Sunday, December 3, 2017

997: Driving laying cards on the table of [Raphael]

HK :: VOLUME #10
#997: Driving laying cards on the table of [Raphael]! 【Wished vice- moderator I and Gudu (lonely) accompanies happy birthday】
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Shi Lei barely es­capes death, al­though when han­dles cer­tain mat­ters, Shi Lei ap­pears is slightly in­ap­pro­pri­ate. How­ever, in pro­cess­ing [Gabriel] and at [Raphael] mat­ter, Shi Lei will not be ab­solutely hot­headed.
Li Jian Na­tion time, Day, 2 : 30 pm. That side Xia Na­tion, is early morn­ing late at night.
[Raphael] is car­ry­ing one glass of red wines, is hav­ing a nat­ural smile, he earnest and covert ob­ser­va­tion the Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion, „Mr. Shi, my a lit­tle mat­ter, is want­ing to chat with you.” The [Raphael] ini­tia­tive probe said.
In the Shi Lei heart guessed se­cretly [Raphael] in­ten­tion, had pon­dered slightly, Shi Lei then de­cides to have a look, ac­tu­ally [Raphael] must do some­thing. „What mat­ter?” Shi Lei was say­ing with one care­less man­ner in­ten­tion­ally.
[Raphael] one step, ap­proaches Shi Lei for­ward, Shi Lei does not have but ac­tu­ally ex­tremely in anx­ious Se­cu­rity Is­sues. En­ters the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany event, must un­dergo the mul­ti­ple Safety in­spec­tions, [Raphael] is im­pos­si­ble to carry Dan­ger firearm(s), or is other weapon.
As for the [Raphael] near body fight abil­ity, Shi Lei does not pay at­ten­tion. Fur­ther­more, [Raphael] does not dare in so many peo­ple of sit­u­a­tions, to make any ex­treme be­hav­ior to Shi Lei, in order to avoid being traced by the Of­fi­cial strength.
[Raphael] and Shi Lei's dis­tance is near, he said in a low voice: „Mr. Shi, bor­rows an old say­ing of your Xia Na­tion, here many peo­ple and many voices, if lis­tens se­cretly the mat­ter that we talked, passes on again, per­haps is not ap­pro­pri­ate.”
Shi Lei dis­guises to look at [Raphael] earnestly, small sound track: „Sir, are you?”
[Raphael] said as in a low voice: „Mr. Shi, I am Phin­ney Dulles, in my hand grasps in­for­ma­tion that you are in­ter­ested, does not know that can take your sev­eral min­utes?”
Phin­ney Dulles is [Raphael] False Iden­tity, said that is False Iden­tity is in­ap­pro­pri­ate, [Raphael] on, in­deed uses Phin­ney Dulles iden­tity out­wardly. And, this iden­tity is flaw­less.
Phin­ney Dulles is ‚Raised Iden­tity’, Raised Iden­tity empty Fake Proof of Iden­tity. Sim­i­lar to a true hu­man­ity is the same, since child­hood starts to train. Start­ing from the birth proof, Raised Iden­tity was sim­i­lar to the baby who had is re­ally same, started to be recorded all kinds in­for­ma­tion, has in­cluded vac­cine in­for­ma­tion and going to school record, the med­ical cer­tifi­cate, the den­tist record and so­cial se­cu­rity in­for­ma­tion, tax pay­ment in­for­ma­tion.
This Raised Iden­tity is al­most sim­i­lar to the in­vis­i­ble man who has is re­ally same, wants in­ves­ti­gate this Raised Iden­tity, un­usual dif­fi­culty. Nat­u­rally. Man­u­fac­tures Raised Iden­tity, un­usual trou­ble.
Not only re­quires the long time, but also in the process, in the event of any issue, Raised Iden­tity im­me­di­ately dis­cards, the pre­lim­i­nary in­vest­ment then falls short. There­fore. Al­though Raised Iden­tity is easy-to-use, the quan­tity of but hav­ing are not many, each Raised Iden­tity price is ex­pen­sive.
Shi Lei knows ex­actly [Raphael] Raised Iden­tity is Phin­ney Dulles!
‚for­merly’ when Angel Par­lia­ment, Raised Iden­tity of Shi Lei to [Raphael] has ridiculed very mul­ti­ple, [Gabriel] and [Uriel], has ridiculed [Raphael]. Be­cause, Phin­ney Dulles sur­name Dulles. How lis­tens to look like Durex (con­dom).
