Monday, November 27, 2017

874: AMD Company Stockholder initiative concessions! 

#874: AMD Company Stockholder initiative concessions! 【First anniversary】
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Emer­ald Build­ing, 38 build­ings.
Shi Lei sits on the Mu Shuang desk, takes up the Mu Shuang prepa­ra­tion data, has read at will.
Mu Shuang sits the er­gonom­ics healthy chair, on the fine el­e­gant face, out­lined to wipe the calm in­dif­fer­ent happy ex­pres­sion, „Shi Lei, the knowl­edge that al­though you in com­mer­cial as­pect, un­der­stood were too few, but these data, I be­lieve that you looked un­der­stand!”
Shi Lei at will flipped, re­minded after Mu Shuang, slowly read. data of Mu Shuang prepa­ra­tion, starts from fore­front, was brief­ing the AMD Com­pany basic sit­u­a­tion.
Start­ing from thou­sand aus­pi­cious­ness new cen­turies, AMD Com­pany has been at the con­di­tion of loss op­er­a­tion. Nor­mally, sit­u­a­tion that the World well-known en­ter­prise, lit­tle has the loss. Sim­i­lar AMD Com­pany this High-tech man­u­fac­tur­ing firm, is los­ing money con­sec­u­tively for six years, this is sim­ply in­con­ceiv­able.
In­di­vid­ual com­puter do­main, the CPU cpu mar­ket, al­to­gether has two Com­pany to man­age. Has aban­doned Intel Com­pany, ex­actly as stated AMD Com­pany. Is sim­i­lar this half mo­nop­oly na­ture In­dus­try, the AMD Com­pany un­ex­pect­edly op­er­at­ing loss, this quite fright­ened!
Ac­tu­ally, AMD Com­pany is in­fe­rior to Intel Com­pany in tech­ni­cal as­pect, and has used the Intel Com­pany au­tho­riza­tion frame. There­fore, the AMD Com­pany prod­uct, the in­nate profit mar­gin is in­fe­rior to the Intel Com­pany prod­uct. In ad­di­tion, in en­tire World mar­ket share as­pect, Intel Com­pany is in the lead com­pre­hen­sively, is sup­press­ing ahrd Com­pany, cre­ates sit­u­a­tion that AMD Com­pany lost money year after year.
Up to now, AMD Com­pany has owed the all kinds raw ma­te­r­ial up­stream fac­tory, ap­prox­i­mately pay­ment for goods of One Bil­lion US Dol­lar. If not Li Jian Na­tion Gov­ern­ment An­titrust Law has been be­com­ing ef­fec­tive, per­haps AMD Com­pany loudly col­lapsed!
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany pur­chases AMD Com­pany, al­most en­tire AMD Com­pany up­stream sup­ply chain is cheer­ing com­pletely, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany is filthy rich, after hav­ing taken over AMD Com­pany, pay­ment for goods that AMD Com­pany falls be­hind should be re­turned Right?
The AMD Com­pany up­stream sup­ply chain busi­ness, al­ready wants to urge that ac­tu­ally the AMD Com­pany re­pay­ments, how AMD Com­pany not to have money, wants not to come out.
Shi Lei read data sketchily, on the face has shown the feel­ing re­laxed ex­pres­sion com­pletely, Shi Lei knows ac­tu­ally ahrd Com­pany has been los­ing money, but Shi Lei not clear AMD Com­pany loss, un­ex­pect­edly so se­ri­ous.
„Shuang Shuang, ac­cord­ing to AMD Com­pany loss their Stock­holder seven years have not drawn bonus. Your opin­ion is, so long as we can bring AMD Com­pany to come out of the dif­fi­cult po­si­tion, AMD Com­pany se­nior man­age­ment Stock­holder, is the basic unit worker, will ex­press wel­come man­ner Right?” Shi Lei to put down data in hand com­pletely.
The Mu Shuang nod said: „Right! So long as we can bring AMD Com­pany to come out of the dif­fi­cult po­si­tion, even if we re­quest AMD Com­pany man­age­ment Stock­holder, the own­er­ship per­cent­age in di­lu­tion hand, they will also agree. Stock are many, if has not cir­cu­lated the value and draw­ing bonus value, is ac­tu­ally one pile of slips of paper!”
Say­ing that Shi Lei has deep feel­ing: „AMD Com­pany with­drew from NAS­DAQ to prove the trans­ac­tion mar­ket be­fore it goes on the mar­ket, Stock of rep­re­sen­ta­tive AMD Com­pany prop­erty rights, is very in­deed in­ex­pen­sive.”
