#867: The malicious provocation stirs up trouble!
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Nanchao Nation is one of the Xia Nation neighbors, the territory area has Xia Nation 1/96 merely, the total population is about Xia Nation twenty one-sixth.
If not mathematical specially awful existence, can perhaps very relaxed computation, the Nanchao Nation average per person land area, want less than Xia Nation.
However, small Nation(s) that this kind of place small thing lacks, Create series Miracle, became is actually paid attention by entire World, by entire World approval Developed Nation!
Nanchao Nation is Developed Nation! It by World Bank and International currency fund Organization, even is Li Jian Nation CIA Central Intelligence Agency, the complete approval is Developed Nation.
According to Ranked of Human Development Index, before Nanchao Nation is for a long time, twenty Ranked, but Xia Nation Hong Kong and Ao Island, are occupying first ten status for a long time. As for the Xia Nation main body, because of some reasons, throughout is at about 100 vicissitudes.
High Degree developed Nanchao Nation, supports the Nation(s) economy lifeline policy is ‚exit / to speak leading’ strategy. Nanchao Nation depends upon the all kinds vanguard technology, makes to lead the World product, then to the entire World export dumping, with maintain the economic development of Nation(s).
Nanchao Nation most famous Company, exactly as stated famous three stars. The later generation, cell phone of three stars manufacture, obtained the sales result of highest market possessive amount in entire World. Even if apple Company manufacture series cell phone, has not ended rising of three stars.
However, Shi Lei this time target, temporarily is not three stars!
As market value close Hundred-billion Large-scale semiconductor electron industry Group, three stars in electronic defense aspect, if no what forte, how could they do obtain successfully?
Each World Giant enterprise, especially electronic industry, their Network Defense, absolute no small matter. At least will have World Summit Grade Expert to assume personal command.
These World Summit Grade Expert, majority are Government aspect Security Specialist. These Government aspect Security Specialist, chose some well-known enterprises to make the concurrent job. Because belongs to Government Security Specialist, Hacker that cannot expose by no means. They can appear to live. Can Bright and Honest handles some Cyber Security related matters.
Therefore, the helmsman in well-known enterprise, can Freedom making an appointment with Security Specialist, have conversation face-to-face, everybody's identity details can achieve to know the whole story. Therefore, the well-known enterprise does not care about these Security Specialist to belong to Government, will not fear that these Security Specialist steal Confidential Information of enterprise.
Which World well-known enterprise hasn't grasped some strength in secret? Security Specialist that if knows the whole story, but also dares to work as the two-sided factions? Perhaps that implicates nine generations' rhythm!
Besides these concurrent job Security Specialist, only then few electronic industry Group, has to belong to their own World Summit Grade Security Specialist. According to Shi Lei knows. three stars Group then has to belong to their own World Summit Grade Security Specialist, moreover does not have one! According to the speculation of formerly Angel Parliament. three stars Group at least has six World Grade Security Specialist, at least three are World Summit Grade Security Specialist.
Rising of three stars Group, with the Cyber Security service that these Security Specialist provide, has the connection!
Shi Lei this time invades Nanchao Nation target, is only four online game makers, but non- three stars this colossus. As for later, if there is in an opportunity situation. Shi Lei naturally cannot let off three stars Group.
The Xia Nation time zone is utc + 8, the Nanchao Nation time zone is utc + 9, Xia Nation Time 11 : 30 o'clock at night, Nanchao Nation is 0 : 30 am. This time regarding the Ordinary person, is the absolute sleep time. However, regarding Hacker, dark night has provided the best shield for them.
Most Hacker, usually like moving in the time of quiet. Said actually wants to move in the evening, but is most Hacker. Was used to the evening to move.
Fondness of Shi Lei not fixed time, no matter, so long as Shi Lei wants to invade, that along with nature, but for immediately invasion. Now the Shi Lei mood is not quite crisp, he is controlling [Interweave Net Miwang] some resources, surmounted network barrier between Xia Nation and Nanchao Nation, entered Nanchao Nation network.
Participates in the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition Nanchao Nation influence, altogether has four. Separately is, ncsoft and neowiz. And neowiz and is absolute main force, the relations of these two Company and Big Penguin Company are closer, they put into many Hacker strength participation.
target that Shi Lei mainly wants to tidy up, is the neowiz and. As for ncsoft, Shi Lei has spent the little time, through their Official Website home pages, has invaded Main Server, in Main Server, invests [Moon Virus], then no longer pays attention.
The harm of [Moon Virus] is very serious, through the Low-level Formatting Hard Disk way, eventually achieves the physical property to destroy the Hard Disk goal repeatedly. Hacker destroys computer equipment, main target, exactly as stated Storage Equipment, is Hard Disk.
