Monday, November 27, 2017

891: Thermit fiery pit big trap!

#891: Thermit fiery pit big trap!
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Nanyue Na­tion, at this time is 5 : 00 am, weather dawn.
Shi Lei was telling Ye Feng through the tele­phone, „A'Feng, the com­mod­ity shipped to take care solely surely, this was you en­ters the only pass of bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house. As for your iden­tity issue, don't worry, per­son­nel that de­liv­ers goods for the bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, never needs Proof of Iden­tity. Be­cause, that bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house is ex­is­tence of se­cret, is not only de­liv­ers goods per­son­nel not to have Proof of Iden­tity, ex­actly as stated guard­ing in in­side per­son­nel, does not have any Proof of Iden­tity.”
The bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house is away from Nanyue Na­tion and Xia Na­tion bound­ary line is very near, ac­cord­ing to the agree­ment be­tween Nanyue Na­tion and Xia Na­tion, this se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house should not exist. There­fore, per­son­nel that Nanyue Na­tion as­pect ac­cred­its, does not have Proof of Iden­tity com­pletely. Even if were held by Xia Na­tion, can shirk bor­der cor­rupt issue.
„Boss, do we start to take ac­tion now?” After Ye Feng deeply in­spired, asked.
The Shi Lei af­fir­ma­tive re­sponse, „A'Feng, your side around 5 : 00 Right? you started to take ac­tion! Us will arrange [The Steel and Iron] to es­cort you, mak­ing the tail of Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps be in­suf­fi­cient with too tightly.”
Dis­patches [The Steel and Iron] to es­cort the mo­tion of Ye Feng, the main pur­pose is to drive away Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps track per­son­nel, let them main­tains a dis­tance, ob­tains the spe­cious in­for­ma­tion. Mean­while, for Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany and Lonely Mas­sacre per­son­nel, the op­por­tu­nity that Cre­ate leaves.
„Un­der­stood!” Ye Feng takes the com­mod­ity to trans­port the de­liv­ery order, takes the Blue­tooth ear­phone and Shi Lei main­tains con­tact, ar­rives at Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad an­other four peo­ple of Room, awak­ens them com­pletely.
„broth­ers. Was com­plete, changed the Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary uni­form, from now on, only al­lows to speak the Nanyue lan­guage. Piglet (Young Zhu), Xin­grui. Your Nanyue lan­guages are not up to stan­dard, lit­tle spoke as far as pos­si­ble, yes?”
Zhu Mingx­uan and Chen Xin­grui nod should be.
Five peo­ple re­placed the Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary uni­form rapidly, Ye Feng have trans­ported the de­liv­ery order to place in the pocket of left chest the com­mod­ity, bring­ing four peo­ple that was re­plac­ing to walk.
In Cheng Dong Strong­hold, Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Elite Squadron, Lonely Mas­sacre fighter, com­pletely along with the in­struc­tion of Ye Feng. Aligned the for­ma­tion, Ye Feng was in­quir­ing Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Third Elite Squadron Lit­tle Cap­tain Gu Yun, „Gu Yun, Dazhuang that side arrange­ment ap­pro­pri­ate?”
Old Pan and ve­hi­cles and [Rice] of Li Bing prepa­ra­tion, in around 3 : 00 am ac­com­plish, one of the Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Mid Cap­tain, Liu Dazhuang were then bring­ing own Squadron. Wei Liang Sec­ond Elite Squadron, went to the east­ern Mang Street to pro­tect that five Medium-scale freight trans­porta­tion au­to­mo­biles to­gether.
The Lit­tle Cap­tain Gu Yun nod of Third Elite Squadron said: „Se­nior Of­fi­cer. That side Team Liu does not have issue!”
„Since does not have issue, then on all!” Ye Feng has is­sued the order, Lonely Mas­sacre fighter, under the lead­er­ship of two Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Elite Squadron, hur­ries to to­ward east­ern Mang Street.
Ye Feng fell on be­hind, looked that was in­quir­ing the [say / way] to Zheng San­pao: „The self-de­struc­tion method that San­pao, you arrange, does not have any issue Right?”
Dark Hell and Lonely Mas­sacre with­draw Cheng Dong Strong­hold com­pre­hen­sively, they nat­u­rally im­pos­si­ble to leave the Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps search the foothold. Shi Lei. Ye Feng or­dered, De­stroy en­tire Cheng Dong Strong­hold, did not leave any trace.
The Zheng San­pao calm nod, „Brother Feng, relax, has arranged enough gaso­line, the alu­minum of suf­fi­ciency burns the med­i­c­i­nal prepa­ra­tion. So long as after we leave. The burn­ing hot fire will change into the ruins en­tire Cheng Dong Strong­hold!”
