Wednesday, November 29, 2017

905: The [Raphael] comedy, Ling Yuguo tacitly consented to

HK :: VOLUME #10
#905: The [Raphael] comedy, Ling Yuguo tacitly consented to
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Or­ders Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps to at­tack Nanyue Na­tion, in­ves­ti­gate with at­tack­ing [Mr. M] in the Nanyue Na­tion in­flu­ence, this order is di­rectly is­sues by [Raphael], presently at pre­sent pre­sented issue, if [Uriel] has not died, [Raphael] also will pos­si­bly be scolded sev­eral by [Uriel].
But [Uriel] died now, Angel Par­lia­ment First Giant and Sec­ond Giant, are at ‚stealth’ for a long time con­di­tion, Angel Par­lia­ment Great Giant have a [Raphael] per­son.
In orig­i­nal Angel Par­lia­ment has a bill, three Lit­tle Giant join up, can equiv­a­lent to Great Giant. If [Twi­light Angel], [Sun­light Angel] and [Moon­light Angel], unite in to­gether, then can im­peach [Raphael]. But [Twi­light Angel] was also killed by Shi Lei, or was killed by Shi Lei's Sock­pup­pet [Mr. M], [Raphael] has be­come Angel Par­lia­ment Un­crowned King.
Does not know that [Raphael] can thank Shi Lei be­cause of this mat­ter? Should mostly not, ha­tred be­tween he and Shi Lei is ab­solutely ir­rec­on­cil­able!
Li Jian Na­tion, New York City.
A lively up­scale apart­ment, [Raphael] com­plex­ion angry looks at Mon­i­tor of com­puter, was wait­ing for source code that trans­mits feeds back in­for­ma­tion, waited for after sev­eral min­utes, source code feeds back in­for­ma­tion to trans­mit.
Re­mote Nanyue Na­tion.
Bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house re­gional con­flict, was near the end, four [The Steel and Iron] crash in water pond \; The Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad five peo­ple es­cape suc­cess­fully \; Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps six Main War Squad, 100 Or­di­nary fighter, merely only re­main­ing two Or­di­nary fighter, Sixth Main War Squad long Stansey, Fourth Leader Utu. Stan. By Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary cap­tive.
Four Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps cap­tives, were sent under es­cort by Nanyue Na­tion are send­ing to to­ward the North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand. These four peo­ple are the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house re­gional con­flict crim­i­nals. The high level of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, prepa­ra­tion in­ter­ro­gated them per­son­ally.
The idea of Nanyue Na­tion is very won­der­ful, Xia Na­tion did not deny that bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house re­gional con­flict, does have noth­ing to do with them com­pletely? If four peo­ple of cap­tured, stand to ac­cuse Xia Na­tion, that was the best re­sult!
The Nanyue Na­tion high level and high level of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, does not know the Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps de­tails. Even if the Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps four peo­ple want to frame Xia Na­tion to be un­likely, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps is fa­mous on In­ter­na­tional. Utu Stan is some Na­tion(s) black­list pa­trons. Nanyue Na­tion wants from Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps cap­tive road, ob­tains any use­ful clue, ab­solutely does not have what pos­si­bil­ity.
In Nanyue Na­tion de­tains in the tem­po­rary pens of Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps four cap­tives, the Utu Stan sud­den com­plex­ion be­comes very ugly, is Stansey, is two Or­di­nary fighter.
Four peo­ple each other have looked at each other one, has dis­cov­ered in the mean­ing to grid. Utu Stan uses Eng­lish, as far as pos­si­ble tran­quil start to talk said: „broth­ers, Time Is Up!”
Stansey puts on a long face, re­sponds: „Right, Time Is Up!”
Two Or­di­nary fighter, look plain­tive nod. „Time Is Up!”
Af­ter­ward four peo­ple of ex­pres­sions are solemn and re­spect­ful, sang with the low and deep sound: „God Loves The Com­mon Peo­ple, Peo­ple Do Not Love Them­selves \; Angel Glo­ria, Pres­tige Will Shine In All Di­rec­tions!”
The low and deep singing sound, caused Nanyue Na­tion to guard the at­ten­tion of per­son­nel. Guards per­son­nel to rap the iron fence of shack­les with the butt, cut-throat ex­claim­ing: „quiet point!”
Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps four cap­tives. As if has not heard to be the same, was singing the Angel Par­lia­ment song of praise as be­fore, the ex­pres­sion grad­u­ally be­came the pain.