Regarding ordinary user, the computer Storage Equipment importance and value, were well below that CPU cpu, the motherboard, or is the memory and Graphics Card , etc. was valuable. After all together Hard Disk price, only one-third of equivalent to cpu value, even is less. Let alone in any high-end atmosphere the Top Level Graphics Card equipment of scale, that is not the value that trivial Hard Disk can compare favorably with together.
However, regarding enterprise user, the Storage Equipment importance, is much higher than the values of other equipment. Storage Equipment internal data, is truly valuable east and west|thing.
Has a slang in it, is called ‚Hard Drive has Value, Data is Priceless’. This proverb very direct-viewing manifested, value soft of data in enterprise and in Main Server, was storing up numerous game development data, after [Moon Virus] entered two Company Main Server, rapidly starts to screen attack target.
[Moon Virus] in view of the Server attack pattern, had carried on adjustment modify of certain extent by Shi Lei. Server Storage Equipment, usually is the disk array group, but is not single Hard Disk.
The disk array group comprised of many Hard Disk, but operational Server System Hard Disk, will usually not exist in many Hard Disk. According to this characteristics, Shi Lei changed the attack plan of [Moon Virus] to Server, by beforehand entire disk array group attack, turned has screened attack.
[Moon Virus] meets the determine computer disk quantity, then distinguishes System disk, protects System disk. Isolates other subordinate disk. To being subordinated disk carries on processing of Low-level Formatting. When Low-level Formatting is subordinated disk, the [Moon Virus] very sinister stop Hard Disk data feedback lamp, will also simulate the twinkle of Hard Disk data feedback lamp in normal state.
This sinister establishment, making the [Moon Virus] hazardous nature higher. Often in silent, then can destroy Server subordinate disk, but Server Main System also does not have issue soft and Main Server, was then devastated by [Moon Virus], the Server interior is subordinated data that in disk stores up, encounters Low-level Formatting cleaning processing.
Shi Lei processed ncsoft, opposite party Safety On-duty Personnel. Suddenly had not discovered that their Main Server have encountered attack. Has saying that [Moon Virus] becomes more and more sharp. The attack method is hard more and more defense.
Although ncsoft and Main Server was killed by [Moon Virus] completely, but Shi Lei knows that the losses of these two Company are not quite big, their true Core data, store up in isolating Server of network environment. The online game maker and operator are different, they cannot leave the network environment, they can definitely in the closed environment. Development manufacture game.
Regarding isolating the network environment, Shi Lei absolutely does not have the means that but Shi Lei is disinclined with ncsoft and Company is earnest. target of Shi Lei main attack is the neowiz and.
Xia Nation Time, late at night approaches early morning. The Nanchao Nation time, approaches 1 : 00 am. Shi Lei imitates entered neowiz and Official Website.
Network Defense of online game maker, to the online game operator, lowered large section. The stress direction is different, is different to the network defense heavy visual degree.
Shi Lei this time has not moved two Company Main Server. Because Shi Lei knows, in Main Server does not have any valuable data. To the neowiz and. The Shi Lei's tolerance may not have another two Company to be equally tolerant. Destroys ncsoft and Main Server, destroys their data, rather gives vent to indignation.
Has controlled neowiz and Main Server, Shi Lei has not made any act of sabotage, but two Company Main Server, adds on Nanchao Nation high performance Zombie Server again, has composed temporary Small-scale Server Cluster.
Shi Lei is controlling [Interweave Net Miwang] some resources, has poured into this Small-scale Server Cluster, is based on Small-scale Server Cluster, controls [Interweave Net Miwang] some resources.
What is worth mentioning is, Shi Lei has not carried on the special protection to this Small-scale Server Cluster. Generally, is in the Shi Lei control Zombie, usually will be protected by Shi Lei's, this is to prevent by other Hacker, or is anti- Hacker Security Specialist, carries on counter- tracing real ip address investigate.
If no Safety protective measure, if were looked up real ip address Hacker, absolutely is a big tragedy. Shi Lei these time has not established the Safety protective measures, is it possible that has Shi Lei violated lowly mistake?
Shi Lei is obviously impossible to violate this lowly mistake, even if Shi Lei has violated lowly mistake, [Izual] will also remind Shi Lei, and helps Shi Lei smooth these small mistakes and errors.
However, Shi Lei or [Izual], have not cared about temporary Small-scale Server Cluster not to have Defense System, that has a possibility, Shi Lei desirably for it!
The Shi Lei preparation with the aid of this Small-scale Server Cluster, carries on the malicious provocation to stir up trouble...
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Monday, November 27, 2017
867: The malicious provocation stirs up trouble!

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