Sunday, November 26, 2017

863: He Wanqiu confession!

#863: He Wanqiu confession!
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In May twenty day, in the af­ter­noon close five points.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany in net world, faces the two times Cyber War strug­gle one after an­other, has gained the vic­tory com­pletely!
Ma Hu­atang Chief Ma Or­ga­ni­za­tion Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion, as­sem­bled nine quite well-known Com­pany, the over­all all-round strength was quite for­mi­da­ble. The al­liance that but they com­pose, the strength in net world, ac­tu­ally at is not any­thing.
Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion, in Dream En­ter­tain­ment and Angel Par­lia­ment eye, com­pletely is a co­me­dian clown, is ad­just­ment be­tween two big pow­er­houses, or can talk into is the cabaret per­former.
Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion at­tacks Dream En­ter­tain­ment, looks like ad­vances tri­umphantly, even en­tered Dream En­ter­tain­ment Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site ‚Data Server’. But, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Shi Lei, is Angel Par­lia­ment [Raphael], too has not paid at­ten­tion to Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion.
Real sit­u­a­tion, is sim­i­lar to the strength lo­cal­iza­tion of Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion, Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion was killed by Shi Lei eas­ily. Hacker of al­to­gether 152 in­va­sions, com­puter of use, has en­coun­tered the at­tack of [Moon Pro­gram] en­tirely. Al­though 50 Nan­chao Na­tion Hacker, es­caped by luck by the counter- trac­ing real ip des­tiny. But Xia Na­tion six big Net­work En­ter­tain­ment Car­rier(s), the Hacker in­flu­ence of sub­or­di­nate, was held the han­dle by Shi Lei com­pletely.
If , the method that has some­thing to op­er­ate, Shi Lei can also in­ves­ti­gate their re­spon­si­bil­ity.
[Raphael] and Angel Par­lia­ment [Sun­light Angel] and [Moon­light Angel], op­er­ate three big Su­per­com­puter, in­vades Dream En­ter­tain­ment to­gether, sim­i­larly was ex­ter­mi­nated by Dream En­ter­tain­ment.
Shi Lei force­fully sim­u­lated Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang], al­most in silent, then re­versed the form. Let [Raphael] be in ab­solute in­fe­ri­or­ity.
Shi Lei had not only found [Raphael] real ip ad­dress, [Raphael] Re­al­ity ad­dress, has is­sued FBI, CIA and dhs. Mean­while, ex­tin­guished Su­per­com­puter [Holy] con­ve­niently.
Say­ing that [Raphael] and in Shi Lei's tem­po­rary voice com­mu­ni­ca­tion con­nec­tion, Shi Lei smiles: „[Raphael], you rub­bish re­ally many!”
After hav­ing de­feated all matches, Shi Lei stopped the­four, [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] stopped sim­u­lat­ing Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Su­per­com­puter. Also has avoided the col­lapse of [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang].
„[Mr. M], you have won one time! Told you a truth, pow­er­house, rea­son that was the pow­er­house, that was be­cause pow­er­house, re­gard­less of were de­feated many times, can stand the peak! But the weak one, has an op­por­tu­nity. Once after the fail­ure, is then be­yond re­demp­tion! I, Angel Par­lia­ment [Blaz­ing Sword Raphael], ex­actly as stated such pow­er­house!” The [Raphael] ex­pres­sion was say­ing ar­ro­gantly.
Shi Lei laughs at one, „ghost talk! The gen­uine pow­er­house, will not be de­feated!” Rea­son that Shi Lei and [Raphael] ‚idle talk daily fam­ily ac­tiv­ity’, not for show­ing off of mor­bid state. To delay time merely.
Li Jian Na­tion FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion, CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency, dhs De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cu­rity, re­ceived the Shi Lei trans­mis­sion, in­for­ma­tion about [Raphael] de­tailed ad­dress.
Shi Lei did not fear that the Li Jian Na­tion three in­for­ma­tion ca­pa­bil­ity mech­a­nism, do not grasp [Raphael]. Be­cause, that sit­u­a­tion is im­pos­si­ble!
Li Jian Na­tion in­for­ma­tion ca­pa­bil­ity mech­a­nism, while each other co­op­er­a­tion, but also has each other re­la­tions of com­pe­ti­tion. If FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion sent out, but CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency has not sent out. Then will face by the up­per-level de­part­ment in­ves­ti­gate risk.
