Tuesday, November 28, 2017

895: The light base, Devil extinguishes arming!

#895: The light base, Devil extinguishes arming!
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Nanyue Na­tion, bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house.
Cap­tain Tao looks at the Ye Feng five peo­ple, rides the cross coun­try motor to de­part, is lis­ten­ing to the Lit­tle Nguyen angry words, on his face has shown the mys­te­ri­ous smil­ing face, ex­pres­sion strange say­ing: „Lit­tle Nguyen, I as if for­get to tell a Cap­tain Ye news!”
Lit­tle Nguyen has not lis­tened to the Cap­tain Tao ex­pres­sion the strange­ness, is bring­ing say­ing of re­sent­ment: „Cap­tain Tao, what did you for­get? let them to North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand belt words, mak­ing the North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand res­cue us?”
„It is not!” Cap­tain Tao sighed in­ten­tion­ally the one breath, as if thought aloud, was hav­ing the color of thick re­gret, „Lit­tle Nguyen, I for­got, ac­cord­ing to pa­trol leader's re­port, at­tack our mys­te­ri­ous in­flu­ences, not only in the frontal at­tack of level area, in­clud­ing the level area rear es­cape route, our hid­den sen­try also lost con­tact!”
„This...” Lit­tle Nguyen ex­pres­sion in great sur­prise, „Cap­tain Tao, what to do if these fel­lows did die com­pletely?”
Cap­tain Tao has laughed at one, al­though he just dis­guised ‚iden­tity to be daunted by any­thing spe­cially’, but Cap­tain Tao did not fear that or Cap­tain Tao has de­signed all, had the per­fect ex­pla­na­tion.
„Lit­tle Nguyen, you think that Cap­tain Ye is es­capes?” Cap­tain Tao has not waited for Lit­tle Nguyen to an­swer that then con­tin­ues say­ing: „Cap­tain Ye had the feel­ing we to meet trou­ble­some, he re­ceived on own ini­tia­tive at­tracted Task of rear enemy. How the level area rear enemy, strength is too for­mi­da­ble, our Cap­tain Ye with mem­ber that he leads, heroic sac­ri­fice! As Pa­trol Cap­tain of s035 ware­house, I sug­gested awarded Cap­tain Ye ‚hero’ Title, thank Cap­tain Ye for the con­tri­bu­tion that our s035 ware­house made, thanked him!”
Lit­tle Nguyen both eyes shine looks at Cap­tain Tao, the ex­pres­sion sud­denly be­comes the mother, „Cap­tain Tao, you were too in­tel­li­gent. I quite like you!”
Cap­tain Tao can­celled the chin of Lit­tle Nguyen friv­o­lously, hēi hēi said with a smile: „Lit­tle Nguyen, when we have re­pelled at­tack per­son­nel of this wave of mys­te­ri­ous in­flu­ence, I again well ‚tidy­ing up’ you!”
„Èn! Cap­tain Tao, did we call reen­force?” Lit­tle Nguyen wor­ried that was say­ing. „This time at­tack per­son­nel, is very prob­a­bly fierce, as if be­fore is cre­ates, per­son­nel of two times bor­der cri­sis. If only then our guard per­son­nel, are very per­haps dif­fi­cult to re­sist them.”
Cap­tain Tao is stroking the Lit­tle Nguyen del­i­cate and gen­tle fea­tures, com­forts say­ing: „Lit­tle Nguyen, should not be afraid. When the at­tack starts, we called the reen­force­ment. Most also two min­utes, are away from our re­cent Armed He­li­copter, will ar­rive in the po­si­tion that we are.”
Lit­tle Nguyen re­laxed, look bright and in­tel­li­gent looks at Cap­tain Tao, the sound gen­tle [say / way]: „This is good! Cap­tain Tao. I re­turn to the dor­mi­tory to take a bath first.”
Cap­tain Tao nods, „goes! Is wait­ing for me!”
Level area that Nanyue Na­tion, the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house is, en­trance.
The at­tack of Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps, has cre­ated has sur­passed the Forty de­fense per­son­nel death, but Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps has not pre­sented any com­bat losses as be­fore. The sit­u­a­tion of if to not avoid pre­sent­ing bat­tle loss, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps al­ready de­fense per­son­nel of rush­ing crush bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house.
