edly be­fore­hand, the Xia Na­tion name name study. „Mr. Van­den­berg, our Xia Na­tion name, sur­name be­fore, name. You can call me for ‚Mr. Shi’, or is ‚Shi Lei’.”
Hoyt Van­den­berg com­plex­ion awk­ward looks at Shi Lei.
Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Sant­ford solves the con­tour hastily: „Mr. Shi, hello, I am Sant­ford, D-Wave Com­pany Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral. Does not know that Mr. Shi con­tact our D-Wave Com­pany, ac­tu­ally does have what mat­ter?”
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, re­cently pur­chased AMD Com­pany, the so huge writ­ing skill, has started the mighty waves of heavy pound level in the en­tire World range. As re­lated In­dus­try D-Wave Com­pany, when they re­ceive Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany in­for­ma­tion, does the First time then guessed, is it pos­si­ble that Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, but also need to pur­chase them?
The start to talk that Shi Lei spoke with­out reser­va­tion said: „I must pur­chase your D-Wave Com­pany!”
So ag­gres­sive di­rect ex­pres­sion goal, mak­ing all per­son ex­pres­sions on the scene stare ....


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