„[Mr. M], I will show to you that I am the gen­uine pow­er­house, you are just...” [Raphael] has not said that then by a big shout in­ter­rup­tion.
„Young mas­ter, the in­side con­nec­tion spreads the news, FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion and CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency, all came to­ward us. We need to shift!”
[Raphael] hēi hēi sneers, „[Mr. M], you want catch me through FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion and CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency, I can only tell you. You were too rather naive a point! I told you, FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion, or CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency, in­clud­ing nsa Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, had our Angel Par­lia­ment in­side con­nec­tion. Your this small trick, is sim­ply use­less to me!”
Shi Lei sighed, the Angel Par­lia­ment an­tenna is re­ally long, be­fore used FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion and CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency, but also made Angel Par­lia­ment suf­fer a loss, even has killed of [Uriel] Great Giant.
Now, Angel Par­lia­ment fills be­fore­hand flaw im­me­di­ately, Shi Lei sighed the one breath, „[Raphael], cal­cu­lates that you are in luck!” After say­ing, Shi Lei has shut off the tem­po­rary voice con­nec­tion on own ini­tia­tive. Can­not hold [Raphael] in any case, Shi Lei does not need to con­tinue to chat with [Raphael].
In May twenty day, in the evening six o'clock.
Shi Lei just cleans up all Hacker in­va­sion traces, placed cell phone on com­puter table then to make a sound, Caller ID was the strange num­ber, but the [Izual]'s prompt sound re­sounded.
„Sir, the calls num­ber is He Wan­qiu.” [Izual] is grasp­ing nu­mer­ous tele­phone num­ber head of house­hold in­for­ma­tion, any num­ber that the Shi Lei call, [Izual] au­to­mat­i­cally will carry on the iden­tity match, then in­forms Shi Lei op­po­site party in­for­ma­tion.
„He Wan­qiu?” Shi Lei com­plex­ion slightly one em­bar­rassed, this does Su­per­star ac­tu­ally want to do? Stands in the fair stand­point, Shi Lei sin­cer­ity is not charm­ing, has not let the abil­ity that the per­son falls in love com­pletely. Why wants ‚en­tan­gle­ment’ as for He Wan­qiu he, Shi Lei has not known the rea­son.
But He Wan­qiu and Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, the pre­sent is the part­ner­ship, Shi Lei is not good to re­sist hear of tele­phones di­rectly. Picks up the phone on table, presses down the an­swer­ing key, then the list­less start to talk said: „Hello? who?”
Al­though knows is He Wan­qiu, but Shi Lei in­ten­tion­ally asked that in­di­cated that he has not pre­served the He Wan­qiu tele­phone num­ber, He Wan­qiu in his heart, does not have no sta­tus.
He Wan­qiu one hear of Shi Lei asked that who she is, im­me­di­ately raises a re­sent­ment, „Shi Lei! I am He Wan­qiu!” He Wan­qiu and Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany has the sign­ing per­sonal image li­cense agree­ment, has data of con­tact way.
Shi Lei as be­fore list­less re­sponse: „Orig­i­nally is Ms. He, what mat­ter has? If there is mat­ter about sign­ing con­tract as­pect, please con­tact Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Mu Shuang Deputy Gen­eral Man­ager. If the mat­ter of in­quiry about Brave's World per­sona, in­vited con­tact Dream En­ter­tain­ment Xie Hui Deputy Gen­eral Man­ager and Hong Xiang Sec­tion Head.”
The talk way of this shirk­ing, lets the He Wan­qiu di­rect erup­tion, „Shi Lei! You open the door, I in out of the door!”
Shi Lei had a scare, „what you in out of the door? Out what are you at?”
„Lit­tle feigns ig­no­rance! You lived in the mat­ters of Jingya Gar­den Build­ing Ten 20 zero No. 3 room, Li Yuan that Brat tell me com­pletely!” He Wan­qiu brings to wipe the pleased happy ex­pres­sion.
Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Li De­part­ment and He De­part­ment, al­though be­longs to the com­pet­i­tive re­la­tions, but two cliques wield Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict in turn, each other also has a con­nec­tion. Their clique, on strug­gles out­wardly un­ceas­ingly, but these do to the high level look. Time in se­cret, re­la­tions of He De­part­ment and Li De­part­ment, al­though said not good, but can­not say life and death.