„Sr Xiao Bo sends in in­for­ma­tion, AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder, dis­cussed com­pletely that agreed con­vened Net­work Video Con­fer­ence Sys­tem has arranged the net­work con­fer­ence au­to­mat­i­cally, you only needed to at­tend the con­fer­ence.” The [Izual]'s sound, re­sounds in the Blue­tooth ear­phone, is re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
Shi Lei has held down the Blue­tooth ear­phone, re­sponded: „I knew, waits a while I to process!” After say­ing, Shi Lei hung up has con­nected with [Izual]'s, ex­plained to Mu Shuang: „Shuang Shuang, was just Com­pany per­son­nel, re­ported the Li Jian Na­tion mat­ter to me we can with AMD Com­pany high-level Stock­holder, carry on Net­work Video Con­fer­ence now.”
Mu Shuang stands up, has not re­jected Shi Lei, en­tered the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany con­fer­ence room with Shi Lei to­gether. pro­jec­tor in con­fer­ence room, had been con­trolled by [Izual], on huge pro­jec­tion cloth, by [Izual] pro­ject­ing beam was di­vided into nine small check light screens to di­vide the screen. But only eight small check light screens di­vided the screen to demon­strate the con­tent, in­di­cated the image in­for­ma­tion wait­ing load. The small check light screen of most right bot­tom di­vides screen does not have feed­back in­for­ma­tion that any image loads.
Most left bot­tom small check light screen di­vides the screen to shine, the Xiao Bo fa­mil­iar form, pre­sented left bot­tom the pro­jec­tion the­ater cur­tain small check light screen has been di­vided in the screen.
Mat­ter that „Boss, you con­fess had com­pleted, AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder, the com­plete agree­ment opens Net­work Video Con­fer­ence. Boss, did you pre­pare?” The Xiao Bo ex­pres­sion was say­ing ex­cit­edly: „Boss, today, we will take AMD Com­pany, mak­ing AMD Com­pany our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Child Com­pany!”
Shi Lei also brings to wipe the ex­cited ex­pres­sion, „Xiao Bo, Net­work Video Con­fer­ence ad­dress of cor­re­spon­dence, you is­sued AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder Right?”
„Boss, this minor mat­ter, how do I pos­si­bly make a mis­take?” Xiao Bo def­i­nitely was say­ing, „ I en­sure each AMD Com­pany Stock­holder, will re­ceive in­for­ma­tion that I send out com­pletely. How to choose as for them, Boss, I be­lieve that they will come. The AMD Com­pany sit­u­a­tion, imag­ines com­pared with us more awful lit­tle.
Sim­i­lar to Mu Shuang and gen­eral of Xiao Bo pre­dic­tion, the AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder man­age­ment, all ap­pear on the light screen of [Izual] pro­jec­tion. When all AMD Com­pany Stock­holder mem­ber have ar­rived in full, Shi Lei has also con­nected Net­work Video Con­fer­ence ad­dress, but in the light screen check of most lower right, the Shi Lei's image has not ap­peared, but pre­sented a black shad­ing, white mark ` saun­donly, is rep­re­sent­ing merely only then sound link! Does not have image in­for­ma­tion.
Fac­ing demon­stra­tion of au­thor­ity that Shi Lei gives, AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder mem­ber, has not ex­pressed dis­con­tent­edly, has not op­posed. Only then with Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany most fa­mil­iar High Grade Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Tom Cruise, in­quired first: „Mr. Shi, why don't you make an ap­pear­ance?”
Shi Lei said with a smile lightly: „Mr. Tom, route pre­sented some tech­ni­cal issue, image in­for­ma­tion was un­able to trans­mit tem­porar­ily. Good, did not say that these small issue, we dis­cuss now, about AMD Com­pany fu­ture.”
AMD Com­pany cur­rent Di­rec­tor-Gen­eral Dirk Mayer, first opens the mouth say­ing: „Es­teemed Mr. Shi, be­fore dis­cussing the AMD Com­pany fu­ture des­tiny, I have issue to ask you.”
„What issue?” Shi Lei has not cared about Dirk Mayer, per­haps procu­ra­tor's well-man­nered in­quiry, Dirk Mayer issue should not be issue that all AMD Com­pany high-level Stock­holder com­pare to care about.
Dirk Mayer has stopped slightly, re­or­ga­nizes own ex­pres­sion and tone, then as far as pos­si­ble tran­quil ask­ing: „Es­teemed Mr. Shi, do you plan the AMD Com­pany re­lo­ca­tion to Xia Na­tion? If you must move AMD Com­pany to go to Xia Na­tion, issue that pro­duces, ab­solutely is not...”
