Sunday, December 3, 2017

994: Who said that Shi Lei won't negotiate?

HK :: VOLUME #10
#994: Who said that Shi Lei won't negotiate?
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New York City.
D-Wave Com­pany New York man­age­ment point, Small-scale con­fer­ence room.
Shi Lei by the ag­gres­sive stance, had in­di­cated must pur­chase D-Wave Com­pany, mak­ing all peo­ple in con­fer­ence room stare.
In the Xiao Bo heart smiles bit­terly, he es­ti­mated that ac­cord­ing to the Shi Lei's as­tute de­gree, not so hon­est ex­pressed own idea, in order to avoid being at a dis­ad­van­tage in the ne­go­ti­a­tions.
But the fact is this, the Shi Lei straight­for­ward ex­pres­sion, he must pur­chase D-Wave Com­pany.
D-Wave Com­pany three per­son­nel, com­pletely joy­ful looked to Shi Lei. Al­though they fore­cast from the be­gin­ning that Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany will pos­si­bly pur­chase D-Wave Com­pany, but they have not thought that Shi Lei said di­rectly.
„Mr. Shi, your Dream En­ter­tain­ment does Com­pany, want to pur­chase our D-Wave Com­pany?” The Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral Hoyt Van­den­berg con­firmed in­quiry of D-Wave Com­pany said.
Hoyt these time has not made a mis­take Shi Lei's to call ac­tu­ally, in his ex­pres­sion, bring­ing the thick at­ten­tive­ness, to look at Shi Lei that the look longs, mak­ing Shi Lei some­what not com­fort­able.
„Mr. Van­den­berg, you planned how much money D-Wave Com­pany sells?” Shi Lei in­quired.
Hoyt is the D-Wave Com­pany ab­solute hold­ing per­son, is grasp­ing 75% stocks, he can def­i­nitely de­ter­mine the D-Wave Com­pany des­tiny.
As for Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Sant­ford and Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor Wal­ter, they, al­though oc­cu­pied per­cent twenty five stock­holder's rights, may not be def­i­nitely able to con­trol the D-Wave Com­pany de­ci­sion-mak­ing, only then sug­ges­tion power, but does not have the de­ci­sion-mak­ing power.
D-Wave Com­pany is not list­ing Com­pany, has not cir­cu­lated in Stock Mar­ket. There­fore can­not be sim­i­lar to snipe AMD Com­pany is the same, re­al­izes the cap­i­tal­iza­tion hold­ing through Stock Mar­ket to D-Wave Com­pany.
Hoyt Van­den­berg as D-Wave Com­pany Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral, does not like this Com­pany ac­tu­ally. Hoyt Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral as the mem­ber, Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Sant­ford is also the fund part­ner, but the D-Wave Com­pany gen­uine pi­o­neer is Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor Wal­ter Smith.
D-Wave Com­pany de­vel­op­ment road, very clear an­no­ta­tion two Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral did not love the D-Wave Com­pany essence. D-Wave Com­pany likes boast­ing ad, the com­puter tech­ni­cal fields, do not ap­prove re­gard­ing this Com­pany, even dis­likes.
Hoyt Van­den­berg did not reply Shi Lei's issue, asked back: „Mr. Shi, your Dream En­ter­tain­ment does Com­pany, what price pre­pare by to pur­chase our D-Wave Com­pany?”
Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Sant­ford pro­moted in the one side: „Mr. Shi, our D-Wave Com­pany is the en­tire World most ad­vanced Quan­tum Com­puter re­search and de­vel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion tech­ni­cal Com­pany. Our Com­pany has put out of­fi­cial com­mer­cial Quan­tum Com­puter. As the fu­ture tech­nol­ogy de­vel­op­ment main­stream, Quan­tum Com­puter has com­pared with the elec­tronic com­puter Out­stand­ing per­for­mance, this point, Mr. Shi, you should be clear, isn't that right?”
The Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor Wal­ter Smith brow micro wrin­kle, has not spo­ken any words. He does not like the Com­pany de­vel­op­ment method, es­pe­cially boasted to talk, this com­pletely was not the Wal­ter at­ti­tude.
Wal­ter Smith is not skilled in the com­mer­cial as­pect mat­ter, rea­son that this time takes part in the ne­go­ti­a­tions, ac­tu­ally, the idea of Wal­ter is sim­ple, that is D-Wave Com­pany ap­proaches Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany this Nou­veau Riche, thus re­ceives the nu­mer­ous re­search and de­vel­op­ment fund.
At pre­sent, Wal­ter al­ready very dis­con­tented re­search and de­vel­op­ment fund issue. Every so often, Wal­ter Plan pre­pares to make any­thing to re­search and de­velop and ex­per­i­ment, D-Wave Com­pany is un­able to take the cor­re­spond­ing re­search and de­vel­op­ment fund.