The alu­minum burns the med­i­c­i­nal prepa­ra­tion is a mix­ture, the alu­mi­nite pow­der and iron oxide pow­der, ac­cord­ing to cer­tain pro­por­tion mix, uses the ig­ni­tion med­i­c­i­nal prepa­ra­tion to light again, urges the ther­mit fierce re­sponse, ob­tains the very high tem­per­a­ture. When ther­mit com­bus­tion, the re­ac­tion tem­per­a­ture can be 3000 de­grees Cel­sius, is re­ally the home trav­els, nec­es­sary non­de­fec­tive of de­stroy­ing the corpse and leave no trace.
The de­tailed for­mula of ther­mit, under nor­mal con­di­tions, with the fer­ric oxide pow­der and alu­mi­nite pow­der end mix, the con­crete pro­por­tion is two alu­mi­nite pow­der end, fer­ric oxide pow­der, these two pow­der even mixes, then can ob­tain the ther­mit of rough ma­chin­ing.
Please feel re­lieved that ther­mit process of man­u­fac­ture Safety, will not have the ac­ci­dent ig­nited sit­u­a­tion ab­solutely, even if the use cig­a­rette lighter de­sir­ably ig­nites, was not ig­nited eas­ily. The be­hav­ior that nat­u­rally, this doing died, pos­si­bly pre­sents the rhythm that must die ab­solutely.
Nor­mal ther­mit re­ac­tion, is uses the mag­ne­sium rib­bon to ig­nite gen­er­ally, mag­ne­sium rib­bon com­bus­tion time, the tem­per­a­ture can reach as high as over 1400 de­grees Cel­sius, it can ig­nite the ther­mit per­fectly. Nat­u­rally, but also needs cer­tain sup­porter of com­bus­tion, in most sit­u­a­tions the mag­ne­sium rib­bon with the sup­porter of com­bus­tion that co­or­di­nates is the potas­sium chlo­rate.
After hav­ing these east and west|thing, then can make one pile of at­trac­tive flame per­for­mances, the tem­per­a­ture achieves 3000 de­grees Cel­sius flame per­for­mance!
Under 3000 de­grees Cel­sius tem­per­a­ture, most man-made ma­te­ri­als, will change to the fly­ing ash, dis­si­pates in the air.
Zheng San­pao has pre­pared the ther­mit and nu­mer­ous gaso­line, with by De­stroy Cheng Dong Strong­hold, makes a fuss over a tri­fling mat­ter ab­solutely, but did this to guar­an­tee ab­solute Safety, en­tire Cheng Dong Strong­hold will not leave be­hind any ev­i­dence.
Ye Feng and Shi Lei are main­tain­ing con­tact, Zheng San­pao said that Shi Lei also hears, he looks to smile bit­terly, Zheng San­pao this Bomb mad­man, can al­ways bring some hap­pi­ness of not know­ing whether to laugh or cry to the per­son.
„[Izual], con­trols [The Steel and Iron] to take off, pro­tects the mo­tion of Dark Hell!” The Shi Lei di­rect voice told. He and Ye Feng con­tact, under the [Izual]'s con­trol, is main­tain­ing the con­di­tion of sim­plex. Is Shi Lei can hear the Ye Feng sound, but Ye Feng is un­able to hear the Shi Lei's sound.
There­fore, Shi Lei by voice con­trol [Izual], did not fear that was heard by Ye Feng. Also, even if were heard by Ye Feng, does not have what re­la­tions. Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany has ‚Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence’ the hearsay, in the out­side al­ready the clas­sics and com­men­taries nois­ily, Shi Lei also gave Ye Feng to sug­gest. Even if Ye Feng knew [Izual], is not any mat­ter at the worst.
Nanyue Na­tion, 5 : 00 am more than ten min­utes.
Dark Hell and Lonely Mas­sacre over a hun­dred per­son­nel, under es­cort­ing of sev­eral [The Steel and Iron], by the Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad five peo­ple, drive five Large-scale freight trans­porta­tion au­to­mo­biles sep­a­rately, left Móng Cái City.
Above a higher sky, quan­tity many [The Steel and Iron], mo­men­tar­ily are pro­tect­ing Safety of en­tire mo­tor­cade!
Hides in Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps sur­veil­lance per­son­nel of hid­den place, dis­cov­ered after per­son­nel mi­gra­tion of Dark Hell, they re­port to the higher au­thor­ity im­me­di­ately, when Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Main War Squad, is bring­ing more than 80 Or­di­nary fighter, ar­rives at Cheng Dong Strong­hold time, first through In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, scans the Cheng Dong Strong­hold in­ter­nal sit­u­a­tion.