Guarded per­son­nel to dis­cover fi­nally some ex­cep­tion­ally, the Utu Stan pain re­sulted in the fore­head cold sweat to brave, as if had any east and west|thing to swal­low him to be the same. Guards per­son­nel not to un­der­stand ac­tu­ally Utu Stan what hap­pened the time, three other Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps cap­tives, had sim­i­lar sit­u­a­tion.
The Utu Stan com­plex­ion be­comes pale in­com­pa­ra­ble, faint flood dead grey, guards per­son­nel to take up the in­ter­com, used the Nanyue lan­guage to say fast: „Cap­tive had the con­tin­gency, needs Doc­tor! Re­dun­dant, the cap­tive had con­tin­gency, needs Doc­tor!”
Guarded per­son­nel to re­port the sit­u­a­tion, but he has not hit switch to de­tain the Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps four peo­ple of pens, this was to pre­vent the Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps four peo­ple are act­ing in a play to plan to es­cape.
After one minute, two wear med­ical per­son­nel of white long un­lined gown, ar­rives has de­tained the place of cap­tive tem­porar­ily, „a bit faster open the cage!”
De­tains per­son­nel hes­i­tant ask­ing: „Doc­tor, what sit­u­a­tion are they?”
„Poi­son!” Doc­tor cold snort, „a bit faster open the cage, oth­er­wise on evening! Be­fore you de­tain them, why hasn't in­spected them care­fully? Why hasn't given in their mouths to fill east and west|thing?” Ac­com­pa­nies the armed forces the pro­ce­dure of Doc­tor ob­vi­ously very fa­mil­iar army, he some­what angry in­ter­ro­ga­tion is guard­ing per­son­nel.
Guard per­son­nel turned on shack­les silently, how­ever late, a Utu Stan com­plex­ion dying em­bers piece, the mouth has spat the foam ob­vi­ously, the pupil was lax. Where the sit­u­a­tions of other three cap­tives very ar­rive , an oil com­pletely lamp dry ap­pear­ance.
„Record, the death time, in May, 2007 twenty on the 4 th, 7 : 00 am Forty-six min­utes, dead iden­tity was un­clear.” After the mil­i­tary doc­tor told the as­sis­tant, then flung the sleeves to de­part.
Guard per­son­nel is in a daze looks at the Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps four cap­tives, he does not un­der­stand that these four peo­ple died for any­thing. Even if just Doc­tor said is the rea­son of poi­son, but these four cap­tive are per­son­nel, why poi­soned sud­denly?
Even though in their oral cav­i­ties con­tained the toxic agent, but they just cap­tured time, not hav­ing the choice to take poi­son to com­mit sui­cide, why chooses now this time point?
Guards per­son­nel nat­u­rally not to know that the venom in Utu Stan four peo­ple of oral cav­ity, are not they ac­ti­vate vol­un­tar­ily, but by the Great Giant [Raphael] long-dis­tance ac­ti­va­tion of Angel Par­lia­ment.
Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps each mem­ber, in the big tooth in oral cav­ity, will place a very ex­quis­ite High-tech poi­so­nous pouch. Ex­cept for guar­an­tee­ing Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps mem­ber does not be­tray be­side, but can also ac­ti­vate the poi­so­nous pouch through the re­mote mode, thus writes off tar­get that needs to write off.
Utu Stan does not have ac­com­plish [Raphael] con­fes­sion Task, in­stead makes a com­plete mess the mat­ter, this lets [Raphael] very angry pissed, thus long-dis­tance ac­ti­vated Utu Stan and the oth­ers the poi­so­nous pouches.
After [Raphael] has killed Utu Stan, thought that in the heart has been full of the anger as be­fore, he is con­trol­ling Su­per­com­puter [Holy], killed to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany.
[Izual] prompts Shi Lei im­me­di­ately, „sir, ex­am­ines the Hacker in­va­sion, ac­cord­ing to the Hacker in­va­sion char­ac­ter analy­sis, in­vades per­son­nel is Angel Par­lia­ment [Raphael]. sir, [Raphael] has trans­mit­ted in­for­ma­tion, re­ceives?”
The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion cu­ri­ous nod, „had a look at [Raphael] to say any­thing!”
On Num­ber One Server Mon­i­tor, shoots a di­a­log box, the mes­sage of [Raphael], is not friendly.