Shi Lei has not com­plied with [Raphael] ea­gerly, if [Raphael] said two ca­su­ally, Shi Lei then com­plied with [Raphael] in­de­pen­dent to talk, this was a flaw.
„Mr. Dulles, what in­for­ma­tion you grasped, mak­ing me be in­ter­ested?” The Shi Lei right hand is sway­ing the red wine class, pre­tend­ing is un­der­stands the liquor pub­lic fig­ure to be the same.
[Raphael] low­ered the head the pon­der.
Stands in not far away [Gabriel], in heart calls se­cretly. ‚Damn [Raphael], 10 mil­lion do not screw up! Sit­u­a­tion that al­though Shi Lei dis­plays, like know­ing [Raphael], but also needs to fur­ther test. [Raphael] this damn Idiot, the so sim­ple mat­ter, can­not com­plete!’
Shi Lei re­treat one step, has pulled open slightly with the [Raphael] dis­tance. Is hav­ing doubts looks at [Raphael], „Mr. Phin­ney, if you are agent of other on­line game op­er­a­tors, I think that you do not need to waste the saliva. Our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany. In the op­er­a­tion of Li Jian Na­tion, will not choose and local on­line game op­er­a­tor co­op­er­ates, but is the meet­ing ** op­er­a­tion. This is also the rea­son that we es­tab­lish the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Li Jian Na­tion branch!”
Shi Lei said a pos­si­ble sit­u­a­tion in­ten­tion­ally, ex­pressed two man­ner, he does not be­lieve that [Raphael] with did not know [Raphael] iden­tity.
[Raphael] is plan­ning as­pect not to be good, but is not Idiot, he un­der­stands , if not put out in­for­ma­tion of some gen­uine goods at rea­son­able prices, Shi Lei will not have talked with him.
‚This Shi Lei, so is how trou­ble­some!’ [Raphael] in the heart, has de­fined an ap­praisal of not good con­tact to Shi Lei.
[Raphael] had pon­dered close a half minute, thinks of not too rea­son­able ac­tu­ally very ef­fec­tive means fi­nally. [Raphael] puts out cell phone, in the SMS con­tact sur­face, has en­tered three Eng­lish let­ters fast.
After in­putting, [Raphael] has given Shi Lei cell phone, small sound track: „Mr. Shi, you look!”
Shi Lei re­ceived cell phone to look that the SMS con­tact sur­face writes ‚mr.m’ three let­ters, the Shi Lei table ap­pears ar­rives at suit­able sur­prised ex­actly, he has sized up [Raphael] fast, drew near a dis­tance with [Raphael] on own ini­tia­tive, small sound track: „Ac­tu­ally are you who? If did not say that I do not guar­an­tee your Safety!”
Was say­ing this say­ing time, the Shi Lei right hand car­ried over the waist slightly, and has held back in­ward, stands out don't in the pis­tol out­line of waist, this move­ment is hav­ing the mean­ing of full threat.
Mean­while , ex­pressed that the vig­i­lance of Shi Lei to [Mr. M], in­sin­u­ated the re­la­tions of Shi Lei and [Mr. M] is not good.
Looks the pis­tol out­line that Shi Lei re­veals, [Raphael] not star­tled counter- happy, he said in a low voice: „Mr. Shi, calm, I am not the [Mr. M] per­son!”
„What has to show?” Shi Lei sim­i­larly low voice fast said.
It looks like in the by­stander, Shi Lei and [Raphael] con­ver­sa­tion re­ally happy, they are main­tain­ing in a low voice the pri­vate talk.
In [Raphael] heart joy­ful, but he has not re­laxed vig­i­lantly, „Mr. Shi, can we in­de­pen­dent chat? Relax, I have not car­ried weapon.”
Shi Lei nods, „does not have issue! You walk front, how I will tell you to walk! You ar­rive at left­most Safe Exit first, we exit from Safe Exit.”
[Raphael] has hes­i­tated slightly, then de­ferred to the Shi Lei's in­struc­tion for­merly to walk, at the same time walked, both hands covert has ges­tic­u­lated a move­ment, this was re­mind­ing [Gabriel], all nor­mal, the mo­tion was smooth.
