Sunday, December 3, 2017

998: Master dupe

HK :: VOLUME #10
#998: Master dupe!
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Li Jian Na­tion, Times Square, south­west cor­ner Rudy Build­ing, above Eighth 18 build­ings, rooftop.
The Shi Lei right hand grasped jet black pis­tol, the muz­zle is aim­ing at [Raphael], the left hand has lifted, looks at the watch in wrist|skill, was car­ry­ing on the time, in­di­cated that he was earnest, has not cracked a joke. Time Is Up that once stip­u­lates, he re­ally will then open fire.
[Raphael] is tak­ing pd, both hands thumb, fast is press­ing on the small-sized en­tire key­board. [Raphael] has not in­vaded the NHK Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Of­fi­cial Web­site main page di­rectly, but first on con­tact Angel Par­lia­ment Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem [Ab­diel].
[Ab­diel] Log­i­cal Think­ing Mod­ule, al­though does not have [Izual] to be for­mi­da­ble, but the aux­il­iary strength of [Ab­diel] to [Raphael] is big. After all, what [Raphael] use is pd, in op­er­a­tion con­ve­nient with ma­chine per­for­mance as­pect, is well below the desk­top com­puter and Full-sized key­board.
If di­rectly uses pd to in­vade the NHK Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Of­fi­cial main page, even if [Raphael] is World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, per­haps will also throw the street. the pd per­for­mance is not re­ally pow­er­ful, NHK Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Of­fi­cial Web­site de­fense, un­der­went sev­eral times in­va­sion of [Mr. M], now be­comes more and more for­mi­da­ble. Very is only dif­fi­cult to in­vade de­pend­ing on pd, is not issue of Hacker abil­ity, but is the hard­ware per­for­mance mag­ni­tude dis­par­ity.
[Raphael] op­er­ates pd, while cal­cu­lates the num­ber in the heart silently, he had boasted ex­trav­a­gantly, must in 30 sec­onds, fall NHK Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Of­fi­cial Web­site black, ac­cord­ing to the [Raphael] strength, but can also achieve.
The Shi Lei whole face guards looks at [Raphael], in fact, in the Shi Lei heart has smiled to blos­som. [Raphael] by his per­for­mance, dupe must run around in cir­cles com­pletely, mak­ing [Raphael] sim­ply not make clear the con­di­tion.
15 sec­onds! Shi Lei is prompt­ing the [Raphael] time, Shi Lei this is to a [Raphael] pres­sure. Shi Lei wants to have a look at the [Raphael] limit.
Hu­man­ity fac­ing life and death time, often will erupt very for­mi­da­ble po­ten­tial.
[Raphael] fore­head, sweat, dense and nu­mer­ous for­ma­tions. He has not paid at­ten­tion to Shi Lei, but stub­bornly ob­serves closely the pd small screen, in the mouth talks to whis­per.
Time one. one sec­onds sec­ond of pass­ing.
When the Twenty-sev­enth sec­ond, [Raphael] shouted loudly: ac­com­plish! NHK Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Of­fi­cial Web­site, I fell black!
In the Shi Lei eye re­vealed should have sur­prised that af­ter­ward said: Puts down pd, the re­treat twenty step. I must ex­am­ine!
[Raphael] told ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's that crouch slowly, the pd screen to­ward on place ground, then slowly sets out, sur­face that does not turn around to­ward Shi Lei. Di­rect re­treat twenty step.
Mr. Shi, you look slowly. Please feel re­lieved. I re­ally am [Raphael], I re­ceived the mes­sage, the hearsay you and [Mr. M] have the con­tra­dic­tion. There­fore, my [Hope] unites in you to­gether, jointly copes with [Mr. M]. The [Raphael] ex­pres­sion was say­ing sin­cerely.
[Raphael] did not have Shit­head say­ing that Shi Lei be­trayed [Mr. M], but in­ge­nious used the con­tra­dic­tion to de­scribe both's re­la­tions. And ex­pressed that he is will­ing to re­sist [Mr. M] with Shi Lei to­gether, pulls closer on own ini­tia­tive with the Shi Lei's sense of dis­tance.
Shi Lei re­veals a care­ful man­ner, took ground pd, and re­treat sev­eral steps. Warned that [Raphael] said: Mr. Dulles, you should bet­ter not to act rashly, be­fore de­ter­min­ing your iden­tity, my [Hope] we do not have any not happy mat­ter.
on the pd small screen, was demon­strat­ing web page, is the NHK Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Of­fi­cial Web­site home page. Shi Lei ex­am­ined the sit­u­a­tion fast, he dis­cov­ered that [Raphael] has adopted the way of short­cut, does not have the over­all sit­u­a­tion to in­vade NHK Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Of­fi­cial Web­site, but has in­vaded div Gra­da­tion.
