Sunday, December 3, 2017

996: Evil Plan, preheating performance!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#996: Evil Plan, preheating performance!
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The time backs up for one week, if there is an op­por­tu­nity to kill [Gabriel] and [Raphael], Shi Lei will kill [Raphael] ab­solutely. As for [Gabriel], Shi Lei will con­sider, even if not kill [Gabriel], strictly will con­trol [Gabriel] Free­dom.
How­ever today, was Li Jian Na­tion on June 9, Dream En­ter­tain­ment con­ducted the scene that the Of­fi­cial Gamer thanks can move, [Raphael] and [Gabriel] jointly at­tended, Shi Lei is not will­ing to kill them.
The rea­son that Shi Lei does not want has two points.
First, [Gabriel] and [Raphael] have out­wardly on iden­tity, es­pe­cially [Raphael], he is heir of re­spected fam­ily. Even if not First Po­si­tion heir, if such as [Raphael] died at the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial event, al­though Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany not what kind, but Shi Lei will cer­tainly have ** both­er­some.
Angel Par­lia­ment sus­pected Shi Lei and [Mr. M] have the re­la­tions, if two Great Giant deaths, are com­pletely re­lated with Shi Lei, that mys­te­ri­ous First Giant, with­out con­sid­er­ing the rights and wrongs, then will di­rectly kill ab­solutely Shi Lei, will not give the Shi Lei ex­pla­na­tion the op­por­tu­nity.
Sec­ond rea­son, is in the Shi Lei heart is fer­ment­ing un­usual Evil Plan!
On June 9, 1.5 17.
[Raphael] en­tered the scene of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Gamer thanks meet­ing, Shi Lei under the [Izual]'s re­minder, clear is grasp­ing the [Raphael] po­si­tion. Shi Lei has not looked at [Raphael], but is happy was talk­ing some Game Cir­cle in­ter­est­ing rumor with [Gabriel].
[Gabriel] with mid­way that Shi Lei talked, cell phone was vi­brat­ing, he looked at Text Mes­sage fast, but has not replied, but con­tin­ued to talk with Shi Lei.
„sorry for the in­con­ve­nience, Mr. John­son, the Gamer thanks can move to start, I need to leave.” Shi Lei had the apol­ogy to say.
[Gabriel] links the con­nected points head, „good, Mr. Shi, thanked you to ac­com­pany me to chat these many, chat­ted with you is re­ally a happy mat­ter, after my [Hope], had the op­por­tu­nity to chat with you to­gether.”
Shi Lei has smil­ing of pro­found mean­ing, „felt re­lieved that cer­tainly will have the op­por­tu­nity!”
After say­ing, Shi Lei turned around to move to­ward tem­po­rary build the Lit­tle Gao stage of achieve­ment speech, crg Con­trol Risk Group Se­cu­rity per­son­nel, was pro­tect­ing Shi Lei all-around, but mem­ber of hide­away Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad in crowd, pre­sented the pro­tec­tion po­si­tion, kept off around Shi Lei.
Shi Lei is tak­ing the mi­cro­phone, first has coughed two, uses Eng­lish say­ing: „Hello, wel­come every­body to par­tic­i­pate in the Gamer thanks of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany being able to move.”
„First, I need to in­quire, Gamer of scene, whether needs the lan­guage trans­la­tion ser­vice? This Gamer thanks can move, the of­fi­cial speech of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial per­son­nel, uses the Li Jian Na­tion mother tongue the en­tire jour­ney, to ex­press to the Li Jian Na­tion Gamer grat­i­tude.”
Shi Lei has stopped slightly for sev­eral sec­onds, took a fast look around one sur­round­ing Gamer. Stands in most front, has in­cluded Ex­ceed Grade Gamer [Storm] and [Sheng­guang Shen­guan (Holy Light Priest)], [Blue Ocean] and [Ra­di­ant Wings].
Li Jian Na­tion Gamer on the scene, in [Storm] and other Ex­ceed Grade Gamer under leads, ap­plauds in abun­dance.
Shi Lei this played at­trac­tively, earned the sup­port of Li Jian Na­tion Gamer di­rectly, but Dream En­ter­tain­ment has not paid any ac­tual price, in­stead has won the re­spect na­tive place Gamer rep­u­ta­tion!
„Ok, looks like all Gamer has not ex­changed the bar­rier to Eng­lish, as Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany ceo, I ex­pressed very hap­pily, Brave's World listed as First Se­quence Op­er­a­tions Lan­guage Eng­lish.” Shi Lei spoke words of pleas­ant to hear again.
In any case is only the words of pleas­ant to hear, wastes saliva!
Ex­ceed Grade Nou­veau Riche [Storm] takes the lead to ap­plaud once again, on his face shows the proud ex­pres­sion.
‚This Shi Lei, al­though is young, but is not sim­ple!’ [Gabriel] re­ceives all in the eye­ground, in the heart sighed se­cretly, raises the state of mind that silently dreaded.