Ac­tu­ally this can­not blame Hoyt and Sant­ford, be­cause of them as the in­vestor, to the D-Wave Com­pany in­vest­ment, is not has any in­ter­est hobby to Quan­tum Com­puter, but wants to make money!
Cap­i­tal spend­ing, but to ob­tain more cap­i­tal!
Shi Lei smiles looks at Hoyt and Sant­ford, opens the mouth say­ing: „Mr. Hoyt, Mr. Sant­ford, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany ap­praisal de­part­ment, has made the ap­praisal in view of your D-Wave Com­pany. Your Com­pany pre­sent mar­ket value, in­clud­ing brand value, ap­prox­i­mately only value thou­sand 2 Mil­lion US Dol­lar.”
The Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany ap­praisal de­part­ment, in­deed has made the ap­praisal to D-Wave Com­pany, but is not thou­sand 2 Mil­lion US Dol­lar, but is two thou­sand 2 Mil­lion US Dol­lar.
Shi Lei's was ne­go­ti­at­ing the as­pect skill to have issue firmly, but Shi Lei was not a fool, how pos­si­bly what didn't un­der­stand?
Hoyt Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral re­futes im­me­di­ately: „Mr. Shi, please for­give my im­po­lite­ness, your Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany ap­praisal de­part­ment, is un­fair to the ap­praisal of our Com­pany! Our Com­pany mar­ket value, ac­cord­ing to the in­ter­nal eval­u­a­tion of our Com­pany, ap­prox­i­mately in 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar about.”
Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Sant­ford also backed up: „Right! Mr. Shi, we are World­wide only one, the Quan­tum Com­puter of­fi­cial com­mer­cial man­u­fac­turer, com­pletely is not ex­is­tence that other con­cept Com­pany can com­pare.”
In the Shi Lei heart sneers, Hoyt and Sant­ford they, but also, when he is the tri­umphant child, wants to butcher a blade ma­li­ciously?
„It seems like among us can­not dis­cuss!” Shi Lei has stood di­rectly, is about to leave the D-Wave Com­pany Small-scale con­fer­ence room.
Hoyt and Sant­ford stare once more, ne­go­ti­ated is not the process of bar­gain­ing? Shi Lei this fel­low, does not defer to the truth to play a card com­pletely!
Sim­i­lar to Hoyt, Sant­ford and Shi Lei plays fight of land­lords to­gether, when Hoyt leaves four two, Shi Lei is di­rect five nine. Al­to­gether on a sign, five how to come nine?
When Hoyt and Sant­ford have un­der­stood Shi Lei's five nine , after is in­di­cated must pur­chase D-Wave Com­pany that Shi Lei comes straight to the point, they left the new sign sur­face 34,567, Shi Lei is di­rect 578 jk, is one does not defer to play­ing of game rule com­pletely.
The busi­ness ne­go­ti­a­tion, how pos­si­bly did not bar­gain back and forth Ah?
„Mr. Shi, please wait, if you are un­sat­is­fied re­gard­ing our prices, you can say the view of your Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany.” Hoyt stopped by call­ing out Shi Lei hastily, for fear that Shi Lei also re­ally such walked.
D-Wave Com­pany in Hoyt and Sant­ford hand, must not han­dle!
D-Wave Com­pany of later gen­er­a­tion, in­deed faces the rhythm that does not han­dle. Rhythm that be­cause, Quan­tum Com­puter of D-Wave Com­pany pro­duc­tion, no­body shows re­spect for some­body's abil­ity com­pletely. Has 2013 time, nasa and google co­op­er­ated to pur­chase Quan­tum Com­puter, was the 15 Mil­lion US Dol­lar in­come.
This is in the D-Wave Com­pany his­tory, first time sells the Quan­tum Com­puter com­mer­cial prod­uct.
De­tained Shi Lei, has not sat im­me­di­ately, but turns around to look at Hoyt and Sant­ford, opens the mouth say­ing: „Hoyt Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral, Sant­ford Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral, you have not sold D-Wave Com­pany opin­ion, why again dis­cussed?”
Hoyt hur­ries say­ing: „We in­deed some sell the plan of D-Wave Com­pany, Mr. Shi, we can chat in de­tail.”
„Hoyt Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral, asked you to for­give my im­po­lite­ness. First, your D-Wave Com­pany Quan­tum Com­puter, not of­fi­cial com­mer­cial. Quan­tum Com­puter that you take this year, is only the ex­per­i­ment model, isn't that right? Your for­eign pro­pa­ganda is of­fi­cially com­mer­cial, is only for the Com­pany pro­pa­ganda need. This point, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany is clear. Sec­ond, your Com­pany value many, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany is also ac­tu­ally clear, price that you make a false re­port, with­out any sig­nif­i­cance.”
