Saturday, November 25, 2017

843: The [Shadow Dragon] superiority, leaves behind the living witness!

#843: The [Shadow Dragon] superiority, leaves behind the living witness!
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Nanyue Na­tion, on May 19, 0 : 11.
Month vi­o­lent wind filled with dust high mur­der night, ex­actly as stated at this mo­ment, Nanyue Na­tion Móng Cái City sit­u­a­tion!
Lao Chao Strong­hold, Sank­ouzu twenty Elite group mem­ber(s), in the ruins of cur­rently rem­nant of de­stroyed build­ing, is look­ing for the pos­si­ble clue. From the Lao Chao Strong­hold shad­owy re­gion 500 me­ters away, the Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad five peo­ple, is bring­ing Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany four Elite Squadron, has formed the com­pre­hen­sive en­cir­clement ring.
Ye Feng as the com­man­der-in-chief, he through the Wire­less ear­phone, is­sues the order say­ing: „sniper pre­pares the snipe po­si­tion, other per­son­nel pre­pare all at­tacks, if the enemy re­volts, kills with­out the amnesty! If can leave be­hind the liv­ing wit­ness, with­out Dan­ger, leaves be­hind the liv­ing wit­ness.”
Order that the order and [Izual] that Ye Feng is­sues issue, a lit­tle tiny dif­fer­ence. The [Izual] re­quest leaves be­hind the liv­ing wit­ness as far as pos­si­ble, but Ye Feng had been guar­an­tee­ing own Safety premise, left be­hind the liv­ing wit­ness.
This point small dif­fer­ence, man­i­fested the user-friendly arrange­ment of Ye Feng, as well as [Izual]'s ra­tio­nal­iza­tion arrange­ment. [Izual]'s Deep Nat­ural Logic Think­ing Mod­ule, de­ter­mine left Sank­ouzu per­son­nel, the in­ves­ti­gate Lao Chao Strong­hold sit­u­a­tion, should have issue, but con­crete issue does not know. There­fore, [Izual] or­dered to keep the liv­ing wit­ness, held a per­son of op­po­site party, could ask some sit­u­a­tions.
Ye Feng in­ves­ti­gates the Lao Chao Strong­hold be­hav­ior ac­cord­ing to the op­po­site party, an­a­lyzes de­ter­mine to leave the op­po­site party to har­bor evil in­ten­tions, or­dered to strike to kill di­rectly. Re­gard­less of the op­po­site party is any in­flu­ence, since comes the in­ves­ti­gate Lao Chao Strong­hold clue, that is aims at Dark Hell and Lonely Mas­sacre in­flu­ence, is the hos­tile forces. Ye Feng be­sides must an­ni­hi­late the enemy, but must guar­an­tee Safety of per­son on one's own side.
Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad mem­ber, is Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Elite Squadron, is pow­er­ful fighter, weapon that they use, ori­gin in Li Jian Na­tion ser­vice pat­tern weapon m4a1 car­bine rifle.
the m4a1 car­bine rifle might is very con­sid­er­able, more­over sta­bil­ity and pre­ci­sion, sim­i­larly Out­stand­ing. These firearm ori­gin in Li Jian Na­tion trans­ac­tion Drug Lord, the way that they pay money. Then chose has re­placed with the mu­ni­tions.
Zheng San­pao and Zhu Mingx­uan, these two sniper, after hav­ing cho­sen the ad­van­ta­geous snipe po­si­tion, through the Wire­less ear­phone, the re­port gives Ye Feng.
„Cap­tain. Num­ber One sniper ar­rives.”
„Cap­tain. No. 2 sniper pre­pares ac­com­plish!”
Zheng San­pao is Num­ber One sniper, is Zhu Mingx­uan Mas­ter. Zhu Mingx­uan has strong snipe tal­ent, but in Ex­pe­ri­ence and skill as­pect. He also has is so in­suf­fi­cient.
Hears sniper to take place, Ye Feng told again in the Wire­less ear­phone com­mu­ni­ca­tion fre­quency: „Free­dom opens fire, at­ten­tion tac­tic shield and pro­tect­ing each other!”
Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Elite Squadron, un­der­went the train­ing of Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad, in ad­di­tion goes to and ac­tual com­bat ex­er­cise of Nanyue Na­tion in Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion, their strengths en­dure to com­pare Xia Na­tion Spe­cial-type War Squad.