Early morn­ing fight, mak­ing Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps lose more than ten Or­di­nary fighter. These bat­tle loss per­son­nel corpses, had been brought back to Cheng Dong Strong­hold by Dark Hell, pre­pares along with en­tire local, to­gether in rag­ing fire by De­stroy.
Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps this Force Ac­com­pa­ny­ing Leader, named Utu Stan, if Shi Lei sees him, cer­tainly will show the sur­prised look. Be­cause, Utu Stan is Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Fourth Leader, he usu­ally as­sumes the Africa area, lit­tle per­son­ally par­tic­i­pates in the fight.
But this time, Angel Par­lia­ment [Raphael], has spread the ac­cu­rate news, ex­pressed that had dis­cov­ered in Nanyue Na­tion the [Mr. M] in­flu­ence, needs to make Utu Stan per­son­ally act.
Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps as Angel Par­lia­ment sub­or­di­nate Or­ga­ni­za­tion, Utu Stan is un­able to op­pose to take Angel Par­lia­ment Great Giant [Raphael], can only ac­cord­ing to [Raphael] order im­ple­ment.
Utu Stan stands in being away from Cheng Dong Strong­hold place over 100 me­ters away, uses the in­frared tele­scope to ex­am­ine Cheng Dong Strong­hold, sur­veil­lance per­son­nel stood by Utu Stan, ex­plained: „Leader Utu, I just per­son­ally saw, the nu­mer­ous enemy with­drew from their foothold, dri­ves five Large-scale freight ve­hi­cles to leave. In this foothold, should no­body!”
„In Stansey, do you de­ter­mine no­body?” Utu Stan has put down the in­frared tele­scope, hav­ing a thick sus­pi­cion say­ing: „Can shield the in­frared ac­qui­si­tion equip­ment to be many, more­over con­struc­tion cost un­usual small ad­van­tage. Al­though from the in­frared heat ra­di­a­tion, in the foothold truly has not had the heat ra­di­a­tion crea­ture, but we are unascer­tain­able, whether in the foothold has ex­is­tence of enemy!”
Stansey is re­mains to be re­spon­si­ble for mon­i­tor­ing Dark Hell per­son­nel, he is Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Sixth Main War Squad Cap­tain, mon­i­tored enemy work, should be Or­di­nary fighter ac­com­plish, but Sixth Main War Squad pre­sented the per­son­nel losses in early morn­ing fight.
Sixth Main War Squad al­to­gether six mem­ber, fight be­fore dawn, has killed Dark Hell three [The Steel and Iron] Elite sniper, ex­actly as stated Sixth Main War Squad mem­ber.
Stansey to re­tal­i­ate to Dark Hell, he leads re­main­ing four mem­ber, the choice to re­main to mon­i­tor Dark Hell all night, pre­pares to catch the whole lot in a drag­net Dark Hell!
„Leader Utu! I pledged that I saw them at least to have the 120 per­son to leave the base. This quan­tity with the quan­tity of our yes­ter­day sta­tis­tics, is al­most the same Right?” the Stansey ex­pres­sion not to be a lit­tle good, „was right, au­to­mo­bile that Leader Utu, a strange mat­ter, these fel­lows drive, prob­a­bly is the ve­hi­cles of Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary!”
The Utu Stan com­plex­ion stares, „the ve­hi­cles of Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary?”
„Right! I told the sub­or­di­nate(s) per­son, pur­sued, ex­am­ines their where­abouts. Leader Utu, can we pur­sue wiped out they?” Stansey wishes one could to use in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher, ex­plodes the heaven Dark Hell per­son­nel.
Utu Stan shakes the head, he re­ceives the order of [Raphael], First Task is in­ves­ti­gate Nanyue Na­tion whether has [Mr. M] in­for­ma­tion, in other words, Utu Stan must enter Cheng Dong Strong­hold in­ves­ti­gate now, has a look in Cheng Dong Strong­hold, there is any­thing clue about a [Mr. M].
„Stansey, in­structs you sub­or­di­nate(s) con­tin­ues to track, be not dis­cov­ered! We want in­ves­ti­gate now, in this foothold, there is any clue!” Utu Stan makes the de­ci­sion to say.
Piti­ful Utu Stan, sim­ply had not re­al­ized that he wants the idea of in­ves­ti­gate Cheng Dong Strong­hold, was al­ready seen clearly by Shi Lei., Was Shi Lei also pos­si­ble that Shit­head, leaves be­hind a com­plete Safety foothold to give Angel Par­lia­ment lackey in­ves­ti­gate?
Cheng Dong Strong­hold, now is a big trap, has filled the ther­mit and gaso­line big fiery pit, who jumps who has bad luck!


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