Shi Lei has stopped , to con­tinue say­ing: „If you have the sin­cer­ity to sell Com­pany, gives me one to offer di­rectly fi­nally. Your D-Wave Com­pany, is not our only choices. Pur­chases D-Wave Com­pany, does not favor your Com­pany, is only I am bored!”
So holds in the mouth the wool the rea­son, once again made D-Wave Com­pany three per­son­nel be shocked!
ex­actly as stated Xiao Bo sud­denly is un­able con­firmed, ac­tu­ally Shi Lei to pur­chase D-Wave Com­pany, is sim­i­lar to Shi Lei says, is only bored.
The Hoyt look fluc­tu­ates er­rat­i­cally, he does not know that Shi Lei said is re­ally the va­ca­tion. ‚Awful! How should re­spond to this damn bas­tard? If this bas­tard were only bored has played, our prices were too high, per­haps ac­cord­ing to his be­fore­hand man­ner, re­ally was un­able to sell to him!’
Sant­ford coughed lightly, pushed cell phone to Hoyt, on the cell phone screen, the Text Mes­sage rough draft con­tact sur­face, Sant­ford has input the 30 Mil­lion US Dol­lar price.
Hoyt had con­sid­ered, in­di­cated to ac­cept re­gard­ing this price, there­fore was say­ing to Shi Lei: „Mr. Shi, our final of­fers are 30 Mil­lion US Dol­lar!”
Shi Lei, pulls out Swiss Bank over­seas ac­count check book, above shuā shuā shuā has signed a check, then has placed on the board.
The face of Hoyt and on Sant­ford has shown the smil­ing face.
How­ever, the next quar­ter, their smil­ing faces then co­ag­u­lated, Shi Lei broke their Fan­tasy, opens the mouth say­ing: „20 Mil­lion US Dol­lar, ac­cepts this price, today starts to han­dle the trans­fer of share rights agree­ment flow. If not ac­cept, I was also dis­in­clined to play with you! I pre­pare to in­spect AMD Com­pany, does not have the in­ter­est and you de­lays is too long.”
Hoyt and Sant­ford have looked at each other one, re­veals wipes the hes­i­tant look. Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor Wal­ter opens the mouth to say sud­denly: „Mr. Shi, if you pur­chased D-Wave Com­pany, can put in the suf­fi­cient re­search and de­vel­op­ment funds?”
Shi Lei shot a look at Wal­ter, with an ar­ro­gant ex­pres­sion: „This must look that D-Wave Com­pany was worth in­vest­ing!”
Wal­ter guar­an­tees say­ing: „Mr. Shi, I can promise you that your in­vest­ment is cer­tainly worth! I am D-Wave Com­pany Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor, my very clear Quan­tum Com­puter Tech­nol­ogy de­vel­op­ment po­ten­tial! If the funds are suf­fi­cient, my re­search and de­vel­op­ment progress, will be quicker! I only need to re­search and de­velop the funds to be suf­fi­cient, other mat­ters, I do not want to pay at­ten­tion to too much!”
Hoyt and Sant­ford angry looks to Wal­ter, Wal­ter this is in dis­guised form ‚is throw­ing co­quet­tish look’ to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, his sub­text is: ‚If pur­chases the fail­ure, he can join Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, only needs the suf­fi­cient re­search and de­vel­op­ment funds!’
Shi Lei hā hā has smiled sev­eral, looked that said to Hoyt: „Hoyt Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral, ten sec­onds of con­sid­er­a­tion time. After ten sec­onds, I then did not have the in­ter­est to your D-Wave Com­pany!”
Fac­ing strong Shi Lei, Hoyt and Sant­ford were de­feated com­pletely, choose ac­cepted the Shi Lei's con­di­tion, so as to avoid Tech­nol­ogy Su­per­vi­sor Wal­ter ran with Shi Lei, their D-Wave Com­pany com­pletely has be­come the spa­tial shell.
The fol­low­ing two days of time, Xiao Bo with the D-Wave Com­pany three high lev­els, re­turned to Canada Burn­aby City, is pro­cess­ing D-Wave Com­pany stock­holder's rights trans­ac­tion.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany had not an­nounced tem­porar­ily to the out­side this pur­chase, Shi Lei planned that ex­tends time to an­nounce again. Be­cause, now is the Li Jian Na­tion time on June 9, Dream En­ter­tain­ment in New York City Player Ac­tiv­ity, will soon start.
[Gabriel] and Shi Lei's union good play, will soon per­form ....


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