As young gen­er­a­tion of He Wan­qiu and Li Yuan, nat­u­rally has the com­mu­ni­ca­tion ex­change.
In the Shi Lei heart is oblo­quy­ing Li Yuan, ‚damn Lit­tle Yuan Zi, the Your Mother egg, ac­tu­ally be­trays me!’
„Ms. He, I now not in the Jingya Gar­den Build­ing Ten 20 zero No. 3 room, I in the Shuangqing Uni­ver­sity dor­mi­tory.” Shi Lei found an ex­cuse at will.
In the tele­phone re­ceiver, has heard the He Wan­qiu ten­der laugh­ter, „Lit­tle Stone, you are unlov­able! I am very clear your data, you al­ready from Shuangqing Uni­ver­sity ahead of time grad­u­a­tion . More­over, Life De­tec­tor in my hand, told me very ac­cu­rately, you in Room. There­fore, a bit faster opens the door!”
„Nani(What?)?” Shi Lei was sur­prised said Japan­ese, can Life De­tec­tor, the high-end be so ad­vanced?
Life De­tec­tor usu­ally ap­plies dur­ing the re­lief ef­forts, through slight elec­tric wave that the sur­vey human body sends out, thus sur­veys whether has the life. In this type of high-end at­mos­phere the in­stru­ment of scale, Shi Lei can af­firm that surely is Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict gives He Wan­qiu!
„Lit­tle Stone, you a bit faster open the door!” He Wan­qiu ex­pres­sion bad [say / way], „, if you do not open the door, the con­se­quence is proud!”
Shi Lei in the mind, Fan­tasy left a fear­ful scene, He Wan­qiu on the bur­glar-proof door, has placed c4 Bomb, then of bang, the door blasted out!
‚Mother's Egg, by the He Wan­qiu this lit­tle de­moness dis­po­si­tion, but may also make such mat­ter re­ally!’ Shi Lei re­sponded hastily in the tele­phone: „Ms. He, do not im­pulse, the im­pul­sion is Devil, I open the door im­me­di­ately!”
Out of the door, He Wan­qiu smil­ing has put down the tele­phone in hand, she is car­ry­ing two plas­tic bags, in­side is putting sev­eral main­tain­ing fresh­ness gift boxes.
The bur­glar-proof doors of Jingya Gar­den Build­ing Ten 20 zero No. 3 room open, Shi Lei po­lite say­ing: „Ms. He, wel­come.”
He Wan­qiu not po­lite en­tered bur­glar-proof door, the two plas­tic bags in hand, has given Shi Lei, the ex­pres­sion be­comes the warm Judo: „Lit­tle Stone, has not eaten din­ner Right?”
Shi Lei not clear He Wan­qiu wants to make any­thing, the nod said: „En, has not eaten.”
„I se­lected in the back street went, we ate to­gether!” He Wan­qiu is point­ing at the two plas­tic bags in Shi Lei hand, in the main­tain­ing fresh­ness box, all from food of back street pur­chase thinks. „The pre­sent is hot!”
Shi Lei re­ally was a lit­tle hun­gry, has not re­jected the He Wan­qiu good in­ten­tion, has ti­died up the dis­or­derly tea table, going food that He Wan­qiu brings, has placed on the tea table com­pletely.
A mo­ment later, they were away from tea table going to eat face-to-face, He Wan­qiu dis­play gen­tle side, helped Shi Lei clamp the dish on own ini­tia­tive, mak­ing Shi Lei suit­able was not com­fort­able.
„Ms. He, what mat­ter do you have?” Shi Lei is re­ally not fa­mil­iar with the He Wan­qiu gen­tle ap­pear­ance.
He Wan­qiu earnest is star­ing at Shi Lei, the ag­gres­sive start to talk said: „Shi Lei, I like you!”
„pū ~ ke ke ke!” Shi Lei al­most spurts the rice in mouth, he en­dured force­fully, the grain of cooked rice en­tered the tra­chea, has coughed fiercely.
Ask­ing that He Wan­qiu cares about: „Shi Lei, you are all right Right?”
Shi Lei makes an ef­fort to cough the grain of cooked rice in tra­chea, the com­plex­ion be­comes flushed looks at He Wan­qiu, looks to feel strange the color in­quiry: „Ms. He, are you crack­ing a joke?”


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