Dark Hell one side mem­ber, puts on jet black night war suit com­pletely, 500 me­ters dis­tance, to them. Is only less than three min­utes of dis­tance. the m4a1 car­bine rifle ef­fec­tive range is 600 me­ters, but the pre­sent is late at night, even if Dark Hell mem­ber, has worn the in­frared view­ing de­vice com­pletely, the vis­i­bil­ity is quite not good, most after at least must enter 200 me­ters. Is com­bat ra­dius.
After one minute, Dark Hell mem­ber en­tered in 200 me­ters com­bat ra­dius range, Ye Feng is tak­ing m4a1 car­bine rifle, has aimed Sank­ouzu mem­ber, the right hand index fin­ger has de­ducted the trig­ger.
„~” has in­stalled m4a1 car­bine rifle of si­lencer. Has made the slight sound. But the pre­sent is early morn­ing late at night, sur­round­ings in­com­pa­ra­ble quiet, even if there is a si­lencer, the sound of gun­fire has alarmed Sank­ouzu other group mem­ber(s) as be­fore.
„Baka(idiot)! Has the enemy! Hid­ing!” Sank­ouzu Elite Squadron Cap­tain Sum­it­omo Mi­toshi, has bel­lowed, stood up from fail­ure to hide in be­hind of cliff, but did not seek for the enemy care­lessly.
Other Sank­ouzu mem­ber, so, are seek­ing for the bunker sim­i­larly, but is not the blind counter-at­tack. From this small de­tail, then can man­i­fest, they in­deed are Sank­ouzu elite mem­ber, but is not clay chick­ens and pot­tery dogs is small.
„Cap­tain, the re­sponse of op­po­site party is very rapid, at pre­sent has avoided.” Through Zheng San­pao of night vi­sion snipe mir­ror ob­ser­va­tion, re­ports to say to Ye Feng.
Ye Feng also re­ceives the move­ment of op­po­site party in the eye­ground, ‚is this gang, ac­tu­ally what back­ground? Ac­tu­ally has so per­fect fight qual­ity. Just prob­a­bly had a fel­low, said Japan­ese. Is it pos­si­ble that are they the Wo Sang Na­tion in­flu­ences? How­ever, will the Wo Sang Na­tion in­flu­ence, why look for us?’ Ye Feng thinks why does not un­der­stand, but the op­po­site party ob­vi­ously is the enemy non- friend, first ex­ter­mi­nated the op­po­site party said again.
Sank­ouzu Elite mem­ber, has made the most cor­rect re­sponse, avoids en­coun­ter­ing stran­gling to death of Dark Hell in the First time. What a pity, Sank­ouzu Elite mem­ber, has ne­glected the threat in sky.
Or the threat in sky, was too not dis­cov­ered eas­ily!
At the be­gin­ning of de­sign of [Shadow Dragon], lo­cal­iza­tion tar­get, ex­actly as stated as as­sas­si­na­tion. The [Shadow Dragon] four axis pro­pellers adopted the elec­tri­cal en­ergy to pro­mote, when rev­o­lu­tion the noise that sent out was min­i­mal, when [Shadow Dragon] Lev­i­tate at the al­ti­tude of 50 meter s, Sank­ouzu Elite group mem­ber(s) of ground, dis­cov­ered with­out any per­son. Even, in sur­round­ing per­son­nel of Dark Hell, has not dis­cov­ered [Shadow Dragon].
In the Ye Feng ear­phone, has broad­cast the [Izual] Vir­tual iden­tity Gu He sound, „Ye Feng, I will trans­fer [Shadow Dragon] to carry on long-dis­tance at­tack, help­ing you dis­rupt the de­ploy­ment of enemy. Re­mem­ber, strives to leave be­hind a to three liv­ing wit­ness, we need the in­for­ma­tion.”
„Yes, Se­nior Of­fi­cer!” Ye Feng re­sponded to one, in heart is some­what sur­prised, he thinks tele­sup­port that Gu He said that but said that has not thought that the op­po­site party trans­ferred [Shadow Dragon] un­ex­pect­edly!
[Shadow Dragon] from 50 me­ters upper air, the fast and lithe land­ing, hov­er­ing about the midair in twenty meter, mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun has aimed below Sank­ouzu mem­ber.