[Raphael] changed a div Gra­da­tion el­e­ment merely, has in html web page, mod­ify Lit­tle Sec­tion. Ac­cord­ing to the [Raphael] strength, achieves this mat­ter, in­deed only takes less than 30 sec­onds.
[Raphael] in this div Gra­da­tion el­e­ment, has left be­hind the provoca­tive [Mr. M] words. After Shi Lei looks, in the heart al­most hap­pily blos­soms.
‚[Raphael] also is re­ally adorable!’ Shi Lei is laugh­ing se­cretly.
[Raphael] looks at Shi Lei, is away from more than ten me­ters dis­tances, said loudly: Mr. Shi, how is it? Now can show that I was [Raphael]!
The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion is in­de­ci­sive, de­vel­ops very proper, waited for a mo­ment later, Shi Lei has put down pis­tol, after the bul­let draws back the chest cav­ity, again pis­tol don't in waist.
Good, Mr. Dulles, I be­lieves tem­porar­ily you are [Raphael]. Then, what mat­ter do you ask me to have? Shi Lei dis­played a wee bit re­laxed vig­i­lantly, but has not re­vealed any good in­ten­tions as be­fore.
[Raphael] re­laxed, he feared that Shi Lei does not be­lieve him as be­fore. The man­ner that Shi Lei shows, mak­ing [Raphael] feel re­lieved very that the Shi Lei's man­ner had shown suf­fi­ciently, be­tween he and [Mr. M], has the gap.
Mr. Shi, you also said be­fore, your for­merly is [Mr. M] agent, I and [Mr. M] have a grudge, you now and re­la­tions of [Mr. M] , some are in­ap­pro­pri­ate. Was in­fe­rior that we unite in to­gether, jointly cope with [Mr. M]. How? [Raphael] is con­sid­er­ing the ex­pres­sion, is ob­serv­ing the Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion.
[Raphael] thought Shi Lei in de­ter­min­ing his iden­tity, and after he dis­plays has coped with the [Mr. M] in­ten­tion, Shi Lei will at least re­veal the man­ner of being in­ter­ested . But knows that Shi Lei sim­ply does not have the change of least bit man­ner, as be­fore an ice coldly ex­pres­sion.
Sorry, Mr. Dulles, about cop­ing with the [Mr. M] mat­ter, I could not help you! Shi Lei has re­jected the propo­si­tion of [Raphael] di­rectly.
[Raphael] ex­pres­sion one dull, pur­sues hastily asks: Why? Mr. Shi, don't you want to get rid of [Mr. M]?
I think cer­tainly! Shi Lei af­fir­ma­tive replied.
Why doesn't that unite with me? [Raphael] has hes­i­tated slightly , to con­tinue say­ing: I am grasp­ing very for­mi­da­ble strength, can def­i­nitely re­sist [Mr. M], this point asks you to feel re­lieved!
Shi Lei is cold the face say­ing: Be­cause of can­not!
Why has not waited for [Raphael] to in­quire, Shi Lei con­tin­ues say­ing: Al­though for­merly I am [Mr. M] agent, but af­ter­ward [Mr. M] be­trayed us, we do not know that [Mr. M] real iden­tity, does not know the [Mr. M] ap­pear­ance, does not know [Mr. M] de­tailed in­for­ma­tion.
Waited for Wait! you say­ing that [Mr. M] did be­tray you? The brain of [Raphael] some­what can­not make a turn, the Hacker World hearsay was Shi Lei had be­trayed [Mr. M], may with the Shi Lei nar­ra­tion was dif­fer­ent?
Right! Told you also to might as well, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group. It is not a [Mr. M] per­son hood­winks the pub­lic, other peo­ple can im­mo­bi­lize [Mr. M]. Al­though I am [Mr. M] agent, but I to Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, have made the tremen­dous con­tri­bu­tion. There­fore, I be­came Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group high-level Stock­holder. As for the con­crete con­tri­bu­tion, does not fa­cil­i­tate to tell you.
Shi Lei has stopped , to con­tinue say­ing: [Mr. M] from Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, stole es­sen­tial Tech­ni­cal In­for­ma­tion to es­cape. In Hacker World the hearsay, I be­trayed [Mr. M], is not true. But was [Mr. M] be­trayed our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group!
[Raphael] di­gests in­for­ma­tion that Shi Lei was say­ing, these may be top-se­cret in­for­ma­tion!
Al­though these in­for­ma­tion, feel and re­la­tions of [Raphael] is not big, but is closely linked with [Raphael] in fact. For ex­am­ple [Mr. M] fights in iso­la­tion now, and he still po­ten­tial al­lies exist.