Utu Stan or­ders Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps to at­tack with steady steps. don't worry in com­pet­ing for the place of size, re­duces we's bat­tle loss sit­u­a­tion as far as pos­si­ble. After all, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps lost Third Main War Squad, but also died Elite sniper, as well as 18 Or­di­nary fighter. If con­tin­ues to pre­sent the large-scale bat­tle loss, will be dif­fi­cult to guar­an­tee [Raphael] tak­ing the op­por­tu­nity not to act crazy, Pun­ish­ment Utu Stan.
How­ever, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps strat­egy of being care­ful, if places the Africa area, ab­solutely does not have what mis­take. May in view of the Nanyue Na­tion bor­der in­flu­ence. Only can be a huge mis­take.
The Nanyue Na­tion bor­der has pre­sented issue, they have wanted to catch to de­stroy their bor­der Safety in­flu­ence. This time, bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house at­tacked time, they send out to the pe­riph­eral base im­me­di­ately have res­cued in­for­ma­tion, says around bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house other mil­i­tary bases. Ob­tained the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house at­tacked news, more­over ac­cord­ing to the stip­u­la­tion of Nanyue Na­tion Na­tion(s) De­fense Bu­reau, they must go to res­cue.
Two ach-47 Armed He­li­copter, cur­rently catches up to the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house.
And as the main proces­sor ach-47 Armed He­li­copter pilot, the cur­rently call di­rects Cen­ter. „Di­rects Cen­ter, di­rects Cen­ter, here is Bob­cat One, after 50 sec­onds, soon will enter the war zone, ask­ing di­rec­tor Cen­ter to give the order.”
„Bob­cat One, the di­rec­tor Cen­ter order, an­ni­hi­lates the enemy, the co­or­di­nate ground forces, cap­tures alive at least two cap­tives! The re­dun­dant order, an­ni­hi­lates the enemy, the co­or­di­nate ground forces, cap­tures alive at least two cap­tives!” Di­rec­tor Cen­ter was re­spond­ing to Bob­cat One.
„Bob­cat One re­ceives, the order un­der­stands!” Bob­cat One ach-47 Armed He­li­copter, giant pro­peller in the air, mixes not the small voice.
The moun­tain passes, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps of cur­rently at­tack, heard the ach-47 Armed He­li­copter pro­peller sound. Sixth Main War Squad Lit­tle Cap­tain Stansey, re­ports to Utu Stan through the Wire­less ear­phone im­me­di­ately.
„Leader Utu, we heard the He­li­copter pro­peller sound!” Stansey has re­ported the sit­u­a­tion merely, but has not given the an­swer of any ab­surdly guess.
Utu Stan com­plex­ion one stiff, as if felt that any­thing has not suited, „sound di­rec­tion!”
Stansey waited for the mo­ment slightly, the di­rec­tion that the de­ter­mine He­li­copter pro­peller sound con­veys dili­gently, „Leader Utu, the sound ap­proaches from south­west.”
Utu Stan had not said that im­me­di­ately turns the head to look through the tele­scope to south­west , the high aloof from worldly af­fairs mul­ti­ple brings the Night Vi­sion Func­tion tele­scope, ach-47 Armed He­li­copter that saw south­west to fly­ing clearly.
„Ach-47 Armed He­li­copter? Nanyue Na­tion is Nanyue Na­tion, a poor back­ward state, this out­moded Armed He­li­copter, has not thought that Boe­ing Com­pany its de­sign paper, had sold to Nanyue Na­tion un­ex­pect­edly!” Utu Stan through the tele­scope, saw clearly ach-47 Armed He­li­copter in sky the time, being able not help has smiled.
ach-47 Armed He­li­copter is Boe­ing Com­pany de­sign pro­duc­tion at­tack He­li­copter, is re­placed ‚is easy to shoot down’ the uh-1 prod­uct, after may only pro­duce 4 merely, then by the ah-1 cobra He­li­copter sub­sti­tu­tion of Bell He­li­copter Com­pany.
Has only pro­duced four sad re­minder prod­ucts, nat­u­rally has the var­i­ous sorts and va­ri­eties flaw, may be called ‚is easy to shoot down two gen­er­a­tions’, but Boe­ing Com­pany al­ways in­vested the re­search cost, the cost al­lowance that to fish the re­search and de­vel­op­ment puts into, Boe­ing Com­pany nat­u­rally must seek for the tak­ing over a busi­ness vari­ant.