[Shadow Dragon] mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun, spouted the gor­geous large flame in night­time sky, [Izual] has com­pleted the ana­log com­pu­ta­tion ahead of time, opened fire the later bul­let path in­clud­ing first time, [Shadow Dragon] or­gan­ism dis­place­ment that as well as the re­coil cre­ated \; sec­ond time angle that opens fire to re­volve, the or­gan­ism moves, time in­ter­val wait / etc..
When the [Shadow Dragon] mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun sound gets up, merely sev­eral sec­onds, Sank­ouzu Elite group mem­ber(s) of ground, then died 7 peo­ple!
„Baka(idiot)! In the sky has the enemy, the first enemy in at­tack sky!” The Sum­it­omo Mi­toshi po­si­tion is very good, his sur­round­ing Sank­ouzu Elite group mem­ber(s) branch is sparse, but by the [Shadow Dragon] des­ig­na­tion has not been tar­get.
[Shadow Dragon] choice tar­get, al­to­gether seven peo­ple, after the [Izual] com­pu­ta­tion. Only takes four sec­onds to strike to kill seven Sank­ouzu Elite group mem­ber(s) com­pletely. As High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, [Izual] has cho­sen ef­fi­ciency high­est tar­get.
Sank­ouzu the first time short time con­tact of Elite group mem­ber(s) and Dark Hell, Dark Hell has gained the over­whelm­ing vic­tory. Al­though [Shadow Dragon] at­tack, is not Dark Hell starts di­rectly, but [Izual] can also be the Dark Hell in­flu­ence.
twenty Sank­ouzu Elite group mem­ber(s). In less than one minute of fight. Re­duced eight group mem­ber(s)!
Re­main­ing 12 group mem­ber(s), have aimed at [Shadow Dragon] in sky, re­lies on po­si­tion that in the mem­ory the large flame is bloom­ing. Took away the trig­ger.
In the Lao Chao Strong­hold rem­nant of de­stroyed build­ing, has re­sounded with the dense and nu­mer­ous sounds of gun­fire im­me­di­ately.
Dark Hell mem­ber, fast is re­mem­ber­ing in Lao Chao Strong­hold rem­nant of de­stroyed build­ing, these are glit­ter­ing the large flame po­si­tion, records the po­si­tion of enemy. „Has re­mem­bered the po­si­tion of enemy?” Ye Feng in the Wire­less ear­phone, was in­quir­ing.
In the Wire­less ear­phone, has trans­mit­ted peo­ple's reply in turn, sur­plus 12 the po­si­tions of per­son, were recorded com­pletely.
In sky. [Shadow Dragon] car­ries on an sur­prise at­tack, [Izual] has been con­trol­ling [Shadow Dragon] pro­moted High De­gree im­me­di­ately. The de­sign of [Shadow Dragon] fa­vors as­sas­si­nat­ing as­pect, Pi Caorou like [The Steel and Iron] is not thick, if had been hit by Sank­ouzu elite group mem­ber(s), ab­solutely is the crash rhythm!
[Shadow Dragon] max­i­mum climb speed, only then 2.8 m per sec­ond. [Izual] uses re­peat­edly changed to the plan, suc­ceeds has evaded snipe from ground.
Ye Feng in the Wire­less ear­phone, after con­firmed the po­si­tions of all en­e­mies had been re­mem­bered, re­veals has wiped to sneer, „se­r­ial num­ber 1 to 10 en­e­mies. Throws the anti-tank grenade to kill them di­rectly. Fi­nally two en­e­mies, throw flash light bomb and smoke shell!”
In order to leave be­hind the liv­ing wit­ness, Ye Feng these time has also got­ten down the ini­tial cap­i­tal. Shi Lei from Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, swin­dling and ab­duct­ing some flash light bombs and smoke shell, few anti-tank grenades came out, has given Nanyue Na­tion here in­flu­ence com­pletely.
These east and west|thing, stay in the home to court death com­pletely!
In the night­time sky, ten dark small iron balls have de­lim­ited the night­time sky, sim­ply has not brought to the at­ten­tion, when the small iron ball falls to the ground, Sum­it­omo Mi­toshi has bel­lowed: „Anti-tank grenade!”
How­ever, he just roared, the anti-tank grenade ex­plodes di­rectly! Ex­plo­sion fuse of these anti-tank grenades by mod­ify, the blast­ing time had been ahead of time!