„Today this Of­fi­cial Gamer thanks meet­ing, in­vites Gamer, first al­lows me to in­tro­duce one, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany staff per­son­nel.” The Shi Lei left hand took the mi­cro­phone, right hand has been aim­ing under the stage.
The spot­light with the Shi Lei's di­rec­tion, shot at has stood in most front Xiao Bo.
Locks Xiao Bo Shi Lei in the spot­light, Shi Lei opened the mouth to in­tro­duce, „this was our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Deputy Gen­eral Man­ager, Li Jian Na­tion Na­tion­al­ity Xia Na­tion De­scen­dant Mr. Xiao Bo. Per­haps every­body was sus­pect­ing that what re­la­tions this Mr. Xiao does have with you, isn't that right?”
Pre­sented the small semi­cir­cle gath­ers round Shi Lei's Gamer to exude the well-mean­ing laugh­ter, Shi Lei has also smiled, did in­ten­tion­ally mys­te­ri­ous say­ing: „This Mr. Xiao Bo, in hand is grasp­ing very huge priv­i­lege! For ex­am­ple, the par­tic­i­pa­tion prize of this Gamer thanks meet­ing, Mr. Xiao Bo can def­i­nitely de­cide that every­one pro­vides 1000 ar­ti­cle cop­per coin(s), is 100 good and evil val­ues.”
Par­tic­i­pates in Gamer of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany this Gamer thanks meet­ing, ba­si­cally is com­pares the high-end Gamer. Per­haps they do not care about 1000 ar­ti­cle cop­per coin(s) par­tic­i­pa­tion prizes, but they care about 100 good and evil val­ues ab­solutely the gifts!
The good and evil value in Brave's World, is un­avail­able. Each nat­ural moon/month, Dream En­ter­tain­ment will be­stow a good and evil value au­to­mat­i­cally. This point good and evil value, can, what­ever the Gamer choice needs Good Value also or the Evil value.
Ac­cord­ing to Brave's World's Main Sys­tem, is the [Izual]'s sta­tis­tics, on June 1 first time pro­vided the good and evil value time, 99.99% Gamer, have cho­sen Good Value. Also in other words, in Ten Thou­sand Gamer, Gamer, will choose the Evil value.
The Ex­ceed Grade Nou­veau Riche [Storm]'s breath stag­nates, he in Brave's World, ob­tained Task, a con­di­tion, ex­actly as stated Good Value sur­passes 100. At pre­sent, after the Ex­ceed Grade Nou­veau Riche [Storm]'s ef­fort, Good Value will topped 50 points, the dis­tance 100 po­si­tions, are far.
[Storm] is lis­ten­ing to the Shi Lei's ex­cuse, im­me­di­ately opens the mouth say­ing: „Mr. Shi, you just said that real?”
„[Storm], is you!” Shi Lei has re­mem­bered the [Storm]'s ap­pear­ance, „[Storm], our Com­pany per­son said that you re­ceived great Task, prob­a­bly needs nu­mer­ous Good Value, isn't that right?”
[Storm] stares slightly, he has not thought that Shi Lei linked him to re­ceive Task about Good Value to know un­ex­pect­edly.
„Right, Mr. Shi!” Al­though [Storm] is Ex­ceed Grade Nou­veau Riche, but not over­bear­ing tem­pera­ment, in­stead hum­ble feel­ings.
The Shi Lei brow wrin­kled slightly, as if thought aloud is the same, „Good Value sur­passed 50, used the Or­di­nary money method, was un­able to in­crease Good Value. Must make the true Good mat­ter, will ob­tain Good Value. If these time has given [Storm] hun­dred Good Value, he di­rect ac­com­plish Task. Then, [Storm] will also ob­tain pow­er­ful goods. Xiao Bo, waits a while not to give [Storm] Good Value, gives him 1000 ar­ti­cle cop­per coin(s)!”
Brave's World Gamer on the scene, be­sides [Storm], com­plete hā hā laugh.
Stood in [Storm] nearby [Sheng­guang Shen­guan (Holy Light Priest)], mak­ing threat­en­ing ges­tures jumped, but also has pat­ted the [Storm]'s shoul­der, „Mr. Shi, this plan was good, must so im­ple­ment, un­able to make [Storm] again more pow­er­ful!”
Brave's World has many rank­ings, the Grade rank­ing, [Storm] has dropped out be­side mil­lion Ranked, in other words, has sur­passed Gamer of 1 Mil­lion quan­tity, is higher than [Storm] in Grade as­pect.
But in the strength rank­ing, [Storm] oc­cu­pies First as be­fore high!
[Storm]'s Grade is not high, is mainly be­cause [Storm] fools around to­gether in the Safe Zone ter­ri­tory of Of­fi­cial rec­om­men­da­tion for a long time. [Storm] in Brave's World, is lik­ing Vir­tual Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters.