Shi Lei has bro­ken Dirk Mayer issue, „Mr. Dirk please for­give, I have to in­ter­rupt your in­quiry. Our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, has not thought must move AMD Com­pany to Xia Na­tion area AMD Com­pany all pre­sent sit­u­a­tions, re­ten­tion that is left in­tact com­pletely. The one who pur­chases AMD Com­pany is our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, but is not Xia Na­tion Gov­ern­ment. Be­fore all in­for­ma­tion about AMD Com­pany, com­pletely was the rumor that these news media flat­tered care­lessly.”
Throws in the pic­ture of Film and Tele­vi­sion fre­quency con­fer­ence, the Dirk Mayer ex­pres­sion re­laxed, „so it was orig­i­nally this, I did not have no issue!”
Replied after Dirk Mayer issue, Tech­nol­ogy Chief En­gi­neer At­wood Iven, is hav­ing an in­dis­putable ex­pres­sion, sud­denly sends to ask: „Mr. Shi I am AMD Com­pany Tech­nol­ogy Chief En­gi­neer At­wood Iven. Every­body called me Old Iven, if Mr. Shi did not mind, can such call me. I only want to ask Mr. Shi, when you and Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, after tak­ing over AMD Com­pany, what ap­proach tech­nol­ogy de­vel­op­ment de­part­ment will use?”
At­wood Iven just asked that as if re­al­ized own ex­pres­sion to then has not bowed to salute, in­di­cated that own re­spect­ful , to con­tinue say­ing: „Mr. Shi, we change a straight­for­warder view, how many re­search and de­vel­op­ment funds will you in­vest for the tech­ni­cal re­search di­vi­sion?”
At­wood Iven of Su­per­vi­sor tech­nol­ogy de­vel­op­ment de­part­ment, cares about this issue . The re­search fund that if Shi Lei gives were too few, he has to seek an­other means of liveli­hood.
Shi Lei looked on pro­jected dis­play light screen, the At­wood Iven image, the start to talk of smil­ing said: „Old Iven, I can only guar­an­tee that a mat­ter that is your tech­ni­cal re­search and de­vel­op­ment de­part­ment, dur­ing Dream En­ter­tain­ment will wield AMD Com­pany, will ob­tain enor­mous au­thor­ity, and each year of re­search fund, be­fore will not be less, re­search ex­pense that you will in­vest! If you have made some re­sult, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment, will only sup­ple­ment many re­search funds.”
Replied again after two issue, fi­nally en­tered dis­cussed the AMD Com­pany fate reg­u­lar link. This link, Shi Lei will ne­go­ti­ate priv­i­lege to re­turn to Mu Shuang. Is by far fiercer than Shi Lei re­gard­ing busi­ness ne­go­ti­a­tion Mu Shuang!
Shi Lei is lis­ten­ing to the ne­go­ti­a­tions of Mu Shuang at the same time, time that the look that can­not help but has re­vealed ad­mir­ing, Mu Shuang works, as if is re­ally Queen is the same, sees only with ease her with AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder ne­go­ti­ates.
AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder, needed per­cent twenty five stocks, is the stocks in their hand, the least bit will not let. How­ever, within a half hour, AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder, only re­quest 15% stocks merely, other 10% stocks, they do not need Dream En­ter­tain­ment to pay, even if one cent, then di­rectly gives Dream En­ter­tain­ment.
Shi Lei al­most must ap­prove this plan, but Mu Shuang has pre­vented Shi Lei , to con­tinue to ne­go­ti­ate with AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder. Also a half hour, AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder, had given up 5% stocks once more, they only have 10% stocks.
This re­sult, is al­most in the Shi Lei imag­i­na­tion, most ideal re­sult. But Mu Shuang is un­ex­pect­edly un­sat­is­fied , to con­tinue to ne­go­ti­ate with AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder.
Shi Lei has a feel­ing of hav­ing a dizzy spell, is this spe­cial­ized per­son­nel strength?
If makes Shi Lei ne­go­ti­ate, per­haps was al­ready con­vinced by AMD Com­pany seven Stock­holder!
` Madam Queen, are you so why fierce?, Shi Lei looks at Mu Shuang brightly and cleanly such as the pro­file of jade, the cor­ners of the mouth flood wipes the happy ex­pres­sion, be­cause of so fierce Madam Queen, is him!
Shi Lei is avari­cious, re­gards Shi Lei with the vi­sion of com­mon cus­tom, can crit­i­cize Shi Lei is a fickle ghost. But Shi Lei re­gard­ing each younger sis­ter, has paid the sin­cer­ity, who can say Shi Lei is only one vul­gar, plays with the fem­i­nine sen­ti­men­tal dreg?
` Madam Queen, we want the same place, ar­rives fi­nally!, Shi Lei vi­sion firm looks in­vested ne­go­ti­a­tion


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