Mr. Shi. You are not re­ally clear, mat­ter about [Mr. M]? [Raphael] bit­ter and se­cret that Shi Lei just said. Re­mem­bered com­pletely. In­quired again.
If I said do not know that you def­i­nitely do not be­lieve. Shi Lei hes­i­tant, on face has shown the scru­ple look.
[Raphael] looks then knows pos­si­ble, said hastily: Mr. Shi, any in­for­ma­tion, so long as is re­lated with [Mr. M]. Has the use to me com­pletely. You think that you only need to pro­vide in­for­ma­tion to me, the re­main­ing mat­ters, can def­i­nitely give me to process. If I can kill [Mr. M]. You have also felt re­lieved, your Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, has been short of one ‚trusted friend big trou­ble’, the Xia Na­tion lan­guage said that right Right?
Shi Lei as be­fore is in­de­ci­sive.
[Raphael] has added a quirk: Even if I am un­able to hold [Mr. M], does not have any loss to you, isn't that right? Mr. Shi, I en­sure our talks, are not known by the Third per­son ab­solutely.
The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion said drea­rily: That gmers­first Com­pany is May­orksa John­son, ac­tu­ally who? Aren't you very ripe? Won't you tell him?
[Raphael] shakes the head again and again, Mr. Shi, please feel re­lieved that per­son is only Pe­riph­eral Mem­ber, does not know the too much mat­ter, he is only a small board game piece.
In the Shi Lei heart sneers, Angel Par­lia­ment Sec­ond Giant is [Gabriel], un­ex­pect­edly only the small board game piece?
Good, Mr. Dulles, my [Hope] you lives up to one's words! Al­though our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, does not worry about the [Mr. M] mat­ter, but if you among the talk us, told to Third know that my [Hope] you un­der­stood the con­se­quence. The Shi Lei threat said.
In the [Raphael] heart is not feel­ing well, but on face has not re­vealed that in­stead said earnestly: Does not have issue! I will keep se­cret ab­solutely!
Shi Lei con­tin­ues to threaten say­ing: Mr. Dulles, re­gard­less of you are Phin­ney Dulles, or is [Raphael]. I must tell you, when you enter the con­fer­ence site, we have recorded your Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture. Wanted to find you, was not a too dif­fi­cult mat­ter. [Hope] you can achieve com­mit­ment of se­cu­rity.
Shi Lei has not told [Raphael], his Human Fa­cial Fea­ture, was recorded. Only told [Raphael], he was recorded Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture. Be­cause, Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture can be dodged, will not cause [Raphael] too strong ar­riv­ing sense of touch.
Mr. Dulles, in telling you be­fore [Mr. M] in­for­ma­tion, I need to ask about your mat­ter. Shi Lei looks at [Raphael], is hav­ing an ex­pres­sion of proof.
[Raphael] has not re­jected, in­quired: What mat­ter do you want to ask?
Why can you look for [Mr. M] to be trou­ble­some? As far as I know, [Mr. M] in net world, has not been ruth­less to you, you do not need with [Mr. M] like mad! Shi Lei was in­quir­ing the [say / way].
This issue, seems like most es­sen­tial issue, it rep­re­sents [Raphael] to cope with the [Mr. M] fun­da­men­tal mo­tive. Han­dles a mat­ter, al­ways has the mo­tive, es­pe­cially this il­le­gal mat­ter, an ab­solute de­mand full mo­tive.
[Raphael] is also clear this issue an­swer the im­por­tance, he said the Angel Funds In­vest­ment Man­age­ment Com­pany mat­ter, fi­nally said: [Mr. M] has sent for as­sas­si­nat­ing me, did you say me to with [Mr. M] for the enemy?
Shi Lei look one bright, the ex­pres­sion said calmly: It is not right! Why can [Mr. M] as­sas­si­nate you? Mr. Dulles, asked your issue again, if you died, then your back strength, how will treat me?
[Raphael] had not con­sid­ered that im­me­di­ately replies: If I died, and all ev­i­dence have aimed at [Mr. M], but could not find [Mr. M], my back strength, will cope with you! Be­cause, your for­merly is [Mr. M] agent!
Shi Lei sneers say­ing: so it was orig­i­nally this! [Mr. M] is not aim­ing at you, but is aim­ing at me! Also is not right, this is a mat­ter of killing two birds with one stone! Good vi­cious [Mr. M], uses a scheme un­ex­pect­edly, has planned two en­e­mies!
Un­der­went the Shi Lei's analy­sis, in the [Raphael] heart also in great sur­prise, he has not thought that [Mr. M] un­ex­pect­edly so as­tute!
Mr. Shi, since is this, you can tell me now, re­lated in­for­ma­tion about [Mr. M]? [Raphael] im­pa­tient wants to know [Mr. M] re­lated in­for­ma­tion.


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