Al­though Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, again and again has em­pha­sized that Brave's World's Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, does not have True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence, does not have the in­de­pen­dent per­son­al­ity, but is one com­pares the High Grade pro­ce­dure.
Vir­tual Per­son­al­ity that but Deep Nat­ural Logic Think­ing Mod­ule, Human Emo­tion Em­u­la­tion Sim­u­la­tion Mod­ule and Au­tonomous In­duc­tion Learn­ing Judge­ment Mod­ule, the syn­the­sis forms, had as if true human emo­tion same pro­ce­dure sim­ply, keep­ing most Gamer from dis­tin­guish­ing, Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters in Brave's World, ac­tu­ally whether to have the emo­tion.
[Storm] forced smile looks at Shi Lei, he knows cer­tainly that Shi Lei is crack­ing a joke, but [Storm] sur­prised in Xiao Bo priv­i­lege, can­not help but se­cretly guessed Xiao Bo iden­tity in the heart.
„Mr. Shi, do not joke with me, I worry very!” [Storm] looked to Xiao Bo, says with a smile: „Mr. Xiao, this Gamer thanks can move par­tic­i­pates in the re­ward, should be a choice of Bais­han wicked value Right?”
Xiao Bo turns the head to look to Shi Lei, Shi Lei is tak­ing the mi­cro­phone, the ex­pres­sion said se­ri­ously: „Gamer, I give every­body to in­tro­duce strong that this Mr. Xiao Bo, will be Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, per­son-in-charge of Li Jian Na­tion branch!”
Ob­tained the Shi Lei's prompt, Xiao Bo said with a smile: „Hello, I am Xiao Bo, will be re­spon­si­ble for the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Li Jian Na­tion branch in later. Also [Hope] Li Jian Na­tion Gamer, in work con­ve­nience gen­er­ous sup­port. In­quired as for just Gamer [Storm]'s that my pre­sent rep­re­sen­ta­tive the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Li Jian Na­tion branch, makes the reply of­fi­cially, this Gamer thanks can move, par­tic­i­pates in the re­ward is 100 good and evil val­ues!”
All Gamer of scene cheer, the val­ues of 100 good and evil val­ues, are not good to es­ti­mate, in anti- cur­rently Brave's World, the good and evil value is very pre­cious. In the [Storm] heart re­laxed, turns the head to look at [Sheng­guang Shen­guan (Holy Light Priest)], does in­ten­tion­ally the omi­nous by-way: „God of­fi­cer, you prayed that should bet­ter not to meet me in Brave's World First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion. In case of you have pre­pared, ac­cepts Pun­ish­ment well!”
Xiao Bo an­nounced after the Gamer thanks can par­tic­i­pate in the re­ward, then an­nounced that en­ters the Free­dom ac­tiv­ity time, Shi Lei walks from the tem­po­rary build stage, along with ac­tion over one cup of wait­ers are hold­ing liquor, stood in the cor­ner, from top to bot­tom bird's eye view Times Square.
On the Shi Lei's left ear, in the Blue­tooth ear­phone, [Izual] is prompt­ing Shi Lei, „sir, tar­get [Raphael], cur­rently ap­proaches to you.”
After dozens sec­onds, [Raphael] ar­rived at Shi Lei's be­hind, opens the mouth say­ing: „Hello, Mr. Shi.” [Raphael] po­lite greet­ing, [Raphael] does not like Brave's World, but to ob­tain to par­tic­i­pate in the ac­tiv­ity qual­i­fi­ca­tions, pro­vi­sional reg­is­tra­tion an ac­count num­ber.
[Gabriel] has an­a­lyzed the Se­cu­rity mea­sure of Dream En­ter­tain­ment event, his ac­cu­rate de­ter­mine comes out, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany will use the Dy­namic Be­hav­ior recog­ni­tion that is in sole pos­ses­sion, as one of the Safety de­fense mea­sures.
If [Raphael] has not reg­is­tered the Brave's World's ac­count num­ber, if has not used Mo­tion Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, [Gabriel] is afraid [Raphael] to have the pos­si­bil­ity to be ex­posed very di­rectly. There­fore, [Raphael] pro­vi­sional reg­is­tra­tion a Brave's World's ac­count num­ber, more­over not happy try­ing has played.
Shi Lei turned the head to look at [Raphael], on the face has shown smile nat­u­rally, as if treated Or­di­nary Brave's World Gamer to be the same, ex­pres­sion light po­lite­ness [say / way]: „Hello.”
[Gabriel] stands in the dis­tant place, is star­ing at Shi Lei stub­bornly, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered Shi Lei looks straight ahead [Raphael] time, on the face does not have any sur­prised, or is any can show sim­i­larly that Shi Lei knows the [Raphael] ex­pres­sion.
But Shi Lei King of the Screen Level per­form­ing skill, [Gabriel] and [Raphael], pos­si­bly dis­cov­ers the Shi Lei's flaw?
In­stead was Shi Lei has dis­cov­ered [Raphael] and [Gabriel] flaw ....


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