‚[Mr. M], you are wait­ing to me, next time not like this time!’ [Raphael]
Shi Lei looks at the mes­sage of [Raphael], on face shows the strange look, [Raphael] every time said that the next time must give the Shi Lei les­son, but every time was Shi Lei has taught [Raphael].
Has say­ing that child that [Raphael] this pain forces, was en­trapped some more mis­er­able by Shi Lei.
Shi Lei can­not bear the reply, ‚[Raphael], your I arrange in Dream En­ter­tain­ment de­fense am un­able to break through, added other doing? The Nanyue Na­tion mat­ter, ask­ing you to be able not to be weak? I told you, Nanyue Na­tion was my do­main, can trans­fer the mil­i­tary to ex­ter­mi­nate you any­time and any­where!’ mr.m
Shi Lei has put on [Mr. M] Sock­pup­pet, was teas­ing [Raphael], and mis­led [Raphael] to think that he and Nanyue Na­tion Mil­i­tary had any con­tact.
[Raphael] re­ally fooled, im­me­di­ately replies: ‚[Mr. M], do you dare to tell me, are ac­tu­ally you who?’
Shi Lei laughs to make noise, [Raphael] this com­pletely is com­edy, if [Raphael] asked his real iden­tity, he said that what wasn't that at the com­edy?
‚[Raphael], is you is too ac­tu­ally naive, I fell be­hind, does not un­der­stand this World rhythm. You be­lieve that I will tell you, my real iden­tity?’ mr.m
After Shi Lei reply, placed cell phone on com­puter table to make a sound, Caller ID was ‚Ling Yuguo’, re­gard­ing fu­ture Sir Fa­ther-In-Law, Shi Lei does not dare to ne­glect.
„Does Uncle Ling, this early morn­ing, what mat­ter ask me to have?” Shi Lei asked with a smile.
The Ling Yuguo ex­pres­sion brings to say se­ri­ously: „Shi Lei, the Nanyue Na­tion mat­ter, I am very sat­is­fied!” After say­ing, Ling Yuguo has then hung up the tele­phone, with­out any other in­di­cated.
Putting down cell phone of Shi Lei doubts, he does not un­der­stand that ac­tu­ally Ling Yuguo is what opin­ion, a early morn­ing, makes a phone call to come, tells it­self merely, he is very sat­is­fied, then has made the tele­phone call?
Thinks that not clear Shi Lei, has not con­tin­ued to pon­der that ac­tu­ally Ling Yuguo is any opin­ion, boiled all night for night, the Shi Lei's spirit very sleep­ily, now he most wants to do lies on the bed good is good to rest, he also in­deed such did.
Lay down in the bed last mo­ment, Shi Lei then fell into the dream­land, to May twenty on the 4 th, 7 : 00 pm, blurry wak­ing.
„Was [Izual], when the pre­sent?” Shi Lei has not got­ten out of bed, but opens eyes to in­quire [Izual].
„Sir, the pre­sent is 7 : 16 pm, since you enter the sleep until now, in the past 12 hours 13. Sys­tem has re­ferred to the nu­tri­ol­ogy and health study, has been sched­uled a sup­per for you. Whether in­forms Emer­ald Lake Guest­house ser­vice per­son­nel im­me­di­ately, will the sched­uled sup­per de­liver?” [Izual] was in­quir­ing Shi Lei.
Emer­ald Lake Guest­house as Shuanghu Dis­trict spec­i­fi­ca­tion scale best Guest­house, it al­most be­comes Guest­house that Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany has served as a tool, [Izual] in the name of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany re­serves, does not need to pay for any ex­pense, in any case com­pletely is the monthly set­tle­ment pay­ment.
Shi Lei nods, „asked them to de­liver!”
„Was right, [Izual], in these days that I sleep, what im­por­tant mat­ter has to have?” Shi Lei from bed, after wash­ing, has ti­died up the liv­ing room slightly, pre­pares to wait a while to have the din­ner.
„Sir, dur­ing your deep sleep, Nanyue Na­tion and Xia Na­tion, be­cause of the bor­der re­gion clash, con­vened the dis­cus­sion at pre­sent ur­gently, but has not drawn up any fea­si­ble plan. More­over, Mr. Tao Wenx­ian in next door, when your deep sleep, has looked for your one time, but Sys­tem pre­vents au­to­mat­i­cally.”


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