[Gabriel] looks at [Raphael] ges­ture, re­lax­ing of sig­nif­i­cant. He just for fear that [Raphael] made some in­ap­pro­pri­ate be­hav­ior, mak­ing the en­tire item mat­ter have the un­pre­dictable ac­ci­dent. Luck­ily, [Raphael] de­fers to Task that Plan ac­com­plish in­de­pen­dent and Shi Lei met.
Shi Lei and [Raphael] they, one after the other went out of Safe Exit.
Safe Exit is crg Con­trol Risk Group is guard­ing, they know Shi Lei, Shi Lei told them to open the door, they did not have the sus­pi­cion then to open the door to allow to pass.
They from Safe Exit, have stepped onto rooftop.
On rooftop, Shi Lei has ex­tracted pis­tol of waist fla­grantly, is point­ing at [Raphael], sneers say­ing: „Said! Does [Mr. M] send you to do?”
„Mr. Shi, please lis­ten to me say­ing that I am not the [Mr. M] sub­or­di­nate!” [Raphael] has raised both hands, has not made any ex­treme move­ment.
„Shut up!” Shi Lei snort, „be­fore Li Jian Na­tion, I then guessed that [Mr. M] will cer­tainly take an ac­tion. You think that I do not know, what May­orksa John­son you with that are one group? That May­orksa John­son, I told per­son in­ves­ti­gate, he in the gamers­first Com­pany as­sign­ment, but Com­pany knows that his per­son is few, and has not left be­hind any in­di­vid­ual in­for­ma­tion in Com­pany. You are [Mr. M] sub­or­di­nate(s) Right?”
Has not waited for [Raphael] to re­fute, Shi Lei con­tin­ues say­ing: „If not that John­son, when we talked, has been ob­serv­ing me, if were not I have re­mem­bered him ex­actly, per­haps I could not have dis­cov­ered your re­la­tions re­ally! Good, Mr. Dulles, tells me now, does [Mr. M] send you to do? If you are will­ing to say hon­estly, I did not mind that lets off your poor life. If you are not will­ing say­ing that my [Hope] you con­sider the con­se­quence, even if I kill you, is will­ing for the per­son who I take pun­ish­ment for some­body else, has!”
The [Raphael] fore­head emit­ted has wiped sweat­ing, when this was point­ing at the spon­ta­neous re­ac­tion by pis­tol, lis­ten­ing to the Shi Lei's in­quiry, [Raphael] to say again: „Mr. Shi, I am not [Mr. M] send re­ally!”
„What ev­i­dence has?” Shi Lei also asked one time.
[Raphael] clenched teeth say­ing: „Mr. Shi, do you know [Raphael]?”
The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion is star­tled slightly, the pis­tol muz­zle has dis­placed a point slightly, no longer aims at [Raphael], but has not re­ceived. „You want to say that you are [Raphael]?”
[Raphael] nod proudly, „nat­u­rally, I am [Raphael]!”
„lied!” Shi Lei has aimed at [Raphael] the muz­zle once more, „you are not [Raphael]! Do you know that what iden­tity I am? My for­merly is [Mr. M] agent, but one of the [Mr. M] most chief en­e­mies, ex­actly as stated [Raphael]! [Raphael] is World most Top Level Hacker, I am also Hacker, like [Raphael] that Top Level Hacker, how pos­si­bly ca­sual ex­posed iden­tity!”
[Raphael] looks to smile bit­terly, „Mr. Shi, you lis­tened to me say­ing that I was re­ally [Raphael]! If you do not be­lieve that I can give you to show!”
„Proof?” Shi Lei had con­sid­ered slightly, pulls out pda from the bosom, has placed the ground, then re­treat Lit­tle seg­ment has been away from, opens the mouth say­ing: „Since you are [Raphael], then you are also World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, I give you three min­utes, you use this pda to in­vade NHK Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Of­fi­cial Web­site, stays be­hind to [Mr. M] provoca­tive in­for­ma­tion!”
„Does not have issue!” [Raphael] for­warded sev­eral steps, slowly down­ward squat­ted, ex­tends the right hand to pick up the ground pda.
The en­tire process, the [Raphael] move­ment is slow, this is be­cause Shi Lei is grasp­ing the pis­tol muz­zle, has aimed at him, once he has any ac­tion, he sus­pected that Shi Lei may open fire.
After hav­ing at­tained pda, [Raphael] has in­spected slightly, then the proud start to talk said: „Mr. Shi, does not take three min­utes, gives me 30 sec­onds!”


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