Nanyue Na­tion in Armed He­li­copter as­pect, sim­ply does not have any data and di­rec­tion of re­search and de­vel­op­ment, ach-47 Armed He­li­copter looks like in Li Jian Na­tion is not very per­haps rea­son­able, may in the Nanyue Na­tion eye, it be big Gold Moun­tain.
Boe­ing Com­pany and Nanyue Na­tion happy reached(an agree­ment) the se­cret agree­ment, the ach-47 Armed He­li­copter de­sign paper, has given to Nanyue Na­tion. There­fore, Nanyue Na­tion de­vel­oped ach-47 Armed He­li­copter.
Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps min­gles among the Africa area for a long time, in the fight in Africa area, is var­i­ous coun­tries' ad­vanced Armed He­li­copter that faces. Sim­i­lar to ach-47 Armed He­li­copter this type the goods that has flaw, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps does not pay at­ten­tion to!
„All at­ten­tion, about eight twenty min­utes south­west , after two ach-47 Armed He­li­copter es­ti­mate for 30 sec­onds, en­ters the bat­tle­field. Sev­enth Main War Squad, Eighth Main War Squad, kills them sep­a­rately! Only per­mits suc­cess­fully, can­not be de­feated, can­not have the per­son­nel ca­su­al­ties!” Order that Utu Stan is proud.
Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps fel­low, early morn­ing time, suf­fered a loss in Dark Hell Cheng Dong Strong­hold, in this at­tack, Main War Squad, or is Or­di­nary fighter, has pro­vided anti- In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor war suit com­pletely, pre­vents to aim by In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor.
Around 6 : 00 sky, the ray is bright not enough, two ach-47 Armed He­li­copter, mainly de­pend upon In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor to dis­cover the enemy. But, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps mem­ber has put on anti- In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor war suit com­pletely, ach-47 Armed He­li­copter in sky, could not dis­cover them.
When two ach-47 Armed He­li­copter enter bat­tle­field, per­son­nel of Nanyue Na­tion bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house re­laxed com­pletely. But, the next quar­ter, ten large flames have al­most cut the sky, then in the sky shines two groups of fiery red ra­di­ance, has scat­tered resid­ual Dark, the bang trans­mits.
Two ach-47 Armed He­li­copter just ar­rived in bat­tle­field, then be­cause of the re­la­tions of anti- In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor war suit, caus­ing the in­for­ma­tion not to en­counter co­or­di­nat­edly has shot down De­stroy.
The Nanyue Na­tion bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, the Ye Feng five peo­ple are dri­ving the cross-coun­try mo­tor­cy­cle, hur­ries to the rear area of level area to the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house.
They are bring­ing en­tire cov­er­age type mo­tor­cy­cle hel­met, through cell phone net­work Blue­tooth ear­phone con­tact, „San­pao, your be­fore­hand arrange­ment, does not have issue Right?”
Zheng San­pao in the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, some de­fense not strict places, a sub­stan­tial num­ber of plas­tic Bomb, will place on the power sup­ply cop­per-cored cable, so long as these plas­tic Bomb ex­plode com­pletely, Power Sup­ply of bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, will then pre­sent se­ri­ous issue, thus cre­ates the route short cir­cuit, but the sup­ply of power fail­ure strength.
„Brother Feng, all smooth! Now can det­o­nate?” Zheng San­pao in­quired.
„San­pao, were we sep­a­rated to ex­plode the Dan­ger range? If were sep­a­rated ex­ploded the Dan­ger ra­dius, im­me­di­ately det­o­nates Bomb!” The Ye Feng ex­pres­sion was say­ing coldly.
Zheng San­pao has not said any­thing, is only their be­hind bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, sud­denly fell into Dark. The plas­tic Bomb might of Zheng San­pao arrange­ment is not big, to de­stroy power trans­mis­sion route merely.
After plas­tic Bomb ex­plodes the strate­gic goal fully is achieved, the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house fell into Dark, this lets guard per­son­nel of bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, fell into the dual panic. ach-47 Armed He­li­copter was just shot down, but in the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house sud­denly power fail­ure, de­fense can per­son­nel not have the scared psy­chol­ogy?
Ye Feng through the rear view mir­ror of cross-coun­try mo­tor­cy­cle, looked at an be­hind sit­u­a­tion, then looks at the ware­house exit / to speak of front not far away, the look glit­ters is wip­ing the cold light.
‚Cap­tain Tao, con­cerns to the Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps fa­mil­iar­ity, you were too ten­der! Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps in the level area rear exit / to speak , the arrange­ment has am­bush Right?’


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