„hōng ~ hōng ~ bang......”
A se­ries of ex­plo­sive sounds re­sound, but as­cen­sion the flame, has out­shone the pe­riph­eral night­time sky.
Ye Feng speed way: „Fights a bat­tle to force a quick de­ci­sion, here sound, has brought to the at­ten­tion of per­son with high as­pi­ra­tions!”
Be­fore Nanyue Na­tion, has en­coun­tered Ter­ror­ist At­tack, the Nanyue Na­tion high level, un­der­went the care­ful in­ves­ti­ga­tion, fi­nally set eyes on Móng Cái City, now Móng Cái City has made such big noise, the Nanyue Na­tion Of­fi­cial in­flu­ence, will then send ab­solutely out quickly.
Sim­i­lar to Ye Feng says, [Izual] Vir­tual iden­tity Gu He, in the Wire­less ear­phone, has trans­mit­ted in­for­ma­tion. „Ye Feng, your also three min­utes, Móng Cái City Po­lice Force per­son­nel, as well as bor­der de­fense per­son­nel, within three di­vide in half, sur­rounds the en­tire re­gion.” [Izual] uses Sys­tem through the Móng Cái City po­lice, had dis­cov­ered the re­as­sign­ment of Po­lice Force sys­tem, the rapid no­tice knows to Ye Feng. This is the in­for­ma­tion not co­or­di­nated su­pe­ri­or­ity, ahead of time trend that can un­der­stand the enemy.
The Ye Feng com­plex­ion slightly changes, final two Sank­ouzu mem­ber, was shaken blindly the ti­ta­nium alloy dog eye by the flash light bomb luck­ily first, has in­haled then the thick smoke of smoke shell, has coughed fiercely.
Dark Hell mem­ber has cap­tured the final two peo­ple rapidly, knocks down after these two peo­ple, has tied up. More­over, Ye Feng has still un­cov­ered two cap­sules in their oral cav­i­ties.
‚Cyanide? A lit­tle looks like the style of Wo Sang Na­tion spe­cial op­er­a­tions forces team! Is it pos­si­ble that is the Wo Sang Na­tion Gov­ern­ment in­flu­ence?’ Ye Feng dis­crete has pre­served two cyanide cap­sules, pre­pares to give the Zheng San­pao analy­sis in­gre­di­ent.
Ye Feng re­tained doubts in heart, pre­pares to hold two liv­ing wit­ness, brings back to Cheng Dong Strong­hold, at the same night in­ter­ro­gates. As soon as there are any re­sults, im­me­di­ately gives the Shi Lei re­port.
The Wo Sang Na­tion mys­te­ri­ous in­flu­ence, in­ves­ti­gate their Lao Chao Strong­hold, this is not the good mat­ter!
Held Ye Feng of two liv­ing wit­ness, in the heart has had one to re­joice. If there is a liv­ing wit­ness, in­ter­ro­ga­tion time, with­out doubt will be very trou­ble­some. If the op­po­site party has un­der­gone the spe­cial train­ing, does not fear the in­ter­ro­ga­tion method, has the pos­si­bil­ity un­able to ob­tain any use­ful news.
How­ever, held two liv­ing wit­ness, then can sep­a­rate the in­qui­si­tion by tor­ture. The will of the peo­ple are very strange east and west|thing, a per­son can strict con­ser­v­a­tive se­cret, but two peo­ple mu­tu­ally will sus­pect that for fear that the op­po­site party said se­cret, but beset with a cri­sis by one­self.
Such flaw psy­chol­ogy, wants to over­come very dif­fi­cultly. There­fore, was widely ap­plied to in­ter­ro­gate. The Po­lice Force sys­tem, is in­tel­li­gence re­lated ac­tiv­ity, if pos­si­ble, they like adopt­ing many peo­ple to sep­a­rate the way of in­qui­si­tion by tor­ture.
Ye Feng has two liv­ing wit­ness, nat­u­rally can­not give up this Out­stand­ing in­ter­ro­ga­tion way, he has launched the in­ter­ro­ga­tion at the same night, strives in the short­est time, asked that is ac­tu­ally any in­flu­ence in­ves­ti­gate Dark Hell, what goal in­ves­ti­gate is also bring­ing.


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